"Fox News Wages War On Feminism, Guest Calls ‘Wussification’ Of Men Threat To National Security"

Report here. He seems to have annoyed *someone* anyway. :) Excerpt:

'In what might be the most offensive Fox broadcast yet, the “news” channel recently aired a segment entitled the “Wussification of Men.”

Throughout the excruciating three minute clip, author of “American Boomerang” (don’t buy this book) Nick Adams accuses feminism of creating a breed of “angry women” (oh no he didn’t) and “feminine men,” which has apparently endangered not just our perfect American lifestyles (which I’m assuming refers to 1919, the year before women won the right to vote), but also our national security.
In his book, Adams unintelligently equates “just being a male” with watching football on Sundays and “shooting some guns,” then later accuses society of deeming this type of “masculinity” as “a very dangerous thing.” No, we just think shooting guns is a very dangerous thing. And that you’re stupid.'

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Barbara Kay: State supports mothers who want the child, but not the costs

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2009 lesbian Jennifer Schreiner bore a baby girl with the aid of sperm from a certain William Marotta. In 2012 the Kansas Department for Children and Families sought to have Marotta declared the father of the child. Not, you understand, for reasons having to do with actual fatherhood – I mean, fatherhood in the sense of acting as a parent – but fatherhood in the “ATM” sense of the word, which is the way social service agencies and, all too often, courts view men when issues of child support come up.

Marotta feels that since his arrangement with Schreiner never envisaged him being involved in the child’s life, and since he had signed a contract waiving his parental rights at the time of donorship, he should not have to pay child support. And so say all reasonable people. But, according to the court, since a licensed physician was not involved in the artificial insemination process, Marotta is more than a sperm donor. Perhaps legally. But to call him a “father” is surely a stretch for any fair-minded observer.

This was a bad decision. The court has hooked their fish on a technicality. The judge has shown his disdain for the spirit of the arrangement between the two parties, which is what courts should be adjudicating. Schreiner exploited Marotta in order to have a child for whom no real father was ever intended. That was their contract, and that was the contract that should have been assessed.

The state will exploit any angle to ensure that somebody else – almost invariably the father if they can get hold of him – pays the child support.

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Judge rules Kansas sperm donor must pay child support

Article here. Excerpt:

'A man who provided sperm to a lesbian couple in response to an online ad is the father of a child born to one of the women and must pay child support, a Kansas judge ruled Wednesday.

Topeka resident William Marotta had argued that he had waived his parental rights and didn’t intend to be a father. Shawnee County District Court Judge Mary Mattivi rejected that claim, saying the parties didn’t involve a licensed physician in the artificial insemination process and thus Marotta didn’t qualify as a sperm donor, The Topeka Capital-Journal reported.

‘‘In this case, quite simply, the parties failed to perform to statutory requirement of the Kansas Parentage Act in not enlisting a licensed physician at some point in the artificial insemination process, and the parties’ self-designation of (Marotta) as a sperm donor is insufficient to relieve (Marotta) of parental right and responsibilities to the child,’’ Mattivi wrote.

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Australia: Anger after circumcision rite ends with three boys airlifted to hospital

Story here. Excerpt:

There is still anger in a remote Northern Territory community after three teenage boys had to be medically evacuated following an Indigenous initiation ceremony which went horribly wrong.

The boys were part of a group of about 20 who were circumcised two days before Christmas near the small Gulf of Carpentaria town of Borroloola, 700 kilometres east of Darwin.

They were so badly cut during the procedure that they had to be taken to Darwin for urgent treatment.

Local ambulance driver William Miller arrived at the ceremony to find his 17-year-old grandson Bryce severely injured.

"I took one look at him and he was sitting in a pool of blood ... and that really hurt me, that did," he said.
The Northern Territory Government says it is aware of the case, and so far its investigators have found the injuries do not constitute child abuse.

The NT Child Abuse Taskforce received two notifications about the incident, leading to an investigation by two police officers and the Department of Children and Families.

But their enquiries found that the children had not been harmed as defined by the Care and Protection of Children Act.
The circumcision ceremony dates back thousands of years and is common practice in traditional and remote communities across northern Australia.

Elders say the ceremony is a critical cultural step where boys become men.

The elders who supervised the circumcision said the injuries were likely caused by a visiting family member who is still learning the ritual.
Bryce Miller has recovered from his injuries and says he has no regrets participating in this initiation into manhood.

His grandfather William, on the other hand, says no other family members will ever take part again.

Others in the community, including Garrawa man Gadrian Hoosen, say the ceremony will continue.

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Texas cops handcuff man after he gave change to homeless person

Story here. Excerpt:

'You may want to think twice next time you consider giving a homeless person some change, if one Texas man’s experience is any indication.

Houston resident Greg Snider claims he was arrested and held for more than an hour after local police mistakenly targeted him as a criminal, all for giving a homeless man a few quarters.

Snider said he had pulled into a local parking lot in order to make a phone call when a homeless man came up to him and asked for some spare cash. Snider claims he gave the man 75 cents and left to continue on his way.
Prosecution of the drug war has come under scrutiny lately as more Americans question the overall effects of police behavior. In two particularly disturbing cases, New Mexico men were pulled over and suspected of carrying drugs in their anal cavities. The men were then taken to hospitals outside of police jurisdiction where doctors performed invasive medical procedures that failed to turn up any drugs.

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11-year-old boy suspended over Miami Heat haircut

Story here.

'11-year-old Danny Valdes is a huge Miami Heat fan. He loves the two-time defending NBA champions so much that he recently had their logo and the Miami skyline shaved into his head by his stepfather, who owns a barbershop. Unfortunately, his new cut didn’t fly with school officials, and a counselor shaved Valdes’ head with a pair of clippers before returning him to class.

According to NBC Miami, school officials believed the haircut to be distracting and gang-related.

“While the school counselor followed the wishes of the student and instructions of the student’s stepfather that were provided over the phone in the presence of several witnesses, the district acknowledges the action taken by personnel were not appropriate,” the school district said in a statement. NBC also reports that Valdes’ mother is transferring him to another school'

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Median male worker hasn't seen a raise in 30 years

Article here. Excerpt:

'For all the advances since the era of teased-out rocker hair, one thing hasn’t changed for America’s average working man: the amount of bacon he brings home.

So says Rana Foroohar, a CNN global economic analyst and Time magazine assistant managing editor (who, by the way, snagged the first interview with new Federal Reserve chair Janet Yellen). Appearing on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer, Foroohar brought up the point during a general discussion about the country’s economic woes.
His 2012 study found real earnings of median males actually dropped by 19 percent since 1970, he found. "This means that the median man in 2010 earned as much as the median man did in 1964 — nearly a half century ago."

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New White House sexual assault task force could result in conviction quotas

Article here. Excerpt:

'The report also declares that the criminal justice response to sexual assault is too often inadequate and lays out a goal of increasing arrest, prosecution and conviction rates without any specific targets. The report blames police bias and a lack of training to investigate and prosecute sex crimes for low arrest rates and says the federal government should promote training and help police increase testing of DNA evidence collected from victims.

The report mentions the wave of sexual assault in the military - Obama last month gave the Pentagon a year to better prevent and respond to the crime within its ranks or face further reforms. White House officials say they want to set the example by turning around the sexual assault epidemic in the military.

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Obama implements Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'Obama and Vice President Joe Biden met with top Cabinet members on the heels of the publication of a new report showing one in five college women, or 22 million, have been victims of sexual violence. The president then signed a new memorandum that established the White House Task Force on Protecting Students from Sexual Assault.
According to the report, “Rape and Sexual Assault: A Renewed Call to Action,” almost half of the women survivors were raped before the age of 18. More than a third of those who were raped as minors were also assaulted as adults, the analysis found.

Most women victims know their perpetrators, who are 98% men, according to the report.

“Freedom from sexual assault is a basic human right. No man has a right to raise a hand to a woman for any reason, for any reason, other than self-defense,” Biden said prior to Obama’s remarks.

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Open letter from Jewish intactivist to Chief Rabbi of Denmark

Letter here. Excerpt:

'It is important to understand that for many Jews this pact, this covenant of blood, is so strongly rooted in their minds that it is perceived as being the central pillar of Judaism. For some, circumcision is practically equal to being human and certain interpretations of scripture actually state that a boy is a real human being only after circumcision has taken place, because boys are born imperfect and with uncontrollable sexual impulses. Thus, circumcision is considered a correction commanded by the Lord himself, a fleshly and symbolic ”opening toward God” undertaken with surgical instruments. In some Jewish circles the ritual is considered of such importance that dead men with intact foreskin are circumcised before burial. I’ll allow this to speak for itself.

...To speak as I do here: straight and directly into Judaic assumptions, immediately prompts the inner Jewish gatekeeper to exclaim: ”Nothing is wrong with Judaism, how dare you!”. One could take this at face value and just walk away. However, there are people (myself for instance) who disagree with this claim. Now the question is: can we have a conversation during which objections to circumcision may be seriously considered without any of the fierce attacks usually triggered by the mere sound of the word on the person presenting them? Is it possible together to explore whether some aspects of Judaism could possibly be flawed? To an open, interested, exploring and truth seeking person there can hardly be any harm in that.

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SAVE: Tell the DOJ to Stop the Racist Stereotypes

Three years ago Attorney General Eric Holder let loose with this humdinger: "intimate partner homicide is the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45."

For nearly three years persons have been calling for a correction, including Christina Hoff Sommers, Mark Perry, and the Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler: http://www.saveservices.org/camp/stereotypes/

On January 17, changes were made to the DOJ website. But instead of removing the inaccurate information, they just added this to the bottom of the page:

'PLEASE NOTE: These remarks, as originally delivered in 2009, cited a statistic naming intimate partner homicide as the leading cause of death for African-American women ages 15 to 45. This statistic was drawn from a range of reputable sources, including a 2003 study by the National Institute of Justice. However, recent figures indicate other causes of death-including cancer and heart disease-outrank intimate partner homicide for this age group.'

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Australia: Woman who claimed abduction bid charged

Link here. Excerpt:

'A woman who claimed she narrowly escaped being abducted by a group of men in a red hatchback in Sydney's southwest has been charged with making it all up.

The 29-year-old, named only as Ada, appeared in television news reports last week after claiming a man grabbed her on Railway Street in Liverpool and tried to drag her to the car.

She said that when she started shouting and screaming, the man let go and fled in the car.

The woman said no one came to her aid, though there were lots of people around, and she questioned whether she would ever feel safe.

Her complaint sparked a police investigation and an appeal for witnesses to the alleged abduction.'

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Woman confronts female teacher who abused her in middle school

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who says a female teacher from middle school sexually abused her for years decided to confront the teacher -- and post video of the exchange on YouTube.

Within hours, the educator resigned from her job at another school in California. Police launched an investigation. And the former student, who once felt powerless, now says she feels vindicated knowing the ex-teacher is no longer working with children.
"I am 28 years old and have been waiting years to get up enough courage to report a teacher for sexually abusing me for years," Jamie's caption on her YouTube video states.

"When I finally got up enough courage to report her, I found out that the statute of limitations was up and she will never have to pay for the things that she did to me."

So she decided to expose the teacher on the Internet.

"I decided I'm going to call her to get some answers from her," Jamie said to a camera in her home.

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Wendy Davis’s Defenders

Article here. Excerpt:

'Following revelations that Wendy Davis fudged some of the details of her personal background and life story — a centerpiece of her long-shot gubernatorial campaign — the Left is rallying to her defense.

Predictably, rather than address the actual discrepancies in Davis’s “rags to riches” narrative, her liberal supporters have devoted most of their energy to blasting her critics as sexist foot-soldiers in the Republican party’s “war on women.”
A ThinkProgress blogger charged that the attacks on Davis were drawn from a “classic sexist playbook,” and seemed to find hidden malice in Morning News reporter Wayne Slater’s innocuous statement that, owing to the admitted discrepancies in Davis’s personal narrative, “Some will question how much of her success was her own doing, and how bad her circumstances were to start.” The left-wing blogger argues that such questions are clearly absurd, citing as evidence the fact that Davis herself insists that such questions are, in fact, “absurd.”'

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'Wendy Davis, unmasked'

Article here. Excerpt:

'It is not exactly a surprise that the latest feminist political icon, Texas state Senator Wendy Davis, turns out to be a phony and an exploiter. Davis, you may recall, rocketed to progressive superstardom by conducting an ultimately futile filibuster on a bill tightening health regulations on abortions after 20 weeks of gestation when the life of the mother is not in peril. The fact that Davis is an attractive blond and speaks fairly well in public was enough to gladden the heart of the pro-abortion faction, eager to find a champion who can be packaged as an inspiring profile in courage. She has already raised $12 million for her campaign for governor, tapping into the victimology cult among wealthy feminist women.
Single mother Wendy enrolled in a community college, and then won a scholarship to Texas Christian University, and married Jeff Davis, a man 13 years older than she and a successful lawyer. He paid her tuition at TCU, and then supported her at Harvard Law School, and raised their two daughters, who remained in Ft. Worth with him, while she immersed herself in the world of high powered elites in Cambridge.

Now here comes the really, really unsavory part:

Over time, the Davises' marriage was strained. In November 2003, Wendy Davis moved out.

Jeff Davis said that was right around the time the final payment on their Harvard Law School loan was due. "It was ironic," he said. "I made the last payment, and it was the next day she left."

Nice! Dump the kids on hubby, get him to pay for her education, and then dump him as soon as the last bill is paid. She's a user, and exploiter of men.

But it gets worse:

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