"One in five Rolling Stone writers are morons"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Not only did the UVA gang rape turn out to be a hoax, but then President Obama's own Department of Justice completed a six-year study on college rape, and it turns out that instead of 1-in-5 college coeds being raped, the figure is 0.03-in-5.

Less than 1 percent of college students are the victim of a sexual assault — 0.6 percent to be exact — not to be confused with the 20 percent, or "one in five," claimed by feminists and President Obama.

But neither the DOJ report, nor the UVA rape hoax have dissuaded Sens. Kirsten Gillibrand and Claire McCaskill from pushing their idea that the nation is in the grip of a college rape epidemic.

This week, Gillibrand dismissed the UVA outrage, saying, "Clearly, we don't know the facts of what did or did not happen in this case."

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Defining nearly all sex as rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'California’s “yes means yes” law turns the idea of sexual consent upside down. Suddenly, nearly all sex is rape, unless no person involved reports it as such.

Consent, under the California law that is spreading to other American universities, is required to be “ongoing throughout a sexual activity and can be revoked at any time.” The law also states that “a lack of protest or resistance does not mean consent, nor does silence mean consent.” Also, previous sexual activity “should never by itself be assumed to be an indicator of consent.”

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Students demand law profs. eliminate traumatic, 'triggering' rape law lessons

Story here. Excerpt:

'Law school students are demanding professors eliminate rape law from the curriculum because it’s too traumatic, according to one Harvard Law professor.

Professor Jeannie Suk penned an op-ed in The New Yorker decrying students’ hesitancy to approach the subject, defending the nature of the topic and why it is so important to educate America’s next generation of lawyers on how to address sexual violence in the courtroom.

“[M]y experience at Harvard over the past couple of years tells me that the environment for teaching rape law and other subjects involving gender and violence is changing,” Suk wrote. “Students seem more anxious about classroom discussion, and about approaching the law of sexual violence in particular, than they have ever been in my eight years as a law professor.

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Breaking down the myths about male bisexuality

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Bisexual Resource Center and most bisexual people would agree that there is a great deal of misinformation about bisexual people, and particularly about bisexual men. This is due, in part, to a shortage of opportunities to hear bisexual people speak for themselves.

Now a new book, co-edited by Robyn Ochs and H.Sharif Williams, makes a significant contribution to the literature available about and by bisexual men and expands our understanding of how bisexuality is lived by men across race, class, gender, age and nationality.

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SAVE Commends Senators Whitehouse and Grassley for Taking Lead to End ‘Second-Class Justice’ in Campus Sexual Assault Cases

Press release here. Excerpt:

'Stop Abusive and Violent Environments applauds Senators Sheldon Whitehouse and Chuck Grassley for taking the initiative to strengthen the involvement of criminal justice authorities in campus sexual assault cases. The senators issued the statements during a December 9 hearing of the Senate Judiciary Committee that addressed the Roles and Responsibilities of Law Enforcement in Campus Sexual Assault: http://www.judiciary.senate.gov/meetings/campus-sexual-assault-the-roles-and-responsibilities-of-law-enforcement

In his prepared statement, Sen. Whitehouse noted,

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At The End Of The Day, Feminism Is A War On Due Process

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now that the University of Virginia “rape” case has been exposed as yet another hoax, it is time to start looking at other feminist-generated hysterias, which are just as dishonest and dangerous. This case did not arise out of the blue, nor is it disconnected from other similar accusations of criminality perpetrated by radical ideologues. Rather, it is part of a pattern of ideologically driven witch hunts designed to criminalize innocent people and “empower” feminist operatives. The common factor behind all of them is a radical sexual political ideology driven – as all ideologies are – by resentment and the lust for power.

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College president accused of sexism after posing with male students raising money for charity

Article here. Excerpt:

'Faculty at East Stroudsburg University are questioning whether the school is too cavalier about sexual assaults and has a double standard when it comes to gender after the university’s president tweeted a photo of herself with scantily clad male students who were raising money for charity.

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UK: Jeremy Hunt: Women make better leaders

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women make better leaders, the Health Secretary has said, as senior officials call for more “oestrogen to dilute the testosterone” in NHS boardrooms.

Jeremy Hunt said more women should be promoted to senior positions to help bring an end to a “macho and bullying” culture in too many parts of the NHS.

He made the comments as Dame Sally Davies, England’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), said too many senior women became “preening queen bees” who did not help other women to get on.

Dame Sally - the country’s first female CMO - said too many successful women enjoyed being the only female in their circle so “pulled the ladder up” from beneath them.

At a London summit women in medicine, the Health Secretary suggested that the NHS should encourage more women into senior positions, because they were frequently better than men at the job.

Mr Hunt said: “There is a lot of evidence that women are often better leaders. We need to think hard about why that is.'

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White Heat? Another Liberal Bashes Caucasian Males

Article here. Excerpt:

'Now Mr. Horrigan is certainly entitled to his opinion, and the PD is his home, so they will publish his essay. This piece, however, is important because it shows the liberal mind at work. Would the St. Louis Post-Dispatchhave dared to publish an Op-Ed in which their top editorial writer mocked, ridiculed, and insulted all young black men? Would they have allowed Horrigan a platform to do the same to middle aged white women? Would they have consented to a piece that castigated any black, Hispanic, or Asian women? What about unemployed, gay pro football defensive ends? Of course not, and it goes without saying that this would never be permitted! White men, however, are not on the Left’s protected species list, and can be slandered, insulted, and defamed to an editorial writer’s hearts content.

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UK: Women Today are Thriving – It’s Men We Should Be Worried About

Article here. Excerpt:

'Prospects for girls and women couldn’t be better. Yet feminists seem to be getting louder, more demanding and younger and younger – while, for boys, the picture is bleak. Groups like UK Feminista are running brainwashing workshops for Girl Guides and in schools, encouraging schoolchildren to set up feminist clubs and are dispersing propaganda that engenders hostility towards boys and whips up undue fear and resentment in girls.

The End Violence Against Women and Everyday Sexism Project Coalition, meanwhile, have amassed tens of thousands of signatures to get a frighteningly all-purpose sounding feminist to-do-list on the school curriculum, in the form of “sexual consent, healthy and respectful relationships, gender stereotypes and online pornography”.

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Obama Just Made History by Ignoring Men for an Entire Press Conference

Story here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama's annual end-of-year press conferences are usually relatively laid-back affairs, with the president and the press corps alike eager to get a start to the holiday break.

But on Friday, as the president took questions from reporters before setting off for vacation in Hawaii, he electrified the Twittersphere by doing something entirely unexpected and unprecedented: He only took questions from women.

After a brief comment on the economy, Obama fielded queries on the Sony cyber attacks, Cuba and more from eight women — and no men:

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UVA official blasts Rolling Stone over rape article

Story here. Excerpt:

'A top University of Virginia official blasted Rolling Stone’s “false portrayal” of the university in a public meeting Friday, saying the university had fallen victim to “drive-by journalism” that showed “callous indifference to the truth.”

Rector George Keith Martin, speaking at a special Board of Visitors meeting, said of the story of an alleged gang rape and the university’s reported indifference to it that “innocent people have been hurt, some of them even devastated,” and that “our great university’s character has been tarnished.”  

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Watch A Woman Confront 'Manspreaders' On The Subway

Story here. Excerpt:

'“Are you familiar with the term manspreading?"

Despite measures taken to raise awareness of "men taking up too much space on the subway," there are still many who aren't aware that "manspreading" is even a term. In their new video "Manspreading," the dedicated journalists at Gothamist confront men on New York City subways to ask if they've ever heard of "manspreading" and if they realize they're doing it. The results were a bit awkward.

Most of the men had no idea what manspreading was but, hearteningly, all were open to fixing it once they were educated on the phenomenon.

To conclude their deep-dive into manspreading, Gothamist clarified the amount of lounging that's unacceptable when riding a subway: "If there's space enough for a litter of puppies or a celebrity selfie group shot, you are taking up too much space. Pull it in."

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What's epidemic on college campuses? Shallow thinking

Article here. To jump the paywall, Google the first sentence from the excerpt and click on the link that leads to the article in the Chicago Tribune. Excerpt:

'Remember in 1986, when Newsweek supposedly showed that a 40-year-old single woman was "more likely to be killed by a terrorist" than to ever get married? It turned out to be false, the remark of a Newsweek correspondent, who'd meant it merely as a funny aside. And the studies on which it was presumably based? Flawed.

Nonetheless, until the magazine issued an official retraction 20 years later, that factoid occupied the murky space between conventional wisdom and urban myth. That is to say, it felt depressingly true and totally unbelievable — with an emphasis on felt. Regardless of the truth of the situation, the media and other parties cried wolf, which proved effective in getting people's attention. After all, the real figure — it turns out that single women older than 40 have about a 40 percent chance of marrying — didn't have quite the same ring to it.

Today, another statistic is bandied about with similar abandon, and it concerns something much more serious than securing a husband. The phrase "1 in 5 college women will be sexually assaulted" over the course of their university enrollment has become absorbed into the lingua franca of gender politics and anti-rape advocacy. Even President Barack Obama, who established a campus sexual assault prevention task force, rattles it off.

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Gillibrand: ‘Yes Means Yes’ Should Go Nationwide

Article here. Really, she's completely nuts. And if she and her extremist ideologues pals are successful at doing this nutsery on college campuses nationwide, off-campus society is their next target. No man will be safe. A mere accusation will be as good as a rape conviction. Excerpt:

'New York Democratic Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand, one of the most prominent lawmakers fighting campus sexual assault on Capitol Hill, said Monday that affirmative consent laws should be made the standard nationwide.

Gillibrand was speaking as part of an MSNBC-hosted panel event on sexual assault at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York, which is a part of the State University of New York (SUNY) system. During the panel, she praised SUNY’s recent adoption of affirmative consent at the urging of Governor Andrew Cuomo, and was asked whether she thought the standard could potentially be implemented at the national level.

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