Submitted by Mastodon on Mon, 2014-09-01 17:05
Article here. No mention if men are afforded the same right. Excerpt:
'The nation’s highest immigration court has found for the first time that women who are victims of severe domestic violence in their home countries can be eligible for asylum in the United States.
Since 1995, when federal officials first tried to set guidelines for the immigration courts on whether domestic abuse victims could be considered for asylum, the issue has been reviewed by four attorneys general, vigorously debated by advocates and repeatedly examined by the courts. With its published decision, unusual in the immigration courts, the appeals board set a clear precedent for judges.
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Submitted by Matt on Mon, 2014-09-01 02:25
Book described here. Excerpt:
'We occupy an environment where the male sex is devalued and abused on a wholesale level. Males are mocked and belittled unceasingly. We ingest the besmirchment of males as a sex and slander with impunity: males are killers, rapists and opportunistic criminals lying in wait. Males are filthy, vile and disgusting. Males are cheating dogs, and chauvinistic pigs. Males have screwed up the world and subjugated all life thereupon.
This prejudice is epic, and every single person is on one side or the other of this bigotry. You think you understand the depths of our contempt for the male sex? You have no idea how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Mistreatment of males is the paramount struggle of our day.
So, here's where we are as a species: females are the producers of life and objects of unsurpassed beauty... guys are the mutants who amuse them and carry their heavy stuff.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Sun, 2014-08-31 09:04
Link here. Excerpt:
'The Australian Government is funding 14 specialist prostate cancer nurses to provide support for patients, their families and carers, particularly in rural and regional areas.
Minister for Health, Peter Dutton said prostate cancer was the most common form of cancer affecting Australian men (excluding non-melanoma skin cancers), with 19,821 men diagnosed in 2010.
The Government has committed $6.2 million from 2013-14 to 2016-17 to the Prostate Cancer Foundation of Australia (PCFA) to select sites, facilitate training and fund the placement of the 14 new positions.
The initiative will more than double – from 12 to 26 – the number of prostate cancer nurses employed through a pilot programme currently being run through the PCFA and the Movember Foundation.
Approximately 4,000 men and their families are expected to benefit from a Commonwealth-funded prostate cancer nurse over the four year programme.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2014-08-31 00:05
Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-08-30 23:02
Story here. Excerpt:
'According to CNS, on Thursday, Pelosi said on a conference call that American women have been victims throughout the history of the nation.
“It was a struggle all the way,” Pelosi said. “Women marched. Women starved. Women were starved. Women were force-fed. Women could barely speak up in their own homes.”
She continued:
"Women left their homes to take the message. And it was successful, and the right to vote, again, so precious, so hard fought. ... We hope women will continue to exercise forcefully, because then all of the issues we care about, whether it's equal pay for equal work, paid sick leave, affordable quality child care, raising the minimum wage, women's health and--and safety issues will all be well-served."
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2014-08-30 17:32
Article here. Remarkable in that she ran a F-->M DV advice letter. Most requests for advice re DV from men to advice columnists get discarded. If inclined, please take a minute to thank Amy Dickinson* for answering it. Excerpt:
'You are being verbally and physically abused. Your wife is controlling your movements and policing your money. Every time you seem ready to leave, she manipulates you into staying. Your friends and your daughters have urged you to get out.
Please seek professional help immediately. Your marriage has already stolen your sense of well-being; this relationship is bad for your mental, emotional and physical health. It is also bad for your baby grandson to witness his grandmother screaming at you. Protect him by separating.'
* It's a bit hard to catch, but her email address is on the page: Askamydaily [at]
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2014-08-30 16:07
Article here. Excerpt:
'Presumably the advent of a nail polish capable of detecting date-rape drugs in one’s cocktail would mark a high-water point in the empowerment of women against predatory men. Not so fast: The feminist backlash against the product has been vehement. According to ThinkProgress, such an innovation “actually reinforces a pervasive rape culture in our society.”
Feminists of the vocal, bathe-in-male-tears sort find proof of “rape culture” all about: in newspaper satire, in ’80s movies, in the verb “to force.” So one would think news that between 1997 and 2013 at least 1,400 children in
Rotherham, England [link added], were victims of sexual exploitation would confirm the feminist narrative and ignite their righteous fury.
Not so fast.
In Rotherham there is a real-life “rape culture.” But you will not learn anything new about it from Salon Daily Beast, Jezebel, or Slate. It has gone unmentioned at Feministing, Bitch Media, or the Feminist Majority Foundation. There have been no outraged op-eds from Jenny Kutner, Jessica Valenti, or Samantha Leigh Allen.
These are, apparently, not the rapes they are looking for.
It is hard not to interpret the feminist blogosphere’s silence on Rotherham as an indication of the movement’s ultimate lack of seriousness. Perhaps they are not interested in confronting the ethnic and religious homogeneity of many of the perpetrators: Emma and the majority of the 1,400 victims were abused by “Asian” men — i.e., Muslim men typically from Rotherham’s Pakistani community. Local government leaders, social services, and law enforcement — for fear of being labeled racist — ignored numerous reports they received.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2014-08-30 16:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'A debate has come into being quietly here about the place of Brit Milah (the ritual circumcision of Jewish baby boys on the eighth day after birth). The debate is not taking place abroad, not in “anti-Semitic” Germany, but here in the State of Israel. When one mother refused to have her son circumcised, the rabbinical court tried to force her to do so, and the High Court of Justice countered the rabbis in the name of liberty.
I approached the topic with a great deal of curiosity, and conducted a kind of man-in-the-street poll for several weeks. I asked my questions with care and got detailed responses. The many answers I received all pointed in a single direction: that the institution of circumcision is coming to an end. Or, to be more precise, the institution of circumcision has no real hold among the segment of the Israeli population that is not conservative and religiously observant.
Generations of Jews have lived since those ancient commandments were almost completely abolished. Here are the facts: there is no Jewish death penalty. We do not put out eyes or cut off hands. There are no rabbinic executioners, or people who amputate limbs for violations of Jewish law. All that are left are the mohalim – those who are specially trained to perform circumcisions.
Ritual circumcision is the only act of physical harm that remains. For how much longer?
Let us conclude with a paradox. An important part of the religious argument against abortion is the fetus’ right to life. According to this argument, the fetus is a living creature in every way. And, they claim, every child – inside or outside the womb – has the right to be born and to live.
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2014-08-30 15:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'Twenty-one years ago this month, President Ronald Reagan proclaimed August as National Child Support Enforcement Month but in doing so focused attention on the symptom of a greater problem — a family court system that discourages shared parenting and gender equality in instances of divorce or separation.
As an increasing amount of research on parental roles has emerged in recent years, it has become clear in hindsight that family courts should focus instead on what children benefit from most — equal time with both their parents, even in instances of divorce or separation. By doing so, they would resolve not only delinquencies associated with “child support” in the financial sense, but also problems tied to gender inequality and, most importantly, the court’s continued practice of depriving children from the countless benefits associated with constant love and caring from both their parents.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-08-30 15:18
Article here. Excerpt:
'Is executive-level leadership at the Maryland Insurance Administration a “girls-only” club, virtually excluding men who are hired or promoted to top posts at the state government agency a mere 8% of the time?
Under Commissioner Goldsmith, the organization chart published by MIA or posted on the state website shows 22 total positions available, including deputy and associate commissioners, and their immediate support staff.
Of those 22 available positions, one is vacant. Of the remaining 21 positions, 18 are filled by women and three by men. One of the men is technically part of the state attorney general’s office, which means of the 21 positions directly under and appointed by the insurance commissioner, 18 are filled by women and two by men.
That’s an executive-level staffing ratio of 87% women and 13% men.
Surely, you say, many of those are holdovers from previous administrations.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-08-30 15:05
Story here. Excerpt:
'A new criminal offence of domestic abuse could be introduced to include emotional and psychological harm inflicted by a partner within a relationship.
The government launched a consultation on Wednesday to look at strengthening the law by explicitly stating that domestic abuse covers coercive and controlling behaviour as well as physical harm.
The consultation document says that police fail to see abuse, particularly in its nonviolent form, as a serious crime, adding: "Creating a specific offence of domestic abuse may send a clear, consistent message to frontline agencies that nonviolent control in an intimate relationship is criminal.
"Explicitly capturing this in legislation may also help victims identify the behaviour they are suffering as wrong and encourage them to report it, and cause perpetrators to rethink their controlling behaviour."'
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Submitted by Matt on Sat, 2014-08-30 04:36
Article here. Excerpt:
'This is the most most heinous thing I've learned in my two years compiling Fatal Encounters. You know who dies in the most population-dense areas? Black men. You know who dies in the least population dense areas? Mentally ill men. It's not to say there aren't dangerous and desperate criminals killed across the line. But African-Americans and the mentally ill people make up a huge percentage of people killed by police.
And if you want to get down to nut-cuttin' time, across the board, it's poor people who are killed by police. (And by the way, around 96 percent of people killed by police are men.)'
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Submitted by fathers4fairness on Fri, 2014-08-29 18:24
Story here. Why didn't she get 10 years? Excerpt:
'Tania Pontbriand, a married former physical education teacher who had an affair with a 15-year-old student, has been sentenced to 20 months in prison.
She was handed an 18-month sentence for two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, and 20 months for sexual assault.
Pontbriand was sentenced by Judge Valmont Beaulieu in a Gatineau, Quebec courtroom on Friday morning.
The 15-year-old told police that he and Pontbriand had slept together over 200 times from 2002 to 2004.
Pontbriand, 43, began the relationship with the boy when she was 32 and he was 15.
She abruptly broke up with him in 2004 and he kept their affair secret until he told his mother in 2007.
The maximum sentence she could have received is 10 years in jail.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-08-29 16:48
Article here. Excerpt:
'California’s so-called “yes means yes” legislation, which returned to the state Senate for a vote on Assembly amendments, would require college students to get “affirmative” and ongoing consent during sexual encounters.
How exactly a person can prove such consent following a sexual-assault allegation is anyone’s guess, including a bill co-sponsor’s. One expert’s plausible suggestion: Make a sex tape every time.
Brooklyn College history professor K.C. Johnson, co-author of a book on the Duke lacrosse rape case, told the Washington Examiner that “recording the entire sexual encounter” from start to finish may be the only foolproof solution:
Of course, Johnson noted, “such a recording could in and of itself violate criminal law and college policies.”
As for ensuring that consent is “ongoing,” Johnson said “California students would be wise to interpret the measure as stringently as possible — that is, there must be consent for every single stage of the activity.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-08-29 10:59
Story here. Excerpt:
'Hundreds of people have hung bras around Valladolid's city hall in a protest to demand the resignation of the Spanish city's mayor after he warned men to be wary of false accusations of sexual assault.
Monday's protest came days after mayor Francisco Javier León de la Riva told a Spanish radio station that rape allegations should be carefully scrutinised. "Sometimes it's the other way around. Imagine you get into an elevator and there is a girl who is out to get you. She enters with you, tear off her bra or skirt and flees, shouting that you have tried to assault her," he said. "Beware of this kind of thing."
The mayor, from the conservative People's party, said women bear some of the responsibility in avoiding assault. Noting that "you can't have a police officer in every park," he said "at six in the morning a young woman should be careful of where she goes."'
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