The Knockout Game -- NYT/NPR Say No Big Deal

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'The "knockout game" -- and the media underreporting of it -- combines the breakdown of the family with the media's condescending determination to serve as a public relations bureau for blacks. The "game" is a dare in which a young man -- all the perps appear to be male people of color, mostly blacks -- tries to literally knock out an innocent bystander with one blow. Both National Public Radio and The New York Times say these reports of the "knockout game" being widespread are overblown and do not represent a trend. Really?
So why is this happening? Look to the family.

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"Why women still need husbands"

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'In time, “never depend on a man” turned into the full-blown belief that men are superfluous. In 2010 Jennifer Aniston claimed women needn’t “fiddle with a man” to have a child.

This may strike you as an isolated case of stupidity, but Aniston’s willingness to put it out there speaks volumes about modern cultural attitudes. No actress would have said such a thing in the 70s, 80s, or even early 90s.

Fortunately, most women come to the realization that they do, in fact, need a man—at least if they want a family.
This is the conclusion to which most women have come. Research shows that what women want more than anything else is not to work full-time and year-round but to live balanced lives.

How will they do it? That’s the number-one conversation among women today.

... The answer is obvious.

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Husbands in the UK 'must admit they watch porn' to their wives, UK Prime Minister David Cameron says

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'Husbands who secretly watch Internet porn will have to confess to their wives when new family filters come in, UK Prime Minister David Cameron says.

From next year people will have to opt in if they want their Internet service provider to allow them access to pornography at home.

Asked by BBC Radio what that would mean for those who may access such content without their partner knowing, Mr Cameron said they were "going to have to have a discussion" about their surfing habits.

President Barack Obama is closely watching Britain's moves to block abusive images from being seen, and to track down those responsible for making them.'

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Former Titans Cheerleader Receives No Jail Time For Sexually Assaulting a 12-year-old boy

Story here.

'A former NFL cheerleader accused of sexually assaulting a 12-year-old boy in his Murfreesboro home received probation Monday as part of pleading no contest to a reduced charge of felony reckless endangerment.

Elizabeth Leigh Garner, 42, who cheered for the Tennessee Titans in 2005, 2006 and 2008, received 18 months probation and a $500 fine when she appeared in court in October.

She was originally charged on March 14 with aggravated sexual battery and solicitation of a minor for rape of a child, according to her arrest report.

As a condition of Gardner’s probation, she is required to attend Narcotics Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous twice a week, have no contact with the victim and his family, and submit to drug testing.'

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By law, Swedish men are 2nd class citizens

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'On December 20, on AVfM Radio Program, a caller said that men and women are treated more equally in Europe and mentioned Sweden and Switzerland as the prominent examples.

Although I am sure that it was not the caller’s intention to spread disinformation, at least as far as Sweden is concerned, I beg to differ on that statement big time.

As a Swedish speaker and a connoisseur of the misandric matriarchal society of the gender utopia called Sweden, I took the liberty to look through the Swedish laws and translate some of them in order to make the readers get an idea of how it is to be a man in Sweden.

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Will France fine the john or punish the prostitute?

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'When it comes to sexual matters, the French tend to be much more liberal and close-lipped than their American peers. Here, it is largely considered a private concern.

But lately, sex has taken center stage of French public debate, splashed across editorials and magazine covers and featured on television news programs, as French lawmakers this week debate whether to penalize clients who pay for prostitutes.

A wide range of critics disagree with the plan, from Medecins du Monde (Doctors of the World), which says that penalizing the client will only push prostitution further “underground,” to a group of influential writers and other personalities who balk at the government legislating what they do in the bedroom.
“For the first time in history we are tackling prostitution on the right side of the problem, which is the client,” says Anne-Cecile Mailfert, the spokesperson for Osez Le Feminisme, or “Dare to be a Feminist.”
Prostitution itself is not illegal in France – although various aspects of it are, such as pimping or soliciting underage women. The new law would add an extra punishment that places the burden on clients, fining them some $2,000 for their acts, a sum that would double if they are caught again. It would also give aid to vulnerable women, particularly foreigners who are trafficked into France and have no papers. The government counts between 20,000 and 40,000 prostitutes in France.

Maud Olivier, the socialist lawmaker who co-wrote the bill, told the French daily Le Monde that the point is to make clients aware that they are participating in the sexual exploitation of prostituted persons, which does not respect the fundamental human rights of France.

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Duke Rape Accuser Got 160 TV News Stories on Accusation, 3 on Murder Conviction

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'When Crystal Mangum falsely accused several Duke lacrosse players of rape in 2006, there were 160 television news stories in the first five days after the players were arrested, but in 2013, when Mangum was convicted of murder and sentenced to 14 years in prison, there were only 3 television news stories, a difference in coverage of 5,233%.
Although the rape claims by Mangum were totally false, she was not charged with a crime.
Those 160 television news outlets included ABC’s World News Tonight, Nightline, Good Morning America, the CBS Evening News, the Today show, NBC Nightly News, CNN Live, Fox News, MSNBC’s Scarborough Country and Countdown, and myriad other TV news programs.'

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Movember declared ‘sexist, racist, transphobic’ at Canada’s sorry imitation of Harvard

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'The health and education editor of the student newspaper at one of Canada’s most prestigious universities has advised the world that Movember — the month-long pledge by men to grow hair above the upper lip to support men’s health awareness — is “sexist, racist, transphobic, and misinformed.”

In his 1,120-word essay in The McGill Daily, Ralph Haddad calls “the idea of suggesting that men show solidarity with each other by growing moustaches” to raise awareness about prostate cancer and other issues “completely absurd.”
The English and cultural studies major argues that Movember “implies an archaic view of gender that implies that only a male/female gender binary exists, and that you aren’t really a man if you don’t necessarily identify with that binary.”

He asks: “How are people who do not identify with that binary and have a prostate supposed to partake in this cause?”

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CNN Op-Ed Says College Men Need Text-Message Proof They Didn't Rape

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'College men should have their sexual partners send them a text message before they get down to business to avoid a false rape charge, according to Roxanne Jones, a former vice president at ESPN.

Jones offered this bit of advice in an op-ed published by CNN Tuesday, in which she focuses on combating "stupid girls" and discloses that she gave her son 300 condoms when he went off to college.

Jones writes:

"Never have sex with a girl unless she's sent you a text that proves the sexual relationship is consensual beforehand. And it's a good idea to even follow up any sexual encounter with a tasteful text message saying how you both enjoyed being with one another -- even if you never plan on hooking up again.

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Woman mistakes daughter for boyfriend and kills her

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'A Winter Haven, Fla., mom is accused of shooting and killing her daughter while the girl held her 4-month-old daughter in her arms.

The Orlando Sentinel reports that Adele Bing, 52, told police she shot her daughter in a case of mistaken identity and that authorities should lock her up "for good" according to an arrest report.

Ruby Bing went to her mom's house on Monday night. Adele Bing told authorities her 26-year-old daughter was banging and kicking her door. Bing thought the person at the door was her boyfriend, whom she had just had a fight with. Bing armed herself with a .22 caliber gun, opened the door and shot her daughter in the chest, authorities said.'

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Bride spoke of killing parents before pushing husband off cliff: prosecutors

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'(Reuters) - A Montana bride accused of killing her new husband by pushing him off a cliff at Glacier National Park had spoken of killing her mother and stepfather in the weeks before her June wedding, federal prosecutors said in legal documents.

U.S. prosecutors say 22-year-old Jordan Graham was unhappy in her new marriage and deliberately shoved her husband of eight days off a rock ledge during an argument while hiking a steep trail on July 7.

She was indicted last month on charges of first- and second-degree murder in the death of Cody Johnson, 25. Her attorneys have said his death was an accident.

Prosecutors, in filings in U.S. District Court in Missoula, said they plan to produce evidence at next month's trial that Graham made statements about killing her mother and stepfather about five weeks before Johnson plunged to his death.'

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Kathleen Hanna Balmes Sexism For Girl-On-Girl Bullying

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'When it comes to the culture that encourages girl-on-girl bullying, punk-rock legend and feminist activist Kathleen Hanna* doesn't mince words. "It's always about taking the scraps off of the man's table. It's like we're just eating off the floor," said Hanna, former frontwoman of Bikini Kill and Le Tigre and current frontwoman of The Julie Ruin.

In a Nov. 25 interview on HuffPost Live, Hanna explained exactly why sexism is so damaging -- not just to women, but to men as well. She told host Ricky Camilleri:

"Sexism hurts everyone. It hurts men in the fact that a lot of men are put in this position where the only way they know how to bond with each other is through racism or sexism or homophobia. And they don't know how to actually have real friendships. And I think that can be similar with women. The only way that they know how to bond with each other is through this viscousness towards other women and towards other groups of people that are different than themselves."'

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Do women really make men better?

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'The December issue of the Atlantic features a grand roundup of studies on "How Women Change Men." The results presented will probably not explode your brain with wonder. Most of the studies basically confirm that our interactions with specific people shape our beliefs about the categories - ethnic, gender, etc. - those people belong to.

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UK: 'Women make better board members'

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'Female directors are better for their companies and shareholders because they are less likely to engage in overpriced takeovers or empire-building, a study suggests.

Firms with more women on their corporate boards will pay less on average for their acquisitions because they take a more prudent approach to business deals.
For every female board member companies also attempted 7.6 per cent fewer takeover bids, they reported in a new paper to be published in the Journal of Corporate Finance.

The results suggest that women demand higher promised returns on their investment when evaluating business deals and are less likely to sanction rash bids, researchers found.'

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Great Britain’s Deserts of Masculinity

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'Britain, then: Lawrence of Arabia remakes the desert battlefield.

Britain, now? It’s raining “men deserts.”

“The Centre for Social Justice (CSJ) reports that an increasing number of British children are growing up with hardly any male influence,” the Call Me Stormy Weblog notes. “In some areas, the problem has reached such high levels that they have been tabbed ‘men deserts,’ according to the report,” which aired on Britain’s Sky News channel:


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