Flight diverted by mother's parental kidnapping attempt

Story here. Excerpt:

'A Beijing-bound United Airlines flight returned to Washington's Dulles International Airport Thursday evening because of a child custody investigation.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation had received an alert that a mother on that flight was allegedly taking her child out of the country illegally, an FBI spokesman told CNN.
"The mother was taken into custody on suspicion of committing an international parental kidnapping and the child was reunited with the father. The grandmother was not detained."
After separating and starting divorce proceedings in 2013, Liu and William J. Ruifrok III were awarded joint custody of their 4-year-old son, who was born in China and is a dual U.S.-Chinese citizen, the complaint stated. The 2014 custody agreement doesn't allow either party to travel outside of the United States without "express written and notarized consent of the other party, provided in advance of the trip," according to the complaint.'

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Due Process Needs ‘Additional Review’ In Sexual Assault Bill, Co-Sponsor Says

Article here. Excerpt:

The Campus Accountability and Safety Act needs some tweaks to ensure that students accused of sexual assault don’t get railroaded by the campus disciplinary system, one of the bill’s co-sponsors told The Breeze, James Madison University’s student newspaper.

The school is under fire for punishing three students who filmed their sexual assault with "expulsion after graduation".

The entire phone conversation with Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., is transcribed:

"I do believe you do need, for the accused, you need to maintain due process rights. And then … I think this part of the legislation will probably require some additional review, but you know, what is the level of sanction? If the university continues to not responsibly deal with this issue. … I would like to see some action this year, I mean there’s still parts of this bill that need to be fully debated ..."

Warner trots out the questionable statistic that 1 in 5 women are sexually assaulted on campus, but deflects the paper’s request to “define mishandling of a sexual assault case”:

"I understand what’s going on with JMU … I’m not gonna try to put a description on what mishandling is … I think that’s — that’s what trying to get this legislation right would be, how you set up those standards. And I think we have set up a framework, but there’s more work to be done. …

How do you have an expedited process that gives the accused due process but also doesn’t leave the victim hanging in limbo?"

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Has the “War on Women” Jumped the Shark?

Article here. Excerpt:

'The “war on women” was always a cynical ploy by Democrats, aimed solely at getting votes from women rather than creating an economy in which we can flourish. But it worked.

President Obama is in the midst of his disastrous second term largely because women voted for him in 2012 by an eleven point margin. But there are clear indications that the “war on women” is not working in 2014.

A case in point is Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s recent attack on Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker. “Scott Walker has given women the back of his hand. I know that is stark. I know that is direct. But that is reality,” Wasserman Schultz asserted.

For good measure, she added that “what tea party extremists like Scott Walker are doing is they are grabbing us by the hair and pulling us back. It is not going to happen on our watch.”

Being Debbie Wasserman Schultz means almost never having to apologize for ridiculous pronouncements. But this time Ms. Wasserman Schultz's charm wore so thin that she was reduced at least to having to admit that she “shouldn’t have used those words."

Allison Lundergan Grimes is trying to unseat Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell in Kentucky using a “war on women” strategy. A Grimes TV spot features the candidate in a woodsy setting asking why Senator McConnell voted against renewing the Violence Against Women Act and an equal pay bill. “I can never get him to answer this one, either,” Grimes says after a moment of awkward silence.

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Cheerios has dad-positive advertisement

Was really happy to see this ad, a very dad-positive advertisement that doesn't in turn bash on mothers.


Contact info here to send General Mills a thank-you.

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Barbara Kay: "Eight to 16% of the male population has been abused sexually in youth. Often by women."

Article here. Excerpt:

'The words “sexual misconduct” will doubtless elicit images of predatory males. But in 2010, an investigation by the Tennessean newspaper found that a female kitchen employee reportedly gave a case of Chlamydia to a 17-year old-boy and later lived with another male juvenile whom she had abused while he was at Woodland Hills. Four state investigations failed to convict her. She was only convicted when she turned herself in to the police. In another case brought to light by the Tennesseean, a female guard married a former inmate, but still kept her job.

Many people – even professional therapists – resist the very notion that women can harbor abusive instincts.

Female pedophilia is far more prevalent than most people believe. Last week a former Quebec physical education teacher was sentenced to 18 months in jail for carrying on a two-year sexual relationship with a high school student. Within the juvenile justice system, a federal survey of detained juveniles found that nearly eight percent of respondents reported they had been sexually victimized by a staff member in the previous year. In nine out of ten cases, they were teenage boys reporting incidents with female employees, even though women usually represent about 40% of staff in these facilities.

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Congressional letter addresses domestic violence in male sports leagues, not women's

Article here. Excerpt:

'Interestingly, Congress did not send the letter to any of the women's sports league's in the United States. So while it made sure to cover the five major men's sports leagues, it failed to touch on the women's leagues. However, both the WNBA and NWSL have had players accused of domestic violence. In 2012, WNBA player Deanna Nolan was arrested for assaulting her wife. Earlier this year Seattle Reign and USWNT player Hope Solo was arrested for domestic violence. She is accused of assaulting both her sister and nephew at a party in Seattle. Solo had plead not guilty to the charges and her trail is set for November. The NWSL does not have a personal conduct policy like the NFL, but when I spoke to the league about their policies back in June, I was told they do have personal conduct language in their standard player agreement and player handbook. However, the player agreement and handbook are internal documents. The NWSL Operations manual includes the right to fine and/or suspend for major misconduct. Under major misconducts is a section for heinous acts, 'a violent physical assault on another arising out of the scope of one's employment, or being convicted or pleading no contest to a major misdemeanor or felony.' But no specific fines or suspension are listed for any violations under major misconduct.

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Bad law on campus rape deserves governor's veto

Article here. Excerpt:

'In its wisdom (such as it is), the Legislature passed a measure that would change the standard of sexual consent on California campuses. Gov. Jerry Brown should veto this bill. If the University of California and other institutions that receive state-funded student aid want to demonstrate that they have "no tolerance for any form of sexual violence" when students report rape - as state Sen. Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles, has argued - then they should call the cops. Not academic panels.

The American Association of University Women, which supports SB967, wrote a missive, "5 Ways Faculty and Staff Can Fight Sexual Violence on Campus." It does not mention police. Solutions include lectures by experts, training for faculty, and such actions as having "people affected by violence decorate a shirt and hang it on a public clothesline as testimony to the problem of sexual violence."

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Women Senators urge NFL to permanently dismiss any player who commits an act of domestic violence

Article here. Excerpt:

'A group of 16 women senators penned a strongly worded letter to National Football League Commissioner Roger Goodell on Thursday demanding that the league permanently dismiss any player who commits an act of domestic violence."

The senators said they were "shocked and disgusted" that the NFL only suspended Baltimore Ravens running back Ray Rice for two games after learning that he had knocked his then-fiancée unconscious in an elevator. The league suspended Rice indefinitely on Monday, but only after graphic video footage of the abuse leaked to the public.
But women's rights advocates say the probe does not go far enough to address the problem. Along with the senators' call for a zero-tolerance policy for domestic abusers in the NFL, the National Organization for Women is circulating a petition calling for Goodell to resign immediately.

"The NFL does not just have a Ray Rice problem, they have a violence against women problem," said Terry O'Neill, president of NOW. "NOW continues to ask for Roger Goodell to resign, and for his successor to appoint an independent investigator with full authority to gather factual data about domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking within the entire NFL community -- not just regarding the Ray Rice incident -- and to recommend real and lasting reforms."'


From A modern family law problem: False accusations of domestic violence:

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SAVE: Eighteen Groups Announce Opposition to Campus Accountability and Safety Act

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / September 10, 2014 – Eighteen organizations are today announcing their opposition to the proposed Campus Accountability and Safety Act (CASA), S. 2692 and H.R. 5354. The 18 groups represent a broad coalition including victim advocacy groups, gender-specific organizations, college trade entities, and media outlets.

Their opposition to CASA arises from the fact the bill does nothing to address the documented inadequacies of campus committees to conduct investigations, hold hearings, and impose appropriate sanctions. Ironically, the Campus Accountability and Safety Act contains no requirements to increase police presence, promote thorough investigations, or strengthen prosecutorial actions.

Under existing Department of Education policies, campus committees are required to adjudicate allegations of sexual assault, but can only expel a person found guilty of sexual assault.

As a result, numerous complaints have been filed by victims of sexual assault alleging the university did not take the allegation seriously.
The 18 groups voicing their opposition to CASA include the American Council on Education, Beyond the Registry, Community of the Wrongly Accused, ifeminists.com, National Association of Scholars, Stop Abusive and Violent Environments, Voice for Male Students, Women for Men, and others. A complete list of opposing groups can be seen here: http://www.saveservices.org/camp/campus-justice-coalition/

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"Men Are (Still) Pigs"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Oh, that’s right: Men are pigs.

Forgive a little bit of gender-based self-loathing. (And please, denizens of the Men’s Rights Twittersphere, please spare me your inevitable cries of “misandry!” Your whining undermines your claims to machismo.) But the news has been replete with examples lately of why feminism exists — and is needed — and why we men still need a few lessons in how to treat all people with a little more respect.
Where we’re in charge, we need to make a deliberate effort to bring deserving women into inner circles and cultivate an atmosphere that’s heavy on respect and light on dick jokes. Where we’re not in charge, we need to not (as so often happens) treat the female boss like a usurper who connived her way into the job. And in our relationships, men, we simply have to refrain from violence. Period. End of story.

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Comedy relief: Temple Horses Presents “White Male Privilege”

From this article:

'In this new YouTube short from the sketch comedy group Temple Horses, white men in America have it so easy that it’s really pissing off other groups. Every thing starts off nice enough in “White Male Privilege” with an average white guy getting a free bagel and feeling pretty good about himself. What could possibly go wrong? The sketch was written by Temple Horses’ Nick Ruggia & Ryan E. Hoffman and features guest star Greer Barnes.'

Direct link to video here.

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"Women Executives Are Smarter Than Male Counterparts"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now that’s a headline that should get a debate started.

New research says that women rate higher in overall competencies for senior leadership positions. Perhaps of more interest, however, the study says that women lack key career experiences that often give men an edge up on promotions at the most senior levels.

Korn Ferry, a provider of leadership and talent consulting services, says that with the exception of confidence, women generally score higher than men in many aspects of leadership style, such as comfort with ambiguity and being socially attuned. They also score higher in most of the skills and competencies deemed necessary for senior leadership success, such as employee engagement, customer satisfaction and building talent.

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U.S. State Dept.: "Women Leaders Promoting Peace and Security Arrive in United States"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The U.S. Department of State’s “Women Leaders: Promoting Peace and Security” exchange program will bring 85 participants from around the world to the United States from September 8-26. Women leaders from government ministries, security sectors, and civil society organizations will explore how women can advocate for peace, promote stability, and improve security conditions in their communities.

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Men’s Rights Advocate Outs Wacky Vassar College Freshman Orientation On Reddit

Article here. Excerpt:

'If you’ve ever wondered what goes on at freshmen orientation sessions at small liberal arts colleges, then a recent post on Reddit will give you some insights.

One of the top posts on the site’s MensRights subreddit on Sunday included a detailed account of recent get-to-know-you events at Vassar College, an elite college with 2,450 students about 75 miles north of New York City that has a reputation as a petri dish for leftist radicalism.

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UK: Kelly Brook accused of trivialising domestic abuse... Again

Article here. Excerpt:

'Kelly Brook appeared on This Morning today to discuss her new memoir, addressing two separate incidents when she punched ex-boyfriends Jason Statham and Danny Cipriani.

“In my defence, I don’t think he felt it,” she said when probed about the altercation with Statham. “This is Jason we’re talking about; he’s a martial arts expert.”

She hit Cipriani after he gave his number to a lapdancer and Statham after he embarrassed her at the wedding of Madonna and Guy Ritchie.

Men’s domestic abuse charity ManKind had previously voiced its disappointment at reactions to the news, arguing that there would have been a public backlash had the gender roles been reversed.

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