Police charge Calgary teacher with sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'CALGARY – A teacher with the Calgary Catholic School District is facing a number of serious charges related to the alleged sexual assault of a 16-year-old boy.

The 30-year-old woman is accused of carrying on a sexual relationship with the boy, who is a former student at the school where she teaches.

Police say a member of the public alerted officers after he spotted what he believed to be ‘suspicious activity’ in a vehicle in northwest Calgary.
Jennifer Mason is charged with sexual assault, invitation to sexual touching, sexual exploitation and sexual interference.

To protect the identity of the victim, details about the school have not been released, but police say parents have been notified.'

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JWeekly: Choosing not to circumcise — last frontier of Jewish inclusion?

Article here. Excerpt:

'How can synagogues make their members — and prospective members — feel more welcome?

Some synagogues send a message of inclusion, stating on their websites that they welcome gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Jews, Jews of color, disabled Jews and interfaith families. But there’s one Jewish minority that’s rarely, if ever, mentioned: the growing number of Jewish parents who choose not to circumcise their newborn sons.

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Petition: Support Mother Who Resists Court Order to Circumcise Son

Petition here. Text:

'The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center represents Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise their sons.

An Israeli religious court has fined a woman for refusing to circumcise her infant son. The matter is part of an ongoing divorce case. In Israel, religious courts have authority over various family matters like marriage, divorce, and child welfare. Circumcision is viewed as a requirement among religious Jews. Israel has struggled for generations to reconcile its religious and secular traditions.

The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. Circumcision has been shown to result in physical, sexual, and psychological harm.

As the caretaker and mother, she has the right to forgo circumcision like thousands of other Israeli parents. No civil law requires circumcision in Israel. When parents disagree, as in this instance, the default position is to let the child decide about circumcision when he is older.

The Jewish Circumcision Resource Center represents Jews around the world who question circumcision and choose not to circumcise their sons.

An Israeli religious court has fined a woman for refusing to circumcise her infant son. The matter is part of an ongoing divorce case. In Israel, religious courts have authority over various family matters like marriage, divorce, and child welfare. Circumcision is viewed as a requirement among religious Jews. Israel has struggled for generations to reconcile its religious and secular traditions.

The woman has said that she does not wish to harm her son. Circumcision has been shown to result in physical, sexual, and psychological harm.

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MANN Maintenance Complete

We're done! I'll get to posting new submissions shortly. Thanks for your patience.

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Hillary Clinton Found Murderer of 14-Year-Old Boy Very “Charismatic”

Article here. Excerpt:

'From the Blair papers: “May 15 – HC enthralled by S. Afr. investiture; discussed characters there like Arafat, Aristide, how charismati Winnie is.”

How charismatic was Winnie Mandela [link added]? Someone ought to ask Stompie Moeketsi.

'Stompie Seipei was killed on Winnie Madikizela-Mandela’s instructions to prevent the Mandela “crisis committee” discovering how badly the Mandela United Football Club had assaulted four youths they had abducted from the Soweto Methodist Manse, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission heard on Wednesday.

Former club “coach” Jerry Richardson testified that Madikizela-Mandela decided to kill Seipei to cover up what had happened.

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Nine Articles

  1. UK: Universities struggling to cope with 'lad culture'
  2. Exposed: Obama Blocks White House Council on Boys and Men
  3. Nicki Minaj apologizes for using Malcolm X, racial slur in cover art
  4. The (Silent) War On Men 
  5. What would life be like if women really did rule the world?
  6. NOW Demands Wall Street Journal Fire Columnist James Taranto for Promoting 'Rape Culture'
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Suicide on the rise for young U.S veterans

Article here. Excerpt:

'The January 2014 Suicide Data Update has been released by the Department of Veterans Affairs, and the news is not good. Suicides are up in two groups of veterans who utilized the VA health system: young males (ages 18-24) and women. The rate of female veterans’ suicides has climbed 31.2 percent for VA users. Does that not pierce your heart?

There are pockets of positive news. Taken in an overall trend, the rate of suicide among male veterans aged 35-64 who utilize VA hospital programs has decreased by 30 percent, and is down 16 percent for all ages. (The overall rate among those who don’t use the VA for help has increased by 60 percent.)

One thing is clear based on the figures for all male veterans: Getting help at the VA does work. If you’ve had thoughts of suicide, call this hotline number 1-800-273-8255 and press 1. Or send a text message to 38255. If you have access to a computer, go to veteranscrisisline.net and you can chat online. ...'

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UK: 'Evil' serial killer sorry she didn't kill more

Link here. Excerpt:

'A twisted UK serial killer has smiled and laughed in court saying she is "not sorry" for stabbing three men to death.

Joanna Dennehy, who has been dubbed "evil" by the English press, reportedly grinned her way through a pre-sentencing hearing at Cambridge Crown Court on Friday.

The 31-year-old broke into laughter as prosecutors revealed a photo of one of her victims, John Chapman, lying on a bed with five stab wounds, the Mirror reports.

Dennehy has admitted to murdering three men in Petersborough and dumping their bodies in ditches during a 12-day spree last March.'

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Student group decides saying "yes" to sex isn't enough

Article here. Excerpt:

'One of the hazards of youthful idealism is that one can easily verge over into naive self-righteousness. So I should have been prepared for the latest project of StudentsNS, a collection of Nova Scotia university student associations, around sexual consent.

But this new initiative is so overflowing with gormless self-congratulation that even I was stunned.

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NPO: Shared Parenting Introduced in South Carolina

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a bold move, National Parents Organization of South Carolina introduces National Parents Organization shared parenting model legislation. South Carolina is the latest state to join National Parents Organization. It is also the first state to take our recently developed model shared parenting legislation and work with a legislator to introduce some of the language and ideas. While it stops short of a presumption of shared parenting, it does introduce shared parenting to South Carolina family law and provide it as an additional option.

Senator Katrina Frye Shealy (R-23), the only woman in the South Carolina senate, is the lead sponsor for S. 905, Child Custody Orders. She is joined by Senators Ross Turner (R-8), Shane R. Martin (R-13), and Lee Bright (R-12). The bill is now in the Judiciary Committee.

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Notice: MANN Site Maintenance This Weekend

The MANN site may be intermittently available over this coming weekend due to platform maintenance. If at some point you see "Site Unavailable" messages or even DNS "Host Not Found"-type errors, don't sweat it. Just a typical day in cyberspace during a significant maintenance job. We should be done by some time on Sunday.

Also, new story submissions will not be posted after 5:00 PM Eastern Time (US) on Friday Feb. 14 (tomorrow). The expected resumption time for new posts is Sun. Feb. 16 at 3:00 PM ET. If anything about this changes, I'll post updates. I'll also post when it's known the site is fully stable.

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Woman Goes On Bloody Rampage After Boyfriend Refuses To Have Sex

Article here. Excerpt:

'An Arizona woman went on a naked rampage early Monday after her live-in boyfriend refused to have sex with her, police report.

Ashley Marie Prenovost, 24, was already intoxicated when her beau returned to the Glendale residence the couple shares with their four-month-old daughter. Prenovost, according to a court filing, “wanted to have sex with him and got naked.”

When her boyfriend declined to have sex, Prenovost became enraged, according to police. She allegedly punched two holes in a bedroom wall, and “punched a picture hanging on the wall in the hallway, causing glass to break and causing injuries to both of suspect’s hands.”
Pictured in the above mug shot, Prenovost was arrested on a variety of charges, including assault, disorderly conduct, and criminal damage. She was also hit with several child abuse counts since, during her tirade, she raced around the home with her baby in her arms. At one point, the child’s head struck a bedroom dresser.

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‘I Don’t Need Feminism’ Signs

Article here.

'We might be unsure if there’s a real war on women occurring today, but there is definitely some fighting over the ill-understood “feminism.”

Although many feminists have come out on the defensive about the inclusivity of the word/movement/whatever you want to call it, other women (let alone men) remain unconvinced.

So much so that young women have recently taken to various social media channels to declare: “I don’t need feminism.” The reasons are numerous, including:

“Because I believe in equality not entitlements and supremacy”

“Because I don’t think being a woman is a disadvantage”

“Because I respect men. I refuse to demonize them and blame them for my problems”

Maybe it’s the feminist in me, but I just don’t see any of these admonitions as something that would or should exclude a female from adopting the feminist title.

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Wall Street Journal Writer James Taranto's Rape Column Draws Outrage

Article here. Excerpt:

'Wall Street Journal columnist James Taranto is under fire after his latest piece about rape on college campuses.

In a column on Monday entitled "Drunkenness and Double Standards," Taranto suggested the female college students are as guilty as their aggressors if they are sexually assaulted while intoxicated.

"If two drunk drivers are in a collision, one doesn't determine fault on the basis of demographic details such as each driver's sex," Taranto argued. "But when two drunken college students 'collide,' the male one is almost always presumed to be at fault. His diminished capacity owing to alcohol is not a mitigating factor, but her diminished capacity is an aggravating factor for him."'

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Drunkenness and Double Standards

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education notes, at some campuses the accuser's having had one drink is sufficient to establish the defendant's guilt:

Stanford's definition of consent to sex imposes a concept that is foreign to most people's idea of adult consent and inconsistent with California state law. Stanford policy states that sexual assault occurs "when a person is incapable of giving consent. A person is legally incapable of giving consent . . . if intoxicated by drugs and/or alcohol." In other words, any sexual activity while intoxicated to any degree constitutes sexual assault. This is true even if the activity was explicitly agreed to by a person capable of making rational, reasoned decisions, and even if the partners are in an ongoing relationship or marriage.

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