Why Hope Solo Should Be Suspended From Team USA -- Immediately

A fair and balanced article from ESPN. Excerpt:

'Hope Solo should not be playing right now for the U.S. Women's National soccer team.

Earlier this year, the star keeper was arrested for allegedly attacking her sister and 17-year-old nephew. The police report said Solo was "intoxicated and upset," and she allegedly called her nephew "too fat" to be an athlete. Also according to the report, the boy had blood on his shirt, and his mother (Solo's sister) was visibly injured.

After a flurry of media reports directly after the June altercation -- Solo has a court date set for November -- very little has been said or written in the media about the pending case. ...
Solo is accused of violence against a family member; she should be suspended until she handles her legal issues. It's worth noting that a lack of national coverage (to this moment, anyway) of Solo's situation isn't as much a reflection of a double-standard in the coverage of assault as it is a reflection of the attention paid to the NFL versus the attention paid to women's sports. Female athletes mostly fly below the radar -- for better and for worse.

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"Men need to be deprogrammed in a very fundamental way"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Men have been socialized to view sex as entitled consumers. Women’s bodies are products made for our consumption. One Tulane student blog actually refers to women’s bodies as “burgahs,” sharing this gem of a poem: “Buns golden brown / A carnivores delight / I’ve seen you down town / And I want you tonight.” And no, I’m not going to link to it! Google “tulane burgah shack.” It’s a great example of the widespread cultural foundation for rape culture.

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"Overheard: Masculinity Associated With Financial Misreporting"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Is it a bad sign when management looks manly?

Research has shown facial masculinity is associated with behavior ranging from increased aggression to risk taking. Some economists decided to see what having a masculine-looking man atop a company might mean.
But given all the things that play a role in behavior, judging talent or demeanor by how someone looks hardly seems right. Investors looking for chicanery would be better off poring over financial statements than trying to put a face on it.'

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The Rape Epidemic Is a Fiction

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rape is a vicious crime, one that disproportionately affects poor women and incarcerated men, but Barack Obama knows his voters, and so his recent remarks on the subject were focused not on penitentiaries, broken families, or Indian reservations but on college campuses, where the despicable crime is bound up in a broader feminist Kulturkampf only tangentially related to the very real problem of sexual violence against women.
If you are having a little trouble getting your head around a definition of “sexual assault” so liberal that it includes everything from forcible rape at gunpoint to acts that not only fail to constitute crimes under the law but leave the victims “unclear as to whether harm was intended,” then you are, unlike much of our culture, still sane.

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Jonah Goldberg: What War On Women?

Article here.  Excerpt:

'On Friday, the White House announced its “It's On Us” initiative aimed at combating sexual assaults on college campuses. I'm all in favor of combating sexual assault, but the first priority in combating a problem is understanding it.

That's not the White House's first priority. Roughly six weeks before election day, its chief concern is to translate an exciting social media campaign into a get-out-the-vote operation.

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University ad tells students to blow warning whistle before committing rape

Story here. Excerpt:

'The University of Colorado, Boulder (CU) has distributed fliers around campus suggesting that potential rapists should blow a whistle before they rape a fellow student.

The Wardenburg Student Health Center distributed the literature, which tells readers “[t]he only use for a rape whistle is: If you are about to rape someone, warn them. Blow the whistle.”

The bottom of the university approved sign ridicules the idea of the rape whistle, claiming whistle distribution contributes to “rape culture” and blames the victim in the case of sexual assault.

“Distributing these whistles for other reasons says 1) that strangers are the likely perpetrators of sexual assault 2) that the targeted person is primarily responsible for their assault. And who thinks that?'

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List Of Alleged Rapists Distributed At University Of Chicago

Story here. Excerpt:

'A list accusing a dozen University of Chicago students of rape was circulated over the Internet this past weekend, and although it has been taken down, it has generated plenty of discussion.

CBS 2’s Susanna Song reports classes don’t officially start until next week at school’s Hyde Park campus, but someone posted a list of 12 names on Tumblr, accusing both straight and gay undergraduate men of “gender-based violence.”

Those names have since been removed, and the Tumblr page no longer exists, but the names also have been listed on fliers passed around campus.

Most of the students on campus are freshman attending Orientation Week.

The list was first reported on the website Jezebel. The anonymous authors of the post claimed they were keeping the Hyde Park community safe, claiming the University would not.'

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Fallout from campus sexual assault hysteria: College men now suspicious of women

Article here.  Excerpt:

'Thanks to an increased focus on sexual assaults on college campuses – mostly due to an overblown statistic claiming 20 percent of college women have been sexually assaulted – young college men are starting to rethink how they talk to women.

At first glance that might seem like a good thing – men learning to be more respectful of women and not be so rapey – but that’s not what this is.

This is about men actually avoiding contact with women because they’re afraid a simple kiss or date could lead to a sexual assault accusation.
Pollack also noted that the media attention tocampus sexual assault has led to a “witch-hunt” mentality.

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'No, Hope Solo Is Not "Like" Ray Rice'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Soccer star Hope Solo is alleged to have assaulted her sister and 17-year old nephew in June of this year. Unlike Ray Rice, Solo is still plying her trade as a goalkeeper for the national team. This led several people to claim that Solo is the beneficiary of a double standard. In The New York Times Juliet Macur makes the argument:

"One can argue the differences between an N.F.L. player punching his soon-to-be wife and a soccer star brawling with her family, but it is indisputable that both qualify as domestic violence. The glaring contrast in Solo’s case is that while several football players recently accused of assaults have been removed from the field, she has been held up for praise by the national team.

On Thursday she was even given the honor of wearing the captain’s armband in celebration of her setting the team’s career record for shutouts in its previous game. The question is why.

Celebrating Solo’s achievement right now is like allowing running back Adrian Peterson, who has been accused of child abuse, to continue to play for the Minnesota Vikings — and then awarding him the game ball for his next 100-yard game."

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Suit: Nurse had ‘unsolicited’ sex with man waiting for heart transplant

Story here. Excerpt:

'While a man was lying in his bed in a southwest suburban hospital, medicated and waiting for a heart transplant, a nurse entered his room and “initiated unsolicited sexual relations, including intercourse,” according to lawsuit filed Monday.

The patient and his wife filed the suit Monday in Cook County Circuit Court, alleging that Advocate Christ Medical Center in Oak Lawn was negligent in employing the nurse who “had a propensity to initiate unauthorized physical contact with patients,” the suit stated. The nurse, who was also named as a defendant, is accused of battery.
In January, the Illinois Department of Professional and Financial Regulation reprimanded a nurse of the same name as the defendant listed in the suit. The reprimand was brought on by her failing “to report having been terminated from a facility for crossing professional boundaries with a patient.”

Her nursing license is currently active in Illinois, according to the department’s website.'

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Veteran chooses jail over giving his disability money to ex-wife

Article here. Excerpt:

'A Suncoast veteran went to jail Wednesday in order to keep all of his VA disability check. It's all because he and his wife are divorcing and she wants half.

Under federal law, the money is exempt from alimony payments. But state law says she may be entitled to it.

Terry Lynn says he wants to set a precedent to help all veterans in similar situations. He is on full disability from injuries he suffered while serving as a Marine during the Gulf War, but is now going through a divorce battle with his wife he met after his time in the military.

He says she wants nearly half of what he gets: $1,500 of the roughly $3,000 he says he receives a month.
ABC 7 contacted the National Veterans Legal Service Program in Washington D.C. They say it's an issue which has been argued across the country. U.S. Title 38 says VA benefits are exempt from taxation, claims of creditors, and other legal processes. It makes no exception for alimony.

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NPO: New Jersey Reforms Alimony Law — A Bit

Article here. Excerpt:

'It's only a small victory, but a victory nonetheless. Last Wednesday, Governor Chris Christie signed a bill to reform New Jersey’s very out of date alimony laws. Of course divorce lawyers resisted with every fiber of their beings, but the bill received strong bi-partisan support in the state legislature. Here’s one article on the subject (Washington Times, 9/11/14).

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Men in the Workplace: 3 Unique Challenges Men Face

Article here. Excerpt:

'Long considered a man’s domain, today’s office is a much different place from the Mad Men archetypes of the past. Significant advancements have been made in bringing equity to the workplace — much-needed steps that are helping grow and enrich the new world of work.

However, issues remain that affect both genders. While many discussions of gender at work generally focus on women, there exist some unique challenges that directly impact men in the workplace; problems that are often the result of the same prejudices and outmoded methods of thinking concerning men’s primacy.

Consequently, today’s worker often faces a number of unique challenges. Here are three affecting men in the workplace today.
... This prevailing attitude among management can cause significant difficulties for work-life balance among men (too). Choosing family over work can be seen as a significant negative, or that it shows a lack of commitment to the company. Men who wish to advance in these corporate climates can be expected to devote significant time above and beyond the normal 40 hour workweek — where men in the C-suite generally view it as more acceptable for women to spend time on work-life balance issues.
... attitudes about traditional male gender roles have proven to be more ingrained. Men are still viewed as being the primary breadwinner.
Today, approximately 60 women graduate from college for every 40 men, a dramatic reversal from the 2:1 male to female ratio seen in the 1960s. Enrollment rates among women are higher, as well — and this trend shows no signs of reversing.

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MSNBC Panel Erupts When Roland Martin Asks: Double Standard on Female Abuse Charges?

Article here. Excerpt:

'When Roland Martin brought up the domestic abuse case of female soccer star Hope Solo during a Morning Joe panel, things got a bit tense.

Earlier this year, Solo was arrested on two misdemeanor counts of fourth degree domestic violence assault against her sister and nephew. After pleading not guilty to both charges, she will face trial later this year. Throughout her ongoing case, Solo has yet to lose major endorsement deals with companies like Nike and Gatorade.

Citing ESPN “lauding” Solo during a women’s soccer highlight reel, Martin asked, “Domestic violence is a national issue, should we not be questioning why Hope Solo is still playing on the women’s soccer team, and Nike — who dropped Adrian Peterson — has said nothing about Hope Solo?”

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U.S. Soccer defends decision to honor Hope Solo because she "has an opportunity to set a significant record"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The e-mail arrived with this screaming headline: "GOALKEEPER HOPE SOLO ON VERGE OF BREAKING U.S. WNT ALL-TIME SHUTOUT RECORD," featuring a page chock full of statistics and facts from Solo's 14-year international career. ...

Solo, 33, is known for more than soccer these days, unfortunately. She has been charged with two counts of misdemeanor domestic violence in the assault of her sister and 17-year-old nephew, has pleaded not guilty and is awaiting trial in November.
This is not the time for U.S. Soccer to be celebrating Solo and her accomplishments. It is the time for Solo to be dealing with her personal and legal issues far away from the soccer field. She has been convicted of no crimes, but neither was Michael Phelps when USA Swimming suspended him for three months in 2009 after a picture surfaced of him smoking a marijuana pipe.
In an e-mail Tuesday evening, U.S. Soccer defended its decision to honor Solo.

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