Study: Judges with daughters are more likely to rule in favor of women

Article here. Excerpt:

'For better or worse, personal relationships may account for why judges sometimes reach decisions at odds with their political views.

Researchers set out to test the effect of one relationship on judicial decisions: father and daughter. They found that judges who have daughters are more likely to rule in favor of women’s rights than those who don’t.

Maya Sen, a political scientist at the University of Rochester, and Adam Glynn, a government professor at Harvard, looked at 990 cases involving gender issues such as pregnancy discrimination. They evaluated 2,674 votes cast by 244 appeals court judges and found having at least one daughter increased the likelihood a judge ruled in favor of women’s rights in a gender-related case by 7 percent.

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UK: Separated mothers must not get away with 'Catherine Tate justice' and ignore dads' rights, says Appeal Court judge

Article here. Excerpt:

'Separated mothers must no longer get away with ‘Catherine Tate justice’  that prevents fathers from seeing their children, a senior judge said.

No mother should be able to ignore court orders, stop a father ever meeting his children, and then tell him ‘Am I bothered?’, Appeal Court judge Lord Justice McFarlane [link added] said.

He said that radical fathers’ groups were right to complain that men were often wrongly shut out of their children’s lives.
The warning from Sir Andrew McFarlane, one of the country’s most experienced family judges, follows a series of reforms earlier this year designed to speed up cases which decide on how separated parents will share the care of their children.

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NPO: How to Change a Child Support Order

Article here. Excerpt:

'Recently Vicki Turetsky, Commissioner, Office of Child Support Enforcement, issued a Dear Colleague Letter (below), announcing the release of its guide: Changing a Child Support Order. National Parents Organization is reproducing her letter below with links to resources provided. It is a thorough guide to changing child support orders with information for every state. There is a particular emphasis on those who are or have been incarcerated. It is a good place for every parent to start who is paying or receiving child support.

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Female cop accused of instigating fights between daughter and others

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Philadelphia cop who allegedly pushed her own children to fight other kids - and who, on at least one occasion, allegedly jumped in a fight to punch a 14-year-old girl - was arrested yesterday on numerous assault and child endangerment charges, according to the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office.

Officer Tamika Gross' propensity for fighting has twice been detailed by the Daily News, once in 2009 when she got into a street fight with another woman while she was on duty and once in 2013, when she allegedly brought her 16-year-old suspended daughter back to Lincoln High School to fight a 14-year-old girl over a boy.

In the latter instance, which prosecutors said was caught on cell phone video, Gross is accused of jumping into the fight when her daughter started losing and punching her daughter's rival in the eye - twice.'

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UK: Study finds women more controlling than men towards partners

Article here. So much for patriarchy theory. Excerpt:

'Convention has it that women are the gentler sex.

But when it comes to relationships they are more likely than men to be controlling and aggressive, a study claims.

Increasing numbers of women can now be classed as ‘intimate terrorists’, meaning that they are verbally and physically violent towards a partner.

Psychologists at the University of Cumbria questioned 1,104 young men and women using a scale of behaviour which ranged from shouting and insulting to pushing, beating and using weapons.

They discovered that women were ‘significantly’ more likely to be verbally and physically aggressive to men than vice versa.

They concluded that violence was linked to controlling behaviour such as checking up on partners and persuading them not to see certain friends.
Study leader Dr Elizabeth Bates said: ‘The stereotypical popular view is still one of dominant control by men. That does occur but research over the last ten to 15 years has highlighted the fact that women are controlling and aggressive in relationships too.’

She said scientists may have to think again about the reasons for male violence against women, which previous studies said arose from ‘patriarchal values’ in which men are motivated to seek to control women’s behaviour, using violence if necessary.
Dr Bates, who presented her findings at the annual meeting of the forensic division of the British Psychological Society, in Glasgow, said: ‘It wasn’t just pushing and shoving. Some people were circling the boxes for things like beating up, kicking, and threatening to use a weapon.’

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Girl stabs mother to death and makes a false rape claim as well

A horrible story about a girl who stabbed her mother to death and even made a false rape claim. Excerpt:

'ARAPAHOE COUNTY, Colo. - After finding probable cause that a 19-year woman, who stabbed her mother 151 times, committed first-degree murder, an Arapahoe County judge on Thursday accepted the teenager's plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.

As a result, Isabella Guzman will not go to prison, but instead will be sent to the State Hospital in Pueblo for treatment.

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Teen "Porn Diva" Out Of Jail, Back On Twitter

Story here. She and two others molest three minor girls and she actually invokes God as her defender, hoping it doesn't affect her future that much. As a female, she'll probably get a much-lesser term in prison than any male caught doing similar. But really, there's stupid, then there's her level of stupid. But if she is predicting she'll only get probation, she may be right. Her male co-offenders will undoubtedly be much less fortunate. Excerpt:

'JUNE 23--The Miami teenager who bills herself as a “porn diva” and posts explicit photos to her social media accounts bonded out of jail Friday on underage sex charges and immediately returned to Twitter to declare, “i hope this doesn't interfere with my dreams but only time will tell.”

Bianca Byndloss, 19, was arrested last week along with two male codefendants for allegedly participating in a May 25 sex party with three female victims aged 12, 13, and 14.
According to police, Byndloss brought the girls to the Miami home of Christian Hernandez, 19. While at the residence, Byndloss, Hernandez, and Bryan Yanes, 18, “engaged in sexual acts” with the three victims.

Videos of the illicit activity were discovered on cell phones owned by the various participants. Cops began investigating the incident after learning that clips from the sex party were placed online.
Byndloss, Hernandez, and Yanes are each facing multiple felony charges of lewd and lascivious battery on a child and promoting sexual performance by a child.

After being released from the Miami-Dade jail, Byndloss posted a series of Twitter messages Saturday that appeared to reference her criminal case, which could result in stiff prison sentences for the three accused.

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Pro-foreskin movement coming to Saskatoon

Story here. Excerpt:

'His group, Foreskin Pride, will march in the Saskatoon Pride parade on Saturday, and intends to protest in front of a circumcision clinic on Monday.

“Part of what I’m trying to do, as one of the more seasoned activists in the movement in Canada, is come to communities where the support is only really online, they don’t have the experience of doing street protests.”

Callender said he first became aware of circumcision when he was about eight years old, was “horrified” by the thought, and became active in the genital autonomy movement in 2010.
He started Foreskin Pride in 2012, as a subgroup of the gay pride movement. His group mirrors the core principles of pride — human rights, sexual freedom and sexual self-determination, he said.

“Canadian men will not have real sexual freedom as long as other people have arbitrary editing rights over our genitalia when we’re too young to defend ourselves.”

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Woman Wanted After Bacon Grease Assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'PITTSBURGH (KDKA) — Police in Lawrence County are searching for a woman who allegedly threw hot bacon grease on her boyfriend after an argument.

Police say the scene played out on the front porch of a house on South Mill Street in New Castle. It was just after 10 p.m. last Thursday.

Authorities identify the couple involved as 37-year-old Shawntay Thomas and her 49-year-old boyfriend, Jasper Williams III.

“Him and his girlfriend were at the house and got into a verbal dispute,” said Chief Robert Salem, of New Castle Police. “During the argument, he went outside and sat on the porch; his girlfriend came outside and threw bacon grease on him.”'

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Why Do We Hate Young Men So Much?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Our treatment of young men needs to be questioned. Should we accept it's open season on them? Should we accept using them as a punchbag for an emotional battering? Should we expect them to soak up the pressure and absorb everything we throw at them? If you think we should, why are so many young men not living happy lives as well adjusted individuals ready to cope with loving relationships and fatherhood?

We've all tried and failed loads of times. More often than not the process has made us better people. The thought of being jeered in the street, accused of being bad at our jobs, being a bad person who doesn't care and we should quit our jobs would destroy us all, wouldn't it?
Paul Bristow, from the Mental Health Foundation, supports the view that there's something going wrong with men.

"We urgently need to know more about why being male is itself a risk factor in suicide and to do more to help men, especially young men, seek assistance rather than suffer in silence," he has said.'

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When Women Attack: The Hope Solo Double Standard

Article here. Excerpt:

'As the World Cup dominates headlines around the globe, soccer star Hope Solo has found herself in the news but not for reasons she or her fans probably hoped. Solo was arrested for allegedly assaulting two relatives. Solo becomes yet another high-profile woman accused of assault. Security footage reportedly capturing rapper Jay-Z on the receiving end of an attempted assault by his wife Beyonce’s younger sister, Solange, in an elevator became one of the biggest stories of the year.

Yet the footage didn’t inspire any serious discussion of inter-family violence. Instead it resulted in a lot of speculation—and jokes. Saturday Night Live produced one of its most inspired, and funniest, sketches in recent memory on the incident. But if the genders were reversed, would anyone be laughing?

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Police Report In Hope Solo Domestic Violence Case Details Unruly Scene

Article here. Excerpt:

'ESPN reported the ugly scene from the police report. Statements given to police by the USA soccer goalkeeper’s 17-year-old nephew reveal that Solo arrived at her half-sister’s house upset that her husband, former NFL tight end Jerramy Stevens, had refused to take her to the airport for a flight.

Solo was inebriated and became even more upset when she thought her nephew had insulted her. Things calmed down for a bit until her nephew’s interest in acting was mentioned. The nephew said you need to have an “athletic state of mind” to be an actor, to which Solo responded he was “too fat and overweight and crazy to ever be an athlete,” according to the police report.

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Professor: Epidemic of Campus Sexual Assault at UMich... Has Been Shrinking For a Decade

Story here. Excerpt:

'Over at the American Enterprise Institute's blog, AEI scholar and professor of economics Mark Perry crunches the numbers on instances of sexual assault at the main University of Michigan campus (Perry teaches at the sister campus in Flint).

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Sweden: FGM discovered to be on rise

Story here. Makes my skin crawl to read about these kinds of horrid things happening. I just wish people in general reacted with the same degree of disgust when boys are mutilated as when girls are. I wonder why people don't get it that if it can be done to boys, it can be done to girls, too -- once the principle is accepted, the specific follows. Those seeking to end FGM will I hope soon realize that taking up equally the end of MGM will not only expand their circle of allies in the cause and access to resources, but also the goal is more likely to be met sooner than not. Excerpt:

'School health services in the small Swedish city of Norrköping have found 60 cases of female genital mutilation (FGM) among schoolgirls since March, with evidence of mutilation found in all 30 girls in one class, 28 of the most severe form.

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NPO: It’s All About the Kids on Connor’s Corner Podcast

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization member Mike Connors has developed a following on TalkShoe for his regular podcast, Connor’s Corner. Using his success in this medium, Mike is hosting several podcasts about National Parents Organization’s issues and work. Mike is volunteering his expertise to promote National Parents Organization and to engage new members.

To kick it off, Mike invited me to speak with him about National Parents Organization’s key successes and our work on shared parenting and parental equality within family law. Our discussion is an overview of where National Parents Organization is in its goals; how I got involved; and where we are heading. Of course, my time with National Parents Organization has been marked with drastic change.

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