Barbara Kay: ‘Be it resolved we live in a misandric society’

Article here. Excerpt:

'One thing feminists cannot complain about with a straight face is a lack of respectful public attention for women’s issues. Last week the prestigious Munk Debates mounted an event around “the end of men.” Four well-known women writers debated the resolution, “Be it resolved that men are obsolete.”

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This stereotype turn-about not fair play

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wrestling dollars from consumers is the main purpose of advertising. And now, during Christmas gift-buying season, this is more apparent than ever. Some ads are brilliant. Others stretch the limits of good taste.

In 2005, clothing designer Marithé Francois Girbaud created a billboard that played off Leonardo da Vinci's iconic Christian-inspired painting The Last Supper. The ad featured a female Jesus Christ, female diners and a lone half-naked man with his underwear and the top of his buttocks showing. The company received almost immediate backlash against the ad from those who questioned what jeans had to do with the twisted religious imagery portrayed.

The company's primary defence was that women can only achieve equality with men if they sacrifice their femininity. The ad was meant to create a new perception of femininity by "presenting men, instead of women, in a position of fragility."
It's disappointing to still see the continual and objectionable sexualization of women in ads, but it's equally disappointing to see the frequent and distasteful dummyfication (yes, I made up that word) of men. Men are too often portrayed as sexual predators, crude blockheads or complete buffoons easily manipulated and incapable of doing anything without the assistance of their female partners. And the masses seem to think this is OK.
What this suggests is that it's not women who are coming up with these male-bashing ads. It's the men themselves, possibly in an attempt to cash in on a perceived increase in women's buying power by, to use Girbaud's words, "presenting men in a position of fragility."

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Has Radical Feminism Achieved A Deceptive Victory?

Article here. Excerpt:

'American men are fed up and angry — and rightfully so.

Sick of being constantly portrayed as rapists, abusers, bumbling idiots, irresponsible losers, deadbeat dads (if they're absent), immature fatherly buffoons (if they're present) or overall "bad guys" by the mainstream media and Hollywood, many men have reached a tipping point.

Tired of being mistreated by a family court system that either forces financially-crippling child support obligations upon non-custodial fathers or — worse still — forces many men to pay child support for children they later discover are not even biologically their own, men have had it.

More and more, men are not getting married like they used to due to the prohibitive cost of divorce. Nor are they attending college at the same rate as women, because some just don't want to deal with the hostile environment of feminist political correctness that could ruin their lives. In short, men have had all they can take of this decades-long backlash against them. They are voluntarily "going Galt," like in Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged, and taking a vacation from responsibility.

Why? Because they can.

In the battle for women's rights, has radical feminism achieved a Pyrrhic victory?
Let's face facts. From an early age, too many young girls are now raised and taught to view boys and men with suspicion at best or outright disdain and dread at worst. This radical feminist, anti-male indoctrination has seeped into our school system. And it infests higher education, where freshman men may be force-fed "chick lit" such as A Handmaid's Tale or performances of The Vagina Monologues. Or they may find their academic careers ruined by accusations of sexual harassment or rape, regardless of evidence or whether the accuser purposely lied (such as what happened in the infamous Duke University rape scandal).

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Gynecologists Run Afoul of Panel When Patient Is Male

************************ UPDATE ************************

Petition to ABOG here. Feel free to spread it far and wide.


Article here. Contact info for taking action is in the first comment. I have also made this item "sticky" so it stays the top-listed story until Tues. Nov. 26. Newer stories will still appear below it. Excerpt:

'But in September, the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology insisted that its members treat only women, with few exceptions, and identified the procedure in which Dr. Stier has expertise as one that gynecologists are not allowed to perform on men. Doctors cannot ignore such directives from a specialty board, because most need certification to keep their jobs.

Now Dr. Stier’s studies are in limbo, her research colleagues are irate, and her male patients are distraught. Other gynecologists who had translated their skills to help male patients are in similar straits.

And researchers about to start a major clinical trial that is aimed at preventing anal cancer, with $5.6 million from the National Cancer Institute, say the board’s decision will keep some of the best qualified, most highly skilled doctors in the United States from treating male patients in the study. The director of the planned study and Dr. Stier have asked the gynecology board to reconsider its position.

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Baltimore jail officers accused in scheme

Story here. So, females are "less corruptible" than males? That used to be a feminist claim, and still is among some of them, if not also among people generally. Despite evidence to the contrary, denial and cognitive dissonance always seem to win out where this prejudice is concerned. Excerpt:

'"Correctional officers were in bed with BGF inmates," said U.S. Attorney Rod Rosenstein.

Rosenstein seemed to mean that literally and figuratively, court documents show. According to one indictment, alleged gang member Tavon White had a sexual relationship with four jail guards while he was incarcerated.

He impregnated all four of them and they all helped him smuggle items in prison, according to the indictment.

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Circumcision: an unnecessary, brutal practice for those who can't consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'“Here’s this little bundle ... First let’s find a sharp stone or knife and start hacking at the genitalia,” begins journalist Christopher Hitchens, setting up a scenario that about 58 percent of male infants born in the United States went through in 2010. “Because, as it turns out,” Hitchens continues, “the design isn’t that great, and in a crucial feature, too.”

He concludes, “No morally decent person would do this if it wasn’t for superstition.”

Infant male circumcision is a practice not often questioned by new parents. It’s either divinely warranted or it’s just something that people do. But witnessing a ceremony like this should cause outrage in any morally normal person.

Reputable studies by the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control have shown that there is evidence of circumcision preventing the contraction of sexually transmitted diseases such as HPV and HIV. This is reasonable, considering there is a 44 percent lower rate of HIV infection among circumcised men.

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Crystal Mangum found guilty of 2nd-degree murder

Story here. Excerpt:

'DURHAM — A jury found Crystal Mangum guilty of second-degree murder Friday for stabbing and killing her boyfriend, Reginald Daye, in 2011.

After Superior Court Judge Paul Ridgeway sentenced Mangum to 14 years and two months to 18 years in prison, deputies immediately led her handcuffed out of the courtroom.

Mangum’s attorney, Daniel Meir, said she will appeal.

The case was unusual because, unlike most murder cases, the jury heard the victim’s side of the story.

Mangum, 35, stabbed Daye on April 3, 2011, and an investigator spoke with him twice before he died April 13, 2011.
Mangum took the stand in her own defense and said it was Daye who attacked her with knives by throwing them at her. She stabbed him, she said, after he dragged her out of the bathroom by the hair, straddled her and began strangling her.

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U.S. State Dept.: "Ambassador Catherine Russell leads Panel Discussion Commemorating International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women"

Link here. Excerpt:

'On November 25, Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues Catherine Russell will host a panel discussion marking the 14th annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, which launches the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender Violence. This year’s discussion will address intimate partner violence and linkages between the domestic and international contexts, with a focus on marginalized and indigenous women. Tina Tchen, Executive Director for the Council on Women and Girls, will provide opening remarks.

Other invited panelists include Bea Hanson, Acting Director of the United States Department of Justice Office on Violence Against Women; Layli Miller-Muro, Executive Director of Tahirih Justice Center; Nivia Monica Da Silva, Public Prosecutor, Coordinator of the Center for the Promotion of Gender and Racial Equality in Minas Gerais, Brazil; and Juana Majel Dixon, Co-Chair of the National Congress of American Indians Task Force on Violence Against Women.

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U.S. State Dept.: "The Global Gender-Based Violence Threat"

Link here. Excerpt:

Catherine M. Russell
Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women's Issues
Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission
Washington, DC
November 20, 2013

Good afternoon,

I am honored to be here with all of you to discuss the critical importance of preventing and responding to gender-based violence globally. I would like to express my appreciation to the Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission for your commitment to promote and defend international human rights, including women’s rights.

It is fitting that we gather now to discuss these issues, as Monday marks the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and the first of the 16 Days Campaign Against Gender Violence, which concludes on Human Rights Day, December 10. My job as Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s issues is to promote the principle that advancing the status of women and girls is essential to achieving America’s diplomatic goals – that peace, security, prosperity, economic growth cannot be achieved without the full and equal participation of women, and that men and boys are important partners in this effort.

Violence against women and girls is a global epidemic. It crosses every social and economic class, ethnicity, race, religion, and education level, and transcends international borders. It takes the form of early and forced marriages, sexual violence, and traditional harmful practices, among others. Violence occurs both inside and outside the home, and often increases with instability.

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'PC Cops – Who’s Sick Of ‘Em?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It never stops.

Next week you’re tin-pot, politically correct police force are running yet ANOTHER ‘Domestic Abuse’ drive.

The papers will be full of it.

And as usual – it’s all balls.

They’ll call it ‘cyber-stalking’ – (they think that’s a new and convincing angle) – and you’ll hear thickasabrick Pirate FM presenters lisping words copied from Devon and Cornwall police press releases, probably with a thirty second segment with some magically un-named woman about her ‘Hell’ being ‘stalked online’ by some fairy tale chauvinist psycho.

Wait for buzzwords like ‘Facebook’ ‘abuse’ ‘bullying’ bla bla bla bla bla.

Of course the truth is – the anonymous ‘victim’ is straight out of central casting supplied by some state handout dependent ‘domestic abuse’ agency you’re paying for.

She’ll also most likely be a regular feature on some scumbag ‘family lawyers’ books, and the ‘cyber-stalking’ is likely to have consisted of some shat on furious father trying to see his own kid.'

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Woman behind bars over false rape claim

Article here. Excerpt:

'Natasha Foster, from the Ballymoney Road in the Co Antrim town, was said by her defence to be "a woman scorned" when she appeared before Antrim Crown Court on Friday.

Her lawyer Michael Smith told Judge Desmond Marrinan that the false accusation had been made out of "anger and revenge".

He explained that Foster had desperately wanted to get back with a former lover and had consensual sex with him.

But he later texted her saying that he was not interested in getting back into a relationship.

The lawyer told the court: "After he sent the text, she was distraught and hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

He further revealed that Foster later went to her doctor and admitted that she was a "compulsive liar" and that she was prescribed medication.'

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'What’s Up With... No men’s soccer team?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'So what’s up with there being no men’s soccer team at Clackamas?

Part of the issue stems from a limited budget. A small community college is not able to afford as many large athletic programs as larger colleges or universities. The bigger problem to get around is an issue of legality. Clackamas Community College cannot add a men’s soccer team because of Title IX restrictions.
“We added women’s soccer 10 or 11 years ago to get us back into [Title IX] compliance,” said Jim Martineau, CCC Athletic Director. “Currently our split of six female sports and five male sports keeps us at the compliance we need.”
Currently the female sports offered at Clackamas are soccer, volleyball and softball while wrestling and baseball are offered for the men. Basketball, cross country and track and field are offered to both genders. Adding a men’s soccer team alone would upset the balance and require CCC athletics to expand female athletics as well to stay in compliance.'

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Do women really have it better in Sweden?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oh, to be in Sweden, a feminist paradise on Earth! Gender equality is baked into the nation’s DNA. Swedish women have advantages we can only only dream of – free universal child care, for example. Mothers and fathers get 480 (!) days of parental leave. An extensive welfare system makes it easy to balance work and family life.
The result is that nearly 80 per cent of Swedish mothers are in the work force. (In the United States and Canada, it’s about 73 per cent.) Women also make up 45 per cent of Sweden’s parliament, the Riksdag.
Sweden and the other Nordic nations always seem to lead the rankings of the world’s best countries for women. (Canada is lucky to crack the top 20.) So they’re an ideal laboratory for finding out what women really want. What choices will women make when the playing field is as level as social policy can make it?

I’m afraid the answers will disappoint a lot of people. That includes Sheryl Sandberg, the famous author of Lean In, who wrote, “A truly equal world would be one where women ran half our countries and companies, and men ran half our homes.”

The trouble is that the world’s most liberated women aren’t leaning in – in fact, many are leaning back. They work fewer hours and make less money than men, just as Canadian women do. In fact, Swedish women are much more likely to have part-time jobs and far less likely to hold top managerial positions or be CEOs. On top of that, Scandinavian labour markets are the most gender-segregated in the developed world.

Women do make up 25 per cent of Swedish corporate boards, but only because of quotas. The greatest concentration of senior managers, CEOs and other highly paid power women isn’t in Scandinavia. It’s here in North America, where working women’s lives are much tougher.

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"Feminism doesn’t demand the end of masculinity"

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of my first thoughts when I started liberal arts college was: Where are all the dudes? In high school, they whistled at me in the hall. They blasted Jay-Z from their cars. They wore tank tops to showcase their biceps.

On campus I felt like I had fallen down a rabbit hole and ended up in no man’s land: guys wore tie-dye onesies, had shaggy hair and preferred to smoke pot rather than funnel beer. Most disappointing was that they didn’t seem at all interested in my pink spandex jumpsuit and high ponytail. No, Toto, I wasn’t in a Freddie Prinze Jr. movie anymore.

My university was where masculinity went to die.

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'Intactivists' take to the streets in Providence

Story here. Excerpt:

'“The destruction to the male genitals is absolute,” says Brother K. “Total. You’re left with a fraction of what God and nature intended. It’s appalling.”

It’s Sunday morning on Hope Street in Providence and cars are whizzing by. Some honk their horns in solidarity; others carry passengers clearly confused as to the necessity of a demonstration against circumcision featuring men in white jumpsuits with large red bloodstains on their crotches

“This is meant to shock the conscience of Americans,” says Brother K, referring to his attire and accompanying signs like, “CIRCUMCISION HORROR BLOODSTAINED MEN.” He pauses frequently to pose for passing cars. “They don’t understand that a man is carrying around a bloody wound for the rest of his life. It doesn’t repair. It doesn’t self heal. It’s as devastating as if they’ve done the same thing to a woman and removed her entire clitoral hood.”'

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