Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-05-14 20:29
Video here.
'MSNBC’s Andrea Michell openly wondered whether male officials in the United States were slow to respond to the kidnappings in Nigeria because it involved school girls Wednesday afternoon.
“It really calls into question whether the men in charge of our government frankly would have been responding more quickly despite Goodluck Jonathan, the president of Nigeria’s opposition, whether they would have been responding more rapidly if it had been schoolgirls, if it hadn’t been some other premise,” Mitchell said.
A surprised Sen. Diane Feinstein (D., Calif.) replied “you mean if it had involved school boys? No – ”
A flustered and stumbling Mitchell quickly attempted to clarify the premise of her question.
“Or some other military, I guess some other cause. Because it just seems that it took forever to mobilize the U.S. government even against the opposition of the Nigerian government,” she said.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-05-14 20:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sexual harassment has been a fraught political issue in the United States for decades. It goes in and out of focus. Right now it is very much in focus, largely as the result of a new report from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Sexual Assault. The report, Not Alone, was produced at breakneck speed after President Obama established the Task Force on January 22. That suggests, among other things, that the Task Force members didn’t waste much time on research: They knew what they wanted to say before they convened.
Not Alone is causing some controversy, mainly because of some very broad and surely misleading declarations. But before taking those up, let’s glance back at an idea that has had several previous moments of celebrity.
In the beginning was Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which brought forward the idea that some work environments could be “abusive.” While the law lists sex — along with race, color, national origin, and religion — as a category on the basis of which employers are forbidden to discriminate, no one at the time seemed to be thinking that much about bosses saying sexual things to workers or coming on to them. The Supreme Court first gave legal life to that idea in 1986, when it held that sexual harassment was a form of workplace discrimination.
In 1992, the Court extended this to schools. And in 1993, it said employers could be sued for sexual harassment even by workers who had suffered no “psychological injury.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-05-14 03:31
Article here. Excerpt:
'The taxpayer-funded University of Wisconsin–Madison is now offering a pioneering postdoctoral fellowship in feminist biology.
“The program is the first in the nation — and probably the world,” said Janet Hyde, a women’s studies and psychology professor who is also the director of Wisconsin-Madison’s Center for Research on Gender & Women.
The feminist biology postdoctoral fellowship will focus on gender-related research and attempt to educate young research scientists on the perils of gender bias.
According to Hyde, feminist biology is necessary because biology remains rife with research biases and patriarchal points of view which have prevented women from excelling in the field.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-05-14 03:27
Article here. Excerpt:
'The petition calls for the Scottish government to review the laws that govern parental rights and child access, and their implementation, to ensure unmarried fathers have guaranteed rights to be a part of the lives of their children if they are deemed fit parents.
Margaret Park read out a statement on behalf of her son Ron Park, the petitioner, calling for every effort to be made to name both parents on a birth certificate to allow access to both parents.
Mr Park, who is trying to get access to his baby, wants family courts to enforce paternity testing "in extreme cases" and when in the interest of the child.
The statement said: "Unmarried fathers have no right or legal right until court awarded, as such the child cannot see them".
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-05-14 02:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'The daughter of missing longtime radio host Casey Kasem made a public plea to her stepmother Tuesday, telling Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren she will not contest any claim to her father’s estate if Jean Kasem would “give us our dad back.”
A judge on Monday ordered an investigation into the whereabouts of Kasem after an attorney for the ailing radio personality's wife said the former "Top 40" host had been removed from Los Angeles without his children's knowledge. Kasem, 82, suffers from Lewy Body disease, according to a rep for his family, can no longer speak and has been in various medical facilities chosen by his wife.
Kasem's children have complained that they have been unable to see their father in accordance with an agreement with their stepmother. Daughter Kerri Kasem had sought a temporary conservatorship and was appointed her father's temporary caretaker on Monday. Her attorney, Troy Martin, said the family believes the entertainer has been taken to an Indian reservation in Washington state.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-13 23:37
Article here (full article as .pdf here). Excerpt:
'Washington State University and the University of Idaho don't have a sexual assault problem so much as they have a problem with totalitarian feminism. This problem afflicts all higher education in the Era of Obama.
Both universities were cited as among 55 in a U.S. Department of Justice investigation of colleges that supposedly do too little to purge their campuses of sexual predators. It's all part of a crusade by the totalitarians to portray colleges as seething cauldrons of sexual predation that justify suspension of standard rules of evidence and burdens of proof. The investigations have nothing to do with the frequency of sexual assault and everything to do with punishing universities that exhibit excessive reluctance to trample the rights of the accused.
To placate the totalitarians, the Obama regime has tortured Title IX regulations and suspended due process on college campuses. According to the Obama regime's concept of jurisprudence, it requires little more than an accusation of sexual assault for a man to be found guilty.
This is one of those cases when a less-gullible news media could have saved everyone a lot of trouble. Obama warned us that this was coming back in January. The media are only just now taking a look at the justification for Obama's assault on the fundamentals of justice and are finding it wanting.
The Washington Post examined the surveys that the Obama regime cited and found them seriously flawed and obviously exaggerated. The Obama regime claims that one in five coeds will suffers sexual assault during her four years as an undergrad. But to reach that factoid, they had to torture the definition of sexual assault.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-05-13 23:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Jezebel’s Erin Gloria Ryan recently declared, “Being terrible about rape appears as endemic to American high education as barfing on the quad.” Ryan had just heard the news that 55 American universities are facing federal Title IX investigations for possibly mishandling cases of sexual misconduct. Jezebel seems to think that the Department of Education (DOE) investigations are evidence of a sexual-assault epidemic and insidious “rape culture” plaguing our college campuses.
Actually, the investigations show no such thing. The DOE has made it clear that a college’s investigation “in no way indicates at this stage that the college or university is violating or has violated the law.” What the investigations actually reveal is just the beginning of the messy results of three years of federal overreach into campus rape policies.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 23:05
Article here. Excerpt:
'Dear Potus and Flotus...
Now that the President’s prerogative of addressing the American people and the wider world in his weekly talk has been usurped by his wife, I was wondering if I, too, might have a crack? If one unelected individual who represents nobody but herself can air her views, why not anybody?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 21:15
Article here. Excerpt:
'A FEMINIST guru is being paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to teach Federal public servants to be fairer to women in the workplace — and she’s offered a session to Tony Abbott.
Work coach Deborah May, who provides awareness training in unrecognised bias, has been hired by the Commonwealth’s most senior and male-dominated departments, including Prime Minister and Cabinet, Treasury and Finance.
Taxpayers have forked out more than $800,000 in the past five years for Ms May’s lectures, with Treasury regularly booking sessions. In their latest contract, which ends next month, beancounters will pay Ms May almost $150,000 for training.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 21:12
Story here.
'The Feminist Initiative (FI), a Swedish party, may win its first seat in the European Parliament, according to the latest opinion polls published in the national press.
FI is currently polling at 4.3% of votes in Sweden, just above the 4% threshold required to win one of the country's 20 seats in the parliament. In 2009, the party got 2.2% of votes.
"This is an incredible development when the party got less than 1% of the votes in the last general election," said Drude Dahlerup, a professor of political science with a focus on gender at Stockholm University. The party doesn't have loyal voters but its approval ratings are lifted by its charismatic party leader Gudrun Schyman, Dahlerup told TV-station SVT.
But she added some voters might be disappointed when they realise that Schyman is not on the party's list of candidates for the election.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 16:14
Story here. Excerpt:
'Jay Z was ferociously assaulted by Beyonce's sister Solange ... who was wildly kicking and swinging at him inside an elevator ... and the attack was captured on surveillance video ... obtained by TMZ.
According to our sources, it all went down at a Met Gala after party last week at the Standard Hotel in NYC. In the video ... Jay Z, Beyonce and Solange step into the elevator ... and then Solange goes crazy, screaming at Jay before unleashing a violent attack.
A large man -- who appears to be a bodyguard -- attempts to hold Solange back, but she manages to connect at least 3 times. At one point Solange throws a kick and Jay grabs her foot, but never attempts to strike her. Beyonce stands by without getting physically involved.'
Wikipedia on Jay Z here. Solange Knowles is the sister of Jay Z's wife, the singer/actress Beyoncé.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 04:48
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Sumner County Elementary School teacher has been suspended because of allegations she encouraged two young boys to fight.
Brandie Dobson is still trying to figure out exactly what happened to her 8-year-old son last week, after the Watt Hardison Elementary 2nd grader got into a fight with one of his friends.
The scuffle happened on the school bus, and Dobson admitted her son was a part of the fight.
"The little boy had pushed him and hit his brother and cousin. So he hit him back,” she said.
But the next day, she said one of their teachers decided the fight wasn't over. Dobson said the teacher allegedly took her son, his brother and the other little boy into an empty classroom, and with another teacher present, had them finish.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 04:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'A school bus driver is no longer driving students and a stepmother is facing assault charges after a seven-year-old child was attacked on a Clarksville school bus that was headed to St. Bethlehem Elementary School.
The incident happened April 25, but News 2 was unable to obtain video of the incident until Wednesday.
According to school officials, two students were involved in an altercation before boarding the bus. One of the children is the daughter of Kela Hand’s partner.
The little girl ran home and told Hand that one of the kids on the bus hit her.
Hand, 22, then boarded the school bus. Video from inside the bus shows Hand yelling at students.
“You touch my baby?” She can be heard asking. “Who was it?”
Then the little girl points out a seven-year-old boy.
“You touch my baby again I will f*%! your little a%! up,” she is heard telling the little boy.
After nearly five minutes, Hand leaves the bus.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 04:45
Story here. Excerpt:
'A Michigan school district has withdrawn its efforts to fire a teacher over a video showing a student stuck in a classroom chair and instead is suspending her for a year.
The Goodrich Area Schools board was to meet in closed session Thursday evening to consider the settlement with Nicole McVey.
The video was recorded in November at Oaktree Elementary School and released to a TV station in February. On it, the boy is shown with his head and arms stuck in an opening in the back of the chair.
McVey and Principal Michael Ellis taunted the fifth-grader, who has Asperger’s syndrome, according to Patrick Greenfelder, a lawyer for the boy’s family.
Ellis has since resigned. McVey had been fighting the district’s efforts to fire her.
According to Greenfelder, McVey can be heard questioning the boy about how he got stuck before asking, “Do you want to get Tasered?”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-05-12 04:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'With a national push for better Title IX compliance and more and more schools facing consequences for mishandling sexual-harassment cases on campus, officials from West Virginia’s colleges came together for the first time last week to learn how to protect students from harm — and themselves from lawsuits.
Amy Niedzalkoski, an attorney who works for the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights and specializes in Title IX — a law that forbids gender discrimination at schools that receive federal funding — spoke to dozens of state college representatives in Fairmont last week in light of recent high-profile cases at schools across the country that have been scrutinized for turning a blind eye to a “rape culture” on campus.
The Office for Civil Rights is in charge of investigating any potential mishandling of a school’s own investigation and has the right to terminate federal funding at that school if there’s evidence of a Title IX violation.
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