Submitted by fathers4fairness on Thu, 2014-02-06 07:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'It’s the bogus statistic that won’t die, and the President deployed it during the State of the Union — but women do not make 77 cents to every dollar a man earns.
President Obama repeated the spurious gender wage gap statistic in his State of the Union address. “Today,” he said, “women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment.”
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2014-02-06 06:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'Columbia University and Barnard College students filmed a feminist pornographic film in Columbia's Butler Library to fight what they see as “gender tension” at the school.
The NSFW film, titled "Initiatiøn," was filmed as a feminist statement exploring "the rituals of American Ivy League secret societies, to the point of hysteria, highlighting our culture's perception of female desire,” according to an article published on Gawker.
It begins with a group of girls sitting around a library table taking their shirts off. As the film progresses, the girls engage in activities including kissing, rubbing eggs on their bodies and twerking around chicken carcass.
One of the film’s creators, Columbia art and history major Coco Young, told the IvyGate blog that the library itself represented sexism at the school because only male author’s names are on the facade of the building.
“I haven’t made a video for Purple in a while,” Sciortino’s blog post introducing the film stated.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-02-05 15:53
Article here. Excerpt:
'If that wasn’t enough celebration jammed into the shortest month of the year, February is also American Heart Month. Twenty-eight days or so designated in 1964 by President Johnson’s signed decree to commemorate the organ that tirelessly pumps every red-blooded American’s American red blood. On top of that, someone recently decided that was too general, and now this is also “Women’s Heart Awareness Month.” Females from sea to shining sea are urged to be aware of their heart.
Guys… We’re on our own. Of the 700,000 or so deaths each year in this country attributed to heart disease, two-thirds of them are men. And yet women’s hearts get all the awareness. Guys have hearts. Their hearts need awareness, too. I’m aware of my heart, acutely aware… Every twinge, every cramp or pain. I feel my pulse six, seven times a day.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-02-05 15:49
Article here. Excerpt:
“Man up” is a phrase some men, and even some women, have heard in their lifetime.
The Baylor Lariat sat down with Dr. Mark Morman, director of graduate studies, who researches male/male friendships to identify how masculinity affects men and women.
Q: How are boys forced to prove their masculinity in today’s society?
A: The obvious is control your emotions, don’t be seen as emotional, don’t be seen as open, vulnerable, keep it under control. Again, I think it goes back to the activities and jobs we pursue as men as a way to reinforce and identity with those kind of masculine things. I’m doing a study of firefighters right now, and 98 percent of firefighters in America are men. So, “I want to show my manhood, there’s an occupation that will prove it to everyone.” What’s more manly then these firefighter guys that go into burning buildings and save people and rescue and do CPR and it’s an incredibly manly, masculine sort of job. That’s how people are forced, or I would say allowed.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-02-05 15:45
Article here. Excerpt:
''Before the First World War, those who wanted to scare bright women away from universities described an ‘infidel’ environment that would leave female students ‘barren’ and destined only for a life of ‘spinsterhood’. ...
A recent Guardian blog describes university as a ‘toxic environment’ for women, dominated by an ‘insidious rape culture’; a ‘world of sexual assault, objectification and harassment’. Reports of vulnerable young women having to run the gauntlet of a university campus rife with ‘rape culture’ abound in both the UK and America.
But there’s one big difference from a century ago: today’s panics over rape ‘epidemics’ are not promoted by Victorian fathers but by female students. Being a feminist on campus in 2014 seems to mean calling for university managers to intervene in intimate relationships and to curtail free speech in the name of protecting delicate women from sexual threats.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-02-05 04:30
Article here. Excerpt:
'I don’t have brothers or sons, and I certainly don’t have a penis, so I recognize that I may not be the world’s foremost authority on circumcision. But I’d like to make an air-tight argument for the uncut penis, which the vast majority of men in the world possess.
Michael Fassbender in Shame.
Wait, I’m serious. Fassbender was born in Germany, where the circumcision rate is less than 10 percent, and over 60 percent of parents equate the procedure with genital mutilation. Efforts to ban non-medically necessary circumcision have gained traction in Germany, Denmark, England and even California, though advocates for parental and religious rights have managed to keep them at bay. Still, circumcision rates are down in the U.S., and the tide is turning. Like the death penalty, universal healthcare and the metric system, this is yet another issue where our country is the slowest to leave the dark ages.
Adult circumcised men tend to take arguments against circumcision very personally, simply because it implies that what their parents did to them was unnecessary and even wrong. I can understand this. But the discussion of this archaic and very brutal procedure should not be about adult men.
I get the problems that arise with interfering with someone’s religious beliefs, but at some point, children deserve to be protected from harm. Oregon has been a leader in convicting parents who cause injury and death to their children by rejecting modern medicine because of religious beliefs, and is this issue really that far off?
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-02-05 04:27
Request for crew here.
'Contract type: Temporary
Controversial documentary feature film, Laughing with Women, seeks all crew - including researcher/presenters, camera-owner/operators and marketers - for the next phase of shooting - a four day experiment, to be filmed on the streets of central London, to measure which sex is the funnier, and which sex uses more sexist jokes about the other.
From similar pre-research, we expect to find that women's jokes are slightly less funny than men's, and massively more sexist - women typically calling men "pigs", "pervs", "weirdos", "idiots" or "helper dogs".
- just a joke?
Is sexist prejudice spread by laughter in particular?
Our findings will be edited into a short film, and used as part of a kickstarter campaign to raise further funds for future filmed experiments, to discover if people who laugh at sexist jokes then go on to physically discriminate against the joked about sex or not.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-02-05 04:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'Intactivism—the movement to end circumcision—continues to win social acceptance worldwide, including in the Jewish state of Israel. Jews in the holy land are increasingly open to questioning circumcision, much more so than in the United States. In recent years, Jewish Intactivists have published articles and essays in some of Israel’s largest papers including Haaretz (Israel’s largest and most influential daily paper), 927mag, and the Jerusalem Post. A variety of active Intactivist groups such as Gonnen (Protect the Child), The Israeli Organization Against Genital Mutilation/Intact Son, and Kahal (a community group for parents of intact sons) have sprung up. The leaders of Kahal say that thousands of Israeli Jews are choosing to keep their sons intact.
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Submitted by fathers4fairness on Wed, 2014-02-05 03:39
Story here. Only by careful reading will it be clear the babysitter was female. These lines show it: "She had pleaded not guilty and said the girl invented the story." and "...said the babysitter “broke a strong bond between a mother and daughter.”" Makes sense as it was a female babysitter. Excerpt:
'The mother of a young girl sexually assaulted by her babysitter told an Ottawa court Monday that the assault has condemned her daughter to a life of struggle.
The 27-year-old babysitter was convicted of the 2009 assault in October and will be sentenced next month.
According to evidence, the babysitter performed oral sex on the girl, who was five years old at the time of the offence.
She had pleaded not guilty and said the girl invented the story.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2014-02-04 13:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Last month, freelance journalist Amanda Hess, in a lengthy feature in Pacific Standard, declared that women are not welcome on the Internet. After describing her own frightening experience of online stalking, Hess lists other ugly incidents and cites statistics and studies arguing that women on the Internet—journalists, bloggers, and general users—are routinely terrorized solely because of their sex. New York Times conservative columnist Ross Douthat called the article “a candidate for the most troubling magazine essay of 2014.”
As evidence of the perils of being a woman online, Hess states that, “of the 3,787 people who reported harassment incidents from 2000 to 2012 to the volunteer organization Working to Halt Online Abuse, 72.5 percent were female.” This is an average of 288 women per year and these numbers hardly indicate an epidemic. Moreover, only a minority of the reports involved threats of violence (20 percent on average, and as few as seven percent in 2011-2012).
It’s important to note that men make up a nontrivial percentage of the victims of online harassment. Some of the disparity is likely due to self-selection; men who are harassed may be less inclined to complain than women. When American Internet users in a random survey by the Pew Research Center last year were asked if they had ever been stalked or harassed online, 13 percent of the women said yes—but so did 11 percent of the men. This is a surprisingly small gap within the poll’s margin of error.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Tue, 2014-02-04 06:40
Link here. Excerpt:
'Fusing technology with efforts to empower women and girls, the U.S. Department of State announced today that a delegation of 30 U.S. TechWomen mentors is meeting in Rwanda February 2-7 to collaborate and connect through workshops and visits with local organizations. An innovative public-private partnership, TechWomen pairs emerging women leaders in technology from the Middle East and Africa with American women mentors from the greater Silicon Valley area.
The U.S. TechWomen mentors traveling to Rwanda represent 23 companies in Silicon Valley and the Greater San Francisco Bay Area including: Blackberry, Calix, Citrix, Cisco, EMC, Ericsson, Fairrer Samani Group Ventures, Families Without Borders, Genentech, Intel Corp., Juniper Networks, Katy Dickinson Consulting, Law Offices of Patricia Bovan, NestGSV, Nisum Technologies,, Santa Clara University,, Shakour Marketing, Sun Run, Symantec, and Twitter.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2014-02-04 04:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'Feminist groups at more than a dozen universities are planning to participate in another mass “edit Wikipedia day,” because the free, volunteer encyclopedia website is obviously horribly sexist.
Sarah Stierch, a Wikipedia contributor and researcher for the Wikimedia Foundation, said the problem isn’t just that most Wikipedia user are male. The layout of the website is itself “very masculine,” she said.
“It’s aesthetically very masculine in its design,” said Stierch in a statement to The Daily Dot, also noting that, “The average Wikipedia editor is a well-educated white male. Well-educated white males have been writing history and the story of the world since ancient times.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-02-03 06:31
Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-02-03 01:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'This weekend, it's likely you will hear or read someone stating a commonly accepted "fact" that more incidents of domestic violence are reported on Super Bowl Sunday than on any other day of the year. It will be stated with great authority and you'll likely think, "How awful."
But that's a myth, and one that needs clearing up because it puts the focus in the wrong place. Reports of domestic violence do increase as January turns into February, but for other reasons.
Credit card bills for holiday purchases are arriving, just as heating costs are increasing due to colder weather. Bills are a stressor in any household and in a family facing violence they also become a reason for the abuser to exert the control that's at the heart of domestic violence.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-02-03 01:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'Ryan told the Elizabeth Grady students that because of the personal nature of their work, beauticians are in a unique position to spot signs of violence that many people wouldn't notice, including bumps or scars on the scalp, missing or damaged hair, red marks or bruising on the neck, as well as missed appointments, nervousness or anxiety. They were advised to be supportive and nonjudgmental and to gently refer the woman to brochures or cards in the salon containing information about local groups that can help.'
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