What is the real definition of "Patriarchy"?

Sorry I need to even ask such a question. I feel ignorant doing so, but, I thought i'd at least best ask before making comments on such a thing.

But just what is the real definition of "Patriarchy"?
I hear feminists and random women throwing the term about all the time. If it means that women in this country and the rest of the western world are oppressed by men, then I call it a fallacy at least and a misnomer at the most. "Patriarchy" would mean that women cannot vote or freely express themselves, right? Well, if so, where in the western world is such a thing happening?

I simply do not see it. Am I blind? as far as I know we women have the right to vote and have so since 1920, if I'm not mistaken. So for more than eighty years, the better part of a century, there has been that right for us. So where is the "Patriarchy"?

If it means we women do not have the right to free speech, then why, on TV and other forms of media, are the majority of commentators female, talking almost if not exclusively about "female issues"? So where is the "Patriarchy"?

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Denmark: Study correlates circumcision in young boys with chance of autism development

Story here. Excerpt:

'Circumcision before the age of five can double a boy’s risk of developing autism, controversial research suggests.

Scientists believe the finding may be linked to stress caused by the pain of the procedure.

The study of more than 340,000 boys in Denmark found that circumcision raised the overall chances of an autism spectrum disorder (ASD) before the age of 10 by 46%.

But if circumcision took place before the age of five it doubled the risk.
Professor David Katz, from University College London, who chairs Milah UK, a body that speaks for the Jewish community on issues related to circumcision, said: “This report is far from convincing: correlation does not equal causation.

“There is a long history of attempts to link autistic spectrum disorders to unrelated practices, such as the measles/mumps/rubella association, which proved to be fraudulent.

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U.S. Dept. of Health & Human Services: "Great Strides for Women’s Health Under the Affordable Care Act"

Link here. Excerpt:

'By: Valerie Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Engagement, The White House

President Obama has said repeatedly that “when women succeed, America succeeds.” And over the past year, millions of women have gained the security of knowing that their professional, academic, financial, and personal dreams will not be put in jeopardy if they face a health challenge. Today, the Department of Health and Human Services (“HHS”) released a report detailing the important strides we have made in women’s health as a result of the implementation of the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”).

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U. of Missouri police say student’s report of rape is false

Story here.

'The University of Missouri St. Louis police department says rape reported on December 17th by a student did not occur. The student who reported the incident met with investigators. The UMSL police department now says a warning sent about the incident was unfounded.

The student said that a man wearing a full ski mask forced her into the back seat of a parked car. Campus police sent an alert to students the following day to look for a suspect with a thin build and blue eyes. The victim described his car as small and dark in color.'

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Police: False rape accusation led to killing in Fairbanks

Story here. Excerpt:

'A false accusation of rape allegedly caused a Barrow man to beat his cousin to death in a Fairbanks hotel room Wednesday morning, according to Alaska State Troopers.

Abraham S. Stine, 39, was charged Thursday with one count of second-degree murder for beating Wesley Lord, 37, to death at the Extended Stay Hotel on Old Airport Way. His girlfriend, Dominique Natalie Vasquez, 31, also of Barrow, also was charged with one count of second-degree murder for her actions during the incident.

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The troubling rise of the ‘femplainers’

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new kind of feminism has taken root in popular culture, leading some prominent doyennes of social media to proclaim 2014 a watershed year for womankind.

Combine the machine-gun fire of Twitter outrage, a wave of celebrity rape revelations and activists making careers of berating businesses for their unequal gender ratio, and apparently the result is some sort of giant leap for the cause of women.

It looks to me more like a reactionary leap than a progressive one. The feminism of sexual freedom and against gender stereotyping has given way to one that insists on lumping all women together (#YESALLWOMEN) as a collective victim of sexual assault.

The feminism of equality, of toughness, of anti-discrimination, has been overwhelmed by one of victimhood and demands for special treatment. The feminism of solidarity across class divides has been sidelined by an exaggerated concern with the problems of the elite.

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No More "Flattops" for US Navy Women

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Navy said Thursday that it is halting, at least temporarily, its practice of cutting female recruits’ hair short when they arrive at boot camp.

The service said it was taking the step “in an effort to standardize training and education across the military services,” following orders last year from Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to review hair regulations after revised Army hair rules upset some female soldiers.

The ban on haircuts will run for the first three months of this year, and is in response to female sailors complaining that the short haircuts didn’t prepare them adequately for grooming the longer hairstyles permitted once they graduated into the fleet.

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'Manslamming': A Verb, a Gerund

Article here. Excerpt:

'There's a category of words that have sprung up of late to shame men for acting in a manly terrible fashion. There's “mansplaining,” the verb and the noun, which describes—according to Urban Dictionary—the act of “delighting in condescending, inaccurate explanations delivered with rock solid confidence of rightness and that slimy certainty that of course he is right, because he is the man in this conversation.” (See: the book Men Explain Things to Me.) There's “manspreading,” also a verb-and-noun combo, which describes the act of spread-eagle-ing upon a seat, that seat usually being set in a public space, the spread-eagle-er usually being a man. (See the Tumblr Men Taking Up Too Much Space on the Train.)

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Intel teams with Feminist Frequency for $300m tech diversity drive

Story here. Excerpt:

'Intel has pledged $300m of investment to improve diversity at the company and the wider technology and gaming sectors.

The firm plans to work with several partners, including the International Game Developers Association, the E-Sports League, Feminist Frequency and the National Center for Women in Technology to support, enhance or create new programs for the initiative.

"We're calling on our industry to again make the seemingly impossible possible by making a commitment to real change and clarity in our goals," said Intel CEO Brian Krzanich. "Without a workforce that more closely mirrors the population, we are missing opportunities, including not understanding and designing for our own customers."'

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Why D.C.’s matriarchy matters — and the rest of the country needs to catch up

Article here. Excerpt:

'The nation’s capital didn’t wait for 2016 to make political history.

We started the year with three women in the District’s most high-profile jobs — mayor, police chief and schools chancellor — the only big city in the country to have such prominent female leadership.
As a nation, we’re still terrible at representing 51 percent of the population fairly. The numbers in this year’s Congress are historically high — and still barely a meager 20 percent.

So when D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser (D) took office last week and announced even earlier that she’d be keeping Police Chief Cathy Lanier and Schools Chancellor Kaya Henderson in place, it was a big deal.

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"Women Make Better Business Decisions Than Men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Women make better business decisions than men: Companies with female directors perform better and cut risk of bankruptcy says the study published by International Journal of Business.

The study goes on to say that there should be more women in the boardroom, and not just in the name of equality. They make better bosses than men because they are fairer and have more scruples. It means companies with women on the board are more likely to make decisions that benefit everyone, from investors to staff, rather than just the top brass Remember these are not my words I have a link to the study below my article for you to take a look for yourself. The study goes on to say that women also tend to consult others in the decision-making process, leading to a more cooperative feeling in the firm. The study, which surveyed 600 board members, concluded that female-influenced companies were more successful than male-dominated ones.'

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YouTube: Man Spreading - MGTOW

Video here. Description excerpt

'Just over a year ago I covered a story in my video called The Gender War in Sweden about how Swedish feminists were so bored they were telling men how to sit on the bus. And I sourced a vice article from two thousand and twelve and it's the first one in the description below. Most people watching that video were shocked or outraged. So thought it was just plain stupid or funny. But with New York's MTO launching an advertising campaign targeting the act of "Man Spreading," this issue is gaining traction in North America. Some people are calling this the New York City Nutcracker in honor of Christmas. What I find insulting about this attack on men on public transit is that it's targeting men in the first place. What about women? Is it not possible that women could also behave the same way? Why is this an issue only facing men. And what about women that bring giant purses and put them on seats next to them? Or what about women that bring two, three or even four giant bags with them on public transit?...'

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Interest in banning 'manspreading' is spreading

Article here. Excerpt:

'San Francisco bus and train riders may soon get a new lesson in etiquette: Close your legs, dudes.

A New York City movement to stop men from spreading their legs wide to ensure more room on public transit is making its way to San Francisco, in an effort by local agencies to spread the word on basic politeness.

The practice, known as "manspreading," is where riders, typically men, block seats on either side while sitting in a wide, V-shaped slouch. New York's Metropolitan Transportation Authority is launching a public-relations campaign against the practice. One new sign by the authority reads, "Dude... Stop the spread, please. It's a space issue."

Now, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will conduct a survey to see how Muni riders feel about manspreading, a possible precursor to a campaign of its own.

"As part of our strategic-plan goals, we are looking to do additional outreach regarding Muni etiquette," SFMTA spokesman Paul Rose said.'

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Bangladesh World Cupper Rubel Hossain in Jail on Rape Charges

Story here. Excerpt:

"Bangladesh cricketer Rubel Hossain, who has been named in the country's World Cup squad, was behind bars Thursday after being remanded in custody over allegations that he raped an actress.

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FDA announces Food and Nutrition Act of 2008 must also be applied to men in DV shelters

Announcement here. That sound you just heard was Hell freezing over. 'bout time the heat wave was broken some. Excerpt:

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