Nearly half of women in Massachusetts experience some kind of sexual violence?

Story here. Excerpt:

'It’s White Ribbon Day on Beacon Hill. 22News spoke with lawmakers, men and boys throughout Massachusetts about their vow to end violence towards women.

One in seven women in Massachusetts has experienced rape in their lifetime. Now, men from Beacon Hill and around the state pledge to lower that statistic.

“I take the pledge because I said the women in my life deserve better. They deserve to be safe. If I can feel safe, they should be able to feel safe,” said University of Massachusetts Amherst student, Scott Greene.

The issue hits close to home; nearly half of all women in Massachusetts have experienced some type of sexual violence other than rape. The White Ribbon Day Campaign hopes to change that statistic by urging men and boys to take a stand and help end violence towards women.'

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Police: Mother Assaulted Girl, 3, For Microwaving Cellphone

Story here.

'A mother was arrested this week, on charges that she assaulted her 3-year-old daughter after the child destroyed her cellphone by cooking it in the microwave oven.

Police sources told CBS 2 that Krystle Reyes, 28, was arrested at her apartment on West 49th Street in Hell’s Kitchen at 5 p.m. Thursday, after neighbors called 911 to report a commotion.

When officers arrived, they found the girl in the bathtub with a cut below her right eye, as well as bruises on her back, right arm, left ear and neck, sources said.

Reyes told police she grabbed the girl by the arm, placed her in the tub and smacked her, sources said.

The child was hospitalized and the city Administration for Children’s Services was notified, sources said.

Reyes was charged with assault of a child less than 7 years old and reckless endangerment, police said.'

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NPO: Let’s Debate — Determining Custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some people argue that determining custody is fairly simple — in their view, that parent who provided the primary care during the marriage should be awarded primary custody subsequent to divorce.

This argument recently surfaced in response to National Parents Organization’s founder and chair Ned Holstein’s interview on National Public Radio. An Indiana attorney who Blogs for Babble, a website sponsored by Disney wrote this:

“In Indiana, the judges will look at a series of factors in determining which parent should be the primary custodian of the children. What it basically boils down to is which parent has been acting as the primary custodian of the children? Which parent has been changing the kids’ diapers? Which parent helps the kids with their schoolwork? Which parent gets up in the morning and gets the kids off to school? Which parent spends the most time with the kids? Which parent does the kids’ laundry?”

Did you get that judges? The primary caregiver gets the primary custody. Done. Next case...

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Mandatory arrest in domestic violence call-outs causes early death in victims

Article here. Excerpt:

'New research from a major 'randomised' arrest experiment 23 years ago finds that domestic violence victims whose partners were arrested on misdemeanor charges – mostly without causing injury – were 64% more likely to have died early, compared to victims whose partners were warned but not removed by police.

Among African-American victims, arrest increased early mortality by a staggering 98% – as opposed to white victims, whose mortality was increased from arrest by just 9%. The research also found that employed victims suffered the worst effects of their partners' arrests. Employed black victims with arrested partners suffered a death rate over four times higher than those whose partner received a warning at the scene. No such link was found in white victims.

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Civil Rights Lawsuit Alleges Deputies Burned Man's Genitals With Taser

Story here. I do not think for a moment that if this is true, any given police officer of either sex would have treated a female this way -- not that a police officer ought to be treating anyone this way no matter what. Excerpt:

'A Southern California man is accusing Los Angeles County Sheriff's deputies in a federal civil rights lawsuit of attacking him and using a Taser on his genitals while his mother watched.

Daniel Johnson, 26, filed the lawsuit in January against the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department after deputies allegedly threw him to the ground and attacked him for asking if he could pick up his father's cigarette to avoid a fine.

Johnson was cooking dinner at his mother's Altadena home on Dec. 26, 2012, when a man knocked on the door to tell Johnson his father was being ticketed outside for putting out a cigarette on the ground, according to the filed complaint.

he complaint describes Johnson's father as a 58-year-old disabled man who walks with a cane and often drops things because of nerve damage in his hands.

LA Sheriff's "Deputy Abdulfattah," as named in the complaint, explained to Johnson he was giving his father a $1,000 ticket and community service for littering.

Johnson offered to pick the cigarette up from the ground, when Abdulfattah told Johnson, "I can write you a ticket too if you want," according to the complaint.
Russell, according to the complaint, allegedly put Johnson in a "full nelson hold" with his arms under Johnson's armpits and hand behind Johnson's head.

At the same time Russell then allegedly took Johnson to the ground, Abdulfattah allegedly hit Johnson's father in the face, according to the complaint.

While Johnson was held to the ground by Russell, Abdulfattah used a Taser on Johnson's genitals multiple times, the complaint stated.

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Cheap shot: Cops say Wisconsin woman offered $1,000, sex to kill fiance

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Wisconsin woman offered a hitman $1,000 — and sex — to kill her fiance, cops say.

Jessica Strom, 33, of Wausau, was arraigned Monday on a charge of conspiracy to commit to first-degree homicide.

Late last month she hatched her plan to kill her beau, John Schellpfeffer, according to court documents posted to The Smoking Gun.

Strom allegedly met with an acquaintance who she knew through Northcentral Technical College on Feb. 26, telling him she had a “business proposal.”

“Would you ever kill anybody?” she asked, according to documents.

Cops said the friend, whose name was redacted from court papers, replied he could never do that.
“Don’t tell anyone about this,” she allegedly said. “I don’t want to have to kill you too.”

That’s when the acquaintance decided to alert cops.

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Tammy Bruce: War on boys an attempt to create fearful populace

Story here. Excerpt:

We asked her, "So many times we hear about 'the war on boys'--of a boy fashioning his hand or breakfast pastry into the shape of gun, then being suspended. What are we to think of this?"

Bruce responded:
Look, there is a culture through the left that wants to emasculate the nation as a whole. It's through the military, of course, you see Obama trying to do that, as well. We see it through what's happening in education. Political correctness itself was meant to end the notion that we could have direct conversations, that we could be ambitious, that we could be our own people.

Men are seen, of course, by the feminist movement and by the left who are led by the same individuals as those with the feminist-movement mentality. And they see the best way to emasculate the nation--certainly to cut it off at its knees--is to start with the children. And the biggest threat there are little boys.

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Swedish man ruled legal father of unwanted twins

Story here. Excerpt:

'An older Swedish couple with one child decided to seek help conceiving another, but were forced abroad as embryo donations - where both the egg and the sperm come from third parties - are not legal in Sweden. The man, however, claimed he was clear about wanting just one child, partly because he and his wife are both in their fifties, and the couple ticked a box stating so on the consent form.

The first attempt did not work, but the wife travelled abroad again for a second try, this time leaving her husband at home. At the clinic, she amended the consent form to allow the staff to implant two embryos at once. She did not tell her husband. The second attempt failed too, but the woman persisted, again travelling abroad for a third procedure. Yet no matter her desire for another child, the news that she was expecting twins would cost her her husband.

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Sweden: Greens propose Women's Day as holiday

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sweden's Green party have proposed turning the annual International Women's Day (IWD) into a public holiday and said that gender equality has gone backwards under the current government.

In an op-ed published in Swedish daily Svenska Dagbladet on IWD the party's spokesperson Gustav Fridolin said it should become a red day on the calendar. The editorial was co-signed by Green party politicians Åsa Romson and Gunvor G Ericsson.

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Student-teacher sex: Are more female teachers being charged?

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Mobile math teacher is convicted of having sex with a teenager. A fifth-grade teacher is implicated in Pell City. A foreign language teacher is charged in Tuscaloosa. A Sheffield Junior High School teacher, in a car, having sex, with a 15-year-old.

All of the accused are women. In fact, about one-third of the cases of possibly inappropriate relationships investigated by Alabama education officials in 2013 involved women.

"It may not be happening more, but now there's more punishment,'' said Josh Klapow, a clinical psychologist and associate professor at UAB's School of Public Health. "We don't know those incidents that aren't being caught and aren't being reported."'

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Title IX gives women opportunities at men’s expense

Article here. Excerpt:

'Are men’s rights being taken away when women are granted more? In most situations, such as equal pay and equal treatment in the workforce, the answer is no. The case of Title IX, however, is more complicated. Title IX sets criteria for universities to ensure that “sex discrimination [is banned] in educational institutions receiving federal funds.” The legislation has many benefits. For example, it prevents women from being harassed, abused or treated differently in an academic setting. When it comes to athletic opportunities, however, a lot of men are losing out. Because Title IX requires equal funding for both men’s and women’s teams, many universities have cut men’s programs, claiming they are unable to raise the budget for women’s sports without cutting from men’s. Is this necessarily the truth? No, because there are several other options available. Women in sports are gaining more opportunities while men are losing out for no clear or real reason.'

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China: "Wife cuts off husband's penis, again"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Bobbitting started when a man, identified as Han Mou, asked his wife for a divorce, reports.

The wife, named Zhang, believed her husband was seeking a divorce because he was in a relationship with at least one other woman.

Seeking to put an end to his suspected extra-marital rendezvous Zhang drugged him with sleeping pills, cut off his penis and flushed it down the toilet.

She was arrested but later bailed and continued to live with her genitally challenged husband and their children.
With his newly reclaimed manhood Mr Han set out on the quest for a new wife once again, expecting Zhang would be jailed, leaving him to raise his children alone.

Unimpressed with her husband's antics Zhang dusted off her sleeping pills and drugged a glass of his milk.

Mr Han later woke up in agony and screamed that his wife had cut off "everything".

Zhang called an ambulance and police to give herself up.

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Podcast: Should men be exempt from paying child support?

Podcast here. In brief, a discussion between two men who believe men should be exempt from paying child support because men have no reproductive rights.

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SAVE E-lert: Ask DED Sec'y Duncan: "Do You Abide by Affirmative Consent Mandates?"

Here we go with more craziness around preventing sexual assault on campus.

The Dept. of Education (DED) wants college students to follow Affirmative Consent requirements, which they describe as persons' "affirmative, unambiguous, and voluntary agreement" for any sexual encounter.

And, lawmakers in California claim that Affirmative Consent mandates that both partners give their explicit, verbal consent on a repeated basis throughout the process of having sex.

Now you can't ask, "Do you want me now?" to be sexy, you have to ask and get an answer, over and over again. And if anti-rape policies keep getting crazier, you better get it on audio tape, with a date and time stamp.

Let's ask DED Secy. Arne Duncan if his lovemaking sessions include this type of ongoing verbal exchange. Ask him, "The last time you had sex, did you follow Affirmative Consent requirements?"

Here's Arne Duncan's email:

And here's the info on Affirmative Consent. Check it out:

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"World’s biggest-ever survey on violence against women"

The European Union's Agency on Fundamental Rights has conducted interviews of approximately 42,000 women and concluded at 1/3 of European women are victims of violence.

A BBC News story on the survey here. The survey's main report is here.

Perhaps most importantly, the actual content of the survey is here. From this, it appears that if a woman has ever had an "offensive comment" posted about her on the Internet, or she has ever felt that her partner was suspicious about her sexual fidelity she may have been considered a victim of violence for purposes of this survey.

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