Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-12-27 15:46
Article here. Excerpt:
'Any woman travelling by public transport will be aware of manspreading – where a male passenger sits with his legs splayed out, totally oblivious to the woman next to him who’s forced to double cross her legs for lack of space.
In New York, the anti-manspreading movement has grown so much that its attracted the attention of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA).
The MTA is now set to unveil public service ads to encourage men to sit with their legs together.
‘Dude… Stop the spread, please. It’s a space issue’ is just one of the slogans to be used on the new advertising campaign.
But manspreading is not confined to the New York subway – it’s a global issue and now annoyed Londoners are calling for Transport for London to follow in MTA’s footsteps with a similar campaign. '
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-12-27 11:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'Feminists in France say they have secretly inserted tracts inside children's toys from Barbie dolls to plastic guns issuing a warning that "this toy is sexist".
Hundreds of French girls and boys will open Christmas presents at the foot of the tree to find an unexpected accompanying note resembling those found in Chinese "fortune cookies".
Except in this case, the message will neither provide instructions nor predict the future. It will read: "Warning, this toy is sexist:"
The operation was launched by feminist group FièrEs, which said that it had inserted "around 500" such tracts into a range of toys in a dozen shops in Paris.
"We targeted games that are emblematic of boy-girl stererotypes," said Delphine Asian, legal representative for the feminist group, who added: "We have caused no damage or ripped any plastic. We simply slipped the message in boxes, or in books."
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-12-27 11:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'Who needs facts and statistics when you have a good narrative?
Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., during an interview reported by Chuck Raasch of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, indicated that she was not happy about disputing statistics regarding campus sexual assault.
“Frankly, it is irritating that anybody would be distracted by which statistics are accurate,” McCaskill said.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2014-12-27 11:35
Article here. Excerpt:
'It’s the oft-repeated lie that may have finally died:
[A]s updated campus sexual assault figures for the years 1995 through 2013 have been released by the U.S. Department of Justice, we find that the “one in five” statistic has been fully debunked, with the real figure being 1 in 41 for all the years covered by the report, and 1 in 52.6 for the four most recent years from 2010 through 2013.
The collapse of the “one in five” claim, and the weakness of the statistics behind it, can be seen in the actions of the President’s political supporters in office and in the media, who are now trying to quietly drop their previous touting of the figure from public view.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-12-26 12:25
Article here.
'In attempting to inculcate young girls with his administration’s “War on Women” theme, Barack Obama made a point of making the central theme of the 2014 White House Science Fair last May the paucity of women in the sciences. To show how much he identified with women’s plight, he donned a tiara while posing with the Girl Scout Troop 2612 from Tulsa, Oklahoma.
At the Science Fair, Obama continued his implicit implication that the War on Women crossed all barriers, noting, “fewer than 3 in 10 workers in science and engineering are women… we’ve got to change those numbers.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-12-26 12:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'Draft federal recommendations don't usually raise eyebrows, but this one certainly will — that males of all ages, including teenage boys, should be counseled on the health benefits of circumcision.
But the pediatricians' focus was on parents considering infant circumcision. The CDC's proposal opens the door to circumcision becoming a topic of conversation any time an uncircumcised male goes to a medical appointment.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-12-26 12:04
Article here. Excerpt:
'The bill would remove the presumption of non-imprisonment for first-time offenders, meaning incarceration would be a viable punishment. Under current law, pretrial intervention (PTI) is the usual route.
“It essentially puts a little more heat on the defendant,” said Assemblyman Joseph Lagana (D-Paramus), a co-sponsor of the measure. “Oftentimes, the punishment does not fit the crime.”
The measure would also allow the domestic violence victim to have more of a say on whether or not their accused attacker should enter PTI. Plus, a defendant would be required to enter a guilty plea before PTI consideration. With that clause, Lagana said, a defendant can be sentenced to prison immediately following any type of PTI violation.
“People should not get a free pass,” he said. “If you’re going to act a certain way, then society’s going to hold you accountable.”'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-12-26 12:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Universities’ mishandling of sexual assault allegations has been making the news -- but not in the way feminist activists and progressive politicians had hoped. Swarthmore College settled a case brought in federal court in Pennsylvania by an undergraduate wrongly expelled by means of a severely defective disciplinary process. A federal court in New York rejected Colgate University’s motion to dismiss on the pleadings former student Abrar Faiaz’s claim that in the rush to expel him for pushing two women, the university falsely imprisoned him, and Colgate has not challenged his federal and state discrimination claims.
Our universities have promoted a narrative that converts all women into victims and all men into villains. This narrative originated among radical feminists but it has been widely internalized in universities. It claims that discriminatory norms and nefarious institutions established by men to serve male power render women unfree and incapable of thinking and fending for themselves. It legitimated University of Virginia President Teresa Sullivan’s decision in late November, in swift response to what has turned out to be an invented tale of a brutal gang rape reported in Rolling Stone, to suspend all fraternities. Those women who think they are free to choose and capable of taking care of themselves without intrusive university or government assistance only demonstrate the power of patriarchy to delude and degrade them. And those men who think they are innocent are blind to the guilt they incur from perpetuating, consciously or unconsciously, male privilege.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2014-12-26 12:00
Article here. Excerpt:
'Zerlina Maxwell wrote that we should "automatically" (see the URL for the original headline) believe rape victims. That goes against everything our system of justice stands for, as we base cases on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. I’m not going down that rabbit hole–and neither should any American who believes in law and order. Dates, names, and physical evidence, need to be analyzed, cross-examined, and pieced together to build a case against the alleged perpetrator.
Again, you probably already know this, but some liberals seem to think otherwise. Why is that? Why is it that for other crimes they believe in the process, but when it comes to rape, it’s an automatic guilty verdict for the accused.
Despite what feminists and liberal Democrats have been espousing for years regarding the rates of sexual assault, it’s a little dubious to say there’s a rape epidemic. The figures they give on rape and sexual assault rival that of the Congo in Africa, where it’s being used as a vehicle of war.
Hence, we come back to the issue of having healthy criticism when rape claims come forward. The mantra of the feminist left is to believe alleged rape victims because women don’t lie, or something.
After the Duke lacrosse fiasco, where the three young men were allegedly involved in sexually assaulting a stripper, they were declared more than just not guilty, but innocent by North Carolina’s Attorney General Roy Cooper.
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Submitted by Matt on Thu, 2014-12-25 06:57
A MANN reader in India has submitted a summary of laws he identifies as denying men and their relatives the rights of presumed innocence and due process (among other things) in several important contexts including marriage, criminal accusations of rape or child abuse, etc. His summary has been added to the Documents, Downloads, and Off-Links section (currently as item #6) and the direct download link is here. Thanks for sending this along, Ravi!
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-12-24 21:43
Article here. Excerpt:
'The girl at the University of Virginia, who allegedly falsely claimed she was gang raped at a campus fraternity house, was introduced to Rolling Stone magazine by an activist from the university with connections to White House advisers, making several visits to the White House herself.
Emily Renda worked at the Eisenhower Executive Office with her associates at the White House to develop resources such as websites and documents concerning the Obama administration's sexual assault policies, The Daily Caller is reporting.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-12-24 21:25
Article here. Excerpt:
'Salon and Alternet seem to exist only to provide click-bait for kooks. Alternet certainly succeeded with their Sunday article entitled, “Why rape is so intrinsic to religion” which was also cross-posted on partner site Salon. In the article by Valerie Tarico, she tries to argue that the virgin birth of Jesus Christ was God raping Mary, similar to Greek and Hindu tales of gods raping women. “It’s a common theme in the history of religion, and it’s more than a little rapey,” Tarico claims.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2014-12-24 16:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'The Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report, "Rape and Sexual Assault Among College-age Females, 1995-2013," should be an early Christmas present for President Obama.
On Jan. 22, 2014, Obama established a special White House Task Force to Protect Students From Sexual Assault. He stated, "It is estimated that one in five women on college campuses has been sexually assaulted during their time there. ... It's totally unacceptable."
The BJS data released on Dec. 11 finds the actual rate of sexual assault for female students to be 6.1 per 1,000 per year or 0.61 percent; this is the mean for the years 1995 to 2013. The rate of general sexual assault for males was 1.4 per 1,000.
The BJS compares its methodology to that of other studies. For example, the BJS's expansive but reasonable definition includes actual, attempted and threatened rapes and sexual assaults. By contrast, "[t]he NISVS [National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey] uses a broader definition of sexual violence, which specifically mentions incidents in which the victim was unable to provide consent due to drug or alcohol use; forced to penetrate another person; or coerced to engage in sexual contact (including nonphysical pressure to engage in sex) or unwanted sexual contact (including forcible kissing, fondling, or grabbing); and noncontact unwanted sexual experiences that do not involve physical contact." [Emphasis added.]
Noncontact sexual experiences also include behaviors such as harassment or telling lewd jokes. This sort of broad and vague definition is what leads to the one-in-five figure.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2014-12-24 08:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'December has not been a good month for the feminist crusade against the “rape culture.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2014-12-23 10:01
Story here.
'Leaders with the University of Virginia are seeking felony charges against whoever is responsible for vandalizing the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity house.
The vandals threw dangerous objects, including bottles and glass at a private home and the damage to the house may add up to more than $1,000.
The face of the fraternity house was destroyed following accusations published by Rolling Stone magazine made by a girl named "Jackie," who said she was raped by several members of the fraternity.
The student activist who led the vandalism attack said he does not have any regrets.
The fraternity house is still vacant following the attacks.'
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