Anti-Circumcision Campaign Gets Chattanoogans Talking

Story here. Excerpt:

'If you were driving down Market Street in Chattanooga Thursday, you may have seen men and women in white jump suits with red paint holding banners campaigning for an end to circumcision.

Brother K, Blood Stained Men and Their Friends,"We are having a profound impact, I had a woman stop by just a few hours ago and she  had such a sad look on her face, gave her the information on baby circumcision and she said thank you so much for telling me, I had another woman drive by she told me her daughter said you were going to be here"

Jonathan Friedman, Blood Stained Men and Their Friends, "Its a severe trauma to do to an infant or to do to anybody and we really don't know what these infants are feeling and they do feel pain, you know you are altering someone's genitals"'

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NPO: Election Day Presents Opportunity to Support Shared Parenting

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization urges its members to vote in support of candidates who advocate for shared parenting on Election Day. While we continue national efforts to reform obsolete child custody laws, one of the greatest ways each of our individual members can have an impact is at the polls. Thirty-six states are holding gubernatorial elections. It is a pivotal year for many of you to get out and vote.

Prior to casting your ballot on Election Day, Tuesday November 4, we encourage you to research your local candidates to determine where they stand on shared parenting in instances of divorce or separation. Also consider the incumbents’ voting record, specifically on issues related to child custody. In addition, voters should scrutinize all ballot questions and evaluate how they may impact our modern families.

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Conference to Address Decline in Male College Enrollment

Article here. Excerpt:

'College enrollment of males has been trending downward in numbers, and the shift has caught the attention of organizations and agencies across the nation.
In response at the University of Arizona, the Office of Early Academic Outreach launched "Project Pave the Way," an initiative funded by the Student Services Fee to provide engagement opportunities for University students as they work to increase college enrollment opportunities for local high school students.

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Scholar hopes to reduce gulf between men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Katherine Young isn’t in the habit of picking fights.

But the 70-year-old Hinduism specialist didn’t like what she witnessed in the 1990s when a hard-edged stream of feminist scholarship started gaining traction as conventional thinking in higher education and popular culture.

Now associated with the University of Victoria after a distinguished career at McGill University in Montreal, Young had engaged in her own feminist research while studying at the University of Chicago and Harvard — because she’s a firm believer in equality of the sexes.

But Young began feeling “pushed” when a powerful arm of feminism took an ominous turn — toward gender superiority and a double standard. Men’s experiences were denounced and silenced by what she calls “ideological feminists,” whom she distinguishes from “equality feminists.”

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New subreddit channel of MRA interest

Subreddit channel here. About:

'Welcome to /r/pussypassdenied, where women are not allowed to use their gender as a handicap or an excuse to act like assholes. Yay equality!

THIS IS NOT /R/BEATINGWOMEN. We are not misogynists. Race is also irrelevant. If a clear pussy pass is not attempted, the post will be removed.

If rage is more your thing, head over to /r/pussypass, from where this subreddit was lovingly birthed.'

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Lena Dunham denies molestation "rumor"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Lena Dunham is firing back at a rumor claiming she molested her little sister. It began when certain outlets quoted a passage of Dunham’s new book “Not That Kind of Girl” in which she describes being seven years old and asking her mother whether her one-year-old sister Grace had the same genitals she did.
In another passage, Dunham says that her sexual experimentation at that extremely young age led her to use tactics similar to “anything a sexual predator might do.” At least one website ran Dunham’s words beneath the headline, “Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister.” On Saturday, the “Girls” creator and actress struck back on Twitter.

She tweeted, “The right wing news story that I molested my little sister isn’t just LOL – it’s really f*cking upsetting and disgusting. And by the way, if you were a little kid and never looked at another little kid’s vagina, well, congrats to you.”

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"Blind Spots: Seeing Sexism in STEM"

Article here. Excerpt:

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"I hate this insidious trend for belittling men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Watching a recent episode of the female detective drama Scott And Bailey [link added], I suddenly felt deeply uncomfortable.

The heroines of the ITV show — two gutsy, senior, women police officers —were discussing how to solve a crime, while their bumbling male counterparts sat around, gawping helplessly.

Whenever the men managed to get a word in edgeways, it was to suggest a course of action that was utterly stupid and they were put in their place by their female superiors.

No doubt this demonstration of ‘girl power’ is intended to make the show appeal to me as a woman, but instead, it made me feel rather queasy. There was something dishonourable about the portrayal of men as completely useless for the purposes of entertainment.
It seems belittling men barely registers any more, yet making fun of women — especially joking about violence towards women — is something we’d never stand for.

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UK: Woman jailed for 8 years for grievous bodily harm, et al., in DV case

Story here. Excerpt:

'A woman who hit her partner with a hammer and pole, and slashed him with a broken glass bottle has been jailed for eight years.

Gemma Hollings, 37, was jailed for two counts of grievous bodily harm, and two of assault, in 'one of the worst cases of domestic violence' police had ever seen.

Paul Kirkpatrick, 30, had his neck slashed with a bottle, suffered a cut above his eye, and had a bone in his face broken after a vicious attack in May.

Police found the victim lying in the street after he ran away from the home he shared with his partner in Darwen, Lancashire.

He told officers that she had caused the wounds after an argument over her hair straighteners.

Speaking after the hearing at Preston Crown Court, DC Jenny Berry, said: 'The victim suffered very traumatic injuries. They could have potentially been fatal.'

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UK: Boy died from circumcision complications

Story here. Excerpt:

'There were 'missed opportunities' to save a 10-year-old from an infection possibly caused by a circumcision carried out in Africa, an inquest heard today.

Stanley Chola, 10, from Whitley, Berkshire underwent the procedure in Zimbabwe during the summer holidays.

Nearly two months later on October 13, 2013 he went into septic shock and died in hospital.

At the time it was thought the infection might have been caused by an injury to his knee, either from being hit with a hockey stick by another pupil or while playing football.'

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Conor Oberst Speaks Out On False Rape Allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'Claims were made by a woman in December against Oberst [link added]accusing the artist of raping her in 2003, when she was 16 years of age. The woman admitted she lied about the story in July and issued a public apology to the singer-songwriter over the incident.

Speaking to The Music's Hannah Story recently ahead of his upcoming Australian tour, Oberst said he's just happy to be able to move on from the incident.

"It was a very surreal and painful experience, but I’m happy that the truth got out. I’m happy to move on with my life and focus on music," he said.'

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Lena Dunham Describes Sexually Abusing Her Little Sister

Article here. Excerpt:

'In her newly published collection of personal essays, Not That Kind of Girl, Lena Dunham [link added] describes experimenting sexually with her younger sister Grace [link added], whom she says she attempted to persuade to kiss her using “anything a sexual predator might do.” In one particularly unsettling passage, Dunham experimented with her six-year younger sister’s vagina. “This was within the spectrum of things I did,” she writes.

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UK: Rugby player commits suicide after long depression following false rape accusation

Story here.  How terribly sad, and unfair, too.  To anyone pondering suicide: It's a permanent "solution" to a temporary problem.  Even men falsely accused of a crime like rape eventually recover their reputations, and as that happens, the false accuser's reputation diminishes.  While she may not see time in jail, her punishment may well be worse when she's known to be not just a liar, but one too risky even to befriend.  After all, if she'll tell a lie like that, and it is clearly exposed as such, who except fools and other liars will have anything to do with her? "If" by Rudyard Kipling is as true today as ever -- moreso if you're a man falsely accused of anything.  And which of us hasn't been, even if not accused of a crime?  Men are accused of all manner of awful things, collectively and as individuals, all the time it seems.  I think Kipling was very much aware of that fact and penned "If" as a source of strength for his fellow men to draw on.  Huzzah to him for it!  Excerpt:

'Luke King, of Lincoln Road, Whitehaven, died on May 23 after he had been receiving treatment for depression and drugs, an inquest heard.
Ms King told the inquest her brother had become a changed character after he was falsely accused of rape four years ago. He was initially detained, without charge, and released after two days.

The coroner, Dr Nicholas Shaw, heard that Mr King, who worked as a postman, then began binge drinking “to block things out’’, but would also keep fit by playing rugby.

In February this year, Mr King, who was taking plant food and cocaine, sought help from his GP and Unity, a drug and alcohol recovery service.
Mr King, who played for Kells, had been “okay’’ in his final week and his death had been “sudden”.

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Professor sues for false rape allegation

Story here. Excerpt:

'Peter Ludlow, a professor of philosophy at Northwestern University who has been at the center of a long-running controversy over an undergraduate student’s allegation that he sexually assaulted her and that Northwestern mishandled her complaint, is suing the student for defamation, the Chicago Tribune reported. In his lawsuit, filed on Tuesday in a state court in Illinois, Mr. Ludlow contends that the student knowingly made false statements to the news media and to Northwestern professors after he rebuffed her sexual advances.

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How Judges of Campus Sex Offenses are 'Trained'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I’ve written frequently about the unfair, guilt-presuming processes that colleges and universities from Harvard to Occidental use when deciding sexual assault cases. But a second trend has occurred largely outside the public eye. As they have “reformed” their sexual assault procedures, colleges and universities also have increasingly instituted training programs for members of these disciplinary panels—a practice not used for panelists that hear other forms of campus discipline. Because virtually no training material has been made public, it’s impossible to determine how many schools specifically train sexual assault panels. But the demand is a consistent one among anti-due process advocates.

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