Bucaramanga: The city where women ‘rule’ every Thursday night

Article here. Excerpt:

'Every Thursday in the city of Bucaramanga, Colombia, it’s an all-women party all night long – while the men face curfew at home.

Men in the Colombian city of Bucaramanga are being told to stay home and mind the children while their wives and partners go out to party all night long, as part of an initiative to tackle the high levels of domestic violence in the city. The women-only night, set for Thursday, is expected to be a hit with the city’s women and bring a carnival atmosphere.

Bars, restaurants and shopping malls will offer special events for women, and local authorities are organising women-only concerts, parties and dance classes in the city’s parks and squares. The Catholic Church is hosting events too. For men staying at home, restaurants are offering discounts on home deliveries.

Organisers of the women-only night, which is spearheaded by the chamber of commerce, governor and mayors of the province of Santander, of which Bucaramanga is the capital, hope it will stir debate about gender roles in a city known for its macho culture.

“The women-only night and voluntary curfew for men aims to be a symbolic event and a moment of reflection for the authorities, state institutions and society about the high levels of domestic violence and the role of men in society,” says Yamid Saldana, one of the project’s coordinators and press manager at Corpovisionarios, a Bogota-based think-tank that is promoting the initiative.

“It aims to send the message that it’s ok for men to stay at home and look after the children and wash the dishes, and it doesn’t mean they are less of a man,” says Saldana in a telephone interview.

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Sex-Shaming: The Feminist Weapon of Choice to Silence Dissenters on Affirmative Consent

Article here. Excerpt:

'Any delusion I might have harbored that a world where women have a bigger voice than Rush Limbaugh's would be less ugly was shattered this week. In responding to my column about the idiocy of California’s new affirmative consent law, feministas at Jezebel and Wonkette demonstrated one thing loud and clear: When it comes to talking about issues concerning their lady parts, they turn into bigger dicks than Limbaugh. These ladies ejaculated expletives such as "fuck" on their screens several times, speculated about my personal sex life, and called me names—all of which one would have chalked up to girls having fun if they'd actually managed to sneak in an argument or two.

But they didn’t.'

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"Patriarchy is a men's privilege movement"

Letter here.  Excerpt:

'Men's Rights Activists of the world, prepare yourselves for the next couple of words, because you’re never going to hear them from me again: you're right. Feminism is not about men's problems.

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‘Affirmative Consent’ blurs the lines between consensual sex and sexual assault on campus

Article here. Excerpt:

'When it came to educating young people about respecting personal boundaries, the rules were very simple and generally easy to understand: no means no. This was particularly true when it came to teaching young men that when things were getting ‘hot and heavy’ with someone they were making out with that if the woman at any point said ‘no’ it was time to back off (and perhaps should take a cold shower once he got home). For as long as I can remember, society was ‘teaching men not to rape’ to coin a phrase.
So what can we extrapolate from this case as the current state of consent? Are we now at place where John Does are fully responsible for his conduct while Jane Does have no responsibility whatsoever for her conduct? Whatever happened to the notion of equality the progressive feminists claim they want? This notion is both insulting and it infantilizes women.

And yes, I get it - I hope all young men get it, that if a woman is wearing skimpy clothing (or no clothing for that matter), is incapacitated, or unconscious she is not ‘asking for it.’ But to suggest that encouraging women to drink responsibly (if they choose to drink), should learn self defense (as Ms. Nevada did and got lampooned for it), or should carry a gun (nothing says ‘I don’t consent’ like a 9mm in the face) in no way supports the ‘rape culture’!

We are told ad nauseum by progressive feminists that we should ‘teach men not to rape’ instead. The truth is that we have been teaching men not to rape at least for a few generations now and most of us do not rape. There are still men (and women!) who do for whatever reason. Perhaps its for the same reason some people steal and murder; I doubt its a lack of education (and yet we still tell people to lock their doors and/or install alarms on our homes but no one suggests we are supporting the ‘theft culture’).

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"Accused College Rapists Have Rights, Too"

Article here. Excerpt:

'This August, Columbia University released a new policy for handling “gender-based” misconduct among students. Since April, universities around the country have been rewriting their guidelines after a White House task force urged them to do more to fight sexual assault. I was curious to know what a lawyer outside the university system would make of one of these codes. So I sent the document to Robin Steinberg, a public defender and a feminist.

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Privilege & Entitlement: A Look at Philadelphia Gay Bashing Suspect Kathryn Knott

Article here.  Children of powerful people acting privleged and entitled isn't news.  Boys and girls alike, when raised to view themselves as inherently exceptional, act that way; simple cause and effect in action, and most people know this already.  And most people also think that hate crimes against virtually anyone or any number of people belonging to some group are committed exclusively by men.  Well, guess again. Excerpt:

'Though most have heard about the brutal attack on two gay men in Philadelphia that transpired earlier this month, many haven’t learned much about the suspects indicted this week for the attack. Of the three suspects arrested, one in particular stands out as a shining example of privilege and entitlement: 24-year-old Kathryn Knott. The daughter of (Philadelphia-area) Chalfont Township Police Chief Karl Knott, Kathryn Knott serves as a living example of virtually every stereotypical child-of-privilege and law enforcement cliché including abuse of police power for personal gain.

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NPO: Shared Parenting Advocacy Efforts Uphold Historic Proclamation

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Child Health Day is a Federal Observance of the need for all of us to direct our thoughts to the health and well-being of our children. This year is was Monday, October 6th. National Parents Organization celebrates it daily through our work to make shared parenting - the child custody arrangement that federal statistics as well as child development studies consistently show serves the best interest of children’s health and well-being after parents divorce or separate — the norm.

National Parents Organization recognizes that preserving a strong bond between children and their parents is critically important to children’s emotional, mental, and physical health. Shared parenting is the simplest, yet most difficult to implement, solution to most of the challenges facing our children today.

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So You Want to Be a Male Feminist? Maybe Don’t

Article here. Excerpt:

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Embrace the Men’s Rights Movement

Letter here. Excerpt:

'This is a response to Annie Kuster’s viewpoint Oct. 9 viewpoint, “A personal invitation to embrace feminism.”

I remember first hearing about Emma Watson’s UN address, initially thinking to myself this was probably just another popularity boost for the feminist movement. ...
There I found the HeForShe Commitment, which reinforced my initial speculation and the overarching reason for the men’s rights movement: Feminism is not interested in men’s problems.

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U.S. State Dept.: "International Day of the Girl, October 11"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Unfortunately, we live in a world where girls are often not valued. Today, 250 million girls live in poverty, one in three girls in the developing world will be married before turning 18, and 62 million girls are out of school--deprived of an education that would lead to positive health and economic outcomes. Worldwide, an estimated 150 million girls have experienced sexual violence, and nearly half of all sexual assaults are committed against girls younger than 16 years of age. In 2013, nearly 80 percent of all new HIV infections among those ages 15 to 24 affected adolescent girls and young women. Thus, the consequences of failing to adequately invest in girls are enormous.

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"Yahoo For Men" company founder sees men generally drawn to "lowest common denominator" concepts

Article here. Excerpt:

'I don’t feel it’s an overreach to say we’re building the Yahoo for men. When I was at Yahoo, I discovered that the big-scale male demographic sites, for the most part, were not befitting of major premium brands because men tend to gravitate to the lowest common denominator when it comes to concepts. So, looking at the media and content for women, there’s lots of high-quality premium safe content for brands to associate with. But for men, there’s a only handful at scale. That’s where we want to play.'

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PEPFAR: "Let's Confront, Not Ignore"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Some subjects can be easier to ignore than confront. Sweep them under the rug and maybe they will go away.

But as we all know, there are very few problems that go away simply through wishful thinking. Gender-based violence is one such problem that will not fade away unless we act. That’s why this year’s “Day of the Girl Child” on October 11th is drawing attention to “Empowering Adolescent Girls: Ending the Cycle of Violence.”

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Costa Rican president to establish commission to study men's rights issues, adviser says

Story here. Excerpt:

'Casa Presidencial has promised a men’s rights advocacy group that it will form a new interagency commission to study legal imbalances in domestic abuse, custody rights and child support policy in Costa Rica.

President Luis Guillermo Solís’ administration on Monday related the news to members of the Foundation to Support Men (FUNDIAPHO), which last week marched from their offices in the northeastern San José suburb of Guadalupe to Solís’ residence in Barrio Escalante, east of the capital.
“A new era will soon begin for Ticos and Costa Rican society,” Herrera told The Tico Times. “We are extremely excited, and we hope to finally achieve true gender equality.”
“Women who are victims of abuse are offered free counseling and health care. Abused men, meanwhile, get nothing,” Herrera said.

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'California's new “Yes means Yes” law is insulting'

Article here. The author is the same Wendy Murphy who said the kinds of things and did the kinds of things she did during the now-infamous Duke lacrosse player case. Having her denounce the recent CA bill is not a bad thing; it's *why* she's doing it. Seems she feels it doesn't go far enough in guaranteeing that any man on a college campus is eminently slam-dunkable by any given female. Excerpt:

'The idea is insulting and dangerous. Here’s why:

1. Sexual assault on campus is a civil rights violation under Title IX and requires proof only of “unwelcomeness,” which is much easier to prove than lack of “affirmative consent.” Terms such as “non-consent” and lack of “affirmative consent,” are used only in the criminal justice system and are much more difficult to prove compared to “unwelcomeness.” Burdensome criminal laws should never be used on campus.

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SAVE: California Affirmative Consent Policy Portends ‘Unraveling of the Democratic Coalition,’ Columnist Warns


Contact: Gina Lauterio
Telephone: 301-801-0608
Email: info-at-saveservices.org

California Affirmative Consent Policy Portends ‘Unraveling of the Democratic Coalition,’ Columnist Warns

WASHINGTON / October 8, 2014 – SAVE, a national victim-advocacy organization, istoday launching a campaign to highlight the controversies surrounding the so-called Affirmative Consent proposals which advocates claim will curb campus sexual assault. Gov. Jerry Brown recently signed bill SB-967 which will require California students to provide ongoing “affirmative, conscious, and voluntary agreement to engage in sexual activity.”

Affirmative Consent has been criticized by commentators from all points on the political spectrum.

Writing in Time magazine, Camille Paglia recently warned, “Colleges should stick to academics and stop their infantilizing supervision of students’ dating lives, an authoritarian intrusion that borders on violation of civil liberties.” http://time.com/3444749/camille-paglia-the-modern-campus-cannot-comprehend-evil/#3444749/camille-paglia-the-modern-campus-cannot-comprehend-evil/

Hoover Institution fellow Peter Berkowitz observed, “Indeed the indifference to and sometimes outright disdain for due process among our faculty and administrators is transforming our universities into bastions of authoritarianism”  http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2014/10/03/lawsuit_casts_harsh_light_on_due_process_at_colgate__124167.html

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