NPO: Parent to Parent Launches: Discuss Divorce Corp

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization is proud to announce our launching of Parent to Parent, where Parents of all types, and other family members, can go to discuss issues and seek resources. In the discussion groups you can expect to find other Parents, and other family members, that have gone through the same situation or know others that have. This is a safe, friendly resource to parents, from other parents, from other family members, that is monitored and promoted by National Parents Organization.

Our first major topic is Divorce Corp. See the movie. Wear your National Parents Organization label to the showing. Post your review to Parent to Parent.

Divorce Corp., the groundbreaking expose of the US Family Law System, premieres in theaters, January 10, 2014. It is the documentary about family law that you have been seeking.'

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School cafeteria worker charged with raping friend’s 15-year-old son

Story here. Excerpt:

'A married mother of four who works at a Massachusetts middle school cafeteria has been charged with raping a teen.

Janelle Foley, 36, allegedly repeatedly had sex with her friend's 15-year-old son during the winter vacation.

She's also under investigation for allegedly having sex with a second victim, who is understood to be a juvenile relative of hers.

The food service staffer, who works at Chapman Middle School in Weymouth, was arrested at her home on Wednesday night.
But Foley's attorney, William Sullivan, argued that the lifelong Weymouth resident, who has four children between 7 and 15 years old, was not a flight risk.

He also said Foley had substance abuse and depression issues that could have resulted in the "lapse in judgment."

The judge ordered that Foley be held on $5,000 cash bail with GPS monitoring and that she must undergo mental health counseling.'

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Feminist Film: Violence Caused by (Surprise!) Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Despite skinny jeans, mocha latte and Chris Hayes, U.S. males still haven’t been adequately feminized. The tragic result: continued bloodshed in American society.

That’s the gist of a new documentary called “The Mask You Live In,” by feminist filmmaker Jennifer Siebel Newsom. The focus of “The Mask” is the male population’s place in and relationship to American culture. Predictably, judging from the trailer and the film’s enthusiastic reception in left-leaning media, traditional masculinity is a leading cause of murder and mayhem.
The film also sites Michael Kimmel, left-wing author of “Angry White Men,” the latest in a long line of “scholarly” works that seeks to explain why white guys tend to be conservatives and why they’re prone to the kind of bigotry and violence they rarely end up actually being guilty of.'

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Canada: Female cops charged with DUI

Story here. Excerpt:

'A city cop with eight years of service has been charged with impaired driving while off-duty.
Const. Kelly Fradley has been charged with impaired operation of a motor vehicle and impaired operation of a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol content over 80 mg%.
Fradley isn't the only Edmonton police officer to face such a charge.

In 2010, Sgt. Cheryl Wallin was charged with impaired driving and operating a vehicle with a blood alcohol level over the legal limit.
Wallin was suspended without pay to the tune of $4,000 and granted an absolute discharge, thus ending up with no criminal record.'

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SAVE: In Wake of NY Times Editorial, CPI Unveils Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / January 8, 2014 – Today the non-profit Center for Prosecutor Integrity (CPI) announces the launching of the new Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct. The unveiling comes three days after a New York Times’ editorial charged ethical violations by prosecutors have become “rampant” across the nation:

The Registry is the first publicly available national online database to catalog judicial or legal disciplinary committee findings of prosecutorial misconduct. The Registry of Prosecutorial Misconduct will allow lawmakers, researchers, legal organizations, criminal justice reform groups, and others to identify common types of misconduct, assess trends, and compare jurisdictions.

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Miriam Pollock on circumcision

Article here (.pdf file), p. 7 of the file. Excerpt:

'Growing up Jewish, I assumed that circumcision was not only harmless, but also essential and beneficial. Only after I had witnessed a few of these events, did these lifelong assumptions and beliefs become shaky. More than anything, it was the raw terror, shrieking pain and inconsolable cries of the babies struggling against the hands of a loving relative restraining their otherwise flailing limbs for this "sacred" event, which shattered my equanimity about the holiness and necessity of circumcision.

But it would be many years, nearly a decade, before I would dare to explore the long-term consequences of the anatomical, physiological, psychological and sexual damage that circumcision invariably affects. These revelations were unveiled at the Second International Symposium on Circumcision, which I attended in 1991 in San Francisco. From that point forward I began to write, determined to expose circumcision, both religious and medical, for the scandalous human rights violation it inflicts and fraudulent religious obligation it is purported to be.

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SAVE: Warning! False Domestic Violence Information

Recently, Washington Post's Fact Checker reported that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's claim that "intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45" was so outrageous it could qualify for their notorious "Four Pinocchios" rating.

The misinformation doesn't end there. Over the last few months, we have reviewed the Fact Sheets of seven leading domestic violence organizations for accuracy and completeness. They have all failed.

We also looked at the Findings in the recently introduced International Violence Against Women Act. Of the 16 findings, only 3 could be verified to be truthful. The rest were one-sided, misleading, or false.

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Bridget Anne Kelly Is First Casualty Of ‘Bridgegate’

Story here. Bridget Anne Kelly, Deputy Chief of Staff to NJ Governor Chris Christie, orchestrated severe traffic problems on the George Washington Bridge in order to punish a mayor who did not endorse Christie for re-election. Giving further evidence, if such was needed, that women in leadership positions can be just as vindictive as men. Remember this the next time that someone tells you that the world would be different if only women held more power. Excerpt:

'Bridget Anne Kelly is being fired by Gov. Chris Christie in the scandal now being termed “Bridgegate”.

N.J. Governor Christie says he was misled by staff, and he was firing Deputy Chief of Staff Kelly “because she lied to me.”

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"Greater Health Spending Helps Men More Than Women, Study Finds"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Increased health spending in developed countries tends to benefit men more than women, a new study finds.

Researchers analyzed data from 27 developed nations to determine the efficiency of health care spending, and found that men had greater gains in life expectancy than women in nearly every country.

"We were surprised to find a large gender gap in spending efficiency throughout the industrialized countries of the world," study author Douglas Barthold, a doctoral candidate in the economics department at McGill University in Montreal, said in a university news release. "The average life expectancy of women rose from 75.5 to 79.8 between 1991 and 2007, while that of men rose from 72.5 to 77.1."
It's not clear why increased health spending has benefited men more than women in most of the countries included in the study, the investigators said. They called for further research into the issue.'

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There's Something Absolutely Wrong With What We Do To Boys Before They Grow Into Men

Video here. Intro text;

'"Be a man" is something we've all heard at one time or another, even a few of the women reading this right now. Being a "man" in that sense means something completely different to me (and maybe you, too) than what that phrase implies.

I can't even begin to describe the toll that the concept of masculinity has taken on my life. And it's felt everywhere. It's time we make changes, starting from within ourselves.'

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Israel: Fathers' Activist Suing Haaretz over 'Defamation' by Feminist MK

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Israeli fathers' rights activist, Sharon Ben-Haim, is taking legal action against left-wing newspaper Haaretz for publishing what he claims are defamatory statements made by MK Orly Levy-Abekasis (Likud-Beytenu) in a recent Knesset session, against another prominent men's rights activist, Amir Shipperman.

The Knesset session was a stormy one, in which feminist MKs fought tooth and nail against a fellow feminist, MK Gila Gamliel (Likud-Beytenu), and fathers' activists, regarding initiatives to cancel the Tender Years' Doctrine that grants divorcing mothers automatic preference in child custody disputes.

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Men Are 'On Strike' Throughout The U.S.: What Are The Causes?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I haven’t seen my copy of Men On Strike for several weeks. I kept careful watch on the book until I finished interviewing her, but after that it disappeared into the Bowyer-Family-Book-Sharing Vortex from which it has not yet emerged. That’s because it is an easy read about a topic which is interesting in both a social science theory way, and in a figuring out how to get by in the current world kind of way.

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Novelist's Ex In Bizarre Handgun Threat Arrest

Story here. Excerpt:

'A domestic dispute over space aliens escalated Saturday morning when a lingerie-clad New Mexico woman allegedly pointed a silver handgun at her boyfriend, a weapon she retrieved from her vagina, where it had been placed while the accused was performing a sex act, police allege.

To make matters more strange, the arrested woman is the most recent ex-wife of Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Cormac McCarthy, author of “The Road” and “No Country for Old Men.”

As detailed in a probable cause statement, Jennifer McCarthy, a 48-year-old artist, argued about space aliens with her 53-year-old beau, whose name was redacted from the document released by the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Office. When questioned by deputies, McCarthy reportedly acknowledged that she “did have a gun at the time” the couple was yelling at each other.
After removing the gun from her vagina, McCarthy pointed it at her boyfriend’s head, investigators charge. Fearing that he could get shot, the man grabbed the weapon from McCarthy and put it in the toilet.'

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Woman charged with criminal domestic violence, child neglect

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Woodruff woman is accused of leaving her husband on the side of the road and later abandoning her daughter and nephew in her car Monday.

Spartanburg County Sheriff's deputies charged Krystal Kay Cannon, 25, of 542 Green St., with criminal domestic violence and child neglect.

According to an incident report, Cannon's husband called 911 after she left him on the side of the road at Interstate 26 and Highway 221 around 3:30 p.m.

He told deputies he pulled the car over and Cannon scratched his face, pulled his hair and got into the driver's seat and drove away after he got out of the car, according to the report.

Their 3-year-old daughter and mentally disabled nephew were still sitting in the back seat of the vehicle.'

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Competitiveness and Overconfidence Help Explain Why Men Earn More Than Women

Article here. Excerpt:

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