'The domestic violence gender trap: Hope Solo, Ray Rice and the tired myopia of “women do it too”'

Article here. Excerpt:

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Sorry, Emma Watson, but HeForShe Is Rotten for Men

Article here. Excerpt:

'Watson clearly believes that feminism — which, she stressed, is about equality and not bashing men — will also solve men’s problems. But, unfortunately, feminism in its present form has too often ignored sexist biases against males, and sometimes has actively contributed to them. Until that changes, the movement for gender equality will be incomplete.
Men must, indeed, “feel welcome to participate in the conversation” about gender issues. But very few will do so if that “conversation” amounts to being told to “shut up and listen” while women talk about the horrible things men do to women, and being labeled a misogynist for daring to point out that bad things happen to men too and that women are not always innocent victims in gender conflicts. A real conversation must let men talk not only about feminist-approved topics such as gender stereotypes that keep them from expressing their feelings, but about more controversial concerns: wrongful accusations of rape; sexual harassment policies that selectively penalize men for innocuous banter; lack of options to avoid unwanted parenthood once conception has occurred. Such a conversation would also acknowledge that pressures on men to be successful come not only from “the patriarchy” but, often, from women as well. And it would include an honest discussion of parenthood, including many women’s reluctance to give up or share the primary caregiver role.

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Michelle Obama Criticizes America at UN for Treatment of Women

Story here. Excerpt:

'In a recent address to a United Nations education event, First Lady Michelle Obama decided to shine the light on a certain nation’s treatment of women. No, it wasn’t Saudi Arabia where females aren’t allowed to drive, or the Congo where rape is brutal and systematic. It was the United States.

Here’s the relevant portion of the First Lady’s speech of September 24: “[W]omen here are still woefully underrepresented in our government and in the senior ranks of our corporations. We still struggle with violence against women and harmful cultural norms that tell women how they’re supposed to look and act.”

Now, it’s not just that singling out the United States for such criticism in our rough-hewn world is a bit like maligning a neighbor who wouldn’t buy his wife a new mink while ignoring the wife-beater across the street; it’s that, critics might point out, what’s explicit and implicit in M. Obama’s criticism is very much the opposite of the truth.

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Father of student on University of Chicago's alleged 'rapist list' speaks out

Story here. Excerpt:

'The problem of sexual assault on the University of Chicago campus, and how the University is handling those cases, is top of mind for many.

Now, the father of one young man named on an anonymously posted list of alleged rapists has contacted FOX 32 News to say the allegations are false, made by a spurned lover after a make-out session.

The father said the University provided his son with a letter letter of exoneration. The man asked FOX 32 not to use his name because the university threatened his son with disciplinary action if he went public to defend himself. But at the same time the father said the University has refused to take action against the woman suspected of posting the young man's name on the 'rapist list.'

“Just because it's anonymous and because we don't really know anything about the process, it scares me that people have the ability to smear and slander anyone who they want,” said Ben Offen, a freshman from Boston.

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U.S. State Dept.: "Clinton Global Initiative Recognizes African Women's Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP)"

Link here. Excerpt:

'The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) has selected the State Department’s African Women’s Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP) as one of this year’s CGI Commitment to Action honorees for its program to help the women entrepreneurs develop and integrate their businesses into local supply chains.

Through the support of the Clinton Global Initiative, AWEP will launch the “Missing Middle of Africa Supply Chain Project,” a program that will facilitate supplier development opportunities for African women entrepreneurs. This CGI Commitment to Action will reach more than 5,000 beneficiaries in Sub-Saharan Africa. This program will significantly increase the funding opportunities available to AWEP members, enable greater access to global markets and increase trade and investment in Africa.

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SAVE Calls on Gov. Brown to Veto Bill that Would Endanger Rape Victims and Trivialize Sexual Assault

Press release here. Excerpt:

'WASHINGTON / September 25, 2014 – SAVE, a national victim-advocacy organization, is today calling on Gov. Jerry Brown to veto SB-967, which would impose an Affirmative Consent requirement on California colleges. The bill has been the focus of national ridicule and controversy since it was introduced earlier this year.

Stop Abusive and Violent Environments – SAVE – believes it is illogical to believe that a rapist intent on committing a violent assault would be deterred by the need to obtain a woman’s on-going “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement,” as the law would require. SAVE charges the bill’s Affirmative Consent provisions would lull potential victims into a false of security.

SB-967 would also blur the distinction between consensual sex and criminal rape, SAVE says. This would serve to squander investigative resources on highly questionable cases and to trivialize the legitimate needs of rape survivors.

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NPO: 6 Reasons Single Moms Should Embrace Equal Child Custody

Article here. Excerpt:

'A rival statistic to the nation’s divorce rate shakes up the conversation on societal expectations that mom shoulder sole responsibility for child rearing while dad serves as breadwinner. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, more than 40 percent of children born in the United States are born to unmarried parents.

This means that outside of divorce, a significant portion of our nation’s children enter child custody courts by default, which is where the problem becomes worse for today’s modern families. Contrary to common belief, when child custody cases turn ugly, judges rarely equally divide parenting. The old-fashioned model from the ‘50s where mom receives custody and dad gets “visitation” reigns more than 90 percent of the time.

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Wasserman Schultz Says Another Republican Gov Gives Women ‘Back Of His Hand’

Article and video here. Excerpt:

'Debbie Wasserman Schultz should try to find a new phrase to describe how Republican governors are treating women, because her current one really isn’t working out well.

For the second time within the past month, footage of the DNC chairwoman has surfaced in which she accused a Republican governor of giving women “the back of his hand.”

Wasserman Schultz, who was widely condemned for making the thought-to-be initial comment referring to Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, made the exact same comment about Florida governor Rick Scott about a week prior to reports of her accusations toward Walker.'

Previously-reported incident discussed on MANN: DNC chairwoman Wasserman Schultz compares Gov. Scott Walker to a domestic abuser

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University of Michigan: Withholding Sex, Discounting Feelings are ‘Sexual Violence’

Article here. Excerpt:

'Examples of abuse listed on the University of Michigan’s domestic violence awareness website say “sexual violence” includes “withholding sex and affection” and “discounting the partner’s feelings regarding sex” – definitions that have come under fire by some men’s rights activists.

The terms, found under the heading “definitions,” also suggest verbal or psychological abuse include: “insulting the partner; ignoring the partner’s feelings; withholding approval as a form of punishment; yelling at the partner; labeling the partner with terms like crazy [and] stupid.”

Janet Bloomfield, social media director for “A Voice For Men,” an activist group that counters feminist extremism and misandry, took aim at these University of Michigan examples, first on her Twitter account over the summer and more recently in an email to The College Fix.
"Normal relationship behaviors are pathologized and framed as abuse when MEN do them,” she noted. “I am unaware of a single case in which the accused student is a woman and the victim is a man.”

As for the topic of the campus rape epidemic, she said she believes campuses are whipping up “rape hysteria” for a variety of reasons.

“It comes down to this: colleges are creating rape hysteria so college employees who run these sexual assault centers can keep their jobs and benefits. Women are encouraged to interpret normal sexual and relationship behaviors as abuse and encouraged to have the young men they are partnering with sanctioned by the college,” she said.

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Gender inequality shown in classrooms, boys left shortchanged

Article here. Excerpt:

'For the last couple of decades, education has done its best to ensure that girls have received the same attention and opportunities to participate in the classroom. Unfortunately, after years of attempting to create equality, the gender gap in education still exists.

The difference is, now boys are the ones being left behind as girls soar ahead. The culture of the classroom has changed to become more inclusive of girls and has, in the process, become a hostile environment for boys.

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Forbes fires columnist who warned of dangers posed by drunk women admitted to fraternity parties

Article here. Excerpt:

'Forbes magazine on Tuesday published, and then quickly deleted, a column suggesting fraternities should ensure intoxicated women are not allowed into their houses, due to the risk of them falling out of windows or of filing false rape charges against frat members.

The column, "Drunk Female Guests Are The Gravest Threat To Fraternities," was written by contributor Bill Frezza, a graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Frezza, a fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, is president of the Beta Foundation, the house corporation for the Chi Phi fraternity at MIT. His column was in part prompted by a clampdown on MIT fraternities following a student falling from a third-story window at the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity.

Forbes deleted the column, but did not replace it with an editor's note explaining why.

"Mr. Frezza's post was removed from Forbes.com almost immediately after he published it," Forbes spokeswoman Mia Carbonell told HuffPost in an email. "Mr. Frezza is no longer a contributor to Forbes.com."

Frezza wrote:

"...The number of rules and procedures that have to be followed to run a party nowadays would astound anyone over 40. We take the rules very seriously, so much so that brothers who flout these policies can, and will, be asked to move out. But we have very little control over women who walk in the door carrying enough pre-gaming booze in their bellies to render them unconscious before the night is through."

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Student Labeled A 'Rape Apologist’ For Questioning Rape Culture And Affirmative Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Julius Kairey, an openly conservative student columnist for the Cornell Daily Sun campus newspaper, was viciously smeared in a recent mass public attack, with fliers spread around the Ivy League university that unfairly and inaccurately labeled him a “Racist Rape Apologist.”

An unknown number of paper fliers were peppered in high-traffic campus locations late last week, such as a walkway near freshmen housing and Cornell’s Olin Library.

The fliers featured a large picture of Kairey in the center, with his full name in bold lettering across the top and a caption below reading: “Daily Sun Columnist and Racist Rape Apologist.”

The description may be in reference to some of his opinion columns in the Sun, the mainstream campus newspaper. The perpetrator of the malicious campaign has yet to be apprehended.

The ad hominem attack is likely drawn from a few columns written by Kairey, notably “The Truth About ‘Rape Culture’,” published in April, which questioned the stats behind the so-called campus rape epidemic and defended due process for those accused of sexual assault; and more recently “Should California Redefine Campus Sexual Assault?” published last Thursday, when the fliers were discovered.

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72% of Americans say they're not feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'Feminism is a mixed bag in the eyes of most Americans. Overall, 28 percent consider themselves to be feminists, 72 percent do not,” the findings report.

Among women, 38 percent consider themselves feminists. And men do not appear to be very liberated these days either: 18 percent “accept the label” for themselves, the poll reports.
What with man-bashing and the erosion of the traditional masculine and feminine roles or family structure, Americans also apparently associate feminism with things other than, say, equal rights - and it is problematic.

“When given a neutral dictionary definition of feminism, as ‘someone who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes,’ 57 percent of Americans proudly proclaim themselves feminists,” the poll concludes.'

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New masculinity class introduced at state college

Story here. Excerpt:

'There is a new class at Keene State College [link added] this semester and it is all about men. Patricia Pedroza Gonzalez, a KSC professor of 15-years, introduced the class Men and Masculinity. Pedroza Gonzalez said her goal is to change students’ perceptions of social media’s presentation of men.

“In a very basic gender education we are still thinking and feeling and perpetrating symbols like ‘Boys don’t cry,’” Pedroza Gonzalez said.

Pedroza Gonzalez explained that there is a certain danger in encouraging traditional gender-norms of the “macho man.”

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‘HeForShe’ and the problem with modern feminism

Article here. Excerpt:

'Actress Emma Watson [link added], best known to date for playing Hermione in the “Harry Potter” films, was appointed a Goodwill Ambassador for the United Nations, and on Monday delivered a widely-discussed speech to roll out the new “HeForShe” initiative. Its website describes HeForShe as “a solidarity movement for gender equality that brings together one half of humanity in support of the other of humanity, for the entirety of humanity.”
But in the context of her full speech, I think she’s saying something very nearly the opposite. She seems to believe those who dismiss feminism as man-hating are wrong, so self-evidently wrong that she doesn’t bother conjuring up any good reasons they might feel that way. Instead, both during the passage quoted above and the rest of the speech, she talks about how women with strong opinions, assertive personalities, and a desire for equality are unfairly dismissed as unappealing and anti-male.

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