Open letter from Jewish intactivist to Chief Rabbi of Denmark

Letter here. Excerpt:

'It is important to understand that for many Jews this pact, this covenant of blood, is so strongly rooted in their minds that it is perceived as being the central pillar of Judaism. For some, circumcision is practically equal to being human and certain interpretations of scripture actually state that a boy is a real human being only after circumcision has taken place, because boys are born imperfect and with uncontrollable sexual impulses. Thus, circumcision is considered a correction commanded by the Lord himself, a fleshly and symbolic ”opening toward God” undertaken with surgical instruments. In some Jewish circles the ritual is considered of such importance that dead men with intact foreskin are circumcised before burial. I’ll allow this to speak for itself.

...To speak as I do here: straight and directly into Judaic assumptions, immediately prompts the inner Jewish gatekeeper to exclaim: ”Nothing is wrong with Judaism, how dare you!”. One could take this at face value and just walk away. However, there are people (myself for instance) who disagree with this claim. Now the question is: can we have a conversation during which objections to circumcision may be seriously considered without any of the fierce attacks usually triggered by the mere sound of the word on the person presenting them? Is it possible together to explore whether some aspects of Judaism could possibly be flawed? To an open, interested, exploring and truth seeking person there can hardly be any harm in that.

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SAVE: Tell the DOJ to Stop the Racist Stereotypes

Three years ago Attorney General Eric Holder let loose with this humdinger: "intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45."

For nearly three years persons have been calling for a correction, including Christina Hoff Sommers, Mark Perry, and the Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler:

On January 17, changes were made to the DOJ website. But instead of removing the inaccurate information, they just added this to the bottom of the page:

'PLEASE NOTE: These remarks, as originally delivered in 2009, cited a statistic naming intimate partner homicide as the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45. This statistic was drawn from a range of reputable sources, including a 2003 study by the National Institute of Justice. However, recent figures indicate other causes of death-including cancer and heart disease-outrank intimate partner homicide for this age group.'

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Australia: Woman who claimed abduction bid charged

Link here. Excerpt:

'A woman who claimed she narrowly escaped being abducted by a group of men in a red hatchback in Sydney's southwest has been charged with making it all up.

The 29-year-old, named only as Ada, appeared in television news reports last week after claiming a man grabbed her on Railway Street in Liverpool and tried to drag her to the car.

She said that when she started shouting and screaming, the man let go and fled in the car.

The woman said no one came to her aid, though there were lots of people around, and she questioned whether she would ever feel safe.

Her complaint sparked a police investigation and an appeal for witnesses to the alleged abduction.'

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Woman confronts female teacher who abused her in middle school

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who says a female teacher from middle school sexually abused her for years decided to confront the teacher -- and post video of the exchange on YouTube.

Within hours, the educator resigned from her job at another school in California. Police launched an investigation. And the former student, who once felt powerless, now says she feels vindicated knowing the ex-teacher is no longer working with children.
"I am 28 years old and have been waiting years to get up enough courage to report a teacher for sexually abusing me for years," Jamie's caption on her YouTube video states.

"When I finally got up enough courage to report her, I found out that the statute of limitations was up and she will never have to pay for the things that she did to me."

So she decided to expose the teacher on the Internet.

"I decided I'm going to call her to get some answers from her," Jamie said to a camera in her home.

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Wendy Davis’s Defenders

Article here. Excerpt:

'Following revelations that Wendy Davis fudged some of the details of her personal background and life story — a centerpiece of her long-shot gubernatorial campaign — the Left is rallying to her defense.

Predictably, rather than address the actual discrepancies in Davis’s “rags to riches” narrative, her liberal supporters have devoted most of their energy to blasting her critics as sexist foot-soldiers in the Republican party’s “war on women.”
A ThinkProgress blogger charged that the attacks on Davis were drawn from a “classic sexist playbook,” and seemed to find hidden malice in Morning News reporter Wayne Slater’s innocuous statement that, owing to the admitted discrepancies in Davis’s personal narrative, “Some will question how much of her success was her own doing, and how bad her circumstances were to start.” The left-wing blogger argues that such questions are clearly absurd, citing as evidence the fact that Davis herself insists that such questions are, in fact, “absurd.”'

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'Wendy Davis, unmasked'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is not exactly a surprise that the latest feminist political icon, Texas state Senator Wendy Davis, turns out to be a phony and an exploiter. Davis, you may recall, rocketed to progressive superstardom by conducting an ultimately futile filibuster on a bill tightening health regulations on abortions after 20 weeks of gestation when the life of the mother is not in peril. The fact that Davis is an attractive blond and speaks fairly well in public was enough to gladden the heart of the pro-abortion faction, eager to find a champion who can be packaged as an inspiring profile in courage. She has already raised $12 million for her campaign for governor, tapping into the victimology cult among wealthy feminist women.
Single mother Wendy enrolled in a community college, and then won a scholarship to Texas Christian University, and married Jeff Davis, a man 13 years older than she and a successful lawyer. He paid her tuition at TCU, and then supported her at Harvard Law School, and raised their two daughters, who remained in Ft. Worth with him, while she immersed herself in the world of high powered elites in Cambridge.

Now here comes the really, really unsavory part:

Over time, the Davises' marriage was strained. In November 2003, Wendy Davis moved out.

Jeff Davis said that was right around the time the final payment on their Harvard Law School loan was due. "It was ironic," he said. "I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left."

Nice! Dump the kids on hubby, get him to pay for her education, and then dump him as soon as the last bill is paid. She's a user, and exploiter of men.

But it gets worse:

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Woman conceived with anonymous donor sperm discusses importance of children knowing both biological parents

Alanna Newman was conceived via sperm from an anonymous donor and now as an adult she wants to share her opinions and observations on the importance of biological fathers. In particular, she feels it is wrong to deliberately deny a child their relationship with a biological parent. Her web sites:

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Single Teen Mom? Texas' Wendy Davis Lied About Life Story

Article here. Well at least it's more entertaining than the whole "born in a log cabin" routine. But it does show that feminists' insistence that female pols make categorically "better" political leaders because they're less likely to lie, be corrupted, etc., is hogwash. Excerpt:

'Wendy Davis, the Texas state senator whose filibuster for abortion rights made her a Democratic superstar and launched her campaign for governor, has admitted to the Dallas Morning News that she lied about key events in her life, including her first divorce. Davis may even have lied under oath, testifying in a federal lawsuit over redistricting that "I got divorced by the time I was 19 years old," when in fact she was divorced at age 21.

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Australia: "Females in Financial Planning Evening – you’re invited!"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Do you think about ways of improving the quality of life for yourself and everyone around you?

If you answered yes, then maybe you should consider a career in financial planning.

We recognise that women are known for their strong interpersonal skills, empathy for others and passion for performance, and these are the traits of successful financial planners.

If you want to find out more about this rewarding career, then come along to one of our special ‘Females in Financial Planning’ evenings being held across the country.'

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Australia: "More Help For Blue Mountains Women After Fires"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Women in the Blue Mountains will have better access to drug and alcohol treatment programs as a result of additional funding being provided by the Australian Government.

Assistant Minister for Health, Senator Fiona Nash, said today the Government would provide immediate additional funding to the Blue Mountains Drug and Alcohol Recovery Service, to help it to meet increased demand.

“The recent devastating bushfires have impacted heavily on many Blue Mountains people,” Senator Nash said.

Member for Macquarie Louise Markus MP welcomed the additional funding.'

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Canada: Foreskin advocate speaks at University

Story here. Excerpt:

'It’s a rare thing to meet an activist who manages to remain persuasive and credible when naked from the waist down.

Judging by the audience’s reaction to children’s rights activist Glen Callender’s presentation at UBC [University of British Columbia] on Friday, he pulled it off.

The talk, hosted by UBC Freethinkers in the Buchanan building, was part of a larger effort founded by Callender, the Canadian Foreskin Awareness Project, or CAN-FAP. Its purpose is to advocate for the right of male, female and intersex children to grow up with intact genitals.
CAN-FAP’s primary objective is the legal protection of a child’s right to choose whether or not to be circumcised. Callender said that female circumcision is particularly harmful because one can’t cut off as much of a boy’s genitals without restricting his ability to reproduce later in life.

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Cops: Mom kills 2 kids in exorcism try

Story here. Excerpt:

'(CNN) - A second Maryland woman has been charged with murder in connection with the Friday stabbing deaths of two children during an exorcism attempt, authorities said.

Two children died of multiple stab wounds and two others are hospitalized with undisclosed injuries, police said.

Monifa Denise Sanford, 21, was charged with two counts of first-degree murder and two counts of attempted first-degree murder, Montgomery County Police said.

Earlier, authorities announced that the children's mother, Zakieya L. Avery, 28, also faces the same charges. Police said Saturday that Avery stabbed two of her children to death and wounded two others while attempting an exorcism.'

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How Can We Help Women? By Helping Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'In her thoughtful op-ed in the New York Times, family historian Stephanie Coontz answered the question "How can we help men?" with a ringing endorsement of gender equality: "By helping women," she answered.

I'd like to suggest the converse is equally true. How can we help women? By helping men.

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UK: Vince Cable calls on leading companies to appoint more women as directors

Article here. Excerpt:

'The business secretary, Vince Cable, has called on Britain's biggest companies to increase the number of women on their boards this year.

In a letter to the chairmen of the top 350 listed companies, Cable urged them each to appoint an extra female director in 2014 and to let two senior female managers serve as non-executive directors at another company.

The letter, written jointly with Lord Davies, who champions women on boards, also called on chairmen to publish targets for female representation at board and senior management level and to say how they would achieve them.

In 2011, Davies, the former trade minister and boss of Standard Chartered bank, set FTSE 100 companies the goal of increasing female board membership to 25% by 2015, from 12.5% at the time. The next biggest 250 companies were also encouraged to employ more female directors.'

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Woman gets prison for false rape report on heels of no-contest plea for fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

'A judge sentenced a "tormented and disturbed" Michigan woman to at least five years in prison Friday for falsely accusing two men of rape, a punishment that came just days after she pleaded no contest to a cancer scam in a separate case that also challenged her credibility.

St. Clair County Judge Daniel Kelly exceeded the guidelines, saying it would be a "travesty of justice" to sentence Sara Ylen to less.

In December, Ylen, 38, was convicted of making up a story about two men attacking her at her Lexington home, 80 miles northeast of Detroit. The jury also convicted her of tampering with evidence by using makeup to create what looked like bruises.

Ylen's integrity has been shattered after years of being considered a sympathetic figure in eastern Michigan.

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