Student-teacher sex: Are more female teachers being charged?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Mobile math teacher is convicted of having sex with a teenager. A fifth-grade teacher is implicated in Pell City. A foreign language teacher is charged in Tuscaloosa. A Sheffield Junior High School teacher, in a car, having sex, with a 15-year-old.

All of the accused are women. In fact, about one-third of the cases of possibly inappropriate relationships investigated by Alabama education officials in 2013 involved women.

"It may not be happening more, but now there's more punishment,'' said Josh Klapow, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at UAB's School of Public Health. "We don't know those incidents that aren't being caught and aren't being reported."'

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Title IX gives women opportunities at men’s expense

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are men’s rights being taken away when women are granted more? In most situations, such as equal pay and equal treatment in the workforce, the answer is no. The case of Title IX, however, is more complicated. Title IX sets criteria for universities to ensure that “sex discrimination [is banned] in educational institutions receiving federal funds.” The legislation has many benefits. For example, it prevents women from being harassed, abused or treated differently in an academic setting. When it comes to athletic opportunities, however, a lot of men are losing out. Because Title IX requires equal funding for both men’s and women’s teams, many universities have cut men’s programs, claiming they are unable to raise the budget for women’s sports without cutting from men’s. Is this necessarily the truth? No, because there are several other options available. Women in sports are gaining more opportunities while men are losing out for no clear or real reason.'

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China: "Wife cuts off husband's penis, again"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Bobbitting started when a man, identified as Han Mou, asked his wife for a divorce, reports.

The wife, named Zhang, believed her husband was seeking a divorce because he was in a relationship with at least one other woman.

Seeking to put an end to his suspected extra-marital rendezvous Zhang drugged him with sleeping pills, cut off his penis and flushed it down the toilet.

She was arrested but later bailed and continued to live with her genitally challenged husband and their children.
With his newly reclaimed manhood Mr Han set out on the quest for a new wife once again, expecting Zhang would be jailed, leaving him to raise his children alone.

Unimpressed with her husband's antics Zhang dusted off her sleeping pills and drugged a glass of his milk.

Mr Han later woke up in agony and screamed that his wife had cut off "everything".

Zhang called an ambulance and police to give herself up.

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Podcast: Should men be exempt from paying child support?

Podcast here. In brief, a discussion between two men who believe men should be exempt from paying child support because men have no reproductive rights.

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SAVE E-lert: Ask DED Sec'y Duncan: "Do You Abide by Affirmative Consent Mandates?"

Here we go with more craziness around preventing sexual assault on campus.

The Dept. of Education (DED) wants college students to follow Affirmative Consent requirements, which they describe as persons' "affirmative, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement" for any sexual encounter.

And, lawmakers in California claim that Affirmative Consent mandates that both partners give their explicit, verbal consent on a repeated basis throughout the process of having sex.

Now you can't ask, "Do you want me now?" to be sexy, you have to ask and get an answer, over and over again. And if anti-rape policies keep getting crazier, you better get it on audio tape, with a date and time stamp.

Let's ask DED Secy. Arne Duncan if his lovemaking sessions include this type of ongoing verbal exchange. Ask him, "The last time you had sex, did you follow Affirmative Consent requirements?"

Here's Arne Duncan's email:

And here's the info on Affirmative Consent. Check it out:

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"World’s biggest-ever survey on violence against women"

The European Union's Agency on Fundamental Rights has conducted interviews of approximately 42,000 women and concluded at 1/3 of European women are victims of violence.

A BBC News story on the survey here. The survey's main report is here.

Perhaps most importantly, the actual content of the survey is here. From this, it appears that if a woman has ever had an "offensive comment" posted about her on the Internet, or she has ever felt that her partner was suspicious about her sexual fidelity she may have been considered a victim of violence for purposes of this survey.

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Mother drives carload of children into ocean

Link here. Excerpt:

'The amateur vision shows a group of men rushing over to the black vehicles as it slowly edges further out into the ocean with a family inside.

Using the car's boot and doors to access the stricken children the men pluck the kids to safety as their 31-year-old mother walks away from the vehicle in a daze.

Mr Tesseneer said the impromptu heroes thought their work was done when one of the children told them there was still someone trapped in the car.

"The kids are like, 'No there's a baby. There's a baby,'" Mr Tesseneer said.

"She (the mother) wouldn't say a word. She didn't tell us nothing about a baby."
Their mother was taken to a local hospital for a psychiatric assessment.

She has refused to speak to police investigating the incident.'

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Female candidate for city council office mails out 'women are more honorable and ethical' fliers to voters

Article here. Excerpt:

'A candidate for the Santa Fe City Council has mailed a flier urging voters to support her in a race against two men, because, she says, women make better public servants.

Mary Bonney, an art gallery owner on trendy Canyon Road and a candidate for District 2 in the state capital, cites five reasons to vote for women, including: They are “more responsive to constituents,” “more focused on cooperation” and “have proven to be more honorable and ethical.”
The flier also quotes Margaret Thatcher, who said, “If you want something said ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman.”

When asked if the flier may alienate men in her district, Bonney said, “It certainly wasn’t meant to intend to offend men, for sure.”

But if a man sent out a flier saying men are more responsive to constituents, more focused on cooperation and are more honorable and ethical, wouldn’t that risk the ire of women voters?

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"Women’s Jobs Are More Stressful And Less Flexible Than Men’s"

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 27 developed countries, women’s jobs are not just lower paid than men’s, but they also offer less flexibility and fewer advancement opportunities while inducing more stress, according to a new study from SAGE and the British Sociological Association.

The researchers, Professor Haya Stier of Tel Aviv University and Professor Meir Yaish of the University of Haifa, looked at survey data from 8,500 working men and 9,000 women in a wide swath of countries, including the United States. They found that on a scale of one to five, men’s answers were 8 percent more positive than women’s when it came to their income and their opportunities for promotion.

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Swedish firm defends 'ladies only' job ad

Article here. Excerpt:

'Malmö start-up, which creates tools for sales organizations, recently advertised two positions within their company. The firm has been on the lookout for a blogger/marketing position and an outbound sales junior role, and stated in the job listings that they had a preference for female candidates.

"The position is in Malmö (Sweden) and you are fluent in English and are proficient with the technical tools. Preferably you are a woman. Yes, we are biased to hiring women for all positions," stated the advert.

At present, employs one woman in its 10-strong workforce. Co-founder and CEO Hampus Jakobsson told The Local that the lack of females in the office had been the motivation for the biased job posting.

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UK official: All-women shortlists could be allowed in FTSE 100 companies

Story here. Excerpt:

'Business Secretary Vince Cable has backed recommendations which could see headhunters draft women-only shortlists for board-level posts, eliminating men entirely from the recruitment process.

All-women shortlists are not currently used in the private sector because they are fraught with legal difficulties and leave companies open to sex discrimination claims from men left out of the hiring process.

But Mr Cable has asked the UK’s equality body, the Equalities and Human Rights Commission, to create guidance for headhunters on when and how women-only shortlists could be used in accordance with the law, free from the threat of litigation.

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BBC: Psychological abuse 'should be a made crime'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Psychological abuse should be made a crime in England and Wales in order to save more victims of domestic violence, campaigners have said.

The groups, including Women's Aid, say current legislation focuses too much on specific incidents, such as an assault.

They say the law fails to take into account power and control, which are the essence of domestic abuse.

The Home Office said it would carefully consider the idea after a police review of domestic abuse was completed.

Women's Aid, the Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation and stalking advice service Paladin have urged the government to criminalise "coercive control", patterns of abusive behaviour and causing psychological harm, in order to make it easier to prove long-running abuse.'

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SAVE: Affirmative Consent: Exercise in Parody

Article here. Excerpt:

'The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey found that each year, nearly identical percentages of men and women experience sexual violence other than rape (men: 5.3%; women: 5.6%). And rapes have plummeted to their lowest levels in decades—see graph on the right. Still, campus extremists insist our society is permeated with what they call “rape-culture.”

Their solution? Affirmative Consent, which the U.S. Department of Education describes as persons’ “affirmative, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement” for any sexual encounter.

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Somaliland leaders want female genitals to be cut

Article here. Rightfully, we read this article, and think it's incomprehensible, especially as it says the girls who had it done to them think it was good for them. Sound familiar? Switch the genders and most people in western countries would be "meh..." about it. Religion's no excuse when it comes to FGM, right? So why is it when it comes to MGM? Excerpt:

'The 30 Somali teenagers - both boys and girls - all agreed: Female genital mutilation is harmful and the practice should be abandoned. But what they really meant, they revealed moments later, is that girls should have their genitalia cut - just not sewn shut.

"It's our tradition and if the girls are not subjected to suna(cutting) she will not be accepted for marriage," said Asthma Ibrahim Jabril, 17.

The students, who are part of an afterschool club in Somaliland which the U.N. children's agency helps fund, discuss issues like child labor, early marriage, and female genital mutilation in a classroom with several large hearts scrawled along the walls.
All 15 girls sitting opposite the boys at Sheik Nuur Primary school have undergone suna_the removal of the clitoris and the labia minora. They all said it was the right thing to do.

Female genital mutilation comes in many different forms. The other form known by the Somali teens is sewing the vagina shut until marriage. Everyone agreed that this should be ended.
Female genital mutilation can cause severe bleeding and problems with urination, cysts, infections, infertility and complications with childbirth, including an increased risk of newborn death. More than 125 million girls and women alive today have been cut in 29 African and Middle Eastern countries, the World Health Organization says.

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How Colleges Could Get Rid of Fraternities

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fraternities offer their members opportunities for community service, friendship, and leadership. They also create environments that seem to breed hazing, binge drinking, and sexual assault. Universities have struggled to harness fraternities’ power for good and diminish their capability for evil, but so far little has worked. So what can universities do to stem the flow of fatalities, injuries, and sexual assaults at fraternities? Instead of threatening fraternities with everything from limited rush week activities to double secret probation, some think the solution is to end the reign of fraternities on American campuses altogether. Last month, Bloomberg’s editors called for college administrations to abolish fraternities. Caitlin Flanagan called for the “shuttering” of fraternities in a 2011 Wall Street Journal piece. Other writers have penned similar pieces.

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