Jill Abramson's Solution For Workplace "Wage Inequality": Cut Men's Salaries

Article here. Excerpt:

'Fact: Men are paid more than women on average in all 50 states. How do we fix it? Jill Abramson, former executive editor of the New York Times, has a fairly simple suggestion.

Following Abramson's discussion at the Journalism and Women Symposium (JAWS) on Nov. 1, Poynter reporter Kelly McBride asked Abramson how managers could address pay inequality while operating with a limited budget. Her suggestion is as simple as it is novel:

“You bring the guys down to give a little more to the girls.”

Candid, yet comprehensive. But could anyone ever go for such a "brusque" solution?

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Why Men Remain Silent About DV

Article here. Excerpt:

'It just wasn’t part of my nature to talk about my feelings and emotions.  If I felt hurt, I wasn’t going to make an issue of it – I certainly wouldn’t let anyone know – I’d simply dust myself down, pick myself up and carry on.   I would talk about what I could do or what I was going to do, but never about how I felt or the circumstances behind emotions.  I would say that this is true for most men that our innermost angst remains locked away in our psyche.

For a long time, I didn’t recognise the violent assaults on me as Domestic Abuse.  I’d made a wedding vow that included the words, “ for better or for worst, in sickness and in health.”   The actions perpetrated against me, I reasoned, was because of some undiagnosed illness caused by the stress of bereavement and maybe even physiological changes due to childbirth.  My pleas to my ex-wife to seek medical attention for her extreme anger outbursts were ignored.

I kept telling myself the violence would stop 

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Beyond Parody: How Feminists Are Redefining 'Hello' As Sexual Assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'The latest video to have caught the attention of the ranks of the constantly offended is one in which a young woman is filmed walking through areas of Manhattan. The video, filmed over a ten hour period includes various examples of men saying things ranging from "Hey, how you doin'?" to "Have a nice evening, darling". At the end of the video we are told that if we want to help those who have been affected, we should donate to "Hollaback!"

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Man Down: The Attack on American Masculinity

Article here. Excerpt:

“Men are so last century,” quipped New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd at the November 2013 Munk Debate. “They seem to have stopped evolving, sulking like Achilles in his tent. The mahogany-paneled, McClelland’s scotch and rum and ‘Mad Men’ world is disappearing … as they struggle to figure out the altered parameters of manliness and resist becoming house-dudes.” She ended her statement with a quote from comedian Sarah Silverman: “Dear men, just because we don’t need you anymore doesn’t mean we don’t want you. Love forever, women.”

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The Latest Targets of Sexual Radicalism

Article here. The issues brought up aren't new but the particulars vary from what history has seen in times past. Typically attempts to suppress free speech and control others' behavior around sexuality have come from religious or socially conservative parties or institutions. In the current version of it in the context of the Houston mayor and campus feminist rape hysterics, it's self-styled "progressives" seeking to suppress others' rights. No matter who's doing it, it's still wrong. Excerpt:

'Two incidents involving basic constitutional freedoms—not closely associated with one another in the media or by those involved—highlight the growing power of sexual radicalism in our society. Radical sexual ideology in a broad sense has not generally been recognized as a political phenomenon worthy of attention. But we can see in these developments—both of which are eliciting outrage from different defenders of the Bill of Rights—that politicized sexuality transcends particular controversies such as same-sex marriage or abortion. It can be seen as a true political ideology, akin to earlier radicalisms like socialism and nationalism and equally threatening to freedom.

In Houston, the lesbian mayor recently demanded that pastors opposed to the city’s “bathroom bill”—an “anti-discrimination” ordinance that would allow people to choose public washrooms according to “gender identity”—surrender their sermons and other documents to city officials. The subpoenas have been withdrawn following public outrage, but the very idea that government officials should claim the power to examine—and therefore pass judgement upon—expressions of political opinion by any citizens, religious or secular, is disturbing in a free society.

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TMZ reports DV by Nicki Manaj - no arrest made

Story here. Excerpt:

'Now we know why Nicki Minaj [link added] and her longtime boyfriend broke up ... one of them was on the verge of going to jail after she smashed the windows of his Mercedes with a baseball bat.

Here's what we know. During the summer, Nicki and Safaree Samuels got into an argument. She started screaming, he got pissed, and she EXPLODED in anger, grabbing a bat and chasing him out of the house. She wisely chose property over person, and pulverized the 2012 Benz.

And for bad measure, she threw his clothes in the garbage -- just like in the movies.
As for why Nicki didn't get in trouble ... it appears she owned the Mercedes, but allowed him to use it, and you can't get arrested for destroying your own property.

They broke up a short time later. Wise move.'

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Banner Sexism In Academic Science Is Overstated

Article here. Excerpt:

'Academic science has been in a bit of a cultural schism; groups like the National Science Foundation and universities have spent billions of dollars promoting the idea that academic science is the only real science - discovery - which has led to a glut of PhDs who want to stay at universities.But when it comes to diversity and fairness, the corporate world is way ahead.

So academic science is better than the corporate kind, except when it's worse. Some discrimination is too obvious to be ignored - handicapped people and Republicans have normal representation at undergraduate levels but they can't get tenured jobs. Others are simply a difference in perception; everyone notices if physics is only 40 percent women but no one is concerned if the social sciences are only 30 percent men. 

But academic science is being harmed by its own public relations. Despite promoting the perception that it is non-corporate and therefore ethically superior, academic science is actually a lot like a small business of 4-5 employees. In a large corporation, maternity leave is not a problem but in a 4-person company, that is a drop in productivity of 25%. Female doctors juggle family and work just fine, they don't feel like they have to leave medicine when they have kids, and so there have been calls to adopt a little more of the private sector approach to both diversity and family practices in academic science.

What is odd is that the most drop-out in academia is not happening computer science or physics, like is claimed, it is happening in female-dominated fields like biology and psychology.

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"A sexual harassment policy that nearly ruined my life"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I am a first-year student at Harvard Law School, and I join the 28 members of our faculty who recently protested the university’s adoption of a new and expansive sexual harassment policy. While I agree wholeheartedly that universities have a moral as well as a legal obligation to provide their students with learning environments free of sexual harassment, I echo the faculty’s concern that this particular policy “will do more harm than good,” and I urge the university to reconsider its approach to addressing the problem.

If considered only in the abstract, many might wonder how a policy with such a laudable aim could draw any serious objections. And I might well have been among them — were it not for the fact that such a policy nearly ruined my life.'

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New guide for journalists reporting on campus sexual assault ignores accuracy, objectivity

Story here. Excerpt:

'Know Your IX, an organization dedicated to ending campus sexual violence (a worthy goal), has a new guide out for journalists and editors describing how to write about the problem.

Unfortunately, the guide enshrines the “guilty until proven innocent” mentality that is currently permeating college campuses. For example, the guide says not to use accurate terms such as “accuser” and “accused” and instead urges journalists to pre-judge the situation.

“[D]on’t refer to the survivor as ‘the accuser’ and the perpetrator as ‘the accused,’ as ‘accuser’ carries negative connotations and grammatically places the action upon the survivor, rather than the rapist,” the guide says. “Instead, use more neutral language — if you have permission to use the survivor’s name, refer to the survivor by their name throughout. Otherwise, use descriptors such as ‘the survivor’ or ‘the student,’ or consider using a pseudonym.”

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College anti-rape advocate wants to do away with burden of proof

Article here. Excerpt:

'Stanford student Elisabeth Dee, class of 2016, one of the organizers of a demonstration called “Carry that Weight” where students were urged to carry a pillow or mattress around for a day to symbolize the burden placed upon survivors of sexual assault, has called on the school to actively reduce the burden of proof required to find someone guilty of sexual assault. Stanford already uses the lowest burden of proof legally permissible, "preponderance of the evidence," and young men now have fewer rights in college sex tribunals than illegals crossing the border, but for Dee, that's too many. She proceeded to mouth a hostility to due process that may be unprecedented in this blog's reporting, and that's saying a lot.

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It's not OK for women to punch their boyfriends

Link here. Excerpt:

'Kelly Brook has a new autobiography out. Whilst you contain your excitement, I’ll share with you what the publicity surrounding it caused me to ponder: why is domestic violence towards men still accepted (and even encouraged), and what does this mean for the new proposed laws surrounding "emotional abuse"?

Ms Brook has admitted to physically assaulting two of her former beaus, Danny Cipriani and Jason Statham, using the suggestion that they misbehaved as justification.

“As I headed back toward the table I saw Danny walking towards me. ‘Babe’ he said, ‘I’ve been looking for you’. I punched him straight in the face.”

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Anti-Circumcision Campaign Gets Chattanoogans Talking

Story here. Excerpt:

'If you were driving down Market Street in Chattanooga Thursday, you may have seen men and women in white jump suits with red paint holding banners campaigning for an end to circumcision.

Brother K, Blood Stained Men and Their Friends,"We are having a profound impact, I had a woman stop by just a few hours ago and she  had such a sad look on her face, gave her the information on baby circumcision and she said thank you so much for telling me, I had another woman drive by she told me her daughter said you were going to be here"

Jonathan Friedman, Blood Stained Men and Their Friends, "Its a severe trauma to do to an infant or to do to anybody and we really don't know what these infants are feeling and they do feel pain, you know you are altering someone's genitals"'

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NPO: Election Day Presents Opportunity to Support Shared Parenting

Article here. Excerpt:

'National Parents Organization urges its members to vote in support of candidates who advocate for shared parenting on Election Day. While we continue national efforts to reform obsolete child custody laws, one of the greatest ways each of our individual members can have an impact is at the polls. Thirty-six states are holding gubernatorial elections. It is a pivotal year for many of you to get out and vote.

Prior to casting your ballot on Election Day, Tuesday November 4, we encourage you to research your local candidates to determine where they stand on shared parenting in instances of divorce or separation. Also consider the incumbents’ voting record, specifically on issues related to child custody. In addition, voters should scrutinize all ballot questions and evaluate how they may impact our modern families.

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Conference to Address Decline in Male College Enrollment

Article here. Excerpt:

'College enrollment of males has been trending downward in numbers, and the shift has caught the attention of organizations and agencies across the nation.
In response at the University of Arizona, the Office of Early Academic Outreach launched "Project Pave the Way," an initiative funded by the Student Services Fee to provide engagement opportunities for University students as they work to increase college enrollment opportunities for local high school students.

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Scholar hopes to reduce gulf between men and women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Katherine Young isn’t in the habit of picking fights.

But the 70-year-old Hinduism specialist didn’t like what she witnessed in the 1990s when a hard-edged stream of feminist scholarship started gaining traction as conventional thinking in higher education and popular culture.

Now associated with the University of Victoria after a distinguished career at McGill University in Montreal, Young had engaged in her own feminist research while studying at the University of Chicago and Harvard — because she’s a firm believer in equality of the sexes.

But Young began feeling “pushed” when a powerful arm of feminism took an ominous turn — toward gender superiority and a double standard. Men’s experiences were denounced and silenced by what she calls “ideological feminists,” whom she distinguishes from “equality feminists.”

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