Critics say survey figures inflate theat of on campus rapes

Article here. Excerpt:

'The alarming government statistic that one in five women is sexually assaulted while in college has been cited by the Obama administration and in frequent news reports as it has become a rallying cry for changes on campus.

But critics claim the assault figure — taken from a survey that includes questions about acts that range from forced kissing and touching to rape — is inflated and unrepresentative, and is leading to panic and hasty decisions by college administrators who need to address a complex problem.

“It’s not a question of whether the university needs to address this,” said Samantha Harris, ­director of policy ­research at the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, which advocates for students’ rights at colleges and uni­­versities. “It is allowing a moral panic to prevail and preventing clear heads from crafting a so­lution that is fair to everyone involved.”'

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Girls-Only Class Teaches STEM Education to Young Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'Schools across the country have been encouraging young women to get involved in STEM subjects, and some schools have classes where no boys are allowed.

One class at Sherwood High School in Oregon, “Imagine, Design & Built It – No Boyz Allowed”, does just that, according to an article on

“Nationwide, at most 3 percent of trades workers are women. But in a Sherwood High School welding, computer technology and woodshop class, it's completely the opposite. Every student is female,” the article said.

The first year, according to Woods and Construction Teacher Jon Dickover, “teachers hoped 60 girls would sign up. Instead about 120 expressed interest.”

"There's less pressure because we're all girls," said sophomore Maddy Griffin, who is taking the class this year, the article said. "You feel more confident. You can take a lot of these skills and use them."'

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Border Patrol Announces Women-Only Recruiting Window

Article here. Excerpt:

'U.S. Border Patrol announced a 10-day women-only recruitment period open through Dec. 10.

A Title 5 waiver sought by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to close the hiring window to women only for a short time was approved by the Office of Personnel Management, according to the Associated Press.
"We're looking for a specific type of personality," Pacheco said. "A female who likes to go outside, likes to shoot guns, likes to drive 4x4s, likes to work in the dark and likes to do shift work."

The requirements are the same, he said, as they are for male applicants. Prospective recruits should be between 18 and 37 years old, U.S. citizens, able to pass background, polygraph and drug screenings and be in good physical health. Applicants over the age limit must have military backgrounds.'

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Mothers Must Speak Up for Their Sons on Campus

Article hers. Excerpt:

'The Rolling Stone story about the University of Virginia frat gang rape has fallen apart. Now come the recriminations.

Those who care about stopping campus sexual assault, as I do, are outraged by the Rolling Stonestory for all the right reasons. The shoddy journalism and questionable complaint will damage true victims of sexual assault, who may be more hesitant to come forward, and less likely to be believed.

There also are those standing up for journalistic standards and the rights of innocent fraternity members, individually and collectively, accused of a horrific sex crime. But there is another strain of reaction, which refuses to acknowledge that the Rolling Stone story is a symptom of a larger problem of radical feminism on campuses, where agenda trumps evidence and individual rights.
As Dr. Helen Smith notes, the University of Virginia case “is just another example of how male space is being destroyed step-by-step. . . . If there are males out in society or even playing video games in the privacy of their own basement, the totalitarians are there in full force to make sure that they have nowhere to hide.”

With the Rolling Stone story, it was a hunt for the most despised male or group of males, and most sympathetic victim, to tell a larger story. Chris Bray, one of the first people to question the veracity of the Rolling Stone article, writes at The Daily Caller how the Rolling Stone author sought out the best victim narrative to fit the larger “rape culture” narrative. ...

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Whoopi on UVA Rape Story: 'I Don't Like That People Can Just Say Anything and It's Taken as Fact'

Article here. Excerpt:

'Goldberg’s fellow “View” panelists, Nicolle Wallace and Rosie Perez criticized the journalistic aspects and the consequence, which might mean actual rape victims being reluctant to step forward in the future.

Goldberg decried the circumstances of the story because it created a situation that allows for something taken as fact without proof.

“I mean, look, you know, I've gotten a lot of heat from people because I say -- I want as much as you can give me to nail the SOB,” she said. “That's what I want. But I don't like that people can just say anything and it's taken as fact. We owe it to ourselves, to our sisters, to our brothers who are the folks who may be accused to get the facts. Get the facts. Get as much as you can. There's nothing wrong with it. Because if you can get the person off the street who has done this -- baby, let's put him away.'

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'Barry One' Launches Legal Fund; Considers Suit Against Lena Dunham

Article here. Excerpt:

'The man identified as "Barry One" in a Breitbart News investigation debunking Lena Dunham's story of being raped in college by a "mustachioed campus Republican" named Barry, has made his first official statement since the release of that report. Through his attorney, identified as Aaron Minc, Barry One has set up a legal fund to cover current legal expenses, clear his name, and to potentially file suit against Ms. Dunham.

The proceeds from the legal fund will be used only to cover Barry One's legal expenses. If there are any leftover monies, those will be donated to non-profit organizations that aid sexual assault victims.

For more than two months, and to no avail, Barry One has asked Dunham (through her representatives) to clear his name. Obviously, she has refused. 

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Slate to Breitbart over Lena Dunham Rape Allegations: "Rape Denialism is Like Holocaust Denialism"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Slate writer Amanda Marcott is going after conservative site Breitbart News after they published an investigative piece on Thursday that questioned Lena Denhan’s story of being raped at 19 by a Republican student on her college campus named Barry.

In response to a tweet from Bloomberg Politics' Dave Weigel that linked the story, Marcotte tweeted back, "It's really time for people to understand that rape denialism is like Holocaust denialism: Broad refusal to accept reality."

The Breitbart News claims that their piece does not deny the horrific crime of rape happens, nor does it deny Dunham may have been raped in college. The full statement is as follows:

“Maybe Lena Dunham's rapist is out there, and maybe this man voted for George W. Bush, and maybe this man did indeed hurt two other women.

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UVA Students Stay Focused On Combating Sexual Violence, Not False Rape Allegations

Article here. Excerpt:

'The University of Virginia community, already tested a number of times this fall semester, endured another seismic shock on Friday when Rolling Stone partially retracted a damning feature about on-campus rape. The initial publication of the article and subsequent fallout has sparked discussion on not just sexual assault, but also on journalism ethics. But as national news outlets swarm the Charlottesville, Virginia, campus for the second time this semester, many UVA students are staying focused on the main issue at hand: combating sexual violence and improving sexual assault advocacy at the storied university.

Sarah Surface, a junior who’s a member of the school’s Sexual Violence Prevention Coalition, added to the student newspaper that finger-combing through every detail in Jackie’s story should not take away from the reality rape victims must live through:

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Canada: Serial false-accuser deported back to Australia

Link here. Excerpt:

'After duping Irish and Canadian authorities with horrific tales of being a child sexual abuse victim, serial troublemaker Samantha Azzopardi is returning home to Australia this week.
When Azzopardi was found wandering the streets of Dublin, Ireland, last year she led authorities to believe she was a teenage sex-trafficking victim from eastern Europe.

Azzopardi drew pictures apparently showing herself being raped, forcing Irish police to release the photo of her in a bid to find her identity.

Irish authorities spent $375,000 on the investigation before discovering she was an Australian con artist and not a child.
On September 16 this year Azzopardi, using the alias Aurora Hepburn, walked into a Calgary clinic claiming she was 14 and had been a victim of an abduction, sexual assault and torture.

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Rolling Stone quietly "modifies prior apology"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Rolling Stone magazine has quietly changed its botched and much-criticized apology over a damning article documenting an alleged brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia.

In the story by writer Sabrina Rubin Erdely, a junior identified only as 'Jackie' says she was repeatedly assaulted by a group of seven Phi Kappa Psi fraternity members.

But on Friday, Rolling Stone Managing Editor Will Dana apologized in a letter to readers, admitting there were discrepancies in Jackie's account about the incident and saying that the magazine has now 'come to the conclusion that our trust in her was misplaced.'

The magazine came under heavy fire for an apology that was seen as blaming the victim and throwing Jackie under the bus.

Rolling Stone has since quietly changed the three-paragraph note, adding a section saying: 'These mistakes are on Rolling Stone, not on Jackie.'

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As Rolling Stone Recants, WashPost Article Insists 'We Should Automatically Believe Rape Claims'

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is amazing. Even as Rolling Stone’s alleged gang-rape story falls apart, and The Washington Post published several articles on Saturday putting the facts out that collapse the allegations, the Post website still contains an article titled “No matter what Jackie said, we should automatically believe rape claims. Incredulity hurts victims more than it hurts wrongly-accused perps.”

Feminist and MSNBC analyst Zerlina Maxwell doesn’t care about the facts, only about the quote-unquote larger picture of a rape culture. This is the triumph of ideology over evidence, emotion over science. All these people who lectured about McCarthyism and Arthur Miller’s play on the Salem witch trials are chanting that the evidence is less important than the allegation.'

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Media investigation of actress Lena Dunham's rape claim reports it isn't supported by facts

Story here. Excrrpt:

'A media investigation into the allegations of rape featured in Lena Dunham's recently-released memoir has refuted the claims of sexual assault made by the Girls creator.
An investigation by John Nolte from Breitbart News undertaken at the Oberlin campus, which was published Thursday, concluded that the 'Barry' Dunham describes is a 'ghost', and that no such person appeared to exist at the college during the years she studied there.

'In fact, we could not find anyone who remembered any Oberlin Republican who matched Dunham's colorful description,' Nolte wrote.

'Under scrutiny, Dunham's rape story didn’t just fall apart, it evaporated into pixie dust and blew away.''

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March 10 is "National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day"

Link here. Excerpt:

'Personal stories also remind us that we are not alone. With World AIDS Day on December 1, I'm thinking of those affected by the stigma that HIV/AIDS carries. This stigma can leave those touched by it feeling fearful and alienated. You can help change that.

If your life has been impacted by HIV/AIDS, I'm calling on you to speak up. How? Tell us about your personal experiences with HIV/AIDS and your views on care and treatment. The HHS Office on Women's Health wants to feature your story during the 10th observance of National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day on March 10, 2015. If you or someone you love is living with HIV/AIDS, or you work with women and girls living with the disease, we want to hear from you.'

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Feminist blogger ‘emphatically’ defends lying about rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'Today hasn’t been such a great day for feminism. Now that Rolling Stone’s heavily touted article purportedly exposing a gang rape at UVA has been shot full of holes, Our Ladies of the Perpetually Outraged are beside themselves looking for ways to keep the dubious rape narrative alive.

One of these angry gals is the charming Melissa McEwan, who, according to her Twitter bio, is “proprietor of Shakesville, a progressive feminist blog and a community of teaspoon-wielding badasses who expect more.” Apparently one of the things she doesn’t expect is for rape accusers to be completely honest:

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'Rolling Stone scapegoats rape victim, makes matters worse'

Article here. Excerpt:

'I don’t know Jackie. I don’t even know her real name. I don’t know what happened to her in a UVA fraternity house. But here’s what I do know: Rolling Stone just threw her under the bus for its own mistakes. And we shouldn’t be surprised.
Rather than apologizing for its own journalistic and editorial mistakes, Rolling Stone blamed Jackie for its errors. The problem, according to the magazine’s note, is not that it failed to check certain details, but that its “trust in [Jackie] was misplaced.” One need not read between the lines to get the ugly message: It was her fault, not ours!'

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