Woman accused of having sex with underage boys

Story here. Excerpt:

'JAMESTOWN, N.D. – A 26-year-old woman faces criminal charges after allegedly having sex with a series of boys ages 14 to 17 she met by using a smartphone app.

Trisha Lynn Bliss of Jamestown pleaded not guilty in Stutsman County District Court on Thursday to two counts of gross sexual imposition, a Class AA felony. She also was charged Friday in Stutsman County with an additional charge of corruption of a minor, a Class C felony.
She also told Gross she had sex with another juvenile boy the month before. Police say she claimed the boy told her he was 18, but after sex he told her he was in middle school.

Bliss told the detective she was in special education beginning in seventh grade and was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. But she also told police she isn’t stupid, knows it was wrong to have sex with minors and regrets it.

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Former teacher charged with criminal sex acts with minor while still a teacher

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Monroe #1 BOCES employee is facing charges after sheriff's deputies say she engaged in criminal sex acts with a 15-year-old student.

Rachel Santora, 31, of Brighton, is charged with second-degree criminal sex act and endangering the welfare of child.

Sheriff's deputies say Santora engaged in criminal sex acts with a 15-year-old male student last summer while she was employed as a teacher at the Rush-Henrietta School District. Sheriff's deputies say the incidents occurred at Santora's home on Brooklawn Drive residence where she was tutoring the student.

Santora is currently employed with Monroe #1 BOCES. She was sent to the Monroe County Jail in lieu of $20,000 cash bail.'

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UK: Nurse jailed for ‘despicable’ false rape claim against her grandad

Story here. Excerpt:

'Gordon Ritchie’s life was left in tatters after scheming Natalie Mortimer lied to police, claiming he had subjected her to sexual abuse when she was a child.

But her mother, Susan Simpson, began to have doubts about the story and Mortimer, 25, eventually admitted that the allegations were false.

Mortimer had previously been told that she and her younger sibling would be entitled to a share of inheritance money from Mr Ritchie.

But she believed that she would get all the cash if her grandfather was sent to prison. Mortimer admitted wasting 175 hours of police time – at a cost to taxpayers of more than £3,000 – when she appeared at Aberdeen Sheriff Court.

Jailing her yesterday, Sheriff Graeme Buchanan said she had committed a “truly evil” crime.'

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The End of Men? Not Again!

Article here. Excerpt:

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The Moralistic Fallacy

Article here. Excerpt:

'City Journal's Kay Hymowitz weighed in over the holidays with a response to our Dec. 16 column, in which we faulted the premise of her earlier article titled "Boy Trouble." She maintains that the main body of the article (which we described as "informative and important") is responsive to our criticism:
That said, Hymowitz's hypothesis that family breakdown causes "boy troubles" is an entirely plausible one. But there's still a problem with it: That framing makes the argument circular. Recall that she posed the question as (among other things) why "poor and working-class boys" fail to become "reliable husbands and fathers." She ends up concluding that the cause of fatherlessness is . . . fatherlessness.

... But identifying a causal cycle begs the question if the question is about the ultimate cause. If your child is sophisticated enough to ask how human beings came into existence, he won't be satisfied if you answer by explaining where babies come from.
The 2011 figures (which exclude Hispanics) were 29.1% for whites and 72.3% for blacks--a more than eightfold increase for whites and more than threefold for blacks. A cycle of fatherlessness operating over two to three generations cannot be sufficient to explain such an enormous rise.

So what does? In our view, a dramatic change in incentives owing to two major social changes that were just getting under way when Moynihan wrote.

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"We need legislation to get more women into top jobs"

Article here. Excerpt:

'At a recent conference on gender equality, senior women agonised about whether quotas were a good or a bad thing.

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Gender equality? A double standard for women in the military

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last year military leadership lifted the ban on women in combat positions like the infantry and special operations without a clear pathway to successful integration. Physical standards and equality remain a primary issue of contention.

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Why Should Fluid Sexuality Be Women-Only?

Article here. Excerpt:

'By now, there’s an established celebrity “coming out” narrative. You sit down with a morning talk-show host or write a blog post saying that you’re in love with someone who shares your gender. Your true fans profess their continued devotion, LGBT rights groups and opinion writers applaud you, and while you’ll get some hate mail, most people are relieved to finally have you “figured out” — especially if your sexuality has been the subject of tabloid speculation.

This doesn't quite apply, however, when you reveal you’re dating a man but insist you’re still attracted to women. “Of course I still fancy girls,” said British diver Tom Daley last week. “But, I mean, right now I’m dating a guy and I couldn’t be happier.” There were some standard-issue homophobic reactions (which Buzzfeed and HuffPost obligingly collected), but Daley also elicited a more specific sort of disapproval from certain fans — biphobia, the Advocate called it. These were the people who assumed Daley was gay but unable to fully admit it, or unwilling to relinquish the privileges of being straight. ...
When coming out as not-totally-heterosexual, the rules are different for men and women. Perhaps this is because we’ve had plenty of cultural cues — like chart-topping hit songs about girls kissing girls — and academic research to acclimate us to the idea of women’s fluid sexuality.

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Let's Talk About Circumcision

Article here. Excerpt:

'Strange. According to Jewish law, a Jew is someone born to a Jewish mother and, according to a more progressive approach, anyone who sees himself as belonging to the Jewish people. There were periods and communities in Jewish history in which circumcision was not practiced – from the days of ancient Egypt up to the Communist bloc. Moses was opposed to circumcision and didn’t circumcise his son, and the Children of Israel crossed the Jordan into Canaan uncircumcised.

Circumcision does not determine that a person is Jewish, and non-circumcision does not determine that a person is not Jewish. So to come and claim that the preservation of Jewish identity rises and falls with the cutting of the sexual organs of infants? That this is the most basic symbol that guarantees the survival of Jewish society? That this is the strongest tie connecting the Jewish people to itself and its God? More than faith? More than the Torah and the Ten Commandments? More than the State of Israel and the Land of Israel?

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Children (boys) murdered and coerced into military roles in the Central African Republic

Article here. The article refers to them gender-neutrally as "children" when in fact it's boys they are talking about. Would CNN be talking about them as "children" if they were girls? Excerpt:

'Escalating violence in the Central African Republic is posing a threat to children, with at least two beheaded and thousands recruited as soldiers, the United Nations said.

The United Nations says it verified the deaths of 16 children since violence broke out in the capital of Bangui on December 5. Dozens of others have been injured.

"We are witnessing unprecedented levels of violence against children. More and more children are being recruited into armed groups, and they are also being directly targeted in atrocious revenge attacks," said Souleymane Diabate, UNICEF representative in the nation.'

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"Why Are Liberal Men Unhappy?"

Article here. Excerpt:

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Malaysia: Six-year-old boy accused of raping his cousin, aged five, while playing 'mummy and daddy game'

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Malaysian boy aged six has been accused of raping his five-year-old cousin in a case believed to be the one of the first of its kind in the world.

Doctors discovered she had been sexually penetrated after a medical check-up - and despite initial scepticism a consultant urologist at the Kuala Lumpur Hospital said it was possible for a child that young to have an erection.

The extraordinary case came to light after the children's grandmother found them naked and playing 'mothers and fathers' at the family home in the town of Pendang, Kedah - a rural area covered with paddy fields
The doctor who examined the girl and found a minor tear in the hymen alerted the Malacca Action Group for Parents in Education.

Chairman Mak Chee Hin said: 'It is shocking that young children are capable of such acts.
This case, he added, could have happened due to exposure to pornographic materials.

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In Stockholm, a Proposal to Make Snow Plowing Priorities Better for Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Stockholm, the depths of winter can stretch out over nearly half the calendar year. Last winter, the first reported snowfall came on October 25, and the last sighting wasn't until April 20.

With six months of potential snow, the task of keeping the city's commuters moving and working can be a real challenge for local government. At the moment, Stockholm uses a relatively standard snow-clearing strategy that differs little from what other harsh-winter cities have chosen to do. They focus their plows first on major thoroughfares, then on downtown areas close to major workplaces and construction sites, and finally move on to smaller roads, neighborhoods, and schools.

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The war against boys rages on

Submitted with this link to the Daily Caller, but the full article is here. Excerpt:

'Lost in all the noise about helping girls achieve their potential is a growing body of evidence that boys are in trouble. It's the real "gender gap." Consider this: A recent study by two MIT economists found that men, not women, are less likely to graduate from high school and finish college. As a result, the study said, "over the last three decades, the labor market trajectory of males in the U.S. has turned downward along four dimensions: skills acquisition, employment rates, occupational stature and real wage levels."

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Marines delay female fitness plan after half fail

Article here. Excerpt:

'More than half of female Marines in boot camp can't do three pullups, the minimum standard that was supposed to take effect with the new year, prompting the Marine Corps to delay the requirement, part of the process of equalizing physical standards to integrate women into combat jobs.

The delay rekindled sharp debate in the military on the question of whether women have the physical strength for some military jobs, as service branches move toward opening thousands of combat roles to them in 2016.
The decision to suspend the scheduled pull-up requirement "is a clear indication" that plans to move women into direct ground combat fighting teams will not work, said Elaine Donnelly, president of the conservative Center for Military Readiness and a critic of allowing women into infantry jobs.

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