'Serial kissers: what you need to know about babies'

Article here. Excerpt:

'People are up in arms that an adorable 6-year-old boy was suspended for sexual harassment after kissing a little girl he liked on the hand during reading group.

They say officials at Lincoln School of Science and Technology in Cañon City, Colorado took the discipline of first-grader Hunter Yelton too far even though the youngster admits his guilt.
As a society, we must fight nature at all costs and combat should begin before hand-kissing offenders reach the ripe old age of 6.

You’ve got to start these things young — like just out of the womb young.

Babies are the most dangerous serial kissers on the planet.

Stopping babies from kissing or showing any public or private affection is the only way we can live free of Hunter’s brand of sexual harassment.

Nothing and no one is safe from these precious beasts.'

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Please lodge anti-circumcision replies with the U.S. State Dept re PEPFAR -- deadline is 23 December 2013

This is a response to the document "Proposals, Submissions, and Approvals: PEPFAR Program Expenditures" [Form Number: DS-4213, OMB Control Number: 1405-0208].

Due to a past lack of oversight by the CDC, the State Department is proposing to require recipients of PEPFAR funds to account for expenditures by program area. This response is in agreement with this requirement, also highlighting the lack of oversight and free-spending culture of the NIH at the time of sponsoring the circumcision trials in Africa, the adverse affects of funding circumcision in Africa (coercion of men and boys to be circumcised, misdirection of scarce medical resources from higher priority health areas), and continuing problems within the CDC raising questions about the capability of the organisation to oversee the activities of grantees inrecipients of federal funds.

The deadline for submissions is 23 December 2013.

This submission can be made by anybody from any country around the world.


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SAVE E-lert: The Blithe Dishonesty of the Avon Foundation for Women

To reduce domestic violence, we need to tell the truth about domestic violence.

Unfortunately, some Violence Against Women Act (VAWA)-funded DV organizations don't share this opinion. Or they are clueless.

One example is Avon Foundation. They claim that 85% of DV victims are female, even though the CDC National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey found that more men are victims of physical partner abuse than women.

The time has come to end the misinformation.

We have been polite long enough. Starting next year, when we see a lie, we'll call it a lie.

Help us expose the liars. Please make a tax-deductible donation HERE.

On behalf of the truth, thank you.

Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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UK: Father climbs shopping centre in protest

Originally, this story was found here. But now mysteriously, it has vanished! It is not even in the Google cache indexed to the published URL. However it looks like it was snagged by at least one scrapers before it was pulled. Part of it can still be seen here. Bots and scrapers: The web's #1 defense against post-facto imposed- and self-censorship alike!

'A TUNBRIDGE Wells dad caused a stir this afternoon when he appeared on the top of a shopping centre.

Father-of-one Marcus Riley, of Rusthall, was protesting for the right to see his one-year-old daughter, Lacie.

Dressed as Father Christmas and waving a 'Fathers for Justice' banner, he scaled Royal Victoria Place's multi-storey carpark at 11:50 this morning.

At midday, he appeared on the roof at the entrance opposite coffee shop Pret A Manger.

During his demonstration, a woman stood in the road...'

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Prisoner's sister seeks signatures for petition to allow him to see dying daughter

Petition here. Excerpt:

'My name is Jasmin Iglesia, sister of inmate #18498280 Junior Manuel Iglesias located at Wilaccy County Texas, Facility #278580, 1800 Industrial Drive, Raymondville, TX 78580. I launched this campaign on the behalf of my two nieces who need their dad during this family emergency. My brother Junior Manuel Iglesias has been held in Texas for over 5 years, 1,938 miles away from his daughters and family. He has yet to receive any visitation due to the distance and his families struggle because of their separation.

On Tuesday, November 19th, 2013 at approximately 9am his youngest daughter Yasmelin Iglesias, 16, was hit and ran over by a speeding van. Yasmelin received severe and critical injuries to her liver, brain, and lungs. She is now in ICU at a Nassau County hospital in New York. Every day since then has been a fighting struggle for her to stay with us, our prayers are the only thing we have to hold us up. Her father Junior, is in extreme emotional disbelief and pain, all he wants is the chance to hold is daughter's hand at this time.

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In the U.K., Male Teachers Are Teaching Schoolboys the Art of Wooing

Article here. Excerpt:

'According to the Telegraph, schoolboys in parts of England have no positive male mentors and watch too much porn, and therefore, have no idea how to court a lady. To address the problem, school administrators have begun to implement a curriculum that sounds like a Dickensian version of Hitch meets Rodger Dodger.

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'Community Rewards Healthy Masculinity'

Story here. Excerpt:

'Thursday evening, December 12, 2013, Chad Borgen hoisted the first Healthy Man Beard Competition Trophy, donated by U.P. Laser Engraving, as the Copper Country Grand Champion.

The event was hosted to help bring awareness to the staggering extent and impact of violence against women, and to focus community attention on the transformative roles that men play in stopping this violence. According to the World Health Organization, one in three women (35.6 percent) experience sexual or physical violence worldwide, much of which occurs from their intimate partner. It is important to remember that most men are not violent; however, if this global epidemic is to ever be reduced or eliminated, it will require men to model and demonstrate healthy masculinity by stepping up, actively engaging issues of violence, and deeming it unacceptable in our society. It is not enough just to be a healthy man; earning this distinction requires courage and strength of character to stand up for others.'

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Santa's Reindeer

It is the current vogue to claim Santa's reindeer are really all female since male reindeer drop the antlers in December. This is an urban hoax. Henceforth, I concede nothing to feminism. Excerpt:

'Analysis: Well, look. If we're really going to let science be our guide in this matter, the first thing we have to admit is that reindeer don't fly, let alone haul a jolly fat elf around in an airborne sleigh. And if we start down that slippery slope, there's only one conclusion we can possibly reach: Santa Claus doesn't exist. That way lies madness.

But there's a loophole.
The experts go on to explain that some younger bulls, depending upon hereditary and environmental factors, may keep their antlers well into spring — even as late as April.

So it is plausible to suppose that if, for the sake of argument, there were a Santa Claus, and if, for the sake of argument, he did circumnavigate the globe in a reindeer-powered sleigh every December 25th, then at least some of those reindeer — including one in particular with a shiny, red nose — could be males.

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Teach our children well - about kissing in first grade

Article here. Excerpt:

'There was a lot of press last week about the 6-year-old first-grade boy who was suspended for a day from school for kissing a girl on the cheek and later on the hand after he had been told to stop kissing her. The media coverage takes the view that the administrative discipline in this case was too severe for the conduct, that boys are just being boys, and that talking about sexual harassment at that age is inappropriate and/or harmful to the children. Most of us probably would agree that both the words used and actions taken by schools in these situations need to be age-appropriate. At the same time, the idea that the underlying dynamics should be ignored, or seen as cute or natural, do all of us a great disservice.

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High-Ranking Women's Affairs Diplomat Allegedly Paid Nanny Only $3/Hour

Article here. Excerpt:

'A high-ranking Indian diplomat and women’s rights activist is being accused of visa fraud and paying her children’s nanny only $3.31 an hour for five months.

Devyani Khobragade, a 39-year-old mother of two, is the Deputy Consul General at the Indian Consulate in Manhattan. She’s in charge of Political, Economic, Commercial and Women’s Affairs, according to NDTV.

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Richard Dawkins on 'Feminism invading science'

Just thought you might be interested in this speech excerpt (video) of Richard Dawkins.

Wikipedia on Dawkins here.

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'womenshealth.gov' suddenly off-line

Just reporting... a few weeks ago, someone posted a link to a website called womenshealth.gov. I noticed there was no menshealth.gov. I got *FEROCIOIUS AND FOCUSED*.

I e-mailed all my representatives, "harassed" the Facebook page 'Democrats Abroad', e-mailed news agencies and even the White House, and e-mailed the NIH, the CDC, and other sites.

I would like to report that the web site womenshealth.gov has been non-responsive for four days now. No idea why. There is still no menshealth.gov. But I am forced to wonder what happened.

I am grateful to have met men like those I have found here. I just wanted to report this news to encourage all of you to fight the good fight. Our time is here.

Masculinity will not be feminized.

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Are men really that competitive?

Someone posted about how men should not compete so much with each other. However, I think men do know how to have fun and not compete. But the media only presents men one way.

I'd like to share a video of how some men learn compete AND have fun at the same time. (Why is it that I fully expect men to come up with stuff like this?) It is just a minute and thirty seconds, but reveals just one facet of good competition between men.

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"Crimes Against Women Grossly Underestimated, Report Says"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Violence committed against women by men is vastly under-reported in many countries, a large new study finds.

Researchers analyzed data from more than 93,600 women in 24 countries who survived sexual or physical violence, often called gender-based violence. Only 7 percent of the survivors reported the incidents to legal, medical or social support services, and only 37 percent informed family, friends or neighbors.

In 20 of the 24 countries, the majority of women told no one at all, according to the study published online Dec. 12 in the American Journal of Epidemiology.

Based on their findings, the researchers concluded that reports of gender-based violence to officials may underestimate the number of actual cases by 11 to 128 times.'

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UConn Student Accused Of Making False Rape Complaint Has Charges Dropped

Article here. Excerpt:

'VERNON — A University of Connecticut student accused of falsely claiming she was raped had her charges dismissed Wednesday in Superior Court in Rockville.

Isabella Himmel of Chicago was arrested in September 2012 and charged with second-degree falsely reporting an incident, second-degree making a false statement and second-degree breach of peace.

She was accepted into a diversionary program a year ago; the program required her to write a letter of apology to UConn's police chief, make a $500 charitable donation and do community service. If she completed the program successfully, she was told, the charges would be dropped.

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