This is a response to the document “Human Tissue Intended for Transplantation” [OMB control number 0910-0302, Docket ID FDA-2013-N-0797-0003].
The deadline for submissions is 3 January 2014.
This submission can be made by anybody from any country around the world.
Download and save the document from the following link (Click 'Download'):
Go to the following submission page:!submitComment;D=FDA-2013-N-0797-0003
Click 'Choose files' to upload the saved document from your harddisk. Optionally, fill in the name fields. Check any boxes under the name field which apply to you and complete any required fields. Click 'Continue'. On the next page, click the box next to 'I read and understand the statement above' and then click 'Submit Comment'.
In case anyone experiences problems with the above 2shared link, the full-text of the response document is below, which you can copy/paste into the wordprocessor of your choice and upload to
Response to “Human Tissue Intended for Transplantation” [OMB control number 0910-0302, Docket ID FDA-2013-N-0797-0003]
Thank you for the opportunity to provide feedback to “Human Tissue Intended for Transplantation” [OMB control number 0910-0302, Docket ID FDA-2013-N-0797-0003]. This response document will briefly address the ethical and safety concerns associated with utilitising foreskin-derived ingredients in medical and cosmetic products.
Ethical and safety concerns associated with utilitising foreskin-derived ingredients in medical and cosmetic products