Husband Bashing Is More Common Than You Think

Article here. Excerpt:

'"If I were you I wouldn't put up with that", “How can you let this happen?”, “Why don’t you just leave?” or “Why don’t you just kick her out?” Until the last sentence, many reading the first three questions would assume that the questions were directed at a woman suffering in an abusive relationship rather than a confused battered husband.

Women today can be combat pilots, astronauts and prime ministers, and yes, they can also physically assault their spouses and life partners.

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Leaving rape investigations to colleges trivializes the topic

Article here. Excerpt:

'It’s difficult to imagine a more callous, wholly inadequate response to a culture of seemingly rampant sexual assault at the University of Virginia (UVA) than the one its administrators practiced year after year, according to a horrifying account finally publicized by Rolling Stone last week. But that’s precisely what happens when an entity equipped only to deal with academic misbehavior is instead pushed to do something about sexual assault: it finds itself putting the university’s brand name first and the victims second.

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Feminism Is A Cult, Stop Denying It

Article here. Excerpt:

'I have decided to take basic bullet points of how cults indoctrinate and manipulate people and explain exactly how feminism is doing the same thing, making this movement into a vile cult. Follow along if you’d like, but I’m sure most people who already read my posts are already well aware of what’s going on.

Submission to Leadership – This one is fairly obvious. Though there doesn’t seem to be any set president of the entire feminist movement, there are several “leaders” that feminists subscribe to. Defend to the death, and praise to hell and back.
Polarized World View – All feminists are good. Anyone who isn’t a feminist is against feminists.
Feeling Over Thought – If the facts don’t agree with their feelings, feminists do not accept them as truth. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told that an official source is not an official source because a feminist doesn’t agree with it.
Manipulation of Feelings – Shaming, there is a lot of shaming. In my last post I explained how feminists just love to pick on the physical appearances of women who don’t agree with them. I’ve been called every name in the book.
Denigration of Critical Thinking – If someone displays logic, offers a valid source, or points out that an argument is a fallacy they are severely degraded for it. 
Salvation or Fulfillment can only be realized in the group – This one is really important. Feminists are always screaming about the only way that women are ever going to get any equality is to be feminist.
End Justifies the Means – I can’t tell you how many times I’ve seen a post praising a woman for murdering a man who was an alleged rapist. I can’t tell you how many times there’s been a post about how a feminist wishes to harm someone til they agree with them.

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Video of Wendy McElroy's recent debate with feminist at Brown University

Video here. Caption:

"Sexual assault on college campuses is receiving increased scrutiny. As calls to combat sexual assault grow louder on campuses across the country, many are looking to colleges to respond. Do the current methods that universities use while handling rape cases work? How can universities preserve the rights of both the survivors of sexual assault and of the accused students?"

A related item by Cathy Young discussing the debate is here.

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UVA rape allegation is why universities shouldn't arbitrate sexual assault

Article here. Excerpt:

'For all my writing about the rights of the accused in campus sexual assault hearings, one must never forget that horrific rapes do actually happen on college campuses.

Case in point: A story from Rolling Stone last week about a woman at the University of Virginia who says she was gang-raped at a fraternity party her freshman year. Regardless of the specifics of the crime, it’s clear the university mishandled her sexual assault complaint.

Rolling Stone author Sabrina Rubin Erdely detailed that the head of UVA’s Sexual Misconduct Board, Dean Nicole Eramo, showed no emotion when the woman – known in the article as Jackie – described the gang rape. This is baffling to me, as the level of detail Jackie provided in the article – and the fact that she claims she was sober during the attack – doesn’t lend itself to a shrug.

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Woman charged with assaulting an infant after randomly punching baby in face

Story here. If I ever became a legislator, I'd sponsor a bill creating a crime called "Criminal Stupidity". Sure, she may also be nuts, but if that wouldn't excuse a man from it, it shouldn't excuse a woman. Excerpt:

'A mother is outraged after a woman came up and punched her baby in the face at a restaurant on Folly Beach Saturday.

"It was a random act of stupidity," Amber Fortson of Little River said Wednesday.

Barbra Green, 59, of Riverland Drive told arresting officers she thought the 5-month-old boy was a doll and she was joking, according to the incident report.

She was charged with assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature and disorderly conduct and released from the Charleston County jail on $25,262 bail.
"We were surrounded by great people, having a great time," Mrs. Fortson said. "People around us were showing us pictures of their babies."

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Bruised Little Girls Curse In New FCKH8 Ad For Domestic Violence Awareness Tank Top

Article here. Excerpt:

'The "potty-mouth princesses" are back, this time with bruises.

For-profit t-shirt company FCKH8 has released a new shock-value video of little girls cursing to raise awareness about domestic violence -- and sell a t-shirt.

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U.S. Preventative Services Task Force identifies gaps in STI counselling and testing sevices for adolescent boys

Link here (.pdf, 1.3 MB). Excerpt:

'Since many studies on counseling interventions are in sexually active girls, research is needed on interventions to prevent other types of sexually transmitted infections (STI) in sexually active boys and in adolescents who are not yet sexually active. More research is needed on the effectiveness of low-intensity interventions that are more practical for the typical primary care setting. In addition, research is also needed to understand the effectiveness of screening sexually active adolescent males in reducing the spread of chlamydia and gonorrhea, as well as cotesting for other STIs and different screening intervals. Studies providing data about the potential harms of screening would also be valuable.'

-- Found at p. 20 of the report (p. 26 of the .pdf file)

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Germany to introduce legal quotas for women on company boards

Story here. Excerpt:

'Chancellor Angela Merkel's coalition parties agreed on Tuesday to a draft law that would force Germany's leading listed companies to allocate 30 percent of the seats on non-executive boards to women from 2016 onward.

Although Europe's biggest economy has a female leader and roughly 40 percent of the cabinet is female, women still are under-represented in business life.

Among the 30 largest companies on Germany's blue-chip DAX index, women occupied only 7 percent of executive board seats and barely 25 percent of supervisory board seats by the end of June, according to the DIW economic think-tank.

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Japan: Man sues Fukuoka women-only university after application to study nutrition is rejected

Story here. Excerpt:

'A man in his 20s who was rejected after applying to a women-only university where he planned to study nutrition is suing the college for gender discrimination.

In what is believed to be the first case in Japan challenging the constitutionality of a publicly run women’s university, the man is seeking a verdict from the courts that would allow him to take an entrance exam at Fukuoka Women’s University, according to a lawyer representing the man.

“Not allowing men to take the exam violates Article 14 of the Constitution, which proclaims equality before the law,” the man, whose identity has not been revealed, was quoted by the Asahi Shimbun as saying. He is also seeking ¥500,000 in damages.

A lawyer representing him is arguing that women-only colleges are no longer relevant and discriminate against men.

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Suit: UC violating rights of accused students

Story here. Excerpt:

'A University of Cincinnati athlete and a former UC law student sued the university Tuesday, alleging UC presumed them to be guilty of sexual allegations made against them, violating Ohio's Constitution.

"In practice, the UC system is biased against those accused of misconduct," the suit filed by local attorneys Josh Engel and Mike Allen, noted.

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Feminism must be reclaimed from the idiotic sisterhood

Article here. Excerpt:

'Like millions of others, I've had it up to here with whingers whose pettifogging grievances and herd mentality are making feminism a toxic word by encouraging women to embrace victimhood, take offence where none is meant and revile and belittle men. Fortunately, their more idiotic campaigns sometimes backfire.

We've had plenty of absurdities recently. There was the pillorying of David Cameron - who does as much child-minding as a prime minister can reasonably be expected to do - because he refused to be photographed making a prat of himself wearing a T-shirt saying, 'This is what a feminist looks like'. Fortunately for him, newspaper allegations that the T-shirts were made in Mauritian sweatshops caused the mob to retire in embarrassment.

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UK: New domestic violence law will outlaw "coercive control"

Story here. Excerpt:

'A new law on domestic violence, making it illegal for someone to exercise ‘coercive control’ over their partner, will be unveiled by the Government this week.

Theresa May [link added], the Home Secretary, is expected to announce new powers allowing the police to prosecute those who are guilty of psychological and emotional abuse.

It means for the first time men who control their partners through threats or by restricting their personal or financial freedom, could face prison in the same way as those who are violent towards them.

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Misogyny doesn't account for Julia Gillard’s missteps as PM

Article here. In order to jump the subscriber-only wall, go to Google and search on "Misogyny doesn't account for Julia Gillard’s missteps as PM" and click on the first search result item. Excerpt:

'Gillard’s [link added] period is unique because it involves gender. Her assertion of this is confronting: “Even if you are the single most powerful person in your country, if you are a woman, the images that are shadowed around you are of sex and rape.” This is Gillard’s perspective of Australia from high office. In the end Gillard’s proposition is that she faced more abuse than other prime ministers because she was the first woman. It sounds initially plausible yet it is nonsense. Gillard undoubtedly was subjected to sustained and grossly offensive sexist and misogy­nist attacks for which there is no excuse and no equivalent experience for a man.

The reality, however, is that the overwhelming majority of day-to-day criticism of Gillard arose from her policies and political actions, not because of her gender. They included her removal of Rudd, her carbon tax broken promise and the deals she did — some sleazy — to sustain her minority government. Gillard’s experience leads her to the accusation of sexism and misogyny in Australia’s culture and its power structures. She is explicit: the problem was not just in society’s margins. It came from the mainstream: the opposition, business and media. By laying this considered accusation, Gillard’s gender story becomes inextricably woven into her political story. The two parallel narratives run together and intersect.

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Campus Rapes and Kangaroo Courts

Article here. Excerpt:

'Read BuzzFeed’s account of what happened to men who went through these college disciplinary processes to see just how big this can be. One man lost his job after an anonymous caller notified them of his “convictions” -- which were for “non-consensual kissing.” It can go on your permanent record, making it hard to get into grad school -- you might possibly recover from a youthful bad grades, or plagiarism, but our society doesn’t offer much rehabilitation for sex offenders. You’ll probably lose credits, and for those attending selective schools, it seems likely to me that a man with such a notation on his record would have a hard time enrolling in another elite school.

When people say this is “no big deal,” how many of them would shrug off having this happen to them, on the basis of a hearing where the odds are stacked in favor of believing the accuser, and double standards are often rigorously applied? Which is to say: when two people who are equally drunk have sex, the girl can be presumed to be unable to consent—while the boy is held to be fully capable of determining her level of intoxication, and of making the informed decision not to have sex with someone too much the worse for wine. And this in the name of promoting equality between the genders.

I’m not belittling the crime of rape, or how traumatic and awful it is for the women it happens to.  Rape is a terrible thing, which is why we try it in courts, and lock rapists away for a good long time.  It’s also why we treat rapists like they are terrible people who may be admitted to normal society only after convincing repentance and rehabilitation.

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