Countdown to Kickstarter for First-Ever Book on Celebrating Brit Shalom

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today I have some big news that I am excited to share. I’ve recently been working on a project with my dear friend Lisa Braver Moss. We’ve been putting together a book for families who want to hold a brit shalom ceremony for their newborn sons.

If you aren’t familiar—brit shalom is an alternative to brit milah. The baby is given a Hebrew name and welcomed into the Jewish community without circumcision. By all indicators, brit shalom is becoming evermore popular. For example, Dr. Mark Reiss’s Brit Shalom Providers List now boasts nearly 200 officiants—more than 100 of whom are bona fide rabbis.

Lisa and I decided it was time for a book about brit shalom, one that families and officiants could turn to for advice and inspiration. The book will include a choice of ceremonies, original songs, information about brit shalom and tips for hosting a service.

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Men Stage ‘Fatherless Day’ Protest Against Family Court

Story here.

'This Father’s Day, there are some Dad’s who don’t want a new tie or a cold beer, but simply a chance to be a parent.

Call it ‘Occupy Family Court’ or ‘Fatherless Day.’ There was a protest Friday afternoon on the west steps of the State Capitol against a family court system they say automatically rules in favor of mom during a divorce, without giving dad a chance.

“From a biased family law system and the pain that father’s go through, many fathers have to go through Father’s Day without actually seeing their own children,” said Fred Hayward.

Divorce is messy and the impact on the kids can be permanent, and the father’s protesting Friday said if the custody is shared equally the damage can be minimized.

“Typically the father has to pay child support and never sees his kids except every other weekend and the children suffer,” said Jeremy LeRoux.'

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Dad in South Africa seeks repatriation of daughter taken to France

A dad in South Africa, Michael Job, has started an international campaign to help him persuade the French authorities to cooperate with South Africa in the extradition of his daughter whom his estranged wife took to France on vacation with the agreement that she would return with their daughter to South Africa. Currently, she has failed to return to South Africa or arrange for their daughter's return to South Africa. See the following sites for details:

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More dads demand equal custody rights

Article here. Excerpt:

'One reason for the interest in fathers getting their due, suggests Alan Boudreau, who teaches at Northern Illinois University's College of Law in DeKalb, Ill., is that many of today's lawyers and judges come from homes where divorce played out.

"They were children of divorce at a time when the presumption was very much (that) the mother would stay in the marital home and have pretty much full-time custody of the kids, and the father would have visitation and maybe some overnights," Boudreau says. "I think those kids — when divorcing — want a different experience for their kids than they had."
The recession accelerated this trend, he says.

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AVfM International Conference on Men's Issues Change-of-Venue Information

Announcement here. Excerpt:

'The disingenuous and quite insane backlash against the International Conference on Men’s Issues has produced some interesting results. First, the onslaught of yellow journalism from places like Daily Kos and the Huffington Post has been unprecedented, even for those two myth-factories.

The other thing it has produced is a hell of a lot more interest in the conference, and more ticket sales. So much so, as a matter of fact, that we have opted to move to a venue that will seat more people and provide more security than was available previously.

While we apologize for any inconvenience that the move is going to cause, it is nonetheless a positive move for the conference. Because seating capacity was misrepresented to us at the previous venue, we were forced to plan for an overflow room where we would pipe in live events to a monitor at reduced ticket prices.

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SAVE E-lert: Proliferation of Lawsuits Against Colleges

Since 2011, when the U.S. Department of Education issued its notorious "Dear Colleague Letter," we have worked with federal lawmakers, attorneys representing wrongfully accused students, their parents, and concerned groups to address this egregious assault on due process rights. 

SAVE has established a website that catalogs the hundreds of editorials criticizing the Dear Colleague Letter:

And this week, we released the first-ever compilation of lawsuits against colleges and universities filed by wrongfully expelled students:

We are updating on a regular basis, so check back often.  

On behalf of all victims, and all who are falsely accused, thank you.


Teri Stoddard, Program Director
Stop Abusive and Violent Environments

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'False rape' cases soar in Delhi as number of acquittals hits 78 per cent

Story here. Excerpt:

'Rape is sinister, but perhaps equally sinister is the use of false rape charges as a tool to extort vulnerable men.

The number of cases of rape has seen an alarming increase in the Capital after the December 16 gang-rape incident, with two such cases being reported daily on an average.

However, "frivolous rape cases" have also seen a phenomenal rise, with accusations being used when relations go sour, or to settle scores.

Data from Delhi Police show 616 rape and 1,336 molestation cases were registered between January 1 and April 30.

This is a 36 per cent rise in rape cases against the 450 cases registered in the same period of last year.

Though there is an increase in the number of rape cases, the percentage of the "accused" being acquitted has shot up considerably too.

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Focus on campus assault gray areas, not red or blue

Article here. Excerpt:

'No, conservative commentator George Will should not be fired because, when writing about campus sexual assault, he declared that colleges are learning when they “make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges, victims proliferate.”

He’s an opinion writer, which means he has the right to express an opinion, even one that’s offensive to women, especially to some feminists now lobbying to get his column dropped.
But Will’s questioning of statistics and how best to deal with campus sexual assault are not outrageous. It’s easy to cast it that way because, just like Benghazi and Bowe Bergdahl, the matter of sexual relations between our college-age children breaks down along ideological lines. In this case, a blast of tweets from the left quickly stirs an off-with-his-head frenzy.

Ever since the White House released a report aimed at exposing the problem of sexual assault on campuses, this topic has become yet another excuse for partisan braying.

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Petition to Fire George Will Launched By Wife of White House Media Director

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week, George Will wrote a column about how progressive politics have fomented "rape culture" on college campuses. The column was not well received by some, or even, as a great many of the histrionic responses would indicate, well understood. I received the following press release yesterday, headlined: "87,000 Call on The Washington Post to Address Sexism, Fire George Will." A group called UltraViolet was touting the success of an online petition they'd whipped up over the controversy. From the release:

“The past week has seen the Washington Post devolve to violent and shameful rhetoric that normalizes rape and violence against women. In the face of a national epidemic of sexual violence, The Washington Post should take a stand against rape-- starting by firing George Will, said Nita Chaudhary, co-founder of UltraViolet. “From mocking survivors to misleading the public on demands for college sexual assault reform and blaming women for violence against them-- the Post has left the realm of honest debate and entered the realm of hate-speech and dog whistles.”

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Men's rights group cancels conference in downtown Detroit, plans for alternate venue

Article here. Excerpt:

'A controversial conference on men’s rights that was to be held at a downtown Detroit hotel has been canceled.

The Hilton Doubletree Guest Suites Fort Shelby on W. Lafayette will no longer be hosting the A Voice for Men’s International Conference on Men’s Issues, which was to be held June 27-28.

“We have scheduled another venue and will make an announcement on the site this evening,” group founder Paul Elam said in an email Wednesday.'

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#YesAllWomen: Facts the media didn't tell you

Video on YouTube here.

"The Factual Feminist video blog, hosted by Christina Hoff Sommers, covers all subjects related to feminist philosophies and practices. Christina and her #FactFem colleagues use a data-driven approach to the basic tenets of feminism and related topics."

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Domestic Violence: Men Are Victims Too

Article here. Excerpt:

'Domestic violence is something that is mostly commonly found among women. Stories of physical, mental, and emotional abuse can be seen on many sites across the internet and sometimes in the news. However, this is not an occurrence that only affects women. Men are victims of domestic violence too. Male domestic violence is not often heard of, but that should not suggest that it does not occur. In fact, men have it just as rough, if not worse, than women do. A wide range of skepticism is met when reports are received from men stating that they are being abused. It is a broad misconception that men cannot be abused because they can ‘handle themselves.’ Another misconception is that women are frail beings thus not being able to hurt the male at all.

According to one statistic, men make up about 40 percent of all domestic violence cases. In one of many studies, statistics shows that 64 percent of domestic violence calls made by men to hotlines were turned away with statements saying that the hotline only assisted women. Some of the hotlines that were contacted for this reason often referred men to male domestic violence hotlines. Most reports filed by men for domestic violence are often met with disbelief, ridicule, and sometimes laughter. Speaking with law enforcement about the incident does not make matters any easier for the victim because of these issues.

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Conference Educates on Bullying/Domestic Violence Prevention

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Wildwood Convention Center was the site of the “Bullying/Domestic Violence Prevention Conference” sponsored by the Cape May County Prosecutor’s Office. Ed Rodgers welcomed visitors and made sure they were headed in the right direction. The event itself began at 8:30 a.m. and wrapped up about 3 p.m. The event was paid for by drug forfeiture money.

The goal of the conference was to make progress in preventing both bullying and domestic violence. The theme, according to Cape May County Prosecutor Robert Taylor, was ‘Creating Safe School Environments and Safe Communities.’

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Wealthy men drugged by NYC strippers, authorities say

Story here. Excerpt:

'It's a tawdry tale of New York City strippers on the prowl for vulnerable men with money, drinks spiked with illegal synthetic drugs and runaway credit card charges at topless clubs.

Some of the men say they have little or no memory of any of it. But investigators filled in the blanks for them on Wednesday by announcing the arrests of four women — all described as professional strippers — and a club manager on charges including grand larceny, assault and forgery.

The four were accused of teaming up to rip off a combined $200,000 from a New Jersey doctor, a banker, a hedge fund executive and a real estate attorney in a credit card scam during the last four months of 2013.
According to authorities, the scheme began with the women going on "fishing" expeditions at bars in midtown Manhattan and on Long Island to lure in victims. On follow-up dates, they secretly dosed the victim's drinks with the stimulant methylone, commonly known as "molly," or the tranquilizer ketamine.

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Politico: George Will Is An Old White Guy, So He Never Should Have Written About Campus 'Rape'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminists are demanding Washington Post columnist George Will be fired for a Sunday column on campus sexual assaults. Politico media reporter Hadas Gold wrote “the reception from progressives went about as well as expected when an older, white, male conservative columnist writes about college sexual assaults.”

So an old white guy can’t write about the excesses of liberalism? Free speech for everyone, except the race-and-gender-privileged? Gold repeated herself a few sentences down: “Will's own identity — older, white, male and conservative — made him especially prone to liberal criticism on the subject of sexual assault.” Her piece was loaded up with angry lefties.
Here’s how Will began his column (and the outrage):

"Colleges and universities are being educated by Washington and are finding the experience excruciating. They are learning that when they say campus victimizations are ubiquitous (“micro-aggressions,” often not discernible to the untutored eye, are everywhere), and that when they make victimhood a coveted status that confers privileges, victims proliferate."

Gold utterly missed what this conservative would have raised in response: where were the feminists when the victims of sexual assault and harassment were victimized by Bill Clinton? Weren’t the liberal journalists the first to spread the insensitive theme that the Clinton “bimbos” sought privilege for themselves, and the conservative media’s thirst for bimbo stories caused the bimbos to proliferate?

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