Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2014-06-19 17:11
Article here. Excerpt:
'For people my age, the freedom to get drunk or high and then have sex with someone was a right guaranteed by the sexual revolution of the Sixties.
A great number of my friends (both genders) vigorously exercised that right, knowing it was not something our parents or their parents were especially free to do, particularly the women.
The Obama government in fact insists upon that more stringent approach, telling educatorsin a special White House report to use a "more likely than not" test to decide whether sexual assault or harassment has occurred.
That is a much looser measure than the previous standard of "clear and convincing," and certainly far more likely to produce a guilty verdict than the "beyond a reasonable doubt" test applied in a criminal courtroom.
Further, the White House now recommends that schools should adjudicate cases without allowing any cross-examination of testimony.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2014-06-19 00:13
Article here. Excerpt:
'There are so many different types of family – from close knit, to extended, even polygamists – and so many different practical and emotional reasons why a family may break up, that it is very difficult to lay down hard rules when it comes to parenting.
So it’s not surprising that many fathers are upset this week after reading that psychologist Penelope Leach thinks no father, whatever the circumstances, should be allowed to host his own child overnight if a marriage breaks down and he has left the family home. Leach is said to have suggested that taking a child away from the mother for even one night before the age of four can damage their emotional development.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-06-18 08:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sorry, boys: This club is for girls only.
The newest program at the South Florida Science Center and Aquarium is focused on getting girls excited about math and science. To that end, no boys are allowed and it's run almost entirely by women – mentors who can show the girls they, too, can excel in those fields.
"Young girls for some reason don't see themselves as scientists," said Kate Arrizza, chief operating officer at the science center and the club's director. "We have to get them young and erase that stereotype."
Called Girls Excelling in Math and Science – GEMS, for short – it's one of more than 40 chapters across the U.S. and the first of its kind in the area. The free, after-school club is open to third- through eighth-grade girls throughout Palm Beach County and beyond, with a capacity of about 80. The first of the monthly sessions is July 29.'
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Submitted by Matt on Tue, 2014-06-17 02:38
Article here. This modern-day human rights crisis is getting some media attention, but not a lot. It's easy to understand why: the victims are all men. In this particular story, sometimes the victims are referred to as men, but usually as "people". Had all these victims been women, the word "woman" assuredly would have been used. But as for the murderers, they are consistently called "gunmen". Shouldn't they be called "gunpeople", as the victims, all men, are typically referred to genderlessly as well? But it isn't that simple. So of course, I have more to say. First comment if you care to read. Excerpt:
"Somali militants who murdered 48 people in a Kenyan village as they watched the World Cup went door to door asking residents if they were Muslim or spoke Somali - and shot them dead if either answer was 'no', witnesses revealed today.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 02:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sir Owen Glenn's independent inquiry into family violence suggests shifting the burden of proof in "domestic" cases so that alleged perpetrators are considered guilty unless they can prove they are innocent.
The first report from the $2 million inquiry, issued today, has found "overwhelming agreement" among the 500 people who gave evidence that New Zealand's current court system is "dysfunctional and broken".
"The court system structure and processes, and the people working within it, revictimise and retraumatise victims," it says.
The first report, called "The People's Report", does not make specific recommendations, which are expected in a final report by the end of this year.
But it offers "ideas for change" from those who gave evidence, including "a major review of the court system". Ideas include:
• "Revisit the burden of proof so that it lies with perpetrators not victims."'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 01:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'It has never been clearer that American society is in desperate need of a generation of feminist men. Not men who will take over the women’s rights cause and “mansplain” what feminists are doing wrong but true allies who will hold other men accountable and are committed to gender equality and the eradication of misogynistic violence.
According to the World Health Organization, 30 percent of women who have been in a relationship report having experienced a form of physical or sexual violence by their partner. The United Nations has found that intimate partner violence accounts for 40 to 70 percent of murdered women in the United States. One in four U.S. college women reports surviving rape or attempted rape since her 14th birthday. Just two weeks ago, Elliot Rodger went on a killing spree in Isla Vista, California — a devastating culmination of his hatred of women.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 00:50
Article here. Excerpt:
'Karen DeCrow, the feminist attorney and author who served as president of the National Organization for Women from 1974 to 1977, died of melanoma last Friday at 76. Although her passing was widely noted in the media, most the obituaries and tributes overlooked the more unorthodox aspects of her work. A lifelong champion of women’s rights, DeCrow was nonetheless skeptical about many key aspects of latter-day feminism, including its focus on sexual violence and male abuse of women. She was also, for much of her career, a men’s-rights activist.
DeCrow raised eyebrows in 1981 when she served as defense counsel to Frank Serpico, the former New York detective and whistleblower, in a paternity suit. Serpico claimed the plaintiff had used him as a “sperm bank” and lied about being on the Pill while knowingly trying to conceive, and asserted that he had a constitutional right not to become a parent against his will. (The family-court judge, a woman, ruled in Serpico’s favor, but he lost on appeal.)
DeCrow, by then a lawyer in private practice in Syracuse, New York, endorsed Serpico’s argument on feminist grounds. “Just as the Supreme Court has said that women have the right to choose whether or not to be parents, men should also have that right,” she told The New York Times, calling this “the only logical feminist position to take.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 00:48
Story here.
'A woman who had accused three men of gang raping her, has been arrested and sent to jail for allegedly giving false and fabricated information to police in the case, police said today.
The 27-year-old woman was arrested yesterday and sent to jail, police said.
The woman had earlier alleged that she was abducted in a car and gang raped by three men here, three days ago, they said.
Police had later registered a case and started investigation, during which the case was found to be false and fabricated by the woman and her two relatives.
A case has been registered against the woman and her two relatives under various sections of the IPC including alleged criminal conspiracy to indulge in extortion, police said, adding the two accused were absconding.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 00:44
Article here. Excerpt:
'Twitter enables every user to exercise their Freedom of speech First Amendment rights. Which, is fine, unless pure and utter stupidity is being conveyed through 140-characters.
What started as a supreme troll bait experiment became the battery that fueled the movement of a select few of acid-blooded feminists. According to The Daily Dot, 4chan had been banding together for months to pull of the elaborate hoax of #EndFathersDay which involved a reported 40,000 fake Twitter accounts.
True-blue feminists and sane individuals denounced the movement but alas, a handful of women who thought they were self-created got caught breathing fire and choking on the smoke when the joke was on them.
Check out some of the anti-male bashing in the gallery below to make you more thankful for this current Father’s Day. We’re all for everyone having a worthwhile opinion but sometimes, just nah.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 00:41
Article here. Excerpt:
'A student is suing Occidental College in Los Angeles for expelling him after a female student allegedly sent text messages indicating she had wanted to have sex, arranged for a rendezvous, then one week later accused him of sexual assault.
The case is the latest to follow the Obama administration’s new effort to crack down on campus rape.
The plaintiff, who filed anonymously as John Doe, said the female student texted him asking if he had a condom, informed a friend she was “goingtohave ‘sex” (sic) and coordinated a route to his dorm.
Police investigated and decided not to prosecute, but the male student was expelled, because of “pressure from the federal government to take action on sexual assault,” according to the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which is working on the case.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-06-17 00:38
Article here. Excerpt:
'California politicians are aiming to entrench and expand an Obama-administration policy that has questionable implications for the rights of the accused.
Senate Bill 967 [link added] would require California universities whose students are receiving financial assistance to change their sexual-misconduct policies. Colleges would be required to follow a standard of “affirmative consent” from students engaging in sexual activities and follow a “preponderance of evidence” standard for disciplinary measures.
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Submitted by ThomasI on Mon, 2014-06-16 14:15
To have more women in SMET, we should lower the standards. The article's title says it all. Mind-boggling. Excerpt:
'One of the world’s most prestigious science publications, Nature, is out with a new op-ed arguing that top-notch PhD programs should lower their math requirements to admit more women.
Only 26 percent of women score above a 700 on the GRE’s Quantitative section, excluding them from the nation’s elite STEM grad programs.
“In simple terms, the GRE is a better indicator of sex and skin color than of ability and ultimate success,” argue professors Casey Miller and Keivan Stassun [PDF].
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2014-06-16 12:46
Story here. Excerpt:
'Fathers 4 Justice has called on JK Rowling to renege on her presidency of single parent charity Gingerbread, claiming that it supports the separation of four million children from their fathers.
With the campaign launched on the eve of Father’s Day, the activist group made a plea to the Harry Potter author on its Facebook page stating: “In the fantasy novels, Harry Potter lost his parents. Now, thanks to organisations like Gingerbread and their president, JK Rowling, nearly four million children in the UK have lost their fathers in real life.”
It comes as two members of the group scale Exeter Cathedral in protest at the family courts, which it says are "evil."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-06-15 23:29
Article here. Excerpt:
'Co-hosts of ABC talk show “The View” jumped all over guest co-host Terry Crews on Friday, when he said that there are some things only a father can teach his children.
Well, with the exception of Sherri Shepherd, that is. Whoopi Goldberg and Jenny McCarthy both tried to shut down his argument for fathers, saying a single mother can give her children anything a father can.
I hate to say it, but one of our glaring faults as women is we do not always listen, for we are too busy hearing what we want to hear to quickly go for the jugular.
We say we want men to open up, tell us how they feel, but most times what we really want is for our men to agree with us -- or, as comedian/actor Bill Cosby put it, we don’t want to hear what men think, we want to hear what we think in a deeper voice.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-06-15 23:28
Article here. Excerpt:
'The recent rise of men’s right’s activist groups is due to two primary reasons. 1) Men are responding to some of the double standards and biases introduced in some feminist philosophy. 2) Men have realized the need to increase advocacy and awareness of issues primarily affecting the male gender just as feminism has done the same for the female gender.
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