Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-04-16 15:20
Article here. Excerpt:
'The most striking thing about William D. Cohan's revisionist, guilt-implying new book on the Duke lacrosse rape fraud is what's not in it.
The best-selling, highly successful author's 621-page The Price of Silence: The Duke Lacrosse Scandal, the Power of the Elite, and the Corruption of Our Great Universities adds not a single piece of significant new evidence to that which convinced then–North Carolina attorney general Roy Cooper and virtually all other serious analysts by mid-2007 that the lacrosse players were innocent of any sexual assault on anyone.
Unless, that is, one sees as new evidence Cohan's own stunningly credulous interviews with three far-from-credible participants in the drama who themselves add no significant new evidence beyond their counterfactual personal opinions.
They are Mike Nifong, the disbarred prosecutor and convicted liar; Crystal Mangum, the mentally unbalanced rape complainant and (now) convicted murderer, who has dramatically changed her story more than a dozen times; and Robert Steel, the former Duke chairman and Goldman Sachs vice chairman, who helped lead the university's notorious rush to judgment against its own lacrosse players.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Wed, 2014-04-16 04:08
Link here. Excerpt:
'The female journalist asked the PM if he trusted the state government, which she said had been "proven to be corrupt".
Abbott reacted angrily to the question, lecturing the woman who asked it and suggesting she "withdraw".
"That is an entirely unjustified smear," Mr Abbott said.
"Let me not mince my words madam. An entirely unjustified smear. Frankly I think you should withdraw that and apologise because there is no evidence whatsoever."
In an odd reversal of roles the PM then challenged the reporter to produce evidence to support her claim.
Journalist Stephen Mayne questioned the PM's aggressive response on Twitter.
"What on earth is Tony Abbott doing going the knuckle like that against a female reporter in Western Sydney? Stop morally lecturing the media," he wrote.
"Abbott's bullying of a woman journalist - "Madam" - is par for the course. What an oaf he is," Mr Carlton posted.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-04-16 02:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'In the quest for women’s equality, the rhetoric has come to be interpreted as literal truth: Women are no different than men and they should not be treated any different.
This is false and it could literally kill you.
The differences between men and women are becoming an elephant in the room in the medical community and few people are willing to talk about it. But the facts are clear; our bodies are vastly different and treating us the same could hold back medical research.
For example, men’s organs are softer than women’s, much less firm and do not hold shape as well. Women have more stem cells than men and the cells are different, reported “60 Minutes” in a Feb. 9 segment.
The differences do not stop there. They may explain why women have a much higher rate of Alzheimer’s disease, breast cancer and osteoporosis, or why men have a much higher rate of prostate cancer, color blindness and heart disease. Masculinity may be why autism rates are four times higher in men.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-04-16 02:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'“Men’s rights”, a code word for opposition to women’s rights (usually women’s right to be free of violence, to be autonomous in their sexual and relationship decision-making, and to be treated as equals in education and labor ), is a popular topic on Reddit, and recently the forums dedicated to it decided to survey their members to get a demographic picture of them. Stephanie Zvan has a summary. Most of it is unsurprising. As with most reactionaries, MRAs refuse outright to admit that they simply oppose equality and come up with half-witted, belabored rationales for why positions and beliefs that functionally serve as opposition to equality are somehow not anti-equality. With MRAs, they insist that women’s gains towards equality are instead women’s gains towards dominance, allowing them to treat every move towards equality as an infringement on their rights. The survey reflected that, with most MRAs arguing that women are the dominant sex, socially and legally, in American society. No big surprise there, nor is there any shock that they are nearly all—98%—white. (Probably 99%, since the “other” category, I suspect, was white people who snootily declare they don’t see race.) They were all conservative, too, with 84% identifying as “strong conservative” and another 11% identifying as “independent”, which is, like “libertarian”, a code word for a strong conservative who thinks of himself as an iconoclast. (Another 2% were just plain “conservative”, bringing the likely number of conservatives to 97%.) No surprises there.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-04-16 02:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'The UN's spokeswoman on violence against women has blasted the "pervasive" and "routine" sexist culture in the UK.
Rashida Manjoo said there is a "boys' club sexist culture" in Britain that influences perceptions of women and girls in the country possibly leading to bullying and harassment.
Following a 16 day visit to Britain, Manjoo also warned Government cutbacks have hit violence against women services and confirmed reports she was blocked from entering controversial immigration detention centre for women, Yarl's Wood.
In an initial report on violence against women, the South African human rights expert said legal and policy responses focused on harmful practices, such as early and forced marriages but ignored the harms coming from a "a sexist culture that exists in the country".
She added: "Have I seen this level of sexist culture in other countries? It hasn't been so in-your-face in other countries.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-04-15 22:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'April is Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month, and it will be used to promote a big lie — namely, that we live in a “rape culture.”
The term “rape culture” was coined by politically correct (PC) feminists in the 1970s. It refers to attitudes, beliefs, and values that allegedly normalize sexual violence against women and encourage the act of rape by men. America is called a “rape culture” because sexual violence is deemed to be so pervasive that all women live in constant danger from all men. The violence or threat of it occurs on a continuum running from sexual glances to physical rape. The fact that so many people are unaware of the rape culture surrounding them only points to its omnipresence; that is, the rape culture is supposed to be as common as air and taken as much for granted.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2014-04-15 21:50
Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2014-04-15 05:42
Article here. Excerpt:
'Becoming a dad can be emotionally tough for any guy, but especially for young, first-time fathers. A new study finds that the first five years of parenthood - key attachment and bonding years for a child - may be the riskiest for young dads when it comes to developing depression.
Symptoms of depression increased on average by 68% over the first five years of fatherhood for men who were around 25 years old when they became fathers and lived with their children, according to the study published online today in the journal Pediatrics.
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2014-04-15 05:40
Story here. Excerpt:
'A 39-year-old woman was arrested Saturday after seven bodies of dead infants were discovered in a Pleasant Grove home, and officials said they believe that, over a 10-year period, she gave birth to six of the children then killed them.
Pleasant Grove Police responded to the home at 530 E. 200 North after residents who were cleaning out a garage found what they believed to be a dead infant in a container.
Capt. Michael Roberts, Pleasant Grove PD, said the residents found “a suspicious package with a pungent smell, and they opened the package partially and found what they believed to be a deceased infant in the box and they called police.”
When they arrived, police found the infant to be at full term, according to a press release from the Pleasant Grove Police Department.
Roberts said a search warrant was obtained and “subsequently six more bodies of infants were found in separate containers, cardboard boxes.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-04-15 04:42
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Michigan State University sophomore dismissed after an internal judicial board found he’d had sex with a fellow student while she was incapacitated will be allowed to return to campus pending a hearing on the case in Ingham County Circuit Court.
The man is identified in court documents only by his student identification number.
The case stems from an incident that occurred at an off-campus party in August. The woman told a university investigator that the man had been flirtatious, “asked her how many times she had sex and told her he has had sex seven times,” according to a report included in court filings. MSU judicial board proceedings are not public.
The man doesn’t deny that they had sex, but said it was consensual and that he hadn’t put drugs in her drink. He met with investigators in September but later, through an attorney, declined to participate in the university investigation. He gave the university the results of a successful polygraph.
In a hearing Monday afternoon in front of Circuit Judge Clinton Canady III, attorney George Brookover argued that MSU had denied his client due process by not allowing him or an attorney to directly question the woman who accused him or cross-examine witnesses.
University associate general counsel Michael Kiley talked about that investigation, as well, but in the process of noting that the university is required under Title IX “to enforce an environment that doesn’t foster harassment.”
That enforcement differs from the criminal courts, which require proof beyond a reasonable doubt. The federal government expects universities to use a preponderance of the evidence standard in their internal investigation, basically deciding whether it’s more likely than not that something occurred.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2014-04-14 03:45
Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2014-04-14 03:42
Article here.
'Link to video:
”Kállay-Saunders will represent Hungary at the 2014 Eurovision Song Contest in Copenhagen with the song Running”
This Hungarian American schmuck will spread his misandric propaganda, singing ”DADDY, WHY, WHY, WHY?”, all over Europe at the Eurovision Song Contest [link added] in København (Copenhagen) - if he will get the votes to be in the final on Saturday May 10th, 2014. The video features an angry and violent man portraying ”Daddy”.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-04-13 23:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'Recently, news headlines have been riddled with reports of male students committing suicide at one college or another. Suicide among young males is an ever-growing epidemic, but there is a viable solution. Feminism can theoretically decrease the suicide rates of teenage males.
Feminism strives to abolish gender-based stereotypes. Through a change in the idea of what it is to “be a man,” male teenagers trying to find their identity will not be so discouraged to seek out help and express their emotions to someone. They will not feel so much intense pressure to “be a man” and tough it out on their own.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-04-13 22:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Former Commons Deputy Speaker Nigel Evans is to launch a campaign to shake-up anonymity rules in sexual assault cases to protect the reputations of celebrities facing false charges against them.
Mr Evans was last week cleared of carrying out a series of attacks, including rape, on young men following a five-week trial at Preston Crown Court.
In his first interview since being acquitted Mr Evans called for a review of anonymity rules that allowed his seven male accusers to keep their identities secret while he has been reduced to personal and financial ruin.
He also said there should be time limits imposed on historical sexual abuse cases and an end to the “bundling” of smaller charges together with more serious allegations to make a stronger case.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-04-13 21:58
Article here. Excerpt:
'Acquitted sex trial Tory Nigel Evans last night told how he could not have survived his court ordeal without the help of his star friends.
The former Commons Deputy Speaker, who was cleared of all charges, admitted he thought of suicide more than once as his world collapsed around him.
But, in a frank and emotional exclusive interview with the Sunday Mirror, he revealed pals like Corrie actor Bill Roache and former Street star Vicky Entwistle pulled him through what he calls “the darkest time of my life”.
And Nigel told how Bill, 81 – also cleared of a string of sex offences earlier this year – sent him a text he will always treasure just hours after his acquittal on Thursday.
It read: “Just heard. Well done. And quite right too. The champagne will flow, xx.”
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