"Why the Men's Rights Movement Is Garbage"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I need to take a moment here to talk about the Men's Rights Movement, because there seems to be some confusion. Actually, there seems to be a whole lot of confusion.

Over the past little while, I've had a number of people challenge me on calling out men's rights activists (hereafter referred to as MRAs). "But men are oppressed too," people say. "Feminism is sexist, and it teaches men that masculinity is wrong." "Straight, white men aren't allowed to be proud of themselves anymore." "If you believe in equality, then you should want men to have the same type of activism as women." "Everyone is entitled to their opinion."

First of all, yes, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But let's not pretend that all opinions are created equal -- some are based on fact, and some are total bullshit. Like, I could tell you that I believe that vaccines cause autism, and that would be my opinion, but it would also be demonstrably untrue. So let's not pretend that all opinions should be given the same consideration, because we both know better than that.
MRAs believe that feminists are to blame for basically everything that's wrong with their lives. The Men's Rights Movement is a reactionary movement created specifically to counter feminism, and most (if not all) of their time and resources go towards silencing and marginalizing women.

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Should feminism be taught in primary schools?

Article here. Excerpt:

'In Feminism Is For Everybody, first published in 2000, bell hooks argues that “future feminist movement must necessarily think of feminist education as significant in the lives of everyone”:

Despite the economic gains of individual feminist women, many women who have amassed wealth or accepted the contribution of wealthy males, who are our allies in struggle, we have created no schools founded on feminist principles for girls and boys, for women and men. By failing to create a mass-based educational movement to teach everyone about feminism we allow mainstream patriarchal mass media to remain the primary place where folks learn about feminism, and most of what they learn is negative.'

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Jury Awards Man Over $500K In ‘Motorboat’ Sexual Harassment Suit Against Female Boss

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Galveston County jury has awarded more than half-million dollars in damages and back-pay to a former deputy constable who was allegedly sexually harassed by former boss and Precinct 7 Constable Pam Matranga in 2011.

Former Texas deputy constable James P. Gist, 55, was awarded $567,000 by a jury due to sexual harassment claims that range from unwanted lap dances to forced “motorboats,” in which she allegedly placed her shirt over his head and held his face against her breasts, KPRC-TV reports.

Gist alleges that his then-boss, Matranga, had been sexually harassing him for months, including instances of “grabbing her breasts, and saying, ‘Here, hold these,’” Gist told KPRC-TV. Gist accused Matranga of repeated sexually suggestive comments and acts that he said caused him “humiliation” and “embarrassing” moments he’d never experienced in his nearly 30-year law enforcement career.
In testimony that was “rife with sexual content,” Matranga admitted that she had joked with Gist about him attending “chunky chick night” at a local strip club, the Houston Chronicle reports.

Gist alleged that Matranga repeatedly offered him oral sex at work, causing him to place a hidden camera on his desk to catch her in the act. However, Matranga reportedly found the video, deleted it, and then reported Gist to the District Attorney for wiretapping.
Gist said that she demoted him from sergeant to deputy and later forced him to resign.

“What they are investigating him for isn’t a crime because it’s perfectly legal for one party to record a conversation between two parties,” Gist’s attorney Thomas Nixon told KPRC.

In a statement, Matranga denied the allegations.

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Teacher recorded threatening to punch boy in the face

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Connecticut teacher is on leave and under investigation after she was allegedly caught on tape threatening and belittling one of her eighth grade students.

“I’m going to punch him right in the face and break that glass in his eye,” Marylou Addona was allegedly caught on a recording saying, according to the school district.
“I can’t stand the crybaby,” Addona allegedly said.

“I heard you had an attitude today too. Is that true? What’s your name anyway,” Addona allegedly said.
“Blake,” the student replied.

“Blake. What kind of name is Blake? Irish, Italian, French, what are you? White? You think you’re cool with that name Blake, huh,” Addona allegedly answered.'

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Canada: Students vote to uphold free expression for men’s issues group

Article here. Excerpt:

'Student councillors at Queen’s University’s Alma Mater Society (AMS) voted last week to respect the right of its members to have equal access to AMS services regardless of their political views.

Queen’s University’s Men’s Issues Awareness Society (MIAS) is a registered student group and will be hosting a discussion on March 27 on campus, titled “What’s Equality Got To Do With it? Men’s Issues and Feminism’s Double Standards.” The event will include a presentation by University of Ottawa professor and author Dr. Janice Fiamengo who will discuss men’s issues.

On March 19, Queen’s student and AMS member-at-large [Redacted by Request] of the un-registered student group “Opposition to the Misrepresentation of Men’s Issues and Feminism at Queen’s University” emailed members of AMS assembly to inform them that the group would be proposing a motion at the March 20 Assembly to de-ratify MIAS “because of the manner in which its members have chosen to publicly undermine feminism and anti-rape culture discourse on campus”.'

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The Drugging of the American Boy

Article here. Excerpt:

'By the time they reach high school, nearly 20 percent of all American boys will be diagnosed with ADHD. Millions of those boys will be prescribed a powerful stimulant to "normalize" them. A great many of those boys will suffer serious side effects from those drugs. The shocking truth is that many of those diagnoses are wrong, and that most of those boys are being drugged for no good reason—simply for being boys. It's time we recognize this as a crisis.

If you have a son, you have a one-in-seven chance that he has been diagnosed with ADHD. If you have a son who has been diagnosed, it's more than likely that he has been prescribed a stimulant—the most famous brand names are Ritalin and Adderall; newer ones include Vyvanse and Concerta—to deal with the symptoms of that psychiatric condition.

The Drug Enforcement Administration classifies stimulants as Schedule II drugs, defined as having a "high potential for abuse" and "with use potentially leading to severe psychological or physical dependence." (According to a University of Michigan study, Adderall is the most abused brand-name drug among high school seniors.) In addition to stimulants like Ritalin, Adderall, Vyvanse, and Concerta, Schedule II drugs include cocaine, methamphetamine, Demerol, and OxyContin.

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Jimmy Carter's wage gap myth citation goes unchallenged during MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ appearance

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Jimmy Carter must watch a lot of MSNBC because he did an excellent job pushing their liberal talking points. The Georgia Democrat appeared on the March 23rd “Morning Joe” to promote his latest book and subsequently repeated MSNBC’s liberal agenda.

Appearing on Monday, Carter falsely claimed that “Women get about 23% less pay for men for the same job" an incorrect statistic that MSNBC has been peddling across the network as of late.

Carter then doubled down on his comments and argued that “Of the Fortune 500 companies, only 25 of them have women as executive officers and they get about 42% less pay than men and so forth. So in the United States, it's very bad.” Unfortunately, no one on the “Morning Joe” set, including Joe Scarborough bothered to correct the former president’s lie that women get paid 23 percent less than men.

MSNBC’s willingness to agree with Carter should come as no surprise given that Mika Brzezinski took to the airwaves last week to push that same lie. On March 18, Brzezinski bemoaned that “of course women get paid 77 cents for every dollar men earn for the same exact job so it's something that needs to be rectified obviously.”

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University ‘apologizes’ for feminism prof’s alleged attack on teenage pro-lifer

Story here. Excerpt:

'The California school that employs a professor accused of attacking a teen-aged pro-life demonstrator has issued an apology…sort of.

In a long-winded 1,000-word letter that reads more like a diatribe than a mea culpa, University of California at Santa Barbara Vice Chancellor Michael Young eventually conceded that women’s studies professor Mireille Miller-Young should not have snatched a pro-life sign from 16-year-old Thrin Short, giving backhanded praise to the framers of the Constitution.

“Our Founding Fathers - all white men of privilege, some even slave owners - got it right when designing the First Amendment of the Constitution,” Young wrote in an open memo to the student body.

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Newlywed gets 30 years in husband murder case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Montana woman was sentenced Thursday to 30 years in prison for killing her husband of eight days by pushing him from a cliff in Glacier National Park while they argued about her second thoughts about the marriage.

U.S. District Judge Donald Molloy sentenced Jordan Graham, 22, who had pleaded guilty to second-degree murder just before closing arguments during her December trial.

Prosecutors argued Graham was having second thoughts about her recent marriage to 25-year-old Cody Johnson when she lured him to a steep cliff in Glacier Park on July 7 and pushed him over.

Graham had faced a maximum sentence of life in prison at Thursday's hearing in Missoula. Prosecutors dropped a first-degree murder charge and a count of making a false statement to authorities.'

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College sports for men: Title IX, revisited

Article here. Male sports teams have been cut from colleges due to Title IX. Football is the reason; so much money is spent on it. And to ensure balance, male sports teams are cut first: lacrosse, swimming, gymnastics, and so on. So now it seems football players at college can unionize: they are employees. Very good. So now we must revisit all the teams that were cut for men and re-do all the statistics and NOT account for the money spent on football "employees." After all, they are workers, not part of the college athletic experience. Time to cut some of the female teams now to let the men play again. Excerpt:

'In a potentially game-changing moment for college athletics, the Chicago district of the National Labor Relations Board ruled on Wednesday that Northwestern football players qualify as employees of the university and can unionize.

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Dick Morris: Hillary uses gender to win

Article here. Excerpt:

'Throughout her political career, Hillary Clinton has used her gender and the still novel concept of a woman running for president to cloak her advances and shield her from losses. It is never about her. Her own merits, qualifications, defects, failures or shortcomings are never the issue. The question is always: How are we to treat women in politics?

Now that she is on the verge of running again for president, a Gallup poll shows that about one Clinton voter in five cites her gender as the leading reason to vote for her. Coming in second, mentioned by only half as many respondents, were her qualifications.

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Bureaucrat smears 16-year-old abortion protester battered by UCSB prof

Article here. Excerpt:

'In a campus-wide email, a big-shot official at the University of California, Santa Barbara has reacted to an associate professor’s on-campus assault of a teenage anti-abortion protester by — wait for it — blaming the 16-year-old girl.

National Review obtained the full text of the all-campus email sent on Wednesday by Michael D. Young, UCSB’s vice chancellor for student affairs.

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Feminist comedian: I want to castrate every conservative Christian male

Story here. Excerpt:

'On Tuesday, Laura Levites, the liberal comedian who recently said she wanted to "rip out" Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodger's uterus*, proved yet again that liberalism is an ideology of hate and rage when she went on another profanity-laced Twitter rant saying she would "personally like to castrate" every male conservative Christian.

"I would personally like to castrate every Male Conservative Christian so that they have NO reproductive rights," she said, using the hashtag "#HobbyLobby."
In another tweet, Levites said she would pay for Hobby Lobby's David Green to be castrated.

She went so far as to advocate violence on Green, proclaiming she would purchase a saw from Home Depot to cut off Green's male organ so she can "shove it up his a**."'

Also see: Feminist comedian Laura Levites tells pro-life teen she should be murdered

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For Title IX, don't cut men's sports, add women's

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sadly, we don’t have men’s cross country or track and field here at Missouri State, and one of the primary causes of this, or so I have been told on multiple occasions, is because of Title IX.
Because Title IX stipulates that educational institutions must have equal opportunity for male and female students to participate in athletics, this frequently results in men’s varsity sports teams being cut in order to fund women’s sports.

Now I know you’re probably thinking, “But hey, Spencer, are you saying that women shouldn’t have this equality and that men’s sports are more important?”

The answer is 100 percent no. I’m not saying that at all.

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Gender gap exists within campus colleges

Article here. Excerpt:

'While the College of Engineering has the largest gender gap with its enrollment being 87 percent male, it is not the only college on campus where one gender holds the majority. The College of Nursing is 85 percent female, leaving males as the minority.

“I want to work in the emergency department because I know that every day will be exciting and different and really challenge me as a nurse,” said senior nursing student Jake Kloster. “I had a lot of female friends in high school so it’s not that different. Occasionally I feel a little left out when they start discussing dresses or Pinterest, but it’s not a big deal.”

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