Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-05-07 13:13
Article here. Excerpt:
'For decades we’ve listened to teachers and ‘academics’ shedding crocodile tears as they bemoan the terrible ‘failure’ of the boys in their classes falling behind girls.
Now a five year University study has shown why.
Those same teachers are just deliberately marking boys down – even when they do better in tests and exams than their female counterparts.
A five-year research project, funded by the Departments of Education and Justice in Northern Ireland, found “systemic flaws” in teaching techniques led to teachers discriminating overtly against male students.
The shocking survey blows the lid on how since the 1970s, when feminist critics complained that the school system favored “male thinking,” grades have been decided not by performance and knowledge, but on a teachers whim.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-05-07 04:18
Via email:
Dr. Grant Brown's book on family law in Canada has finally been published.
You can get it as a free e-book, compliments of the CCF, at
Reviews of Ideology And Dysfunction In Family Law – How Courts Disenfranchise Fathers:
Dr. Paul Millar, Nipissing University:
Read this book! Meticulously researched and thorough, yet easy to read for the lay person, Oxford educated philosopher, professor and lawyer Grant Brown has created a tour de force exposition of family law in Canada today. There is no more compelling argument for Canadian family law reform than this book. Ideology and Dysfunction in Family Law is a soon-to-be classic and a must-read for anyone interested in families or family law in Canada.
Barbara Kay, National Post columnist and author:
There is no dearth of material on the bias against fathers in western family courts. As a journalist focused on culture and ideology in Canada’s social institutions, I have read many books and articles on this subject. Ideology and Dysfunction in Family Law: How Courts Disenfranchise Fathers is in my experience unique in its referential breadth and depth. This book unites impeccable legal scholarship, moral philosophy and evidence-based cultural analysis with stylistic precision and elegance. Grant Brown puts forward arguments never heard in family court: parents’ inherent rights; children’s real best interests (not what the courts usually say they are); the unconstitutionality of the Child Support Guidelines; and, in general the irreconcilability of the law with the first principles of justice. More than a superb reference book for journalists and policy makers, not to mention all educated readers with an interest in judicial fairness, Brown’s book should be on the obligatory reading list of every law school in Canada.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-05-07 04:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'A young mother killed her baby by slitting his throat only 30 minutes after giving birth because she feared the child would interfere with her sex life, a court heard.
Nadine Koenig, 20, from Regensburg in the German state of Bavaria, smothered her newborn son before killing him with a Stanley knife. Then she went out to a disco, judges were told.
Prosecutor Ulrike Klein said the child was a responsibility she could not handle. ‘You couldn’t bear the thought of your far-reaching sexual and social contacts being jeopardised by this baby,’ she added.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-05-07 04:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'The argument for widespread circumcision relies on the proposition that we face a public health crisis to which genital surgery is the only answer. The most prominent exponent of this view, Emeritus Professor Brian Morris, has described circumcision as "a biomedical imperative for the 21st century," and is never wanting pulpits from which to preach his gloomy message. As the American biologist P.Z. Myers points out, in a reply to to his latest offensive, there is nothing much new here; he has been peddling this sort of stuff for over a decade.
But whatever disease-related problems Africa faces, such as HIV – for which adult (not child) circumcision has been proposed – there is no evidence that any developed nation is threatened with any such crisis. Apart from its air of unreality, such "ten minutes to midnight" scare-mongering ignores the principles of risk management. This requires that a full assessment of consequence, likelihood, mitigation strategies and risk tolerance be undertaken before it is possible to reach any conclusions about the degree of risk inherent in taking or not taking certain actions. Individuals have different levels of risk tolerance, and they have the right to develop their own strategies for handling health risks, and striking the appropriate balance between dangers and pleasures. The health industry is not entitled to pre-empt their options.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 18:51
Article here. Excerpt:
'There are 22,329 female students at UM-Madison, and if 1 in 5 was sexually assaulted over four years, there would have to be 4,465 sexual assaults during that time period. Since there were only 137 sexual assaults reported at UW from 2009 to 2012, that would mean there would have to have been 4,328 unreported sexual assaults (3 every day) to get to the “1 in 5″ claim over four years. That would also mean that only 3.1% of sexual assaults get reported, a level far below the 12% reporting claim made by the White House. It would also mean that there were more than 32 unreported sexual assaults for every one reported at UW, which seems pretty unbelievable. So either the White House claim of “1 in 5″ is way too high, or its claim that only 12% of assaults get reported is way too high. Either way, at least one of the claims is false.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 05:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'“Not Alone,” the White House entitled its task force report on campus sexual assaults. “Believe the Victim,” the report might as well have been called. It reflects a presumption of guilt in sexual assault cases that practically obliterates the due process rights of the accused. Students leveling accusations of assault are automatically described as “survivors” or “victims” (not alleged victims or complaining witnesses), implying that their accusations are true.
When you categorically presume the good faith, infallible memories and entirely objective perspectives of self-identified victims, you dispense with the need for cumbersome judicial or quasi-judicial proceedings and an adversary model of justice. Thus the task force effectively prohibits cross-examination of complaining witnesses: “The parties should not be allowed to cross-examine each other,” the report advises, denying the fundamental right to confront your accuser.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 05:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'It cannot have escaped anyone's notice that on May Day (May 1, 2014), and within hours of one another, the nation and the media have been bombarded with more than a half dozen exquisitely choreographed and coordinated reports demanding action based on claims of skyrocketing sexual assaults occurring on campus and on the battlefield.
But are these claims plausible? I argue not.
Singly, or in combination, all of these claims suffer from one or more of the following five fatal flaws.
1. Sexual allegations made by females are not taken as allegations but rather as "settled fact." These claims do not even consider the possibility that women might lie about any manner of things sexual and there is no statistical correction for false sexual allegations.
2. Women commit sexual assaults on men but female sexual perpetrators only rarely are prosecuted and male reports of abuse by female sexual predators only rarely are believed.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 05:41
Article here. Excerpt:
'Last year, a University of North Carolina student who remained anonymous for safety reasons spoke to the campus newspaper, The Daily Tar Heel, about feeling victimized by the school’s response to a sexual assault report—the handling of which is now the target of a federal civil rights investigation.
But there’s a twist: the student is a man who says he was wrongly accused.
The administration’s effort, which made headlines last week with a report by the White House task force on campus sexual assault and new Department of Education guidelines, has an indisputably noble goal. Unfortunately, it is marred by flaws, including alarmist statistics, fuzzy definitions and a polarizing ideology of presumed guilt.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 05:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'Medford police are looking for a woman who filed a false rape report in April that led to a mistaken arrest.
Officials said the woman falsely identified herself as Amanda Rodriguez before accusing a Medford resident of sexually assaulting her. The report led to an investigation and an arrest in the case.
After taking a man into custody, detectives continued looking into her story and discovered that she had lied about who she was and what happened.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 05:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'A Virginia Beach middle schooler was suspended for sexually harassing his teacher, but the boy and his mother claim the school has twisted an innocent compliment into something “sick.”
For months 10 On Your Side has reported on controversial discipline cases inside the Virginia Beach City Public School System – and this is one of them. It’s all about a compliment the school system claims went too far, and a student’s family who claims the school system went too far.
“I said, ‘you look nice today, Ms. ******.’ That’s all I said, and I said it just like that,” said a 7th grader, who met with, along with his mother, at a Virginia Beach park.
Both the mother and son do not want to identify themselves, and will not identify the teacher by name. We will mention that the teacher refused to comment on this case. We got that denial through the school system’s administrative office.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-06 04:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Hamilton public swimming pool is considering "women only" sessions to try to encourage more into the water.
The controversial move by Hamilton's Gallagher Aquatic Centre is seen as "separatist" by some, but women's groups say it's a great idea.
The aquatic centre is planning to shut its door to men to give women a few hours a week on their own.
"I think it's great because after I've had so many kids I'm a bit body-conscious. Actually having a women's-only session would be really good," ONE woman swimmer in the pool told ONE News.
Hamilton City Council say the move is all about water safety and encouraging more women to swim.
"It's important for us that we provide those opportunities for women who otherwise would probably feel intimidated at coming into a public swimming pool," says Mathew Bayliss, the council's swimming and recreation manager.'
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Submitted by charlie on Mon, 2014-05-05 15:11
I've been trying to get MPR (Minnesota Public Radio) to allow comments that are counter to their decidedly feminist bias. In a recent story two "experts" were interviewed on the "campus rape culture." Both "experts" were advocates for the idea of "rape culture". The was no balance from civil rights advocates or others, who see this issue as an Obama administration political ploy. I've now been banned from commenting on any MPR story. I've asked for an explanation, but have gotten no response. Excerpt:
'The federal government last week named 55 colleges under investigation for suspected failure to deal adequately with sexual assault.
Reports of campus rapes are up significantly, but it's unclear whether those higher numbers represent more crimes or simply a greater willingness to report them. Research cited by the White House shows that 1 college woman in 5 experiences sexual assault, but that only about 12 percent of survivors file a report.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-05-04 20:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'Keyshawn [Johnson] just issued a statement saying ... "I am pleased that law enforcement acted quickly and that this matter has been fairly resolved."
"The quick decision results from the fact that I should not have been arrested because no crime was committed. I did not and would not touch, grab or strike a woman -- any woman."
"Though Jennifer and I are both pleased that this matter is over, we very much resent the fact that I was ever arrested in the first place. I apologize to my friends, family, fans and colleagues for this matter."
Law enforcement sources tell us ... the L.A. County District Attorney has rejected the case ... after cops determined the arrest was an overreaction by someone who was speaking on the phone with Keyshawn's baby mama.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-05-04 20:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Count actress Alicia Silverstone among those Jews advocating against circumcision.
In her new book, “The Kind Mama: A Simple Guide to Supercharged Fertility, a Radiant Pregnancy, a Sweeter Birth, and a Healthier, More Beautiful Beginning,” the celebrity explains her personal decision not to circumcise her son, Bear, according to the website Beyond the Bris: News and Views on Jewish Circumcision.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-05-04 20:18
Story here. Excerpt:
'A trip to the mall ended in a deadly dispute when a pregnant woman fatally stabbed her boyfriend after he bought gifts for everyone, except her, police say, according to the Daily News.
Police say Miata Phalen, 24, fatally stabbed the father of her unborn child, Larry Martin, 28, on April at the apartment they shared. She is seven months pregnant, the report says.
“This is what you get for messing with me,” the woman allegedly said while standing over her lover’s bleeding body, the Daily News reports.
The incident began after the woman spiraled into a rage when Martin reportedly bought gifts for his 8-year-old son Lavelle and Martin’s 25-year-old cousin, the report says. She began chastising Martin, calling him “selfish,” Glen Runk, an assistant State's Attorney, told the Chicago Tribune.
She reportedly greeted him at the door with a knife when he finally made it home and allegedly stabbed him in front of his son, the News says.
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