Nurse falsifies DNA test to commit paternity fraud

Story here. Excerpt:

'A besotted nurse tricked a man into thinking he had fathered a baby with her during a one-night stand.

Charmaine Wilson, 25, forged a birth certificate and faked a DNA test to convince Liam Griffiths of her deception in a ‘lie that snowballed out of control’.

Mr Griffiths, 31 was taken in by the lie and grew to love the boy he believed he had fathered her child during the one-off drunken encounter.
In fact, the two-year-old toddler belonged to one of Wilson’s friends – who also had no idea what she had been up to.
Wilson has now been jailed for four months after admitting two counts of fraud.
Wilson, from Bridgend, south Wales, abused her position as a nurse at The Princess of Wales Hospital to forge documents when Mr Griffith raised doubts he was the dad.

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Pentagon sex assault survey raises doubts of accuracy

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Pentagon is mindful of the survey’s critics. Rand, in a sense, will be double-checking the accuracy of previous polls.

“The Defense Department contracted with Rand to have an independent, outside organization conduct the biennial prevalence survey,” said Army Maj. James Brindle, a Pentagon spokesman. “Rand’s survey methodology will allow the department to accurately compare data among all previous surveys so that we can seamlessly assess progress the department is making in preventing and responding to the crime of sexual assault.”

Critics do not point only to a supposed skewed sample. They say the Pentagon’s results do not mesh with society as a whole.

The Bureau of Justice Statistics reported a sex assault rate of just four-tenths of 1 percent for women age 18-34, a range that roughly matches the military population. The Bureau’s polling in 2010 relied not on Internet responses but on phone calls and personal interviews conducted by the Census Bureau.

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Wrongfully Guilty: Men File Lawsuits Against Universities After Campus Rape Rulings

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Department of Education pushed out a letter to universities across America in 2011, sanctifying college bureaucrats with the legal ability to determine the guilt or innocence of people accused of sexual assault. Today, a slew of men who were allegedly wrongfully found guilty of rape by reckless college administrators are retaliating with lawsuits against the universities.

As of this month, there have been 50 known lawsuits filed by men found guilty of rape looking for justice to clear their names and legal record, according to A Voice For Male Students’ website.

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"To heck with International Men’s Day"

Article here. Excerpt:

'I hope you are as excited about Nov. 19, International Men’s Day, as I am. “It is an occasion,” its organizers say, “for men to celebrate their achievements and contributions, in particular their contributions to community, family, marriage, and child care, while highlighting the discrimination against them.”
Throughout my life, women have treated me more fairly, with greater intelligence and compassion than men. I chalk it up to evolution; men want to kill other men, and women seek men for mates. I’m a lover, not a killer. To heck with International Men’s Day, and the rotten gender it purports to champion.

It’s true that International Men’s Day is about where International Women’s Day was 30 years ago: not widely observed. But men are so needy, please help them celebrate. Step up and give a man a hug — he thinks he deserves it.'

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Robin Williams' most likely suicide motivations made public

Story here. Poor guy. I'm posting this since there's been some speculation here on MANN and elsewhere that he committed suicide due to the stresses of an unhappy marriage (and I have no idea what state his marriage was in) and fears that a divorce would ultimately ruin him financially. Turns out, his motivation seems to have been far more calculated, for lack of a better way to put it. Excerpt:

'Robin Williams' suicide could have been triggered by a common but devastating form of dementia that may have disrupted his normal brain function.

Court documents obtained by TMZ reveal that Williams, who was found hanging from a belt at his home in California last August, was suffering from dementia with Lewy bodies.

Sources connected with the troubled comic's family told the news site that the degenerative disease was the 'key factor' they believe drove him to take his own life.'

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Falsely accused ‘selfie stalker’ suing Nancy Grace

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man who was quickly branded a “selfie stalker” after his picture turned up on a crime victim’s cellphone is suing television commentator Nancy Grace for defamation, saying she refused to stop airing his photo even after authorities had cleared him of any wrongdoing.

The lawsuit filed Monday in Denver says Grace, who hosts a show on Turner Broadcasting’s HLN network, incorrectly told millions of viewers that Ben Seibert invaded a woman’s home and snapped a photo of himself on her phone, which she described as a “textbook serial killer’s calling card.”

Seibert said Grace humiliated him with her commentary, which went viral on an array of social media sites where readers called him a weirdo, a sicko, a rapist and a pervert. The suit says Grace didn’t check the facts and didn’t care.

“It hasn’t been easy for him as a result of this,” said Seibert’s attorney, John Pineau.'

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Tragedy of Luke King Reminds Us Rape Suspects Are Always Innocent Until Proven Guilty

Article here. Thanks, IBT, for continuing to have the courage to state the obvious. These days, it can indeed take courage to do that. Excerpt:

'Luke King, 23, of Whitehaven, Cumbria, England, committed suicide on 23 May 2014. King had been falsely accused of rape in 2010 and detained for two days until the accusation was thrown out. In the aftermath of his temporary detention King struggled with drugs, and depression, before eventually taking his own life.

It's perhaps easier for someone older to place such a harrowing experience in life's context, especially if they have no significant mental health issues. But for a 19-year-old, just or almost out of adolescence, the ordeal of a false rape accusation can be truly horrendous, especially if that person also has a tendency towards depression.

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"Honoring Service Women"

Story here. GREAT IDEA!!! Now let's have a SEPARATE honor for Black fallen soldiers, Hispanic fallen soldiers, Asian fallen soldiers, fallen soldiers from New York City, fallen soldiers with red hair, fallen soldiers who are bald. Leave it to feminists to make it all about ME ME ME ME ME. Excerpt:

'Navy Capt. Nancy Lacore knows valor has no gender. She recently completed a grueling 160 mile run in seven days to honor the 160 US servicewomen who died in Iraq and Afghanistan.

That’s one mile for each women who sacrificed her life for her country. Lacore, who served in Afghanistan, wanted to do something to raise awareness of the women who died in service.
One by one, supporters placed the ribbons holding pictures of the fallen women on the marble walls of the memorial. And then it was Lacore’s turn to remember Maj. Megan McClung, the first female Marine officer killed in Iraq.

“They died for us,” Lacore said. “They died serving our country and sustaining our freedoms.”

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Politically correct Google image for Veterans' Day says it all

Google just switched its page banner for today (Nov. 11), since here in the US, it's Veteran's Day. Undoubtedly, people outside the US will see something different, which is why I capped the image so it can be viewed here.

Remember always to be thankful to the millions of American women who were killed or died of wounds/illness in combat zones.


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Ray McDonald will not be charged with domestic violence

Story here. Excerpt:

'The 49ers have taken plenty of criticism as they played defensive tackle Ray McDonald throughout the season following allegations of domestic violence.

Today, that decision can be justified.

According to Shelley Smith of ESPN, the Santa Clara County district attorney has declined to file charges against McDonald because of a lack of evidence.'

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Report of student sexually assaulted was false

Story here.

'Lewiston Police say a report of a sexual assault on the Niagara University campus was false.

A female student told police that she was attacked while in a parking lot on the campus grounds.

Officers say after a lengthy investigation, they determined the complaint was unfounded and that no crime had been committed.

It is unclear if the student will face charges.'

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Woman jailed for six years after false rape accusation spurs bystanders to beat man to death

Story here. Excerpt:

'A 20-year-old woman has been jailed for six years after she falsely accused a man of rape then led a gang to beat him to death.

Latiqwa Mayes was enraged that her victim Donald Robinson had not received a stricter sentence for breaking into her room and assaulting her friend at a boardinghouse.

Months later, she saw him walking down the street in Baltimore, Maryland, and yelled: 'He raped me! He's a sex offender!
He was pronounced dead in hospital and an autopsy stated the beating as the cause of death.

Slamming Latiqwa Mayes, who has been in solitary confinement since September 2013, Judge Timothy Doory said Robinson's offense did 'not justify a call to the community to impose physical, violent retribution.'
Latiqwa and Willie Mayes both pleaded guilty to second-degree murder.

They were each sentenced to 10 years in prison, however Latiqwa will serve six and Willie will serve two, with the other years suspended.'

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Participate in Movember for men's health issues

Movember is an annual event in which men start the month of November clean shaven, and grow their moustaches in support of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer and other male cancers, as well as mental health.

Their US website is

From the website: Men who participate in Movember (called Mo Bros) take action to change the face of men’s health by starting clean-shaven on Movember 1st and growing just a moustache (no beards, no goatees) for the month November. Movember is more than just an excuse to grow a fine piece of moustachery, it’s about creating conversations while raising funds and awareness for men’s health. It’s about having fun and doing good.

Note: Sorry this is being posted well into November, but there's still plenty of time to learn about men's health issues through Movember, or donate to someone participating in the event.

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Paternity Leave: The Rewards and the Remaining Stigma

Article here. Excerpt:

'Social scientists who study families and work say that men like Mr. Bedrick, who take an early hands-on role in their children’s lives, are likely to be more involved for years to come and that their children will be healthier. Even their wives could benefit, as women whose husbands take paternity leave have increased career earnings and have a decreased chance of depression in the nine months after childbirth. But researchers also have a more ominous message. Taking time off for family obligations, including paternity leave, could have long-term negative effects on a man’s career — like lower pay or being passed over for promotions.

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1 in 4 women admit to DV vs. husbands

Video here. Caption:

'The title is intentionally provocative and meant to poke fun at the ways that research is being used to implicate men as the primary problem of domestic violence. Then again, the title is not that far from the truth. This video will have a look at the underbelly of one research study on domestic violence that created a good deal of headlines. Those headlines? They read over and over again that 1 in 5 men admitted to being violent in relationship. The video will take a look at how they got those numbers and also offer a glimpse of the story that they DIDN'T tell you. That story is that the data used for this study showed clearly that the women admitted to considerably more violence than the men. Have a look.

If you want a more detailed version you can see the article on menaregood that goes into a great deal more detail.

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