UK: Harriet Harman and Patricia Hewitt linked to 1970s pro-pedophile lobby group

Article here. When I saw the headline, I thought, "No way, this is jumping the shark." But then I started reading. Excerpt:

'But it doesn’t take long for any right-minded person who flicks through The Magpie — dispatched quarterly in plain brown envelopes to up to 1,000 members — to realise that behind its matter-of-fact tone and appearance, something is terribly, terribly, amiss.

For the initials PIE stand for Paedophile Information Exchange. This turns out to be the name of a far-Left lobby group which spent much of the Seventies and early Eighties publicly calling for the legalisation of child sex — and the age of consent to be lowered to four.
Dig beneath the surface of this ugly scandal, however, and you will soon discover that Lord Rees — who died in 2006 — is a long way from being the only prominent Labourite whose good name may be tarnished by it.

For it also raises tricky questions for three of the most senior Labour figures of recent times: deputy leader Harriet Harman, former Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt, and shadow housing minister Jack Dromey, a former party treasurer and Harman’s husband.
‘The PIE somehow managed to convince feminists and the gay rights lobby that they had shared values and that we all belonged in the same club,’ recalls one feminist writer whose magazine was lobbied for support by the PIE after the Exchange won NCCL affiliation.
Two years later, in 1978, Harriet Harman, then a newly qualified solicitor, became the NCCL’s legal officer. She promptly wrote its official response to Parliament’s Protection of Children Bill, which sought to ban child pornography.

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Dove for Men commercial shows man getting slapped

Dove for Men has an ad about the harsh conditions a man's face experiences, ending with "and four deserved slaps". Rather odd for a company trying to include men as their customers. The ad can be seen here.*

As with the KFC ad, violence against men such as this isn't deserved or funny.

You can contact Dove at

*A woman's hand is seen slapping the man's face twice at the 00:15 mark in the ad.

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The trouble with men: ‘We’re constantly competing, and we all lose’

Article here. Excerpt:

‘‘Now that we’re men,” sing Spongebob Squarepants and his friend Patrick in a well-known animated movie, “we’re tough enough to save the day.”

In the real world, however – or at least, our bit of the western industrialised world – it’s becoming clear that while men may be tough, they’re also having a tough time. Rates of male graduation and employment are plummeting as fast as statistics for imprisonment, aggression and suicide are rocketing.

Can art play a part in changing this distressing pattern? The American actor, poet and activist Carlos Andrés Gómez is convinced that it can. Gómez has been described as Keats meets Bob Marley meets Tupac Shakur. He co-starred with Denzel Washington in the Spike Lee movie Inside Man, played a gay paramedic in ER and appeared in an episode of Friends.'

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Woman charged in stabbing death of husband

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 30-year-old woman was booked Saturday on second-degree murder charges in the death of her husband, who was found stabbed to death Friday in the couple’s Laurel home.

About 10:30 a.m. Friday, police were called to 8388 Frostwood Road, in Laurel, where they found Johnnie Sutton III, 38, suffering from multiple stab wounds, Anne Arundel County police said. Sutton was pronounced dead at the scene.'

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"Inside the British university where Muslims were segregated by sex"

Article here. When the shoe's on the other foot, suddenly, it's bad. Meanwhile, is anyone in the MSM or on campuses protesting women-only events, spaces, etc.? Not that I've seen. Excerpt:

"With women obliged to sit yards behind chairs reserved exclusively for men, the photograph above shows the shocking reality of gender segregation at a British university.

It was taken earlier this year at a training course at Leicester University organised by its Islamic Society. The course was entitled Call Of Duty and it featured a guest speaker from a hardline Islamic group.

Rupert Sutton of campaign group Student Rights, which monitors campus extremism, said: ‘The obvious discrimination in this picture is what segregated seating can mean in practice – women pushed to the back of the hall, while men are given the best seats to see and hear the speaker.’"

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"Censuring circumcision in Europe is about child protection, not anti-Semitism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'(TEL AVIV) - Circumcision without consent violates a person’s right to bodily integrity, a cornerstone of post-Holocaust human rights law.

Two years ago, in response to an article I wrote questioning circumcision, the British historian Geoffrey Alderman dedicated his column to my character assassination, describing me as “a leading anti-Jewish Jew of the younger generation.” Though I appreciated the attention, I was disappointed – why not “the” leading anti-Jewish Jew? It would have brought my parents such nachas.

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Student suspended for a year for hugging teacher

Story here. Remember: It's OK for female teachers to "have sex with" underage male students. However if one of those students hugs a teacher, it's curtains. Excerpt:

'A Duluth High School senior has been suspended for one year and won't graduate on time for hugging a teacher last month.

Sam McNair, 17, was suspended last week when a school hearing officer found he violated the Gwinnett County Public Schools' rules on sexual harassment.

"Something so innocent can be perceived as something totally opposite," said McNair.

A video of the hug, captured by a surveillance camera, shows McNair enter a room, place his arms around the back and front of the teacher and tuck his head behind her neck.

According to a discipline report, the teacher alleged McNair's cheeks and lips touched the back of her neck and cheek.

McNair denied he kissed his teacher or sexually harassed her.

McNair said he regularly hugs his teachers and has never been disciplined for it in the past.

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UK: 4-YO boy has same IQ as Einstein

Story here. Excerpt:

'A four-year-old boy has stunned psychologists—after intelligence tests revealed him to have the same IQ as Einstein.

Sherwyn Sarabi has tested off the scale for intelligence—scoring an IQ of 160—the highest mark on the test.

It's the same score that experts believe scientist Einstein had, as well as being identical to that of Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking.

Sherwyn from Barnsley, Yorks, started school two years early and became a member of Mensa at the age of three.

He spoke his first words aged just 10 months and has been amazing his parents, teachers and doctors ever since.'

Related story: Boy genius diagnosed with autism has IQ higher than Einstein. Excerpt:

'As a child, doctors told Jacob Barnett’s parents that their autistic son would probably never know how to tie his shoes.

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Reaching out to male rape victim

Article here. Here's commentary on a subject rarely discussed: the sexual assault of boys. The specific case involves a 13-year-old boy who was sodomized in a hazing incident. Many in the town tried to cover it up. The men who wrote the article were also victims of sexual assault. Excerpt:

'The sodomy hazing of a 13-year-old boy from Norwood is indeed indefensible. The boy and his family have run from Norwood as, by all accounts, the town and the school turned on him and his family. Fingers are pointing and debate is rightly raging on issues of hazing, rape and bullying.

Such debate is welcome, but we would like to step back for one minute and pause on behalf of the boy and his family.

We have no idea where that boy or his family are right now, but we reach out to them with great care, concern and optimism. We imagine he is bewildered and may not have the vocabulary to even begin to explain what happened in Norwood, or what is happening now. Tears may be falling or, conversely, he and his family may be too numb to actually shed tears. We understand the family’s sense of abandonment and isolation. We worry they are feeling guilty for speaking out, as their courageous actions have led to their expulsion from the town they loved. Justice looks to be elusive.

We want the boy to know that he is the hero of this sad tale. He spoke up and out, and we admire him immensely for the strength he has shown. We do not know his mom and dad but we gather, from what we have read, that he might have special parents who will be essential to his healing, as he will be to theirs.

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Rob Okun: Masculinity question still missing post Newtown

Article here. Excerpt:

'As we arrive at the gut-wrenching first anniversary of Newtown Saturday, I teeter back and forth between sadness and anger. Sadness that 20 6- and 7-year-olds were murdered — along with a half-dozen Sandy Hook Elementary School educators — and anger that public officials and most of the media still largely ignore the missing component in the Connecticut tragedy: the gender of the shooter.

Don’t get me wrong. It’s urgent we implement gun control legislation and increase mental health services. Some states, including Colorado and Connecticut, have passed new gun laws, doing an end run around the National Rifle Association and their minions in Congress. And kudos to Vice president Joe Biden for shepherding $100 million in additional money for mental wellness programs. Still, like a two-legged stool, those efforts can’t stand up to this type of violence if we don’t add a third leg: male socialization.

Take this simple quiz. Don’t worry; you’re sure to get 100 since — spoiler alert — the answer isn’t “woman.” In the year since Adam Lanza began his rampage by murdering his mother, was it a man or a woman who killed innocent people at the Washington Navy Shipyard, the Boston Marathon, Santa Monica College, homes in Hialeah, Fla., Manchester, Ill., and Fernley, Nev.; a barbershop in New York’s Mohawk Valley; and Los Angeles International Airport? Get it?
In the 1990s I facilitated batterers’ groups working with lonely, isolated men who had been abusive to their spouses. While none was as mentally unstable as the mass shooters, all were products of the same male socialization.

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Topless FEMEN protesters storm German football TV show

Story here.* Excerpt:

'Two topless women stormed the stage of a German talk show on Wednesday in protest against the conditions of workers in Qatar who are building facilities for the 2022 World Cup.

The FEMEN activists ran onto the stage of a live football debate during a show hosted by Markus Lanz .

Footballs dripping with blood were painted around the edges of the protesters’ breasts. One of the women had also painted “Blut und Spiele” (Blood and games) on her body, while the other had “don’t play with human rights” written in English across her stomach.
Bodyguards tried to remove the women but talkshow host Markus Lanz intervened, telling the security staff to leave them.

Lanz interviewed one of the male demonstrators who said they were protesting against the “slavery” of workers in Qatar. Following the discussion the presenter urged FIFA to put pressue on Qatar to improve working conditions.'

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'My Son Is Mentally Ill', So Listen Up

Article here. Finally, a MSM article about boys and severe mental illness that isn't the typical lock-'em-up fare. Check out the stats re the number of boys in jail with mental health problems. Not only do men often get prisons while women get psychiatric commitments for the same offenses, but it looks like states also prefer to jail mentally ill boys instead of treat them. Excerpt:

'As the camera rolls, Stephanie calls psychiatric hospitals near her home in San Antonio. Repeatedly she is turned down. Nothing can be done for her son, she is told, unless "he is a danger to himself or others." It is December 2009, and Daniel's hallucinations last more than two hours.
Daniel is 14 now, and his mother no longer needs to convince doctors that he is mentally ill. He suffers from bipolar disorder with psychosis. In the past four years, he has been hospitalized more than 20 times.

But a diagnosis merely marks a beginning. Raising a child with mental illness is "a roller-coaster ride through hell," Stephanie says. She is engaged in an epic battle on multiple fronts.

What if Daniel has an outburst in public and is misunderstood? What if he succumbs to the voices? How can she help Daniel find joy?

And what about the rest of her family? They need her, too.
The only time mental illness dominates the national conversation is when something goes tragically wrong. But the dialogue doesn't last. It gets buried under arguments about gun control, video game violence and unheeded signs of trouble -- until there's yet another mass shooting.
She plays a video of Daniel enduring an episode of psychosis from May 1 of this year. His legs and arms shake while he sits on a picnic table in the backyard. He places his head between his knees. Then, he stands and paces. He swats the air. His head darts back and forth, as if trying to shake the demons he sees and hears.

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State University Employee On Leave For Running Phone Sex Business at Work, Soft Core Videos

Story here. If she were a he, he'd be fired immediately. And, why is there no mention of sexual harassment? Talking sexy even outside of earshot of anyone who cares, regardless of whether they object, is notoriously defined in campus "speech codes" as sexual harassment, punishable by dismissal. So what's the delay here? Excerpt:

'A veteran University of Colorado Denver administrator is under investigation and has been placed on paid administrative leave for apparently operating a phone sex business at the same time she has been getting paid by the university.
The prospect that the CU administrator has been engaging in paid phone sex at the same time she is being paid to work by taxpayers has administrators concerned.
According to the woman’s daughter-in-law, there is good reason to be concerned.

“She does it while she is working at CU Denver,” said Blair Cooper, the administrator’s daughter-in-law.

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From weight loss to fundraising, 'ironic effects' can sabotage our best-laid plans

Article here. Not a direct MR matter but clearly relevant. A major challenge to MR is getting the word out and getting people, especially men, aware of these issues. This article points out how often the direct approach to any cause is often paradoxically counterproductive to advancing it. If nothing else, it's food for thought, and MRAs may find it useful. Excerpt:

'Awareness campaigns get forgotten by the people who need them most

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Tell Hunter Yelton It’s a Man’s World

Article here. Excerpt:

'I agree with James Taranto that there is a war on men and it starts early, as he points out, as a war on boys. Christina Hoff Sommers has much to say about the topic from an educational standpoint in her revised edition of The War on Boys. Our schools keep boys confined, take away recess, and have adopted a feminized approach to schools to the point where it is mainly for those who conform, sit still, and like to follow rules.

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