Australia: Position Vacant - Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship in Men's Health, Adelaide University

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Freemasons Foundation Centre for Men's Health (FFCMH) was established with the vision to enable men to live longer, healthier and happier lives. The FFCMH's mission is to pursue innovative research programs, significantly improve health services, deliver evidence-based training programs, and disseminate the latest health information and education resources.

The FFCMH is seeking an Early Career Post-Doctoral Research Fellow with a PhD in a relevant field that has application in the setting of men's health. Research Experience with a men's health focus is desirable but not essential. You must be highly motivated and have a track record of presentations and publications that demonstrate research capabilities and have a commitment to research excellence.
Closing date: Friday 28 March 2014'

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UK: "No, men are not all potential paedophiles"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Red-faced and rendered speechless, I hurried away. Minutes later, I became enraged by what had just happened. I’d basically been accused of being some kind of sweet-bag-rattling nonce, drooling through the fence with a blacked out van parked round the corner. It seemingly hadn't occured to any of those observers that I did simply want to see my own son; their instinct was to view me as a sex offender.

I don't think this is an isolated incident either. Many dads I know think twice before using family changing rooms or viewing areas at swimming pools, before going to play groups, or even, like me, before waving to their own child through the school fence.

One local swimming pool backs onto its reception area, and if anyone (any men, no doubt) are seen “behaving inappropriately”, i.e. looking at children (their own or anyone else's), the receptionist presses a button which immediately blacks out the glass.

"Sorry son, I didn't see you do your first ever backstroke width because the pool staff suspected I might be another Gary Glitter."

A dad friend of mine told me recently that he was asked by a mum to stop taking photos of his son in a playground, because her daughter was on the next swing. She told him she felt it “wasn’t appropriate”.

He, like me, was consumed by an unfounded shame, as if the default position is "guilty until proven innocent".

The unsavoury truth is that these days we cannot escape paedophilia – or, more to the point, the fear of paedophilia. The wall-to-wall media coverage of child abuse scandals ensures that this fear-fuelled fire never goes out.

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Charges unlikely for Houston dad accused of shooting daughter’s boyfriend, prosecutor says

Story here. The only reason why this boy is dead is because the daughter lied to her father by claiming she didn't know him. Excerpt:

'The Houston father who police say fatally shot a 17-year-old boy who was inside his daughter’s bedroom early Thursday morning will likely not be charged, an area prosecutor told
The investigation into the shooting is ongoing, and a grand jury will ultimately decide if charges are appropriate. But so far it appears the father, who was only identified as a 55-year-old in reports, was awaken by one of his other children at about 2:20 a.m. He was told someone was in his 16-year-old daughter's bedroom and he grabbed his gun.

He reportedly found the teen in bed with his daughter and confronted him. His daughter apparently told him she did not know the boy.

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Is Sheryl Sandberg's 'Ban Bossy' Campaign Bad for Boys?

Article here. Excerpt:

'After days of discussing, researching, arguing, reading and thinking about Sheryl Sandberg’s 'Ban Bossy' campaign I have to admit, I’m exhausted. And confused, because the one question that keeps popping into my head is: what about the boys?

Oh no. I'm not actually going to defend men here, am I? After all, men are responsible for building a society that is inherently biased against women. They set that glass ceiling in place. Most men don’t even bother to join conversations about gender equality. They don’t need our help, or our sympathy.
Despite these numbers, a nagging worry persists in my mind, especially as I see campaigns like Sandberg's. The privilege once associated with being born male seems to be dissipating. Manufacturing jobs have moved abroad. Traditional blue-collar jobs are disappearing. The days of men forgoing college and still earning a comfortable living for their families are over.
What do men (and boys) have?

Not much. No support groups, no Dads Night Out. No church, synagogue, mosque, country club or community institution like the ones that once provided men with some sort of a social life. No whiling away the hours on Facebook. Heck, we barely let our fellas watch a Sunday football game or enjoy a round of golf. Being a guy today seems lonely, difficult and confusing.

Perhaps I shouldn’t care that men are being displaced. Perhaps it’s good for them to know what it feels like to be the underdog. Or the forgotten. But where, I wonder, will that ultimately lead us? To more boys on Adderall? To more isolated, unhappy young men on the news after another mass shooting? As I see the many obstacles males are facing, my greatest concern is that girls and women rising will lead, almost by default, to boys and men flailing.

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'Who belongs in the delivery room?'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Should a father be allowed in the delivery room for the birth of his child, over the mother's objections? A New Jersey judge said no last November, in a ruling that was released in writing earlier this week. "Any interest a father has before the child's birth is subordinate to the mother's interest," Judge Sohail Mohammed wrote. That has to be the right call. At the same time, I can understand why fathers' rights groups see the ruling as discrimination: It privileges motherhood over fatherhood.
The same logic of biology convinced me that a New York judge was wrong last year when she barred Sara McKenna, a former Marine and firefighter, from moving from California to New York, because she wanted to go to Columbia University, when she was seven months pregnant. The father of McKenna's child was the Olympic skier Bode Miller, and he tried to block her from moving across the country by asserting his paternal rights before his child was born. An appeals court quickly reversed that order. Again, fathers just cannot have rights over fetuses that interfere with a woman's freedom of choice and movement in this way. Once the child is born, the law can accord equal rights to fathers and mothers. Before birth, it just cannot.

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Three Utah bills to change rights of biological fathers in adoption cases encounter pushback

Article here. Excerpt:

'Loopholes in Utah's adoption law have been making it possible for pregnant women to head to the state and put children up for adoption, without consent of the biological fathers. Now three bills have been introduced during the current session in the state legislature to change things, but there's pushback.

"The policy of this state is to encourage marriage," said state Representative Merrill Nelson, during a recent house committee meeting.

He was objecting to proposed legislation to share information between states about fathers who are searching for their offspring. "Our job is to look after the rights of the child primarily, what is best for the child and it's not to look after the rights of the reckless, unwed father who fathered the child," Nelson added.
Donna Pope, owner of Heart to Heart Adoptions, co-signed the letter. She claims only a small percentage of fathers who truly want to be involved are actually left in the dark.

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Video: UC Santa Barbara Professor Assaults Young Pro-Life Activist

Video here. Caption:

'On March 4, 2014, UC Santa Barbara professor of Feminist Studies, Mireille Miller-Young, attacked Thrin Short, a young pro-life activist who was trained by Survivors. Miller stole Short's sign, and encouraged a group of students to violence, inciting an angry mob. Miller then took the sign into an elevator, where she repeatedly pushed, and even pulled Short, who was attempting to hold the elevator doors open until police arrived. Read the full story here:'

Background: College feminist professor shows again that "free speech" is only for those who agree with feminists

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UK: Police report man's penis cut off by group of men on suspicion he had sex with one of their girlfriends

Story here. Excerpt:

'A gypsy gang chopped off a man's genitals after they discovered he had slept with one of their girlfriends, it has been reported.

Police brought a busy dual carriageway to a standstill today to hunt for a penis after he was discovered severely injured at the side of the A-road.

The 40-year-old was discovered in a distressed state on the side of the A66 dual carriageway in Middlesbrough this morning, Cleveland Police have confirmed. It has been reported that the man was seen searching in undergrowth.

A member of staff at Asda close to where the incident happened said he heard the man had suffered the horrendous injury to his groin.
A 22-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of assault in relation to the incident was held in police custody this afternoon, where he was being questioned by officers and was bailed pending further enquiries.'

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School district works to reduce gender imbalance in gifted math classes

Story here. Excerpt:

'With a gender imbalance showing in its gifted math classes, Deerfield Public Schools District 109 board members discussed ideas to reverse the disparity Monday at their regularly scheduled meeting.

“I was surprised,” Superintendent Michael Lubelfeld said. “We don’t like it and we want to fix it.”

”There are 120 more boys in TAP [the gifted math program] than girls,” board member Scott Kluge said. “In some schools it’s 10 to 1.”

The gifted program is for select third- through eighth-graders, and ratios vary between the four elementary and two middle schools in the district, according to Director of Learning and Assessment Services Amy Rubin.

“It’s three to one in some schools and two to one in others,” Rubin said.'

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For men, the future doesn’t look too good

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you’re an American man you’re more likely to be unemployed than your female counterparts. Today more than 4.3 million Americans are considered “long-term unemployed” — out of work for more than 27 weeks. Fifty-six percent of them are men. The Great Recession emasculated generations of men, displacing many of them from the labor force and undermining their financial security. The effects may be felt for decades.

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Unemployment Rate up for Men and College Grads

Article here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. unemployment rate edged up to 6.7 percent in February as men struggled to find work, according to the Labor Department report issued Friday.

More than 160,000 men joined the ranks of the unemployed. That increase raised their unemployment rate to 6.4 percent from 6.2 percent.

Particularly hard hit were African-American men. Their rate climbed to 12.9 percent last month from 12 percent in January. It did so because more African-American men began searching unsuccessfully for work last month.

African-American women fared much better: 109,000 of them found jobs.'

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Obama to focus on economic issues facing women

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Obama kicked off a new effort on Wednesday to highlight economic issues facing women, a key voting bloc whose turnout will be crucial to Democrats chances in the November mid-term elections.
The White House Council of Economic Advisers also released a report on Wednesday noting that, while women have made gains in the workforce and education attainment, a gender wage gap persists. On average, full-time, year-round female workers earn 77 cents for every dollar earned by their male counterparts, the report notes.

The gap continues even as women are more likely to be more educated than their male peers. In 2013, 25- to 34-year-old women were 21% more likely than men of the same age to be college graduates.'

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'War on Women'

Article here. Excerpt:

'At the time, fire departments had dropped strength tests to avoid being accused of sex discrimination. When I told Steinem that one of my interviewees complained that instead of being carried during a fire, now she would be dragged downstairs, with her head hitting each stair, Steinem retorted, "It's better to drag them out ... there's less smoke down there."

Such mindless egalitarianism appeals to politicians, so governments push more of it. President Barack Obama and his supporters brag that Obamacare forces health insurance companies to sell men and women health insurance for the exact same price. On my TV show this week, Democratic activist Jehmu Greene asks indignantly, "Do you want to live in a country where you charge women more than men?"

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The Nightmare of the Male Police Officer Involved as a Victim of Domestic Violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'About the Author: Robert D. Cubby is a retired police captain having served 38 years in the Jersey City Police Department. Most of his career was in the patrol division. He worked every district in the police department. He spent two years in the property unit and 8 1/2 years in Emergency Services Unit (SWAT). ...
We are so attuned and accustomed to the male being the perpetrator that the response is almost rote and automatic on every domestic violence call. Including that of a police officer being the perpetrator. Jennifer Ammons in “Batterers with Badges: Officer Involved Domestic Violence” [file] cited that 22%-41% or 2-4 times the general population are the sad statistics of police involved domestic violence. This was backed by Alex Restin in “Batterer in Blue” [page] that cited 41% of the 385 male officers surveyed stated that they had a violent confrontation with their domestic partner in a domestic dispute.

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A Man Shows Us A Day In The Life Of An Abusive Relationship

Video here. Caption:

'It might be surprising to some of you to see who the victim is at the end of this video, but unfortunately, too many out there will find it familiar.

If you need support, please call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at (800) 799-7233 or the Domestic Abuse Helpline for Men and Women at (888) 743-5754.'

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