Woman who faked cancer stands trial for false rape claim

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman accused of faking cancer is standing trial for falsely claiming she was raped by two men.

Sara Ylen, 38, of Lexington, Michigan, has admitted using make-up to make it look like she had been attacked.

James Johnson, a retired detective sergeant for the Sanilac County Sheriff Department, gave evidence yesterday at St Clair County Court, in Michigan, and said he had never heard a victim provide so much detail when he interviewed her after the alleged assault.
James Grissom, who spent 10 years in jail after being convicted of raping Ylen in 2003, was also
present in court yesterday.

Grissom was released in November 2012 after new evidence showed Ylen had made other accusations of rape.
She also faces fraud charges in Sanilac County following an investigation by Michigan State Police who investigated Ylen's cancer claims in May 2012 and discovered none of the doctors she listed had diagnosed her with cancer.

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Cops: Woman Shoots Husband in Drive-By

Article here. Excerpt:

'WARREN COUNTY, Miss. - Sheriff Martin Pace said a man took a bullet to the abdomen on Monday during a drive-by shooting. The trigger man was not a member of any gang, but rather, the man's estranged wife. 58-year-old Mary Lou Neeley is accused of driving by the house of her husband, Billy Neeley, on Deer Circle on Monday. The latter was reportedly in the driveway working on his car when Mary Lou drove by and shot her husband in the stomach, according to Pace.

The wounded man was able to call 911 and give authorities a description of the car and his estranged wife, whom he identified as the shooter.

"She pulled up to the residence where he was working on his vehicle. It's believed that at this time she actually fired the shots from within her vehicle. He was struck at least once in the abdomen," Pace said.'

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NPO: Are the Connecticut Alimony Laws Constitutional?

Article here:

'That is the issue raised by four plaintiffs in a lawsuit challenging Connecticut alimony laws. In a suit entitled John Doe et al vs. Dannel P. Malloy filed in the United States District court for the district of Connecticut, the plaintiffs seek a Declaratory Judgment that the alimony laws violate the due process requirements of the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and further seek an injunction against the enforcement of the laws.

As the lawsuit points out, nowhere in the statute is the purpose of alimony set forth. Without a purpose the application of the alimony laws becomes unpredictable, both in amount and length of the award, bordering on arbitrary and capricious.

The 38-page complaint recites the various historical and statutory basis for alimony. It points out that in today’s equality based society, the award of alimony may be a historical anachronism, dating back to a time when women were excluded from the workplace, and generally expected to be stay-at-home mothers.'

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Mom sues judge over 3-year custody battle

Article here. Less a story specific to MR but certainly tangentially relevant. Justice delayed is justice denied, and plenty of NCPs (almost all dads) know this from experience. The divorce/child custody mill is just far too easy for the wrong kind of people to exploit. Excerpt:

'A Manhattan mom is fed up with all the delays in her three-year child-custody battle — so she’s suing the judge.

Public-relations exec Maggie Rhee Karn claims in her $10 million federal lawsuit that Manhattan Family Court Referee Marva Burnett has been stringing out the case for more than three years, costing the mom more than $200,000 in legal fees while allowing her ex-husband to control major decisions about their 9-year-old’s schooling and religion.
Kenneth was given temporary custody after a court-appointed attorney for the child expressed concern to the judge that Maggie would relocate to a third apartment, according to a partial transcript.

“This is the worst case I’ve ever seen,” said Lask, a veteran family-law attorney.

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Make fatherhood a man's choice

Article here. Excerpt:

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Female CEO: White males aren't 'protected class' and therefore can't be harassed

"New Day Midday looks at a female CEO that says white men can't be harassed." Video here. If you're using a non-Flash-supporting device, you can see the video on YouTube here. Also see this article. Excerpt:

'The female CEO of Archie Comics accused by five employees of being sexually inappropriate said she can’t possibly be guilty of harassment, since the people lodging complaints against her are all white men.

Nancy Silberkleit’s lawyer argues that a gender discrimination lawsuit filed against her earlier this year by a group of employees should be thrown out because white males aren’t members of “a protected class,” the New York Daily News reported.

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SAVE E-lert: Help Us Keep the Reform Train Moving

Today is #Giving Tuesday, a day when persons donate to the causes they find worthy. We hope SAVE is on your list. Let's take a look at our recent accomplishments.

SAVE had some successful campaigns this year. After we visited KFC restaurants complaining about their Hot Shot Bite commercial, they were so embarrassed they removed the video from their own website.

After we asked that Asst. DA Mary Kellett be investigated for her handling of Vladek Filler's case in Maine, she was found guilty of prosecutor misconduct.

This year SAVE established the Center for Prosecutor Integrity. We hired four law student interns, and have established the first ever registry of prosecutor misconduct.

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The hardwired difference between male and female brains could explain why men are 'better at map reading'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A pioneering study has shown for the first time that the brains of men and women are wired up differently which could explain some of the stereotypical differences in male and female behaviour, scientists have said.

Researchers found that many of the connections in a typical male brain run between the front and the back of the same side of the brain, whereas in women the connections are more likely to run from side to side between the left and right hemispheres of the brain.

This difference in the way the nerve connections in the brain are “hardwired” occurs during adolescence when many of the secondary sexual characteristics such as facial hair in men and breasts in women develop under the influence of sex hormones, the study found.

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Petition: Don't Export Discrimination Against Male and LGBT Victims of Domestic Violence

Petition here.

Domestic violence is a problem throughout the world. A bill known as the International Violence Against Women Act (I-VAWA) has been introduced in Congress to combat domestic violence in other countries. But the bill is deeply flawed because it assumes that all abuse is male-on-female and ignores both men abused by women and LGBT victims. If the bill were to pass, large classes of victims would be silenced and denied access to services.

The Partner Abuse State of Knowledge Project (PASK) has looked at domestic violence in 85 countries around the world and that found men and women were equally likely to be abuse perpetrators in most cases. PASK also found that LGBT couples were at increased risk of domestic violence.

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Australia: Clinical Research Fellowship - Testosterone for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Adelaide Uni

Link here. Excerpt:

'We seek a registered medical practitioner interested in acquiring or further developing clinical research skills. An opportunity exists to enrol for a higher degree and/or obtain clinical experience in a relevant specialty.

In this role you will participate in the screening, enrolment and supervision of participants in the NHMRC funded “Trial of Testosterone for the Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in at Risk Men (T4DM)”. This trial will determine whether testosterone treatment, in addition to a lifestyle modification program, prevents progression of pre-diabetes to diabetes in overweight or obese men over the age of 50 years and with relatively low testosterone levels.

You will work in collaboration with other personnel involved in this trial, including the Clinical Trial Coordinator, and Chief Investigators.

Position Requirements

You should have:

A Medical degree;
Registration with the Medical Board of Australia.'

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Australia: Which jobs are becoming women-only?

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you are a man at a senior level in marketing, public relations or human resources, hang onto your job like grim death. You may not get another one.

These jobs are fast becoming women-only.

Companies that have blithely operated as a boy’s club at senior levels are coming under intense pressure to promote some women – but rather than doing the hard work to change blokey cultures, they are using a “quick and dirty” approach.
By hiring only women into the top roles in the traditionally female-dominated areas of marketing, HR and PR, they make an immediate impact on their gender balance performances.

You can understand why they are doing it, and achieving gender equity is complex and difficult stuff, but this approach is not helpful for a number of reasons.'

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The Problem With Gender Quotas

Article here. Excerpt:

'Nearly every day, an article pops up on Twitter stating, “We need more women to become [fill in the blank].” From engineers to CEOs, writers to philosophers, women are told there is such-and-such a position they must fill in order to bring balance to the galaxy. To further this goal, Germany has created a new plan:
To put it simply: these articles argue that there are no differences between men and women as such. They believe men and women only differentiate on an individual basis. But if this is true, one shouldn’t need gender quotas to help promote a “missing” element.

Now, if women are truly being discriminated against, then this is a problem. If women were failing the bar exam because of a discriminatory system, or if a company refused to hire women CEO’s simply because of their gender, it would be a serious problem. But this seems better remedied on a case-by-case basis than through a statewide quota.

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A woman's right to move

Article here. The story involves a pregnant woman who moved to New York from California and asked a New York judge to grant her sole custody of the child. The judge refused and sent the matter back to California, where custody of the child was given to the father. The woman who wrote the article claims this is taking fathers' rights "way too far, to the point of dangerousness." Excerpt:

'Here's one I haven't heard before: A woman gets pregnant in California by a famous athlete she is casually dating, decides to go to college in New York — tuition paid by the GI Bill — and after she moves there, before the baby is born, gets blasted by a New York judge for "her appropriation of the child while in utero," which the judge calls "irresponsible" and "reprehensible."

I understand that fathers have rights, and I'm all for that. But this ruling took those rights way too far, to the point of dangerousness. It treated a fetus as a child, for purposes of a custody battle. And in doing so, it threatened to limit the rights of a pregnant woman to move and travel.

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Male contraceptive pill 'a step closer'

Article here. Excerpt:

'A male contraceptive pill has been the holy grail of fertility scientists, but one that has proved frustratingly elusive.

Compared with developing a female pill, designing a male version is a far more difficult process. Most approaches have relied on hormonal targets or rendering sperm dysfunctional. One major problem is ensuring that every one of the millions of sperm cells produced by a man is stopped from carrying out its job of fertilising the female egg, because it takes only one sperm to produce a baby.
The mice appeared normal and did not suffer any side-effects that would make such a treatment unthinkable for humans. They were also able to father normal offspring, after having sperm extracted from their testes and injected into female eggs.

Adrenoceptor-blocking drugs are already in widespread use as treatments for benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) – non-cancerous prostate enlargement – and high blood pressure, the researchers pointed out.

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'The good, the bad, and the jelly'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I feel exceedingly intimidated stepping onto the tintack-strewn floor that is feminist debate in Cambridge today. This is not due to the complex nature of feminist issues, although that does of course raise a few challenges, but rather because of the hostility and anger which now surrounds them. Nevertheless, the perception of the CUSU Women’s Campaign amongst students raises important questions which need to be addressed. Barefoot, I will attempt to wander through.

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