Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2014-07-13 17:47
Story here. Excerpt:
'The lawsuit filed by engineer Nan Shi says that her boss, mobile exec Maria Zhang, forced her into sex and then punished her with lousy performance reviews when Shi put a stop to it, reports the San Jose Mercury News.
When Shi reported it to Yahoo, the company put her on unpaid leave and eventually fired her, according to the lawsuit. It names Yahoo as a defendant, reports Reuters.
Both women joined Yahoo last year when it acquired a company founded by Zhang. Shi, a native of China, says Zhang ordered her to move into Yahoo housing in Sunnyvale, Calif., and soon moved in with her.
Yahoo is sticking by Zhang and says it will "fight vigorously to clear her name."'
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Submitted by mens_issues on Sun, 2014-07-13 15:39
Men's Wearhouse has a National Suit Drive underway intended to help low income men find employment. More information can be found here. Excerpt:
'You can help the National Suit Drive by donating a gently used suit to the Men's Wearhouse, or by following @menswearhouse on Twitter or tweeting #giveasuit (they will donate $1 each time). You can also follow @MensWearhouse on Instagram and they will also make a donation.'
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Submitted by ThomasI on Sun, 2014-07-13 09:29
I suggest posting this not so much for the article, but for the comments that follow the article. The Chronicle of Higher Education is one of the more respected journals on the state of affairs in academia. Even female faculty are getting disgusted by this hysteria and its impact on both men and women. Excerpt:
'More than 40 percent of colleges have not conducted a single sexual-assault investigation in the past five years, according to the results of a national survey released on Wednesday by Sen. Claire McCaskill. The on-the-ground details of campus sexual assault and the capacity of officials there to respond to it should serve as a "wake-up call" for colleges, said Ms. McCaskill, a Missouri Democrat who recently held three roundtable discussions on the issue.
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2014-07-13 07:30
Story here. Excerpt:
'The movement to name newborn Jewish boys without the surgery of circumcision has reached a milestone—200 celebrants (officiants) are available to perform the ceremony. More than 120 of these are rabbis.
Called brit shalom (Hebrew for covenant of peace), this alternative naming ceremony may correspond in most ways with traditional brit milah, except that there is no cutting of the baby.
"They're especially happy ceremonies, for that reason," says Mark Reiss, M.D.
For 14 years, Dr. Reiss, of San Francisco, has been recruiting celebrants of brit shalom for his web page. He estimates that 300-500 boys are welcomed into their U.S. Jewish communities with brit shalom ceremonies every year. Most U.S. states, several Canadian provinces, and other countries are represented on the list. Twelve of the celebrants are in Israel.'
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Submitted by Matt on Sun, 2014-07-13 07:23
Essay here. Excerpt:
'When my nephew Eli was born, there was no way on earth he was going to be circumcised. His father is not only not Jewish, but British, from a culture where circumcision is rare. And his mother—my sister-in-law Ellen, a Jew who grew up Reform in the Milwaukee suburbs—wasn’t thrilled about the notion of brit milah anyway.
“It was never important to me,” she told me. “To me, circumcision is paranormal hoo-ha. I don’t believe in God, so why would I chop off part of my child for something I don’t even believe? It’s like sacrificing a goat or something. I’m not going to kill a goat.”
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2014-07-12 16:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'An Ohio National Parents Organization member recently wrote to me to let me know what responses he’d received from the Ohio legislators he’d written to. He was writing to advocate for a presumption of true shared parenting during temporary orders. “True shared parenting” means joint legal decision-making authority (legal custody) and substantially equal parenting time (physical custody). One of our esteemed legislators blew the issue off, informing this man that (as the man reported to me), “temporary orders are simply temporary, and that they are not the final orders that the magistrate can rule to set what is in the best interest of the child.”
Well, of course, temporary orders are temporary. Hard to argue with that. But it’s a terrible mistake to conclude that they don’t matter much. They are vitally important.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-07-12 04:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'In the Independent this week, Yvette Cooper suggested that British boys should grow up as ‘confident feminists’. They need to have lessons in feminism to help them learn how to treat women, she argued.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-07-11 21:49
Story here. Excerpt:
'Fox News host Megyn Kelly is charging House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) with being “guilty” of sexism after her comments on the Supreme Court’s Hobby Lobby ruling.
“We should be afraid of this court, that five guys are determining which contraceptions are legal or not,” Pelosi said Thursday. “It’s not her boss’ business.”
Kelly went after Pelosi’s remarks, saying “Nancy Pelosi either doesn’t know what she’s talking about, or she’s intentionally misleading you,” and called the gendered attack an “attempt to stoke resentment.”
“First of all, the gender of the justices in the Hobby Lobby majority is totally irrelevant,” Kelly said, pointing out that the justices who ruled in the majority for Roe v. Wade were also men. “Does Ms. Pelosi think those justices were ill-equipped to fairly decide that case? Or is it only when a judge disagrees with Ms. Pelosi that his gender is an issue.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-07-11 04:56
Story here. Excerpt:
'In a sharply-worded parliamentary question to Justice Minister Tzipi Livni (Hatnua), Likud-Beytenu MK Moshe Feiglin is demanding some answers regarding a highly controversial advertisement campaign that he says appears to encourage “gender warfare.”
The campaign encourages divorced mothers to make use of a new “fast track” for child support debts in the Hotzaa Lapoal, Israel's Collection Agency, which enforces judgements regarding debts. Long lobbied for by genderist women's groups, the fast track's employees will save mothers who are owed child support much of the hassle that accompanies the collection of money that is owed them.
The campaign depicts divorced mothers dressed in military camouflage fatigues, as a way of driving home the message that they are "fighting a war" for their children by making use of the fast track.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2014-07-10 11:03
Video here. On July 9, 2014, Created Equal's team downtown was met with verbal and physical abuse by one passerby. Please pray for this young woman.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2014-07-10 10:34
Article here. Excerpt:
'The finding that one in five women are sexually assaulted in college is as widely known as it is startling. Countless media reports repeat and recycle the alarming statistic, and it headlined the initial report introduced by Vice President Biden from the White House Task Force to Protect Students from Campus Assault.
But how trustworthy is that figure of one in five? An earlier poll found it was more like 1 in 40, but should it matter whether the real number is closer to the high or low end of the scale?
“If sexual intimacy under the influence is by definition assault, sexual relations down through the ages would be classified as an assault,” says Sommers, a former professor of philosophy who has made a name for herself as an outspoken critic of contemporary feminism. “What might be dismissed as a foolish drunken hookup is now a felony rape.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2014-07-10 10:33
Article here. Excerpt:
'That New York Times editorial justifying a lower standard of evidence for students accused of sexual assault is getting strong pushback from a group that advocates for accused students.
Judith Grossman, a lawyer and co-founder of Families Advocating for Campus Equality, wrote in a letter to the editor of the Times:
Far from a mere expulsion, those wrongfully accused yet caught in up in the campus tribunal process face life-altering devastation that places their education, careers and emotional stability in great jeopardy.
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Submitted by mens_issues on Thu, 2014-07-10 01:33
A really bizarre and disturbing story about the criminalization of male sexuality. Excerpt:
Following intense national scrutiny and criticism, police in Manassas will no longer pursue efforts to take photos of Simms’ erection. The warrant calling for the explicit photos will be allowed to expire.
A 17-year-old from Manassas City, Va., who is facing felony charges in a sexting case might be forced to show police his erection, his lawyer told the Washington Post.
Simms is facing two felony charges for manufacturing and distributing child pornography after he and his then-girlfriend, who was 15 at the time, exchanged explicit pictures and videos.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-07-09 17:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Many colleges and universities are "failing to comply with the law and best practices in how they handle sexual violence among students," according to Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., who Wednesday released a survey of colleges and universities.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-07-08 04:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'David Cunliffe's apology for being a man has been described as "gutsy" by the head of Women's Refuge.
Women's Refuge Chief Executive Heather Henare said Cunliffe's comments were ones she had been waiting to hear.
"That was pretty gutsy and I think that it's unfortunate that that part of his speech was picked up in such a negative way," she said.
The Labour leader addressed a family violence conference in Auckland in conjunction with an announcement that his party would put forward a $60 million plan to tackle domestic violence.
"I'm sorry for being a man right now because family and sexual violence perpetrated overwhelmingly by men," Cunliffe said.
Henare welcomed Cunliffe's apology and said Labour seems to understand the gendered nature of violence.
"We house at least 209 women a night in this country and so we need a government that's going to stand up and address that," she said.'
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