UK: Father receives £86,000 after social worker falsely accused him of abusing his daughter

Story here. Excerpt:

'A father was arrested and banned from seeing his daughter after a social worker falsely accused him of abusing the little girl.

Jonathan Coupland, 53, was handcuffed in front of his neighbours, thrown in a cell and interrogated for ten hours after Suzi Smith claimed she saw him sexually assaulting his daughter Jessica, then six.

The social worker is said to have made the allegation in a fit of pique after the single father criticised the way she was handling a custody battle with his former partner.

Mrs Smith, 53, later retracted her claims and Mr Coupland has been paid £86,000 damages by her employer, the Children and Family Court Advisory Support Service (Cafcass).

The public body - accountable to Justice Secretary Chris Grayling and funded by his department - has sacked Mrs Smith and apologised to Mr Coupland.

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"How Feminism Betrayed Women"

The latest from YouTube contributor "BraveTheWorld" is here. Her channel is found here.

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The Truth About “Rape Culture”

Article here. Excerpt:

'We hear a lot about “rape culture” on college campuses nowadays. The basic idea behind the concept is that there is a widespread tolerance of rape at Cornell and other universities, largely because society teaches men to disregard the importance of the consent of women in sexual encounters. To those who believe in “rape culture,” rape is not the result of a few bad actors, but is tolerated, even encouraged, in our college culture. Few people seem willing to challenge this narrative for fear of being called insensitive to the suffering of those who have experienced sexual violence.

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Salon: For white working-class women, it makes sense to stay single mothers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lily had grown up in a rural town, more than an hour from Kansas City, Mo. She was four months pregnant and not feeling well, and she was in tears. She was also not married, but that’s not what was upsetting her. The car that she needed to get to her two jobs in the city had broken down, and she had no other way to get to work. We asked whether her boyfriend, Carl, could help her. Lily frowned. She had recently broken up with Carl, she explained, because “I can support myself. I always have. I can support myself and our kid. I just can’t support myself, the kid, and him.”
A generation ago her decision would have seemed narrow, misguided, and difficult to understand. But now we have to conclude that it makes a lot of sense. Although it defies logic, socioeconomic, cultural, and economic changes have brought white working-class women like Lily to the point where going it alone can be the wiser choice. And the final irony: The same changes that have made marriages more equitable and successful among elite couples have made it less likely that marriage will look attractive to Lily.

When Lily looks around at the available men, they don’t offer what she is looking. Lily, just like better-off men and women, believes that marriage means an unqualified commitment to the other spouse. When you marry someone, you support him in hard times. You stick with him when he disappoints you. You visit him if he ends up in jail. And you encourage him to become an important part of your children’s lives. It’s just that Lily doesn’t believe that Carl is worth that commitment. Nor does she believe that she will meet someone who will meet her standards anytime soon, and the statistics back her up.

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Can the Gender Gap Be Solved?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The gender gap debate has taken some surprising turns in recent days. Conservative critics have argued for years that the reason women make only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men is that they work fewer work hours and in lower paid occupations, not because of rampant sexism at the office or factory. Once it came to light that President Obama and several Democratic senators presided over sizable gaps in their own offices, this criticism of the 77 cent meme gained some new followers, including reliably left-leaning Ruth Marcus who went so far as to accuse the administration of “demagoguery.”
Get rid of gender stereotyping, inflexible workplaces, bastards on the couch, and mom-shaming, and we will have a society where, as Sheryl Sandberg has put it, “half our homes are run by men and half our institutions are run by women.”

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Deputy Says She Snatched Two Cellphones and Detained Former Marine After He Got ‘Aggressive’ — But the Video Tells a Different Story

Story here. Excerpt:

'A North Carolina deputy with the Onslow County Sheriff’s Office was caught on video confiscating two different cellphones and detaining a former U.S. Marine after she claims he got “aggressive.” Her claims are now being called into question after video of the incident surfaced online.

The deputy, identified as Natalie Barber by Photography Is Not a Crime, was responding to a dog-related dispute between Carlos Jaramillo and a neighbor on Saturday.

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Why did we give up talking about what makes men tick?

Article here. Excerpt:

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Traditional Masculinity: How It Can Hurt Everybody

Article here. Excerpt:

'Earlier in the month of April, the National Latin@ Network (NLN) -- the national institute on gender-based violence in the Latin@ community and a project of Casa de Esperanza -- released the national Te Invito Campaign, an effort to engage Latino men and boys in the fight to eradicate violence against women. The campaign includes public service announcements that any organization can customize for local purposes as well as a toolkit that helps men and boys explore questions of gender-based violence. In light of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, these tools can be particularly helpful. Below, Juan Carlos Areán, National Director of the NLN, discusses traditional masculinity, traditional concepts of what men "can/should" and "cannot/should not" do. Are men taught to hurt others and themselves? And how can male socialization play a role in gender-based violence?'

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Amanda Marcotte: Senior sexually harassed Miss America by asking her to prom

Report here. Excerpt:

'Despite being warned by school officials not to, senior Patrick Farves used a visit by Miss America Nina Davuluri to Central York High School to ask her to the prom. Sure, it might have been awkward, but was it sexual harassment? Amanda Marcotte — at one time John Edwards’ blogmaster — says yes."

Amanda Marcotte: "I really wish people would stop acting like it’s cute when teenage boys sexually harass older women."
Vincent's Verstandsk: Still the question is unanswered. How is this Sexual Harassment? This is awkward, yes, harassment, no.

Amanda Marcotte: Pestering someone with unwanted sexual requests for the purpose of making them uncomfortable is harassment.'

Related: Miss America Asks School Not to Punish Boy Who Asked Her to Prom

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Judge erupts: 'I hope you die in prison'

Video here.

'(ABC15) JACKSON, Mich. - If a judge could throw the book at a woman, he managed to do so Wednesday.

Not physically, but certainly by his stinging words. The Michigan judge had a lot of words for 31-year-old Camia Gamet, the woman convicted of killing her boyfriend Marcel Hill in March. Gamet claimed it was self defense and showed no remorse in court.

A first-degree murder conviction by law meant she would get life behind bars. Still, while family members spoke, she would only roll her eyes and laugh, but Jackson County Circuit Court Judge John McBain would have none of it.
"You're gonna shut your mouth or I'm going to have some duct tape put on it," said McBain.

A jury convicted Gamet for stabbing and beating to death Hill. Her lawyer argued she acted in self defense, because she claimed she killed an unknown attacker in a dark room. The judge wasn't buying that and called it the worst cold blooded murder he's ever seen.

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Is it sexist to talk about Hillary Clinton's age?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like Mitt Romney and John McCain, Hillary Clinton will (probably) run for president in 2016 as a grandparent. This seemingly unremarkable fact has triggered a spasm of media self-analysis: is Clinton the victim of a sexist double standard?

It's a question that has been -- and will be -- asked often.

We keep asking, because we refuse to see the plain answer. Hillary Clinton is not the victim of a double standard. She is the beneficiary of a double standard.

Consider the grandmother question. If elected in 2016, Hillary Clinton will be the second oldest president in U.S. history, after Ronald Reagan. At age 69, will she be too old? That was a question people felt free to discuss when John McCain ran for president. reported on June 15, 2008:

"Listen to some Democrats, and you'll think the 71-year-old Arizona senator is a man lost in a perpetual fog. He is 'confused' and has 'lost his bearings' or is 'out of touch.'" The "lost his bearings" innuendo was used by candidate Barack Obama himself, in a May 2008 interview with Wolf Blitzer.
In other words: as between Hillary Clinton on the one hand, and John McCain or Bob Dole on the other, the same standard is a double standard.

The same method applies to the discussion of Hillary Clinton's marriage. The Clinton camp's view seems to be: When it's helpful to Hillary, her marriage is urgently relevant; when that marriage might be politically harmful, it's sexist and insulting to mention it.

When Hillary Clinton sought the Democratic nomination in 2008, she argued that her tenure as first lady ought to qualify as a bona fide job credential. She told National Public Radio in March of that year:

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Thomas Sowell: ‘War on women’ a statistical fraud

Article here. Excerpt:

'The “war on women” political slogan is in fact a war against common sense.

It is a statistical fraud when Barack Obama and other politicians say that women earn only 77 percent of what men earn — and that this is because of discrimination.

It would certainly be discrimination if women were doing the same work as men, for the same number of hours, with the same amount of training and experience, as well as other things being the same. But study after study, over the past several decades, has shown repeatedly that those things are not the same.
Constantly repeating the “77 percent” statistic does not make them the same. It simply takes advantage of many people’s ignorance — something that Barack Obama has been very good at doing on many other issues.
More than 90 percent of the people who are killed on the job are men. There is no point pretending that there are no differences between what women do and what men do in the workplace, or that these differences don’t affect income.

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“Shut Up culture” takes on dissent over campus “rape culture”

Article here. Excerpt:

'The spark was a column in The Cornell Daily Sun by student Julius Kairey, which we featured at College Insurrection. That column, titled The Truth About “Rape Culture” took issue with the statistics behind claims of an epidemic of sexual assault, and the related rush to strip the accused of due process rights:

I would be less concerned about the exaggerated statistics about “rape culture,” and thus less inclined to criticize it, if it were not causing concrete harm to students. But the belief that rape must be prevented by “any means necessary” has been used to justify the elimination of key protections for students accused of rape in campus judicial systems. Some want the claims of the alleged victims of rape to be accepted as true, and not scrutinized in a fair legal proceeding. Just two years ago, Cornell stripped those accused of sexual offenses of the right to retain an attorney in University proceedings and the right to cross-examine their accusers. A student accused of a sexual offense at Cornell is now not able to directly ask the person who is making a potentially life-ruining accusation a single question about the incident. This is an inexcusable erasure of the fundamental right to confront one’s accuser, a right that has existed for all of our country’s history. Such rights are not superfluous. They protect us against arbitrary action by those who hold the levers of power.

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Scotland: Women-only Cabinet event to debate independence

Article here. Excerpt:

'The event, which will bring together women from organisations across the country, takes place on June 9, which also marks 100 days to go until the historic vote.

It comes as Scottish ministers Angela Constance and Shona Robison become full Scottish Cabinet members, joining Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and Culture Secretary Fiona Hyslop.

The event will look at issues such as gender equality, female representation on boards, the improvement of childcare and employment law, and issues of the economy and social justice.
“We are expanding child care to 600 hours from August this year for all three and four-year-olds and the most vulnerable two-year-olds. Scottish female employment rate is now the highest of any UK nation, and the inactivity rate is the lowest. The Scottish Government also wants to see women make up at least 40% of public and private boards in Scotland.

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Roseanne Barr: "Neuter boys at birth"

Report here. Excerpt:

'Ah yes. The eternal question. Subsequent readings of today’s "Deep Thoughts with Roseanne” haven’t really brought us any closer to an answer:

"Males must cease sex"

"Neuter boys at birth"

"Store sperm til employed"'

So … does any of that make sense? To anybody?

Yeah, we didn’t think so.'

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