Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-01-16 05:06
Article here. Excerpt:
'A federal proposal to encourage discussions about circumcision for baby boys and at-risk men of all ages has drawn nearly 2,000 mostly-negative comments and a planned protest in front of a federal agency this month.
The proposal from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention doesn’t explicitly recommend circumcision, but it urges health care providers to proactively discuss the benefits and risks of circumcision with parents of baby boys and “uncircumcised at-risk heterosexual males” to allow people to make well-informed decisions about the procedure.
Other critics noted that circumcision is unlikely to dent HIV transmission in the U.S. since most HIV cases are among men who have sex with men. The CDC proposal recognized this, saying that the studies showing circumcision as an effective HIV-prevention strategy only involved men who had sex with women.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-01-16 03:40
Article here. (Jump the WSJ subscriber wall by Googling the first paragraph's first few sentences, then click the link for the WSJ site.) Excerpt:
'Imagine the following situation: You’re a 76-year-old man, happily married for nearly 30 years, with three children and two grandchildren. You’ve recently retired after 50 years of teaching at Harvard Law School. You have an unblemished personal record, though your legal and political views are controversial. You wake up on the day before New Year’s Eve to learn that two lawyers have filed a legal document that, in passing, asserts that 15 years ago you had sex on numerous occasions and in numerous locations with an underage female.
The accusation doesn’t mention the alleged victim’s name—she’s referred to as Jane Doe #3, and the court document includes no affidavit by her. But her name doesn’t really matter, because you have never had sex with anyone other than your wife during the relevant time period. The accusations against you are totally false, and you can prove it.
Well, that is my situation: I’m the one who has been falsely accused. But let’s continue to imagine it was you:
Your first instinct is to call your lawyer and have him file a denial to the court in which the accusation was made. But your lawyer informs you that you can’t do that because you’re not a party to the lawsuit (against the United States government seeking to vacate the plea bargain your client struck seven years earlier) and have no standing to file any papers.
No, your lawyer tells you. They didn’t ask for a hearing or any other opportunity to prove the truth of what they alleged. So the accusation will remain on the public record without anyone having to prove it or you having any opportunity to disprove it.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-01-16 03:37
Article here. Excerpt:
'Brothers of the University of Virginia fraternity at the center of a now discredited Rolling Stone article about gang rape have spoken out for the first time to detail how they were forced into hiding after the story incited mass protests on campus.
The article about the issue of sexual assault at UVA starts with the horrifying account of one student who claims to have been gang-raped by seven men in an apparent initiation ritual at the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity two years ago.
But after several holes in the victim's story were brought to light, and a police investigation found no evidence the crime ever happened, the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity was taken off suspension this week and are set to start their new remember recruitment - known as Rush - tonight.
Phi Psi president Stephen Scipione, a 21-year-old junior from Richmond, Virginia, spoke with the Washington Post and described the night in November when he and his brothers huddled around and read the damning article.
Just hours after the story came out, the Phi Psi house was gratified with statements like 'UVA Center for Rape Studies' and 'Suspend Us!' and the brothers say bricks were thrown through the windows.
Fearing their safety, most of them fled the house, booking hotel rooms.
The brothers checked old emails, bank accounts and other fraternity records and discovered that they did not hold a party at the house the weekend of September 28, 2012 - and that no one in their fraternity matched the description of the primary attacker, a junior who worked at the university pool.
They also staunchly denied the suggestion that the incident was an initiation ritual for new members, as details of the attack suggested.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-15 03:09
Story here. Excerpt:
'Two fraternities at the University of Virginia are refusing to agree to new rules set by university officials in the wake of the Rolling Stone sexual assault controversy.
Kappa Alpha Order and Alpha Tau Omega released identical statements Tuesday saying that UVa’s suspension of all Greek organization social activities following the story last fall “unfairly punished” fraternities.
The story later was discredited. The university lifted the suspension with the start of the current semester, but stipulated that the Greek organizations had to agree to a new set of rules governing parties at fraternity and sorority houses.
“Because we do not accept the validity of a suspension imposed in contravention of the existing [Fraternal Order Agreement], university policy, Virginia law and the constitutional rights of our members, we are not compelled to sign a revised FOA to continue operations on campus,” according to the statement.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-15 03:03
Story here. Excerpt:
'In the aftermath of a sexual assault accusation against his son Corey, [University of] North Carolina [at Chapel Hill] head wrestling coach C.D. Mock created a website to discredit the accuser and speak out against the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s [link added] actions.
A disclaimer on the website — — says it’s run by Barbara Mock, C.D. Mock’s mother and Corey Mock’s grandmother, but the writing is done from C.D. Mock’s perspective throughout.
In the ‘About’ section of the website, Mock writes that he is using the website as a vehicle not to defend his son’s actions, but as a way to inform other parents about the ‘danger’ of the so-called hookup culture on college campuses and what he calls the aggressive nature of women.
“If a woman accuses you of sexual assault at a univeristy(sic), you will immediately be removed from the campus prior to any investigation or determination of guilt. YOU HAVE NO CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS IN COLLEGE. The University or College will do everything in its power to prosecute you and kick you out of school regardless of the evidence and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it, and they know it. You can sue the school and the alleged victim as we are doing, but the minimum cost to sue is $50,000 and the NCAA isn’t going to give you your year back if you win.”
When Corey, who began his wrestling career at UNC, was accused in spring 2014, he was indefinitely suspended from the wrestling team.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-15 02:59
Article here. Excerpt:
'Universities across Florida are revamping how they investigate and prosecute sexual assault complaints in the wake of scrutiny from the U.S. Office for Civil Rights and questions raised by several high profile incidents across the country.
The White House, Congress and victims rights advocates are calling for greater transparency, accountability and educating all those involved on how to properly handle a sexual assault allegation — from college presidents to coaches, faculty, fraternities, campus police, staff and students.
“This national conversation is helping us shift some priorities toward sexual assault,” said Jen Day Shaw, dean of students at the University of Florida, where four sexual attacks on UF women were reported within nine days last fall.
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Submitted by Minuteman on Thu, 2015-01-15 01:57
Link here. (All hyperlinks below have been added. - Ed.) Excerpt:
'Tony Abbott is facing calls to resign as the minister for women if he does not commit to mandatory gender reporting requirements for big business.
The government recently released the summary of a nine-month-long consultation process with business on gender reporting.
At present, employers with more than 100 staff must report annually on the gender breakdown of employees.
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Submitted by ErikaLancastor on Wed, 2015-01-14 22:31
Page here. Excerpt:
Public Outreach: The FBI has forged partnerships nationally and locally with many civil rights organizations to establish rapport, share information, address concerns, and cooperate in solving problems. These groups include such organizations as the NAACP, the Southern Poverty Law Center, the Anti-Defamation League, the National Asian Pacific American Legal Consortium, the National Organization for Women, the Human Rights Campaign, and the National Disability Rights Network.
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Submitted by el cid on Wed, 2015-01-14 21:26
Article here. Excerpt:
'Real world effect #1 – reluctance to help a child.
This has been seen before. When you have airlines refusing to seat a man next to an unaccompanied minor, and a man suspected of exploiting girls when photographing his daughters, is it any wonder men are reluctant to help a child in distress? ...
Real world effect #2 – men abandon teaching as a profession
John Bangs, assistant secretary of the National Union of Teachers, believes many men have been put off teaching in primary schools – often regarded as a woman’s job anyway – by an increasing vigilance over child abuse. “People have become much more suspicious of men who want to work with young children,” he says. “These perceptions are absurd, but men are reluctant to be stigmatized in this way.”
Real world effect #3 – men avoiding college
The college gender gap switched from male positive to female positive almost three decades ago. ...
With all of the rape culture hysteria and affirmative consent laws making college a hostile environment for men, I expect the gender gap to widen. Fewer men will subject themselves to the risk that comes from attending college while male. At least at liberal arts colleges, which are already skewed female more than the national average. STEM schools might still draw men, since those BS degrees can lead to some well-paid careers, and fewer women choose STEM careers.
Is the decline of men really a problem? Feminists think not. In fact, when these indicators of male decline are pointed out, feminists respond with “yeah, but men are still overrepresented in elected offices and corporate boardrooms.”. Apex fallacy. Because a small percentage of all men are in power, all men must be fine. It doesn’t matter to feminists that marriage and fertility are declining. In fact, they probably view that as a success metric.
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Submitted by DutchO on Wed, 2015-01-14 08:04
See this story on and especially the response of mirth and joy of the bloggers to a man horribly maimed by his wife. Excerpt:
'This right here is commitment: Feng Lung has been arrested for causing grievous bodily harm to her husband (and father of her five children) Fan Lung after she discovered that her man was sending "saucy texts" to his new lover from his wife's phone.So she cut off his dick. And then she cut it off again. And if she weren't arrested, it'd probably be off for a third time right about now.'
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2015-01-14 07:01
Article here. Excerpt:
'Microaggression. The word may soon be knocking on your door to demand supplication or another form of payment. Microaggression is the new politically correct campaign being launched by "disadvantaged" elites who are running out of even vaguely real transgressions to complain about.
What You Can Expect to Be Accused Of
Microaggression is unintended discrimination that demeans the "disadvantaged" even if the perpetrator does not intend to do so and is well-meaning. Coined in 1970 by Harvard psychiatrist Chester M. Pierce, it described unconscious racial insults delivered by whites to minorities. An example is a white teacher who asks a black student if he needs help with a math problem.
The concept includes micro-insults or insensitive communication such as asking an Asian coworker where she comes from; the question allegedly suggests she is a foreigner and not a true American. It also includes micro-invalidations that negate the feelings or reality of a black, such as speaking well of Southern cooking; the comment allegedly suggests an approval of past slavery. These behaviors lead to micro-inequities; the behaviors are conveyed through unconscious messages that allegedly devalue the "disadvantaged" in the subtle communication of facial expressions, gestures, tone, word choice, nuance and syntax.
In 1973, MIT economist Mary Rowe expanded Pierce's term to focus on discrimination against women. A classic example of microaggression against women is using the pronoun "he" to indicate people in general when it is also a gender-specific term. Merely substituting the pronoun "she," however, is microaggression as well because it sweeps the insult of the original situation under the rug.
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Submitted by Matt on Wed, 2015-01-14 06:53
Press release here. Excerpt:
'Stop Abusive and Violent Environments is today launching a national campaign to expose common myths and false claims about campus sexual assault. The 12 myths, along with the factual information, can be viewed here:
One of the most common is the “one in five” myth, the claim that one-fifth of college women experience sexual assault. But a recent Department of Justice report concluded the actual risk is 2.4% over the four-year college period.
Other myths include:
1. Only 2-8% of Rape Allegations are False
2. Our Nation Endorses a “Rape Culture”
3. Encouraging Women to Follow Common-Sense Rape Prevention Measures is “Blaming the Victim”
SAVE believes these myths, and the concerns they engendered, contributed to a cultural milieu in which the UVA-Rolling Stone magazine debacle took place last month.'
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Submitted by Kaka81k on Wed, 2015-01-14 04:04
This article was brief and ended with: "Although mandatory paternity testing seems unlikely at this point, that may change in the future if the Man’s Rights Agency has it their way."
So guys, let's not get hooked on the peripheries but try to attack the core. A worldwide movement to make paternity tests mandatory can give us enough evidence to put our case strongly in favor of the men, especially in cases where they are made to pay child support even if the child is not theirs!
Well, the fact that women now have the right to control pregnancy does not mean we will accept anything she spits out of her belly. Even a small amendment to the law that can free the man of any financial obligation if proved that offspring is not his is more than enough for now. Logically, why should a man pay for the expense of a child who is not his? But yes, there should be a consideration that he can pay only if he wants to.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-01-14 01:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Last month The New York Times ran a story with photos of men caught “manspreading.” Manspreading is defined as man who sits on a public bus, subway or park bench with his legs splayed open. Some men who do this take two seats on crowded public transportation. The Times said, “It is the bane of many female subway riders. It is a scourge tracked on blogs and on Twitter.”
Hmm, are the people coining and using these new words tacitly agreeing to the premise that some large percentage of men are guilty of talking down to women, shoving women out of the way on sidewalks, demeaning women by calling them “bossy” and refusing to give women space on crowded public transportation? Might this same logic then lead people to surmise that, by comparison, women much less often spread out over two seats on a bus or subway (or put their bags on the seat next to them), talk down to men (don’t these new words talk down to men?) and commit other microaggressive acts?
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Submitted by GaryB on Wed, 2015-01-14 00:12
This story appears today in For those of you who may not know we had a siege recently in a Sydney cafe, an ISIS-related gunman took people hostage, threatened them, and killed two people. During the start of the siege several people were able to escape before the gunman could lock down the shop entirely. And, of course, the men who did escape 'should have done more to protect the women', according to one Australian politician. Excerpt:
'Earlier, the Christian Democratic Party leader sparked outrage on Channel 7’s Sunrise by saying bravery awards were for people who put themselves in danger to help others, not those who found themselves in dangerous situations.
"Usually men try to protect the women but it looks like the men were trying to protect their own skins,” Mr Nile said on Sunrise this morning.
“Where were the men?
“The only man really there was the man with the gun.”'
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