Pro Due Process Does Not Equate to Pro Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

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"White, male hate-crime victim at Cornell University calls out leftist campus radicals as bullies, hypocrites"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Cornell University senior Julius Kairey, a conservative student columnist for the Cornell Daily Sun campus newspaper, was viciously smeared last month with fliers spread around the Ivy League university that labeled him a “Racist Rape Apologist.”

His crime? Daring to question stats behind the so-called campus rape epidemic and defending due process for those accused of sexual assault. He also wrote a column titled “Islamophobia and Racism” last spring that ruffled some feathers. And the fact that he writes a weekly conservative column in general makes him a target for radical angst.

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Former students sue school over sex assault investigation

Story here. Excerpt:

'Two former University of Houston students. expelled in connection with an alleged sexual assault on campus, are suing the school and two administrators, claiming they were denied due process in the investigation and administrative hearings.

The lawsuit calls into question the pressure universities face to crack down on campus sexual assault. The plaintiffs claim they were kept in the dark about the investigation and given little chance to defend themselves.

In a statement, university officials said they are "committed to the enforcement of Title IX, the protections of due process and other legal rights of the parties involved," but are prohibited from further comment under the provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act.'

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NBA free agent Dante Cunningham struggles to clear name after domestic violence charge dropped

Article here. Excerpt:

'It was after 4 a.m. when Dante Cunningham pulled his truck back into the driveway of his suburban Minneapolis home and saw the police waiting for him.

Officers put the handcuffs on the Minnesota Timberwolves' reserve as soon as his feet hit the pavement. The reality of his situation and the domestic assault charges that were on their way didn't sink in until he was lying in a jail cell and the lights went out.

"The whole time I was like, 'I'm OK. I'm out of here. Things will be fine,'" Cunningham recalled. "Then it went dark and I was like, 'This is not a joke. I'm really in this.'"

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Little Girls Drop F-Bombs to ‘Empower’ Feminism

Story here. Gee, suppose one day the MRM, or self-styled supporters thereof, will get little boys' parents to agree to putting their sons on TV to sell T-shirts by dressing them up in little super-hero outfits and shout "F*ck discriminatory draft laws!" and "Think 'f*ck' is a dirty word? I think f*cking cutting off a piece of my f*cking d*ck is a lot worse!", and so on? Somehow, I doubt it. Excerpt:

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Powerful video shows problem with telling boys not to cry

Article here. Excerpt:

'The two-minute film titled 'Boys Don't Cry' starts with a series of scenes in which boys of all ages are told to stop their tears because crying is for girls.

The video then shows a man on the verge of tears, before panning out to reveal him physically abusing a woman.

"We have taught our boys not to cry. It's time we teach them not to make girls cry," a woman says as the video ends.
"When we teach young boys at an early age to not do something 'like a girl' – the distinction that what a girl does is insignificant is imprinted in the young boy's mind. Growing up, when these boys don't see eye to eye with their partners they feel the need to enforce their views through aggression."'

Video on YouTube here.

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President Obama commits battery against Illinois voter

Story here.  So, Mr. Feminist POTUS thinks he's *entitled* to hugging and kissing women he doesn't know without their express permission?  AND he does so with the apparent motivation to show some other man he can put his hands on and kiss the man's girlfriend, just to show how *powerful* he is?  If he had been an "ordinary" man, how would this scene have looked?  A lot different, yes?  If he had been on a college campus and an undergrad (male, of course), such would have been a punishable offense, by up to and including expulsion, with a mere accusation, witnessed or not by a 3rd party.  That is, it'd be called a sexual assault.  But he did in fact break Illinois criminal law with what he did.  Read it here, 720 ILCS 38 5/12-3: "(a) A person commits battery if he or she knowingly without legal justification by any means (1) causes bodily harm to an individual or (2) makes physical contact of an insulting or provoking nature with an individual."  I'd say hugging and kissing a person you don't know, and doing so with the expressed intent to bug said person's S.O., is pretty provoking, yes?  And, rather insulting to the young woman.  After all, he had no right to her body (contact therewith), but that didn't stop him.  The Barack Obama of his college years placed on a campus in CA today would be in trouble for what he did, wouldn't he?  That's the world he helped to create.  And it's recorded on video and is being reported by every major news outlet in America.

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg wants to see 9 women on the Supreme Court

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ginsburg has been candid in the past about her experience as a woman on the nation’s highest court. In conversation with Totenberg on Sunday, Ginsburg said that it was “lonely” after Sandra Day O’Connor retired and that she didn’t like being the only woman on the bench. Asked why that is, Ginsburg replied, “No one wants to be a one-at-a-time curiosity, and that’s what I was. I was the only one. It wasn’t the way the court should be at this time in our history.”

Following up, Ginsburg said that she is often asked how many women on the Supreme Court would be “enough.”

Her answer? “When there are nine.”

“For most of the country’s history, there were nine and they were all men. Nobody thought that was strange,” she explained.

Misandry on the court! Misandry on the court!'

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Student admits to filing false attempted rape report with police

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student who reported a sexual assault in the Texas Tech Student Recreation Center has admitted to making false statements, according to the university.

The Texas Tech Police Department issued an alert to the campus community on Sept. 15 about the alleged assault.
The case will be turned over to the Lubbock County Criminal District Attorney’s Office and to the Tech Office of Student Conduct.

Cook said filing a false report is a Class B misdemeanor, but the woman may also be subject to penalties from Tech.

According to a TechAnnounce sent out to the Tech community Tuesday night, filing a false report is punishable by up to a $2,000 fine, jail confinement up to 180 days or both.'

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"So You Want to Be a Male Feminist? Here Are 11 Simple Rules to Follow"

Article here. The list:

'1. Understand that women are leading the way and affirm their capable leadership. Don't assert yourself at the forefront.

2. When it comes to issues that directly pertain to women's bodies and experiences, be quiet and listen.

3. Men don't get to determine if they are "allies" to the feminist movement. Women do.

4. Take responsibility for addressing men's issues with other men, rather than expecting women in feminism to do all of the work.

5. Use your male privilege to encourage other men to work towards gender equality, under women's leadership.

6. Don't use the label of "feminist" as a way to try to get women to like you — that's disingenuous and counterproductive.

7. When given opportunities to execute professional tasks related to feminist issues, consider referring other women instead.

8. Educate yourself about the history of feminism and how women of different backgrounds have approached the movement.

9. Ensure your feminism is intersectional.

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"Why Would Any Man Vote Democrat?"

Article here. Men need a new political party to start representing our interests, but unfortunately, the GOP doesn't fit the bill either. Last time anyone got close to starting a viable third party (think Ross Perot), "something just happened" and all efforts stopped. Since then, nothing. Indeed, the fix really is in. Excerpt:

'The most presciently under-appreciated and intentionally ignored book in gender politics was published by David Paul Kuhn in 2007 and titled “The Neglected Voter: White Men and The Democratic Dilemma.” The message is in the title. White men have fled the Democratic Party in droves, for good reason – and why shouldn’t they continue to flee in 2014,— while keeping an eye on 2016?

For those not afraid of being “bullied” by the Democratic left, there are a half dozen long-ignored but critically important problems facing the nation’s males that should bring all voting-age men to the polls in 2014 – perhaps men’s last chance for hope and change before the ice age possibly returns in 2016. Consider six interlocking sets of issues.

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The Argument Against Affirmative Consent Laws Gets Voxjacked

Article here. Excerpt:

'Two days ago, Ezra Klein, the editor of, penned what may be the most repulsive article yet on the subject of affirmative consent laws. Klein's argument in a nutshell: yes, these laws are overbroad and will probably result in innocent men being expelled from college over ambiguous charges. Which is good, because the college rape crisis is so terrible and the need to change the norms of sexual behavior is so urgent that this requires a brutal and ugly response. Or, as Joe Stalin was fond of saying, "When you chop wood, chips must fly." That's the Russian equivalent of “You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs.”

Toward the end, Klein writes:

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Woman falsely accuses police officer of sexual assault, no charges filed

Story here. And guess what? No charges will be filed against her. Excerpt:

'She may act charming, but Deanna Griego was apparently willing to do anything to get out of trouble — including accusing a cop of sexually assaulting her.

Thankfully for Albuquerque police officer Jared Frazier, he was recording the whole encounter...
Albuquerque Police Department union president Stephanie Lopez said in a statement to KOB, “The desire to frame officers for wrongdoing is a growing issue facing officers every day. We believe that the public should be held accountable for filing false reports against police officers. These incidents can be very damaging to an officer’s career, so we hope that this individual and others face appropriate consequences for their malicious actions.”

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"25 Feminist Lessons for My Sons"

Article here. Excerpt:

'8. Your penis does not give you superpowers. It is simply part of your anatomy. It makes you human, with all of the pleasures and obligations that the human experience offers.

9. Hold doors open for women. And men, for that matter. Not because of any sexist traditions, but simply because holding the door is kind and polite. It is just good manners. For the same reason, push in your chair and put the toilet seat down.
11. Pay for dinner and buy her flowers. Not because that will make her more likely to want sex or fall in love; do it just because it is the nice thing to do.'

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College student confesses to filing false rape report, college keeps looking for culprit anyway

Story here. Excerpt:

'Officials said a report of a rape late Saturday on the Millersville University campus was false.

The purported victim, a 21-year-old MU student, admitted to police and counselors Sunday afternoon that she was not sexually assaulted Saturday night as she reported, university police Chief Pete Anders said during a press conference Sunday at Gordinier Hall.

Anders said he believed the woman was “working through some things both psychologically and emotionally which may have caused her to make the report (Saturday) night.’’

He said the woman will not be charged with filing a false report.

“Our focus is towards support and care for her,’’ he added."

Anders said although he’s confident a rape didn’t occur Saturday night, he said officials believe the woman may have been victimized in the past.

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