Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-06-04 03:10
Choose your friends wisely, especially if they're total psychopaths. Story here, just in case you missed it. Keep your barf-bucket handy. Excerpt:
'WAUKESHA, Wis. (WLS) -- Police say two 12-year-old girls lured a friend into some woods in southeastern Wisconsin where one of them held her down as the other stabbed her 19 times.
The 12-year-old victim survived the attack on Saturday in Waukesha and police say her condition is stable.
On Saturday morning, a bicyclist discovered the 12-year-old girl who had been stabbed multiple times trying to make her way out of a wooded area in Waukesha. She had been lured there by two middle school classmates after a sleepover the night before. They were going to play games, Waukesha's police chief says, but the real intent was to kill.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-03 00:19
Article here. Excerpt:
'My recent article "Crying Rape: Is there really a rape epidemic? Probably not" generated a vicious reaction from left-leaning media and activists. In addition to being remarkably broad and at times dishonest, the tactics indicated that significant segments of the Left are not content to shout back at conservatives. They want to shout us down, to limit the honest discussion allowed regarding sexual violence.
As I stated in the article, I believe rape is a heinous, hideous crime and that a date-rape perpetrator “deserves the worst the law and life can throw at him.”
Now with that in mind, consider how David Brock’s Media Matters spun the story.
“National Review Online Claims Women Are Just ‘Being Taught To Believe They Were Raped’“
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-03 00:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'A controversial men’s rights group is holding its first conference in Detroit, and its host hotel wants organizers to hire police officers as security because of death threats.
The Houston-based group A Voice for Men is hosting its International Conference on Men’s Issues June 27 and 28 at the Hilton Doubletree Guest Suites Fort Shelby on West Lafayette. Speakers will address what they say is prejudice against men, “antifeminism” and corruption of family courts.
More than 2,000 people have signed an online petition seeking to cancel the conference, and the hotel last week informed A Voice for Men that it needed to hire extra security.
“We have received numerous calls and threats and are concerned for the safety and well-being of our employees, our guests and your attendees,” hotel officials wrote in a letter dated Thursday to Paul Elam, A Voice for Men’s founder and publisher.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-03 00:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'Colleges are in an increasingly untenable position when it comes to the sexual autonomy of their students, and the house of cards is going to come crashing down sooner or later.
Last week, the California State Senate approved SB 967, a bill that would require colleges receiving state-funded student aid to use an “affirmative consent” standard in their sexual assault policies. According to a report by the Associated Press:
"Their policies must include an affirmative consent standard, which is defined as “an affirmative, unambiguous and conscious decision” by each party to engage in sexual activity. It also requires consent to be ongoing throughout a sexual activity."
So on the one hand, colleges and universities are being asked to closely monitor how students conduct their sex lives, sometimes to the point of ensuring not only that consent was present, but also that it was “affirmative and unambiguous” throughout the entire encounter. As the editorial board of the Los Angeles Times pointed out, “It seems extremely difficult and extraordinarily intrusive to micromanage sex so closely as to tell young people what steps they must take in the privacy of their own dorm rooms.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-06-02 06:32
Article here. Excerpt:
'MARK COLVIN: There are claims that young men are turning away from teaching for fear of being falsely accused of child sex offences. The education union says it's been told that would-be male teachers are more reluctant to join the profession because of publicity over sex abuse in schools.
It follows the highly publicised Debelle inquiry which investigated the mishandling of a sex abuse inquiry at an Adelaide school. Meanwhile, male teacher numbers are continuing to fall.
Caroline Winter reports.
CAROLINE WINTER: The continual decline in male teachers in schools has been a serious issue nationally for some years. But the South Australian education union believes that trend has been exacerbated by false accusations of child sex offences.
David Smith is president of the SA branch.
DAVID SMITH: A number of young men have, or many of any age for that matter, have been put off, they've told us, by the potential litigation that there might be should there be some sort of vexatious, unfounded accusation against them.
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Submitted by Kaka81k on Mon, 2014-06-02 03:15
Please watch this from a woman. It has logical arguments and good cause-and-effect analysis. Caption: "Why is it that feminists say they need so little and yet demand so much?"
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2014-06-02 01:39
Story here.
'An act of retribution may have provoked a woman to brutally attack a third grader inside an Oakland elementary school bathroom, police say.
Students at Oakland’s Lafayette school knew something was wrong when they saw officers arrive at school Friday morning. They arrived to arrest Haseemah Diame, a parent and volunteer at the school.
Police say Diame walked onto the campus during recess armed with a hammer and pulled a 9-year-old girl aside.
“She was able to lure this other girl away from the play yard during recess into an adjacent bathroom there by the school. Once in the bathroom the adult proceeded to assault the girl with a hammer,” said school spokesman Troy Flint.
The attack was serious enough to draw blood.
“It’s very horrible because I wouldn’t want that happening to my kid,” said Antoniette Badio, a parent at the school.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-06-02 01:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'According to recent studies conducted by American researchers, men have lower principles of right and wrong compared to the fairer sex. Their research showed that men are very likely to compromise on their principles, resort to tactics that are ethically questionable, and tell bigger lies more often. Also, they have no qualms to compromise moral ethics in a bid to assert dominance to prove and defend their masculinity.
So, why do men have a fickle relationship with morality? Renowned Chennai-based psychologist Mini Rao explains, “Men are defined by their masculinity. And they take it way too seriously. ‘Be a man about it’ is a phrase that says it all. Their egos are far more fragile than women and they constantly need to prove they are right because it’s deeply etched in their minds that they can never be wrong.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-06-01 22:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'However, there is another practice we are not currently discussing which also perpetuates inequality between men and women, and it is the opposite of 'mansplaining'; it is glossing over, it is keeping mum, it is censoring, it is male muting. It is when men do not correct women when they are wrong, whereas they would another man. It is when men do not call out women when they are bluffing or bullsh*ting something, whereas they would a man, without a second thought. It feels just as humiliating and just as degrading. A mansplainer assumes a woman knows less than he does. A male muter assumes a woman knows less than he does and thus feels no need to explain. Whereas the assumption for a mansplainer lies in a responsibility to explain something to the poor woman who just can't understand it, a male muter stays quiet because the poor woman probably won't understand it. It's nothing for her to worry her pretty little head about. Just as mainsplaining is subconscious, so too is male muting. It is not a conscious decision to stay quiet whereas one would not with a male, but occurs as a conditioned response.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-05-31 22:43
Story here. Excerpt:
'Dennis Spears balanced precariously in his shiny green high heels.
Clad in a full-length green dress, he was determined to complete his walk.
But Spears wasn't a runway model, or looking to accentuate the figure of his legs.
The military veteran was working, along with about 100 other men in attendance, to shatter gender stereotypes and raise awareness for domestic violence.
"I've seen abuse," Spears said. "These women and children need help. This gets attention. If you can get enough guys together in heels for this, you're going to draw attention."
Spears and his friend Tim Graham, maintenance supervisor at the YWCA, both wore full dresses in hopes of drawing increased donations at this year's Walk a Mile in Her Shoes event, hosted by the Flint Young Women's Christian Association in downtown Flint, Friday, May 30.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-05-31 18:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'A proposed new law making its way through the California State Legislature would re-define the term "consensual sex" on California college campuses.
Recent statistics show one out of every five women on any college campus in California will be a victim of some form of sexual assault.
Senate Bill 967 would establish new rules for how public and private colleges deal with sexual assaults on campus.
The main difference from current practice is that responses must be victim centered and adopts the affirmative consent standard that means yes only means yes if its said out loud.
"Doesn't make a difference is you are a large campus, small independent college campus, public or private, you have to have a sense of uniformity", says Democrat State Senator and SB 967 co-author Kevin De Leon, "we have to have victim-centered oriented programs and policies so that that the victims are not re-victimized again."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-05-31 18:28
Story here. Excerpt:
'The University of Arkansas student accused of faking a sexual assault report pleaded not guilty Friday in Washington County.
Julia Garcia pleaded not guilty to filing a false police report and received a trial date of July 30 in Judge Mark Lindsay’s courtroom, according to the Washington County Prosecutor’s Office.
The suspect was arrested April 30 on suspicion of filing a false police report. She was released from the Washington County Detention Center without bond the same day, according to the Washington County Sheriff’s Office.
The woman told police April 27 she was sexually assaulted in the Garland Avenue parking garage on the University of Arkansas campus. Officers immediately began searching for her alleged assailant, a 6-foot-tall man with a muscular build, according to the University of Arkansas Police Department.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-05-31 18:23
Article here. Excerpt:
'With Democrats and the media gearing up to elect Hillary Clinton president, the obvious gameplan is to prep the battlefield by creating a cult of personality around women. If you are in any way paying attention, our cultural and media overseers seem to have coordinated a campaign where America is required to celebrate women simply because they don't sport a penis.
Women are awesome, just cuz.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-05-30 23:38
Story here. Excerpt:
'Hillary Clinton may not be much at administering the State Department, but she’s certainly a pro when it comes to expressing outrage at her own persecution. For the woman who is supposedly the world’s most powerful feminist, her sense of victimhood remains surprisingly strong. That’s never been more true than in her new book, Hard Choices, which points out that she – not the four men who died in Benghazi, Libya, on the night of September 11, 2012 – is the victim.
The Clinton camp reportedly leaked the 34-page Benghazi chapter of Hillary’s latest tome to favored outlet Politico. The portions quoted by Politico demonstrate an offputting self-pity and a false righteous indignation utterly at odds with Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State.
According to Politico, Clinton writes, “Those who exploit this tragedy over and over as a political tool minimize the sacrifice of those who served our country.” Of course, the sacrifice of those who served our country wouldn’t have been necessary if Clinton had done her basic duty in protecting diplomatic facilities overseas. And when it comes to politicizing Benghazi, it was the Obama administration that repeatedly lied for weeks to the American people about the source of the attacks to continue portraying President Obama as tough on terror during election season.
Questions that Hillary does not answer, of course. Questions like: Where were you? Why did you reject security? Why do you continue to insist that a YouTube video was to blame for the terrorist attacks?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-05-30 17:17
Article here.
'"There are currently 61.1 million American men in their prime working years, age 25–54. A staggering 1 in 8 such men are not in the labor force at all, meaning they are neither working nor looking for work. This is an all-time high dating back to when records were first kept in 1955. An additional 2.9 million men are in the labor force but not employed (i.e., they would work if they could find a job). A total of 10.2 million individuals in this cohort, therefore, are not holding jobs in the U.S. economy today. There are also nearly 3 million more men in this age group not working today than there were before the recession began," the Republicans on the Senate Budget Committee claim.
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