The “Affirmative Consent” Trap

Article here. Excerpt:

'An epidemic of sexual assault is supposedly raging on college campuses. Surveys and studies repeat the same frightening statistics: either one-in-four or one-in-five college women have been the victims of a sexual assault. Yet at a June hearing of the California State Assembly Higher Education and Joint Legislative Audit committees, chairman Das Williams couldn’t understand why the number of students disciplined for sexual misconduct was so low. A University of California at Berkeley administrator, for example, reported just 10 suspensions or expulsions out of 43 cases involving non-consensual sex over the last six years. How could that possibly be?
Williams is promising a slate of bills early next year that would mandate training for all university employees to respond to, and intervene to prevent, sexual assault, and, more significantly, to beef up punishments for alleged assailants. “Rape is a very difficult thing to prosecute,” he told the Sacramento Bee. Because most college disciplinary boards already use the lower “preponderance of evidence” standard—as opposed to the more rigorous “reasonable doubt” standard that criminal courts apply—“there is a real role that schools can play that law enforcement can’t.”

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University admitting women into STEM under different standards

There is much talk about the amazing performance of female students at Harvey Mudd: 54% of the BA degrees in engineering when to women. The success of Harvey Mudd is making it all the papers.

What they are not saying is that the admission standards have become sexist against men. They accept women with lower grades.

~14.4% of all male applicants are accepted.
~38% of all female applicants are accepted.

If this were reversed, the feminists would howl. Instead, we have social engineering that is biased against men. Just read the comments and listen to the rationalizations.

Waiting for the first class action suit!

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Great discounts - for women, only

Received an email for this site this morning, which read as follows:

'Kerri-Anne Kennerley is today launching a new consumer movement to build the buying power of Australian women. Australian women now manage 72% of household budgets and are the primary breadwinner in 24% of homes.

The SwitchedOn Women consumer movement, the first of its kind, aims to attract 25,000 members and incentivise businesses to:

Offer discounts to women on essential products such as energy, groceries and petrol, and release more products and services specifically targeted at women, such as customised health insurance.

As the movement grows, we intend to expand into other products, services and industries.'

As usual: Benefits apply, but only if you're a woman.

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"5 Things Women Entrepreneurs Can Teach Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'5. They have a higher purpose or cause.

Women are often much deeper thinkers than men and tend to care more about spiritual matters. Women go to places of worship more often and are more involved in giving back to others than men. There are varying theories on why this is so, one is that women are naturally more spiritual than men because their role in life is constantly changing, causing them to reevaluate their lives on a regular basis.

In other words, women are always self-monitoring and pondering life. Because women tend to care more about a higher purpose in life and they give more to various causes, it only makes sense that this attribute would stay with a women when she becomes an entrepreneur, making her a great leader.'

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"The Problem With Masculinity"

Article here. Excerpt:

'We've short-changed our boys and men by defining masculinity in such a way as to constrict the complex essence of their humanity.

Carl Jung believed that everybody came into the world with both masculine and feminine qualities. Men are the physical embodiment of the masculine, yet they all have the feminine archetype within them, known as the anima. And women are the physical embodiment of the feminine, yet they have the masculine archetype within them, called the animus. With these two forces at play within us, we all have the potential to be happy, balanced, and whole in our time on Earth.

Criticizing masculinity doesn't mean pitting males against females. Masculinity is not exclusive to men. Weall carry its qualities.

Moreover, masculinity is not the problem in and of itself. Masculinity -- usually associated with competition, logic, rational thinking, boldness, action and strength -- is only a problem when it's operating in excess.

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UK: Mother jailed for falsely claiming boyfriend had raped her 14 times

Story here. Excerpt:

'A mother has been jailed for four years after falsely claiming her boyfriend had raped her 14 times in a bid for revenge after their baby was taken into care.

Former Tesco worker Heather Gibson, 29, of Grimsby, Lincolnshire, was told by a judge that her actions had made it more difficult for real victims of rape to be believed in court.

Her former partner Gavin Plaistowe, 30, was held in police custody for 35 hours after she accused him of 12 rapes. Mr Plaistowe waited a month for police to investigate and find he was innocent.
Mr Plaistowe could have been jailed for 20 years if the allegations had been true.

But Gibson later confessed to a friend she blamed Mr Plaistowe for losing her child into care because she had made a complaint about him dropping the baby. Social Services took the baby into care for lack of parenting skills.

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Feminism and decline of the society

Article here. I found this article that speaks volumes. I am not a Muslim but this certainly explains how the west has not only been loosing its people but also the dominance it once had over the world when men were in charge and the society was stable. Look at all the feminized nations (western Europe, Scandinavia, etc). The moment Russia screams they start scrambling and looking for the USA. Sadly, in the coming years, the USA could be in a similar situation. The rise of BRICS is a big event happening today. Excerpt:

'If the projections of the United Nations are to be believed, the West is dying a slow death. 

In 2000, Europe had a population of 727 304 000. In 2015, it will have shrunk to 704 506 000. By 2020, it will be 694 877 000. In 2000, 13.8% of the population was aged between 15-24, yet by 2020, it will be just 10.2%. Meanwhile, the percentage of the population over 60 will rise from 20.3% to 26.4%. A similar trend is occurring in America, with the UN predicting the percentage of people 15-24 falling from 13.5% to 12.6%, buoyed only by immigration. Similarly the percentage of people over 60 will jump from 16.2% to 23.0% in just 20 years. 
Andrea Dworkin, author of Pornography: Men possessing Women, claimed that marriage was nothing more than a refined form of rape: 

"Marriage as an institution developed from rape as a practice. Rape, originally defined as abduction, became marriage by capture. Marriage meant the taking was to extend in time, to be not only use of but possession of, or ownership."

Writing in WOMEN: A Journal of Liberation, in Fall, 1969, Linda Gordon elucidated clearly the object of the feminist struggle and the reasons: 

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Malecare seeks survey input from prostate cancer patients

Survey link:

If you are living with prostate cancer, please do the survey. Every bit helps to uncover improved ways to predict, treat, and hopefully one day find a safe and reliable non-invasive cure for it. Malecare's web site is at

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White House meets with activists calling for gender equity in My Brother’s Keeper

Article here. Excerpt:

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Comment: More women in Cabinet will reduce men's group think failings

Article here. Excerpt:

'In 2008, Tory leader David Cameron pledged to give a third of ministerial places to women by the end of his first parliament. Back then, 2015 must have seemed like a long way off. But here we are, 50 months into his 60 month fixed-term tenure and that target is a long way from being met. Before this shake-up, women make up just a fifth of the total ministerial list and a paltry 14% of those in Cabinet.
However, despite the importance of this short-term improvement, it is crucial that all parties continue to scrutinise and take firm action to improve the status of women in their own ranks, and to challenge and address the wider culture in both Westminster and the media that puts women off entering, and staying in the profession.

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UK: David Cameron 'open' to all-women shortlists on eve of reshuffle

Article here. Excerpt:

'David Cameron is open to the idea of the eventual introduction of all-women shortlists on a voluntary basis, senior Tory sources have said, amid fears that the party could fail to boost its number of female MPs at next year's general election.

On the eve of his final planned reshuffle before the election, in which the prime minister is expected to promote a number of women, the controversial issue of all-women shortlists returns to the agenda as a cross-party group raises the prospect of "prescriptive quotas".
Cameron hopes that promoting women to important posts at all ranks of his government will show that the Tory party is modernising. But there are fears that the party is falling behind in the selection of women candidates in parliamentary seats.

Amid concerns that Labour and the Liberal Democrats are selecting more women for safe seats, Cameron has put the Conservatives' chairman, Grant Shapps, "on the case" to get more female candidates into winnable seats.'

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"Only women should negotiate state budget"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Having covered North Carolina legislatures since the 1970s, I have come to the conclusion that budget negotiations could be resolved much more quickly with one simple solution.

No one should be allowed to participate in the budget negotiations unless they are wearing makeup and heels. That is, men should be barred from budget negotiations and replaced by women.

I come to this conclusion after following the House-Senate budget negotiations last week in which the Senate walked out and in which there were threats made to stay until Christmas.
An agreement would be reached in no time, and the legislature would go home. But that would deprive the guys of days and maybe weeks of more posturing, jaw flapping and chest bumping.'

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Femen protesters arrested at the Tour de France in London

Story here. NSFW due to pics with above-waist nudity. Excerpt:

'Yesterday, Femen took their topless fight for “total victory over patriarchy” to the Tour de France as it zoomed through London. I was told that the group would be in Westminster at 3 PM. Uncertain what bicycles have to do with the oppression of women, I went to check it out.

As it happens, it probably had very little to do with the tour. This was just a public arena guaranteed to be packed with people. But when I got to the statue it wasn’t all that busy. No more busy than, say, Oxford Street, or a particularly busy deli during lunch hour.
“You’re hurting me!” screamed an activist. Maybe she was. But the cops appeared to be treating them calmly and gently—if anything, with a vague air of boredom. The photos turned out like a fantasy sorority pillow fight from a bro movie, only with a frisson of police brutality. But being there IRL, it all felt fairly prosaic.'


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UK: Giff Gaff censors MRM sites

Article here. Excerpt:

"'Giff Gaff’ – which claims to be run ‘by you’, but is actually a loss-leading front for O2 – bars access to any site that criticises the extreme political dogma of misandric feminism.

The big mobile provider, which is popular with young customers because it’s so cheap and easily available, has ‘false-flagged’ at least ten sites that campaign for gender equality

They’ve censored at least one democratic political party’s site, a popular You Tube Channel contributed to by pioneering equity feminist Erin Pizzey, and any number of open discussion forums offering factual rebuttals of the nonsense statistics churned out by lying misandrist feminists to back up their bigoted ideology."

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New group forms to fight false accusations on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fargo, ND - Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE) [link added], a newly formed not-for-profit organization dedicated to ensuring fairness and due process for all parties involved in allegations of sexual misconduct on college campuses, was officially launched today, it was announced by Sherry Warner Seefeld, president and one of the organization’s co-founders.

Organized by three mothers from around the nation whose college-student sons each suffered the ordeal of false accusation and subsequent entrapment in a web of injustice, FACE will, through education and dialogue, work to raise awareness of the challenges presented under current university hearing procedures while actively seeking, in the interest of justice, to bring about effective change in the ways campuses respond to sexual assaults.'

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