Safety of Our Students: SAVE Calls on Congress to Fix Broken System of Campus Rape Panels

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / May 21, 2014 – Based on growing complaints by victims and accused students, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments (SAVE) is calling on Congress to fix the current system of campus disciplinary committees. A 2011 federal policy mandated that these panels adjudicate claims of campus sexual assault. Over 350 editorials to date have sharply criticized the boards both for shortchanging victims and violating the rights of the accused:

SAVE is proposing enactment of a new law entitled “SOS: Safety of Our Students.” The law would require that all allegations of campus criminal sexual assault be referred to local criminal justice authorities for investigation and adjudication. The full text of the bill can be seen here:

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Do men really understand what sexism is?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The air around us has recently been so thick with accusations of racism and sexism that it’s sometimes been a struggle to get a gulp of unpolluted air.

One day, Richard Scudamore and David Dein of the FA are diving into serious, career-threatening hot water for exchanging and forwarding lewd, unsavoury emails. The previous moment, an obscure presenter on BBC local radio was getting sacked for haplessly playing an 80 year-old record that mentioned the N-word. Then Nigel Farage is roasted alive for unguardedly admitting that he’d be more nervous if a group of Romanian men moved into the house next door than if a German family took up residence.

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Why is it only women who see sexism everywhere?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The other day a male friend met me for dinner looking pale about the gills and generally discombobulated. It transpired that, during his Tube journey, he'd been what can only be described as 'set upon' by a group of inebriated women who were on a hen night. As they shrieked an ear-splitting version of Beyonce's 'Who Run the World (Girls!)', two of them proceeded to sit on his lap, pinning him to his seat, while a third performed an involuntary (on his part) lap-dance. Luckily, they disembarked a few stops later (still screeching and flinging their arms around random male passers-by) otherwise my friend would have been trapped in his seat all the way to zone six. He couldn't make himself heard over the impromptu karaoke and didn't feel he could push them off for fear of appearing aggressive. So, he simply laughed along uncomfortably, praying the entire humiliating episode would, at some stage, come to a conclusion.

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Between the Lines: Bad Cop

Article here. Excerpt:

'Passions have been running high on the issue of sexual assault on college campuses, with women telling wrenching stories, universities being accused of failing victims, and the federal government seeking ways to force schools to do better. It seems like an unimpeachable cause. But, like many moral crusades, this one relies on too many uncritically accepted claims, often embraces blind zealotry, and has the potential to hurt innocent people without necessarily aiding those it seeks to help.

As proof of the catastrophic scope of the problem, we are told that one in five college women will be sexually assaulted by the time they graduate. But this figure comes from surveys in which the questions used to measure alcohol- or drug-facilitated sexual assault are worded so broadly as to lump together incapacitation and impairment, and in which most women classified as victims of rape do not believe they were raped and do not report the incident because they don’t think it’s serious enough to report.

Much-publicized personal narratives of sexual assault are likewise plagued by fuzzy definitions, ranging from violent rape to intoxicated sex in which the woman feels she was too drunk to properly consent. A recent letter in The Harvard Crimson from an anonymous student who failed in her quest for redress illustrates these gray areas. The letter describes a drunken encounter in which the woman never said she wanted to stop, only telling the male student to “stop kissing [her] aggressively,” and “obeyed” when he asked her to satisfy him. When the account was posted on Slate, the liberal online publication, even many commenters usually sympathetic to rape accusers felt the man’s behavior sounded boorish but not criminal.

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Attacks on Politically Incorrect 'Sexual Politics' Professor Rouse Fierce Defenders

Article here. Excerpt:

'As an Obama Administration report on "sexual assault" provokes anger at injustices against falsely accused men, eminent historians, political philosophers, constitutional scholars and nine hundred others are condemning attacks on a professor who drew attention to a related larger crisis which threatens Western society.

Professor Stephen Baskerville was furiously attacked by feminists and gender activists after his September lecture "Politicizing Potiphar's Wife: The New Ideology" mentioned unconstitutional procedures which empower females who falsely accuse males of rape or "harassment."

Baskerville's work is part of rising international outrage that includes prominent women warning that decades of feminist propaganda has resulted in men being routinely denied basic legal rights and due process, and often their lives are ruined by illegal imprisonment, impoverishment and loss of their children.

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Drunk mother pleads guilty to dropping 1-month-old baby out of stroller -- makes 'funny' faces during mugshot

Story here.

'A mother who was so drunk as she walked with her 1-month-old baby that she caused the infant to fall out of a stroller near a busy street plead guilty Monday, according to Humble police.

Sandra Grohman, 29, plead guilty to endangering a child and was sentenced to 180 days in jail.

A concerned citizen called authorities on April 22, 2014 to report that the mother, who appeared to be intoxicated, was pushing a stroller in the 1200 block of S. Houston Ave. about five feet away from a busy roadway. The witness said the mother had fallen over, causing the baby to fall out of the stroller.
When officers arrived, they determined Grohman was intoxicated. They had the baby checked out by EMS at the scene.

Her baby was released to Children’s Protective Services.'

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Why One Scholar Thinks There’s a ‘War on Boys’ in America’s Public Schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forget the “war on women.” American Enterprise Institute scholar Christina Hoff Sommers says that there’s a “war on boys” unfolding in America’s public school classrooms.

“Being a normal boy is a serious liability in today’s classroom,” Sommers said in a short video lesson* for Prager University, a conservative video series. ”Increasingly, our schools have little patience for what only a few decades ago would have been described as boyishness.”

Sommers says it’s past time to make elementary schools more friendly to boys, and she has four ways to do that: turn boys into readers; inspire their imagination; get rid of zero-tolerance policies; and bring recess back.

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Feminist Studies Professor Charged With Assaulting Pro-Lifers Faces Huge Legal Bill

Story here. Excerpt:

'It looks like the pro-choice Feminist Studies professor who assaulted a pro-life teen on the campus of UC Santa Barbara is looking for financial assistance due to “growing legal fees”

In March, the Santa Barbara District Attorney filed charges of grand theft, battery, and vandalism against Professor Mireille Miller-Young for violence she committed against young pro-life activists who held a peaceful outreach on the UC Santa Barbara campus on March 4th.

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Lawmakers want to prevent campus assaults

Article here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON — College officials often aren’t clear about how they must report cases of campus rape and sexual violence, and victims often feel they don’t have the support they need to hold assailants accountable, Sen. Claire McCaskill said Monday following a Capitol Hill roundtable.

The discussion focused on the Clery Act, which requires colleges and universities to disclose campus crime statistics. Some of the participants who met with McCaskill and Sen. Tammy Baldwin, D-Wis., said that schools report the crimes differently and many don’t provide the training needed to investigate the attacks.
A former sex crimes prosecutor in Kansas City, the Missouri Democrat said the changes to the legislation that she and Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., are working on will include a requirement that schools annually conduct anonymous surveys to learn more about sexual assault cases on their campuses.

The surveys are needed because current law does not provide good data, McCaskill said. While some schools have complained about the costs of conducting the survey, “many universities are going to be reluctant to shirk away from the responsibility of finding out exactly what the problem is on their campuses,” she said.

The legislation also will set penalties for violations of the crime-reporting law and mishandling of cases under civil rights legislation. The penalty is loss of all federal financial aid money, but it’s so extreme that it never has been imposed.

McCaskill said lawmakers were considering fines based on a school’s size, as well as rewards for good training programs and reporting, such as special consideration on grant applications.

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U.S. Will Spend $24.5M to Circumcise Men in Swaziland

Article here. Excerpt:

'( – The United States Agency for International Development is planning to spend $24.5 million to circumcise an estimated 150,000 to 200,000 male infants and males aged 10 to 49 in the kingdom of Swaziland by 2018.

The Kingdom of Swaziland has the highest rates of HIV in the world, accounting for 31 percent HIV prevalence among adults, the grant said.

“While the data suggest that the rate of new infections is stabilizing, HIV and AIDS remain the most important health burden and impediment to socio-economic development for Swaziland,” the grant said. “As a result, there is an urgent need to scale up the HIV prevention response in Swaziland.”'

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Circumcision is a form of mutilation

Article here. Excerpt:

'IT SEEMS it is winter again, which is okay if you are the member (of the Upper Jukskei Fly-fishing Collective), because at least he has a pair of boots in which to fish and absolutely no intention of sacrificing any part of his anatomy to gain entry into a cohort of his peers.

Each winter, many South African boys withdraw from society to undergo hardship in a ritualised test of manhood, including circumcision. Many boys will be horribly injured when their prepuces are crudely hacked off in unsanitary conditions. Many will die.

Circumcision of men and boys, in the opinion of the member, is genital mutilation no different from the widely condemned practice of genital mutilation of women and girls. Tradition or no tradition, religious or otherwise, in either sex it is cruel, atavistic and primitive. Other than in the relatively rare event of the medical condition paraphimosis and a number of infections, there is no reason to perform circumcision other than to establish dominance.

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Durham City and Former Duke Lacrosse Players Settle False Rape Case

Story here. Excerpt:

'The city of Durham and former Duke Lacrosse players have settled a lawsuit with regard to a false rape allegation.

David Evans, Colin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann - 2005-06 Duke men's lacrosse players - were accused of rape charges in 2006. The players were accused of sexually assaulting stripper Crystal Mangum at a team party.

The charges filed against the players led to the cancellation of the 2006 season and firing of coach Mike Pressler.

However, in 2007, state Attorney General Roy Cooper dropped the charges against the players as they were found innocent. Cooper and team concluded that details of Mangum's story did not coincide with evidence presented to police and prosecutors.

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NPO: Make Shared Parenting Happen NOW in Massachusetts

Article here. Excerpt:

'There is a great shared parenting bill that Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick says he “enthusiastically supports.” But he has not submitted it to the Legislature as his bill. It was developed by the Governor’s Working Group, which included our founder and chair Ned Holstein, MD, MS.

NOW is the time for the Governor to send the legislation to the Legislature that HIS Working Group produced as HIS bill. This is the only way Governor Patrick’s legislation will become law this year in Massachusetts.

Everyone can call the Governor’s office. Call Governor Deval Patrick's office - Rosemary Powers, Deputy Chief of Staff for Government Affairs; 617.725.4090. Ask her to have the Governor sponsor the child custody bill prepared by HIS Working Group and send it to the Legislature as HIS bill. Report your results to me.

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"The Real Reason You're Circumcised"

A funny and informative video about circumcision, its history, the harm done by the practice, and the illogical reason we still circumcise men today.

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Teacher gave flunking student 98% after having sex with him multiple times: cops

Story here. Excerpt:

'An Oklahoma high school teacher gave one of her failing students a top A-grade after they started having sex, police said.

Kalyn Thompson, 25, allegedly gave the Kellyville High School teen a 98% result in his English test — just months after he'd been struggling to pass the exams at all.

Cops claim the duo started talking outside class in December and had their first sexual encounter in March, shortly after the student turned 18.

They then had sex at least twice — once at a nearby lake and a second time at a hotel in Tulsa, investigators believe.

Thompson reportedly resigned mid-April after realizing that an internal investigation into her alleged activities had been launched.
Thompson was charged with second-degree rape and was held at Creek County Jail before being bailed out on $35,000 bond.'

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