1 in 4 Women Admit to Violence Against Spouse

Article here. Excerpt:

'The public is convinced that domestic violence is all about aggressive men beating up on defenseless women. While this is in some ways correct, it is only a fraction of the story. The reality is that domestic violence is quite complex and women can be the perpetrators and men can also be the victims. That side of the story though has been deeply buried and ignored.

How did the public come to be so misinformed? It's a long and involved tale. Activists, clinicians, the media, academics and researchers have all played a part in this. Each group has for many years only told a part of the story, the part about women as victims and men as perpetrators. To get a good sense of this remarkable and lopsided tale you could read a report to Maryland lawmakers written by the Maryland Commission for Men’s Health that tells the story plainly about male victims of domestic violence. It does not pull punches and goes into more detail than this short article.'

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Louisiana mayor Misty Roberts, 42, accused of raping a minor — one week after abrupt resignation

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Louisiana mayor, who abruptly took a leave of absence before resigning last week, is accused of raping a minor during her time in office.

Former DeRidder Mayor Misty Roberts was charged with third-degree rape and contributing to the delinquency of juveniles, Louisiana State Police announced on Thursday.

An investigation into the 42-year-old mayor, who was in her second term, was opened on July 26, after the Beauregard Parish Sheriff’s Office requested the state police look into a complaint against Roberts.
“As the investigation progressed, LSP SVU conducted interviews with two juveniles, one of which was the victim. Both juveniles confirmed Roberts had sexual intercourse with one juvenile victim while employed as Mayor,” a statement read.

A warrant for Roberts’ arrest was issued on Wednesday before she surrendered herself to the police.'

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Young men are falling behind

Article here. Excerpt:

'Young men are facing a collective crisis of masculinity, but they are too isolated from each other to address it together.

The number of men who report having zero close friends has increased from 3% in 1990 to 15% in 2021, while the size of social circles in general has decreased dramatically. Men feel more lonely than ever before, and they turn to their vices to deal with it.

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Which Fairbanks House candidate says white men need to sit down and shut up?

Article here. Excerpt:

'Joy Beth Cottle, who changed her registration to Republican immediately before filing against Republican House Rep. Frank Tomaszewski of Fairbanks, has gone on the attack. She’s attacking conservatives and she’s attacking white men for the crime of being white.

She blistered Tomaszewski and two other sitting Republicans because they attended a symposium in Washington, D.C. that focuses on conservative, Christian-based leadership. Two of the Republicans she blasted were ethnic minorities — Rep. Jamie Allard and Rep. Stanley Wright.

In her attack, Cottle linked an article from a leftist blog out of Anchorage, whose founder is now employed by Rep. Alyse Galvin, the Democrat from Anchorage who flies under the false-flag “undeclared” category now.'

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Media reaction to Macron kiss points up double-standard

Article here. Reverse the genders and you get the idea. Excerpt:

'French media is in a frenzy after a passionate cheek-to-cheek kiss between France’s president, Emmanuel Macron, and Amélie Oudéa-Castéra, the country’s sports minister, was captured during the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.

In the photo, Oudéa-Castéra, known colloquially as AOC, can be seen with her arm around the president’s neck, and his head cradled in hers as she plants a kiss below his ear. In the background of the photo, Prime Minister Gabriel Attal can be seen looking away conspicuously.

According to The Telegraph, the French magazine Midi Libre first commented on the photo. “After the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, the pressure was off, giving way to euphoria. In an explosion of joy, sports minister Amélie Oudéa-Castera and President Emmanuel Macron kissed. The kiss caused quite a stir,” Midi Libre wrote.'

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Australia: Monash university project giving teachers tools to combat 'toxic masculinity' has been slammed for equating Jordan Peterson with Andrew Tate

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Monash University project which aims to counter the growth of “toxic masculinity” in Australian classrooms has been slammed for failing to distinguish the views of Jordan Peterson and Andrew Tate.

Teachers at independent and Catholic schools will be given conversation guides and role-play scripts as part of the project, which will see Monash University’s Arts and Education faculties develop school-based early intervention programs to “identify and tackle the harms of online misogyny and gender-based violence in schools”.

A media release about the project, which is funded by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), warns “toxic masculinity and misogynistic gender narratives” gaining traction online are seeping in to classrooms, threatening gender equality and contributing to gender-based violence.'

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America’s New Political War Pits Young Men Against Young Women

Story here. Looks like some men's issues are finally beginning to impact the electoral map. Excerpt:

'Collin Mertz, a 23-year-old farmer in North Dakota, believes American men like himself have been targeted by liberals in the push for diversity.

“It would seem the white male is the enemy of the left,” said Mertz, who voted for former President Donald Trump in 2020 and plans to do so again in November.

Lauren Starrett, a 28-year-old engineer in Cincinnati, feels a personal threat from conservatives seeking to scale back access to abortion and other rights.

“It’s kind of terrifying, really,” said Starrett, who backs Vice President Kamala Harris.
Some men say they have lost economic, cultural and political influence to women amid the focus on equity and diversity. Others expressed resentment over feminist and progressive attitudes on college campuses, in the entertainment industry and at many workplaces.

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Australia: Sperm donor wins custody of boy over his birth mother and her lesbian partner in landmark court case

Article here. Excerpt:

'A sperm donor has won parental rights over a lesbian birth mother's only child in a landmark case.

The ruling was handed down in June by the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia which denied the mother's parental responsibility for the nine-year-old.

The court instead ruled in favour of her former partner and their sperm donor.

The custody battle has lasted for almost five years between the three adults, costing them hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal costs, The Herald Sun reported.'

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Male Bashing

Article here. Excerpt:

'I recently attended a workshop intended for women therapists who are interested in learning more about working with men. At one point, the female workshop leader asked the group of mostly women to raise their hands if they liked men. About one-third of those in attendance immediately and enthusiastically raised their hands. In conversation afterward, most of these women said they were very close to their fathers, their brothers, or other men in their lives. Another third of the workshop participants slowly and hesitantly raised their hands while simultaneously glancing around the room to see what others were doing. Lastly, about a third of the women in the room never raised their hands. Keep in mind that the people attending were presumably there because they are interested in doing psychotherapy with men.

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Australia: New project will help teachers tackle toxic masculinity in schools

Article here. Excerpt:

'Toxic masculinity and misogynistic gender narratives are gaining traction online and in Australian classrooms, threatening gender equality and contributing to gender-based violence. A new project from Monash University aims to support secondary school teachers to tackle the influence of these harmful online ideologies on young boys and men.

The two year project, funded by Australia’s National Research Organisation for Women’s Safety (ANROWS), will see a collaboration between Monash Arts and Education Faculties to establish school-based early intervention programs to identify and tackle the harms of online misogyny and gender-based violence in schools.

The project will involve three phases over 18 months. The first phase involves in-depth research into the influence of manosphere content on Australian boys and young men. This data will guide focus groups with young Australians to explore their interactions with manosphere content both online and offline.

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Why do women cheat? New study reveals complex motivations behind female infidelity

Article here. Excerpt:

'A recent study published in Evolution and Human Behavior offers new insights into the complex motivations behind female infidelity. The findings reveal that women who cheat are typically more physically attracted to their affair partners but view their primary partners as better co-parents. This suggests that women may cheat to obtain “good genes” for their offspring while relying on their primary partners for parenting support. Additionally, the study highlights several other motivations for infidelity, including relationship dissatisfaction, the desire for variety, and revenge.

Interestingly, the study also found that men exhibited similar patterns to women in their infidelity behavior. This suggests that men, like women, may also engage in infidelity to seek genetic benefits from physically attractive affair partners while valuing their primary partners for parental investment.

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Olympics camera operators warned not to frame women in a sexist way

Article here. Excerpt:

'The head of the company in charge of broadcasting the Olympic Games has called on camera operators to avoid “sexist” portrayals of female athletes at Paris 2024.

Yiannis Exarchos, CEO of Olympic Broadcasting Services, said his company and the Games as a whole are committed to equality between the men’s and women’s competitions this summer.

“Women are not there because they are more attractive - they are there because they are elite athletes,” he said.

He added: “[Equal participation of women] is not enough. It has not been enough for us. We wanted to make sure that the actual sports content was also reflecting this equality.”'

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Wodek Szemberg: Has the Left lost its masculine energy?

Article here. Excerpt:

'James Carville, Bill Clinton’s famed pollster and political strategist, did not mince words last month when he, not for the first time, fired off a salvo at the ailing body of the Democratic Party. In an interview with Jonathan Capehart of The Washington Post, Carville offered an indictment of “NPR-sounding” “female preachiness”: “We know what’s best for you, don’t eat hamburgers, don’t watch football, don’t drink beer. Guess where our young male number is going? In the toilet, alright? Because Democratic messaging, I’m sorry, is too feminine, it just is.”

Not even a reminder from Capehart to be mindful that we are living in the 21st century made any impression on the Ragin’ Cajun, whose Southern drawl makes speaking and understanding postmodernese too difficult. In national elections, only binary sex matters.

Now that Kamala Harris has been elevated to the position of Democratic Party standard-bearer, the problem with “female preachiness” can only become magnified.

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Janice Fiamengo on Anti-Feminism

Janice discusses her experiences as an anti-feminist in a YouTube video here.

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Good small slide deck on men's issues being prioritized

Please download the 10 images attached hereon and review them. I found these on a men's rights/issues subreddit.

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