‘Rape culture’ leads to manhunts on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'Moms and dads, be afraid for your sons. All across America, men are getting snared in what feminist activists and leftists call a “rape culture’’ that supposedly exists on college campuses.

In April, the Obama administration released a report concluding that nearly 1 in 5 women attending institutions of higher education become victims of unwanted sex acts. Legislation has been proposed in the Senate to tackle this “epidemic.”

Never mind that one of the sources of the 1-in-5 statistic was a 2007 online survey in which some respondents, who were rewarded with $10 gift certificates, equated drunken hookups and men’s attempts at stealing kisses as examples of sexual assault, according to Christina Hoff Sommers, resident scholar at the right-leaning American Enterprise Institute. She spoke out against the nonsensical notion that huge numbers of women are being sexually assaulted on campuses at a June panel conducted in Washington by the Independent Women’s Forum, a conservative think tank.

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College men challenge 'guilty until proven innocent' standard for sex assault cases

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kevin Parisi is 5 feet, 5 inches tall and barely weighs 120 pounds.

He’s hunched over and walking with a cane after back surgery earlier this year. He suffers from severe anxiety and digestive disorders, along with extreme allergies and panic attacks.

But in his junior year at Drew University in Madison, N.J., Parisi was accused of forcing a fellow student — one who is now a professional athlete — to have sex with him.

He was kicked off campus and placed under investigation. Three months went by before he was found "not responsible" in a campus disciplinary proceeding. Local police never filed charges against him.

Being accused, however, was enough to cause his world to collapse. Now he is suing Drew for assuming he was guilty from the outset and treating him as such until it was determined he was innocent.

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"Yes, I blame the victim: on women's double standards"

Article here.

Back when our culture (mostly mothers) taught little boys to be respectful of little girls, in the hope that they would grow up to be respectful men, females existed relatively safely. Now that the culture is in the toilet and feminists and homosexual activists have targeted normal men for destruction, you take your chances.

From my perspective, if you are a woman who physically attacks a man (who is likely larger and stronger), you deserve what you get. If a man is self-restrained (because of Mom's teachings or some residual of an American culture that no longer exists), you might get away with a verbal comeback or even a walk-away. He may, however, knock the heck out of you.

If you are one of those women who have bought into the absurd feminist notion that women are no different from men, yet men must treat you differently when it comes to physical defense, then you are delusional.'

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Campus-rape bill comes under heavy fire

Article here. Excerpt:

'A congressional bill aimed at curbing sexual assault on America’s college and university campuses actually would make the problem worse, contends the anti-violence group Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, or SAVE.

The Campus Accountability and Safety Act sponsored by Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., includes provisions for counselors for sexual assault victims, anonymity for those who report sexual assaults and increased standards for campus security and safety officers.

Her office declined to respond to WND questions, but in a statement previously released by her press office, she said women on college campuses are in danger of sexual assault.
But SAVE President Everett Bartlett said one of the major consequences of the bill will be to remove some of the U.S. Constitution’s protections for the accused.

“The bill as it reads is biased in favor of the accuser and biased against the accused. It will make it difficult to protect a young man from false accusations,” Bartlett said.

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"ESPN Suspends Host for Domestic Abuse Story"

Story here. Excerpt:

'The sports network has suspended host Max Kellerman after he admitted Monday on ESPN-LA Radio show Mason & Ireland that he hit his then-girlfriend, Erin, several years ago. Max and Erin have now been married for 20 years.

"Max Kellerman will return to ESPNLA Radio and SportsNation on Thursday," ESPN said in a statement released to The Hollywood Reporter.

Max explained in the story that he and Erin were at a college party and were drunk at the time. Max said that Erin slapped him, and so he slapped her back.'

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"Family Court Inc.": A Disturbing and Shocking new White Paper Exposé and Report

From the author/publisher:

We are pleased to announce a new tell all book about Family Court that is long overdue.

Want to know what happened to your rights as a parent, honest citizen and decent human being?

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It is time the truth was outed!

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HuffPost interviews intactivist

Video here.

'HuffPost Live tackled the controversial subject of circumcision this week, speaking with a panelist who was not only vehemently opposed to the practice but felt that it created additional struggles for him as a gay man.

"I believe that I’m de-sensitized," Brian Levitt, who was circumcised as an infant, said. "Most intact men don’t understand how it works ... being a gay man, I have [an] intimate understanding [of male anatomy, which is] something that straight men don’t get."'

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Over 200 Jewish Leaders Offer ‘Brit Shalom’ Ceremony for Intact Jewish Boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'The movement to welcome newborn Jewish boys into Jewish life without the surgery of circumcision has reached a milestone—over 200 officiants are now available to perform the peaceful welcoming ceremony. Over 120 of these are rabbis. Many of these officiants are members of the Reform, Humanistic, Renewal, and Reconstructionist Jewish movements. Not all of the officiants on the list are opposed to circumcision, but some are. Several Rabbis on the list have intact grandsons, some have intact adopted sons.

Called brit shalom (Hebrew for covenant of peace), this alternative naming ceremony corresponds with traditional brit milah welcoming ceremony, except that there is no cutting of the baby.

“They’re especially happy ceremonies, for that reason,” says Mark Reiss, M.D.'

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NPO: Grants Match Child Support Funds for College Savings

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kansas Department for Children and Families announced the creation of the Child Support Savings Initiative. It will encourage parents who owe child support to pay into education savings accounts for their children.

For every dollar put into an account, the state will reduce the parent's debt obligation by $2. Kansas welfare officials said they will use more than $600,000 in grants from two foundations to launch it: W.K. Kellogg Foundation and the Annie E. Casey Foundation.

Texas is the only other state, which National Parents Organization knows of, that has anything at all like this. In Texas, the Child Support for College, CS4C, is a pilot program of the Texas Office of the Attorney General and other partners aimed at linking child support customers to financial coaching institutions. The goal is to promote parent savings for their child’s future college education; but, Texas does not provide the match as is being tested in Kansas.'

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Addressing college issue intelligently

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you believe statistics mouthed by your president, and if you still define rape as it has been traditionally defined -- sexual intercourse without consent, usually using force -- our universities have become some of the most dangerous places in the world.

The argument of the White House and a multitude of others, you see, is that the male students are raping an astonishing 20 percent of the female students. In an online article, Heather Mac Donald, a fellow at the Manhattan Institute, cannot help facetiously wondering how mothers can bear to "send their daughters off to a crime scene of such magnitude, unmatched even in the most brutal African tribal wars."

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Sexism, Only This Time About Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'From terrorism to natural disasters, the standard reporting on casualties is often like this by Morning Edition host Steve Inskeep:

"First, we go to Gaza," recited Inskeep. "The health ministry there says more than 500 people have been killed – many of them women and children."

Why, Larry Kalikow of Warrington, Penn, wrote, were women's lives being singled out?

"Are NPR reporters specially trained to promote such flagrant sexism?" he asked. "When will NPR and its news journalists and reporters finally accept the egalitarian principle that all human lives are equally precious, and that the loss of men's lives is no less tragic than the loss of women's lives?"'

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Boy suspended after bringing Nerf gun to school

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Georgia boy ended up with a suspension after he brought a toy to school as part of an assignment that his teacher handed out.

Ramsey McDonald's teacher asked fourth graders at Miller Elementary School to bring in their most beloved toys so that they could talk about them.

The youngster told his dad that he was going to bring in his iPad and some other toys.
"They told me my son brought a weapon to school and they asked me if I was aware," McDonald told WMAZ. "I asked them what it was and they said it was a plastic Nerf gun."

The boy ended up with a three-day in-school suspension for bringing the toy to class.'

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"Michelle Obama told a joke about men they didn't find funny. That's hilarious"

Article here. Excerpt:

'When I saw that Michelle Obama joked at the US-Africa Leaders Summit this week that “women are smarter than men”, I prepared myself for backlash. And – what do you know? – Politico wrote that the First Lady had “engaged in a battle of the sexes”, anti-feminist author and Fox News contributor Suzanne Venker called it a “sexist and elitist display”, and the headline at Business Standard read “Michelle Obama claims women are smarter than men”. As if it were a serious assertion rather than a joking aside!
But when the First Lady made the quip – at an event with former first lady Laura Bush, while addressing the spouses of African leaders – it wasn’t a humorless dig at men. It was a light-hearted moment of girl-power on the outskirts of a conference for heads of state that is incredibly male-dominated.

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Former university student sues over expulsion in sex assault case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A former University of Massachusetts Amherst student who said he was expelled last fall over allegations he sexually assaulted a female student is suing the school, saying administrators unfairly and mistakenly found him responsible and discriminated against him because he is a man.
During a night of drinking, playing card games, and dancing with friends, the two students became friendly and flirted, and she later invited him to her room to have sex, the lawsuit said. They had consensual sex and the female student at no point showed signs of intoxication, according to the suit.

The next day, the female student could not remember what had happened, according to the lawsuit. At her roommate’s urging, the female student went to the campus health center for an evaluation. The following day, she filed a complaint with the dean of students’ office.

In her written complaint, she never called what happened harassment, assault, or rape, according to the lawsuit.

Three days later, the university told the male student he was under investigation for threatening behavior, sexual harassment, sexual misconduct, and violating community living standards, the lawsuit said.

He was immediately ordered to move off campus and was barred from the premises except to attend classes, the lawsuit said.

Two months later, the university held a disciplinary hearing, the lawsuit said. But the male student had not been given copies of case documents beforehand, key pieces of evidence were not presented during the hearing, the male student was repeatedly interrupted, and questions he had were ignored, the suit said.

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Brian Banks, Football Player Falsely Accused Of Rape, Working On A Documentary

Article here. Excerpt:

'Most of us remember Brian Banks, the football player who was falsely accused of rape at 16 and spent five years in prison. And even when he was released, he had to register as a sex offender and had trouble finding work.

After his exoneration, at 26, Banks decided to release a documentary describing what his life had been like for the past ten years. And he started a Kickstarter to help raise funds for the project. He ended up earning $47,000.

After two years the film is not complete because it grew far beyond Banks’ own expectations. He shared that initially he thought it would be a small project but as more and more people learned about his story, they wanted to help him. First he was trying out for NFL teams, eventually joining the Atlanta Falcons for training camp. He would go on to play in four games during last year’s NFL season.

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