Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2014-03-13 02:42
Story here. Excerpt:
'A South Carolina woman who allegedly operated an unlicensed daycare out of her home faces multiple charges after a child under her care died. But investigators say that's just the tip of the iceberg.
Pamela Clark Wood, 49, was arrested March 6. Police began investigating Wood last month after Greenville County Sheriff’s deputies received a call about an unresponsive 3-month-old baby girl, who later died.
When police went to the house to check on the baby Feb. 21, they allegedly discovered Wood's teenage daughter hiding in a room with 14 children. Authorities also said they found a child left unsupervised around the house, along with hazards, such as cleaning chemicals and alcoholic beverages, left unsecured.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 20:40
Story here. This is a case of an alleged sexual assault, kidnapping, and attempted murder, not bullying. Excerpt:
'Two teenage girls in southern Maryland bullied an apparently autistic 16-year-old boy into performing sexual acts and crashing through pond ice in episodes they captured on cellphone video, authorities said Wednesday.
The girls, ages 17 and 15, threatened the teen with a knife, kicked him in the groin and dragged him around by his hair, said St. Mary's County Sheriff's Office Sgt. Cara Grumbels. They coerced him into walking on a partially frozen pond and then refused to help him out of the frigid water, she said.
Grumbles said the boy got out himself, but the prank could have turned deadly.
"You're dealing with somebody who doesn't have the mental capacity of you and I," she said. "Somebody like that could go into a kiddie pool and may not be able to get themselves out. That's what's really kind of disturbing to us, among the other allegations in this case. The whole thing's just very disturbing."
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Submitted by fathers4fairness on Wed, 2014-03-12 19:47
Story here. Excerpt:
"A Premier League footballer cleared of gang rape allegations has lashed out at women he sees as targeting wealthy footballers as cash cows.
French international Loic Remy, who plays for Newcastle United, says wannabe WAGs go after players like him for their cash - however they can get it.
'These girls are vicious and greedy,' he told The Sun's Rachel Dale, in his first public comments on his ordeal since he was first arrested nine months ago.
Twenty-seven-year-old Remy was one of three men last year accused of the champagne-fuelled gang rape of a 34-year-old woman at his rented flat in Fulham, West London.
He denied the allegation, and last month the Metropolitan Police finally said there would be no further action taken against him.
He admitted he should have been smarter, but said: 'When you're a footballer, single and want to have fun, you can have any girl you want.
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Submitted by fathers4fairness on Wed, 2014-03-12 19:41
Story here. Excerpt:
'An angry mother launched a hate campaign against a primary school headteacher by spreading false rumours that he had sexually abused her daughter, a court heard.
Teresa Hughes, 39, sent a hand-written letter to teacher Phil Jackson before bombarding Lyppard Grange Primary School in Worcester with phone calls.
Hughes then met another parent outside Tesco and pretended Mr Jackson had been suspended for touching her nine-year-old daughter Gabriella.
She also left a rambling message on the school's answerphone, claiming staff were trying to get Gabriella to leave.
Hughes, who lives in Worcester, admitted one charge of harassment when she appeared before magistrates in the town on Monday.
Prosecutor Leslie Ashton told the court the 'malicious unfounded allegations' caused Mr Jackson so much stress that he likened it to being diagnosed with cancer.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 18:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'A high school senior in Ohio is facing felony charges after officials at the technical school he was attending for firefighter training searched his vehicle and found a pocketknife. The young man's future and his dreams of serving the public are now in jeopardy.
"If I am convicted of a felony, I'm never going to be a police officer. I'm never going to be a fireman. I'm never going to be in the military," Jordan Wiser told The Huffington Post. "I won't even be able to be a janitor. I'm 18 years old, and this is going to ruin my entire life."
Wiser was enrolled at the Ashtabula County Technical and Career Campus (A-Tech) in Jefferson, Ohio, a small village located about 60 miles northeast of Cleveland. Wiser told HuffPost he was taking A-Tech's Firefighter 2 and EMT courses.
"The principal said he had reason to believe I had weapons in my vehicle and needed to search it," Wiser said. "He made me empty out all my pockets, and the vice principal grabbed me and patted me down very forcibly. It was somewhat awkward. Then they took my car keys. I told them what was in my car and said, 'Don't be alarmed.'"
Wiser said he did not give school officials permission to search his vehicle, and there was no warrant to perform the search. School administrators, he said, cited the school handbook as their warrant. He claims they also denied his request to call an attorney.
Inside Wiser's vehicle, officials found an assortment of items, including the folding blade pocketknife, a stun gun and two Airsoft guns. Airsoft is a sport in which participants eliminate opponents by hitting them with spherical non-metallic pellets, launched from the Airsoft guns.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 17:20
Story here. Excerpt:
'A department of feminist studies professor has been accused of going berserk after coming across a campus prolife demonstration that used extremely graphic displays, leading a small mob of students to chant “tear down the sign” before grabbing one of the signs, storming off with it, then allegedly engaging in an altercation with a 16-year-old prolife protestor who had followed the educator to retrieve it.
Much of the scuffle was recorded on a smartphone by the 16-year-old, Thrin Short. The yet-to-be-released video is now in the custody of Santa Barbara law enforcement officials, who are investigating the March 4 incident.
The professor at the heart of the controversy is Mireille Miller-Young, an associate professor whose area of emphasis is black cultural studies, pornography and sex work, according to her faculty webpage. She could not be reached for comment Tuesday by The College Fix.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 17:08
Article here.
'A ballot measure in Montana that would require an equal number of men and women to serve in the state Legislature is a step closer to getting on the November ballot.
A petition for the measure was approved last Tuesday by the Montana secretary of state's office. The measure would force the Montana Legislature to reconstruct its gender makeup in a 50/50 split. Currently, women now hold 41 of the 150 seats in the Legislature.
The measure is still several steps away from ever becoming law. But even if it did, the text of the initiative doesn't exactly make clear how such a drastic overhaul of the Legislature would be carried out. The text says the Legislature "shall be composed of fifty percent men and fifty percent women," and that the transition would not take effect until "on or before the second general legislative election held after the next redistricting."
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-03-12 05:13
Story here. Excerpt:
'Young married men have almost disappeared in England and Wales, figures revealed yesterday.
There are now fewer than 58,000 married men under 25, official figures show.
The proportion of men who marry young has collapsed to 1.7 per cent, marking a profound change in family life since the 1950s.
About 135,000 young women marry annually, figures from the 2011 census, just released by the Office for National Statistics, reveal.
Most of them have found men who have reached their late twenties or older.
In the 1950s, three-quarters of women and half of all men were married by their mid-twenties.
These days one in three men in their twenties is still with their parents and the average age at which a young person leaves their childhood home is 26.
Average ages at which people marry are now at just under 30 for women and over 30 for men.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-03-12 05:08
Rape and sexual assault are hot topics in the media. While campus hysteria and false facts abound, we'd like to take this opportunity to educate.
Most advocacy focuses on female victims, women who have been raped by men. Occasionally we see male victims mentioned, men raped by other men.
Today we'd like you to consider men who have been "forced to penetrate," men who have been raped by women.
As you can see, when you add these cases, men and women are victims of rape in very similar numbers:
- Female victim data shown here.
- Male victim data shown here.
Visit Male Survivor to learn more about male victimization. Then you too can help us counter misinformation and gender biased articles.
On behalf of every male victim, thank you!
Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 04:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Former Chief Judge of New York State Judith S. Kaye always makes necessary sense, as she did when she recently wrote this in the opinion pages of The New York Times:
“As universal pre-K and the Common Core standards dominate the headlines, we cannot overlook a third subject that deserves top billing: keeping children in school and out of courts” (Letters, The New York Times, Feb. 22).
Kaye was writing in response to an op-ed that had run in the Times last month. In it, Robert K. Ross and Kenneth H. Zimmerman, the respective heads of the California Endowment and the United States programs for the Open Society Foundations, wrote: “Large numbers of students are kicked out, typically for nonviolent offenses, and suspensions have become the go-to response for even minor misbehavior, like carrying a plastic water gun to elementary school ...
At South Eastern Middle School in Fawn Grove, Pa., 10-year-old “fifth-grader Johnny Jones asked his teacher for a pencil during class. Jones walked to the front of the classroom to retrieve the pencil, and during his walk back to his seat, a classmate and friend of Johnny’s held his folder like an imaginary gun and ‘shot’ at Johnny.
“Johnny playfully used his hands to draw the bowstrings on a completely imaginary ‘bow’ and ‘shot’ an arrow back.
The school’s code of conduct required Principal John Horton to “contact the appropriate police department, complete an incident report to file with the school superintendent and begin the process of mandatory expulsion immediately.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 04:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'The criticism of the debate’s all-male panel from feminist-leaning students is almost not worth addressing, especially as the full panel was still clearly ‘to be confirmed’. Nonetheless, it is worth pointing out that the debate is primarily about free speech and censorship. The priority is to have a balanced ‘pro-ban vs anti-ban’ line-up, rather than a ‘male vs female’ or ‘feminist vs anti-feminist’ one. People should be treated as absolute equals; there’s no room for ‘token’ panelists in a grown-up debate.
However, given that a campaign to ban the Sun and the Daily Star from Nottingham’s campus shops is currently under way, under the banner of the feminist No More Page 3 campaign group, I accept that an all-male panel, or one which excluded feminists altogether, would be unbalanced and ineffective. But this is precisely why I have been in contact with female and feminist speakers from the outset. A few feminist speakers, willing to argue that banning Page 3 is an essential step to gender equality and put me in my place for daring to suggest it is ‘censorship’, would be welcome. Unfortunately, those I have invited to speak have been too concerned about the wording of the title of the debate and the motivations of other associated groups to participate.'
In response to my invitation, a prominent member of the national No More Page 3 campaign commented that ‘No More Page 3 would be unlikely to host or sponsor a debate about Page 3’; instead they would have preferred a ‘seminar’. It’s quite clear what a ‘seminar’ would entail. If I had wanted to stage a one-sided sermon or a call-to-arms rally I would have organised one. Instead, my intention is to host a balanced dialogue where the side making the most convincing case will come out on top.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 03:55
Article here. Excerpt:
'High-achieving women such as Beyonce and Condoleeza Rice have joined Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg’s new campaign to ban the word “bossy.” No, really. They want to ban the word “bossy.”
'2) Girls are strong. Stop overprotecting them.
It completely conflicts with the “Lean-In” message to treat girls like they’re dainty little flowers who change their entire personalities if someone utters a not-even-that-mean word in their general direction. If you want women to take over companies and give up their wombs until they’re approaching 40 to do so, you have to toughen them up, not cater to their slightest hurt feelings. Seriously.
3) ‘Bossy’ isn’t even gender-specific.
True story. My 4-year-old came home from school on the day of the BanBossy campaign launch to tell me that a little girl told a little boy in the class that he was being bossy by not letting them play with the toy he was using. I think that the entire crew will survive this horrible slight and that they might even grow up to be functioning members of society. But the idea that “bossy” is something only girls hear is just not in any way matched by my experience. Or my daughter’s.
6) Making people feel bad for using adjectives is pretty bossy. So wait, all the cool and beautiful girls who are super-popular and wealthy got together and decided that not only were they not going to use a word but that no one else could either? No, that’s not bossy at all, is it.
7) Not everyone’s a leader and it’s time to stop shaming people who aren’t.
This is perhaps the most important point. The BanBossy site says:
Together we can encourage girls to lead. Pledge to Ban Bossy.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-03-12 03:52
Article here. Excerpt:
'`Assertive little girls are leaders to be celebrated. Assertive little boys are rapists to be medicate`
Yep, as Twitchy reported, this is happening: A#BanBossy language-policing campaign launched by Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg.
We wonder if they will accept this compromise?
`If we're going to stop labeling little girls "bossy", can we stop labeling little boys with finger guns "psychotic latent mass murderers"?`
That tweet was retweeted 500 times and counting. It does say it all, doesn’t it?'
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Submitted by fathers4fairness on Tue, 2014-03-11 17:58
Story here. Children are being denied contact with famous father who is quite ill in hospital with Parkinson's Disease by step-mom Jean. However the "Dad" in this case is formerly well-known radio personality Casey Kasem who hosted a weekly national program called "American Top 40" until he retired in 2009. The now-adult children simply wish to see their father before it is too late and are lobbying for legislation that would allow this to happen. For more information go to Excerpt:
'But the courtroom stirred and the spectators sat forward when Case No. BP145805 was called, and no fewer than six attorneys lined up before the judge in the matter of Julie Kasem et. al., petitioner, v. Jean Kasem, respondent, in respect to a "conservatorship of person" -- that absent person being 81-year-old Casey Kasem, the radio legend. For decades, Kasem counted down the weekly hit singles on American Top 40 and its spinoffs, exhorting his listeners to "Keep your feet on the ground and keep reaching for the stars." Several generations of kids also knew him as the voice of the teenage Shaggy on the Scooby-Doo series. He had taped his last broadcast in 2009, then quietly retired.
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Submitted by fathers4fairness on Tue, 2014-03-11 17:39
Contrary to claims from feminist groups pressing for greater numbers of women on corporate boards, article here. Excerpt:
'They may lack the competitive streak of their male colleagues but women are loath to work together.
A study found two women are less likely to co-operate than two men when one is more powerful than the other.
Similarly, two females of different rank are less likely to work together than a man and a woman.
The finding contradicts the widely held belief that women’s nurturing nature makes it natural for them to help each other out, while men are too competitive to have time for each other.
Researchers said that men may be wired to put their differences aside in order to form alliances. Women, however, are most comfortable with people who are on the same level as them.
Richard Wrangham, of the University of Quebec at Montreal, said: ‘The question we wanted to examine was: Do men or women co-operate better with members of their own sex?
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