"Study: Women make better CEOs of larger companies"

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new gender study released by Mintigo indicates that companies with more than 1,000 employees probably should hire a female CEO.

That's because while male CEOs achieve higher revenue per employee in companies with up to 1,000 people, in larger companies, female CEOs achieve up to 18 percent higher revenue per employee than male CEOs.

The Mintigo study looked at CEOs from companies with more than 100 employees or more than $50 million in revenue and then analyzed thousands of indicators for companies, and compared the two groups split by gender.'

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Man called a 'rapist' by Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand probably couldn't win a libel suit

Article here. Excerpt:

'A lot of readers have been asking if Paul Nungesser, who was called a “rapist” by Kirsten Gillibrand, can sue the New York senator for libel. He could sue, in theory, given that anyone could try to sue for any reason these days, but he wouldn’t have much of a case.

UCLA law professor Eugene Volokh, in an e-mail to the Washington Examiner, outlined the complications for Nungesser should he consider a case against Gillibrand.

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NPO: Child Support Success

Article here. Excerpt:

'Last week many hundreds of you submitted the National Parents Organization’s recommended changes to the child support rules to the federal office of Child Support Enforcement (OCSE). This agency tells the individual states what their child support guidelines and enforcement programs should look like. I seriously doubt that they have ever before received such a large amount of input from the general public. This has been a terrific show of unity.

We are going to keep the pressure on! This week, the task is really simple, and will take you only 30 seconds.

Copy The Following

Dear Ms. Addison:

Please convey the following request to the Commissioner and to the Director, Policy Division: I request that the OCSE hold public hearings on its proposed rulemaking in each of the federal regions with adequate notice to the public. If you have any questions concerning this request, please contact Ned Holstein, Acting Executive Director, National Parents Organization at parents@nationalparentsorganization.org.

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The Media Is Making College Rape Culture Worse

Article here. Excerpt:

'The frenzy over college sexual assault now sweeping the nation was triggered by a specific event.

In 2010, a small team of investigative journalists published a report revealing, so they claimed, an epidemic of college rape. The report was a jumble of highly selective reporting and dubious statistics, as we shall see. But the reporters spread the news far and wide and no one thought to question their accuracy.

Federal officials were electrified by the findings and launched a draconian crusade. The term “rape culture,” previously limited to gender-theory seminars, slowly found its way into the national lexicon.

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Shame On Gillibrand

Article here. Excerpt:

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Australia: Police force's Facebook post stirs debate on "controversial" issue of male DV victims

Story here. Excerpt:

'A FACEBOOK post by NSW Police has sparked a passionate social media debate on an issue many suggest society — and the police themselves — sweep under the carpet.
“Last year, 1 in every 5 domestic violence assaults that NSW Police responded to involving intimate partners were for male victims.”

Already the post has been shared nearly 5000 times and drawn hundreds of comments.

Many posters are supportive of the police raising the issue, with many sharing their own survival stories. However, some suggest the police don’t treat the issue as seriously as they should.

“Many more stories like this are needed,” wrote Darren Quinn. “There are too many assumptions by the general public that its him him him.”

Hellen Brugnatti, agreed, saying: “It’s nice to see some recognition where the men are victims not just the woman victims.”'

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MTA Raises Fares Due to Budget Constraints, Has Money To Stop ‘Manspreading’

Article here. Excerpt:

'New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) announced it is raising bus and subway fares due to budget constraints, a week after spending over $76,000 to stop “manspreading.”

According to the New York Times:

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority voted on Thursday to raise the base fare on subways and buses by a quarter, to $2.75, and the cost of a 30-day MetroCard by $4.50, to $116.50.

The new fares, approved by the authority’s board, were part of a package of increases being considered for the system’s trains, buses, tunnels, and bridges. The new rates will take effect on March 22.'

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German court upholds men’s right to stand up while urinating

Article here.

'A German court on Thursday ruled in favour of men’s right to urinate standing up, after a landlord tried to retain part of a tenant’s €3,000 (£2,300) deposit for allegedly damaging the marble floor of a toilet by sprinkling it with urine.

The debate about whether men should stand or sit when urinating is no laughing matter in Germany, where some toilets have red traffic-style signs forbidding the standing position. There is also a derogatory term for men who sit and pee – “Sitzpinkler” – which implies that it is not masculine behaviour.

Judge Stefan Hank in the city of Düsseldorf said men who insist on standing “must expect occasional rows with housemates, especially women” but cannot be held to account for collateral damage.

“Despite growing domestication of men in this matter, urinating while standing up is still widespread,” he said.'

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UK: Man spent six months in prison due to false rape accusation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A BUILDER from Liskeard who was facing an attempted rape charge says he is taking legal action after the case was discontinued by the Crown Prosecution Service.

Sean Frayling spent six months on remand at Exeter Prison before he was released without charge this month.

At Truro Crown Court, the CPS decided to offer no evidence against Mr Frayling and a formal not guilty verdict was recorded.

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Norway: Doctors defy new circumcision law

Article here. Excerpt:

'Since January 1st, all of Norway’s state-run hospitals have become legally obliged to offer circumcision of newborn baby boys. A majority of doctors all over the country, however, have been refusing to perform the operation that’s often part of religious rituals, claiming it’s an unnecessary surgical procedure on otherwise healthy infants.

Only one hospital in all of southeastern Norway is officially offering to circumcise newborns, according to an internal document obtained by newspaper Dagsavisen. In a response to the state health ministry’s request for a status report on circumcision, state agency Helse Sør-Øst (Health Southeast) wrote on January 16 that only the hospital in Kristiansand (Sørlandet Sykehus) offered to circumcise newborn baby boys. A few others offered circumcision only to boys more than a year old.
At Akershus University Hospital (Ahus) northeast of Oslo, fully 13 of its 15 urologists have submitted written statements reserving themselves against performing circumcision. “The opposition to this emerged before the law on circumcision was approved,” Dr Anja Løvvik, leader of the urology department at Ahus, told Dagsavisen this week. “The fact that many (doctors) want to reserve themselves against this should not be unexpected.” Her colleague Dr Frode Steinar Nilsen at Ahus called circumcision “a surgical operation with no health advantages and one that, as with all surgery, carries with it a risk and a burden for the child. That’s why we don’t want to perform it.”

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Duke University Suspends Fraternity Over Rape Allegation

Story here. (Thanks, ThomasI, for mentioning this report here.) And indeed as ThomasI says, with no hearing of any kind, an immediate suspension of the *entire* fraternity because a sexual assault has been alleged.

'Duke University says it has suspended a fraternity while police investigate allegations a woman was sexually assaulted at an off-campus party.

A statement from the university says Alpha Delta Phi has been suspended while Durham police investigate what happened at an off-campus house leased by fraternity members.

Durham Police Chief Jose Lopez told WRAL-TV that his department is seeking information from anyone at the Jan. 8 party. No charges had been filed as of Tuesday afternoon.

Local media outlets obtained a search warrant that says the woman told police she had drinks at the party before awaking the next day in only a T-shirt. The warrant says the last thing she remembers was dancing with friends.

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Christina Hoff Sommers: Sexual Assault Myths: Part 1

Christina Hoff Sommers' latest "Factual Feminist" installment is on YouTube here. Summary:

'We don’t live in a rape culture, but we do inhabit a culture saturated with gender propaganda. Call it a Ms.Information culture. And nowhere is Ms.Information more rampant than in the area of sexual assault. On this week's episode of the Factual Feminist: The two biggest myths about women and sexual violence.'

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"Yes Means Yes" Law Proposed by Some Arizona Lawmakers

Article here. Excerpt:

'Some Democratic Arizona lawmakers have proposed a "yes means yes" policy at the state's universities that would require clear consent for any sexual activity.

A similar proposal was passed into law in California in an effort to combat what's been called a growing problem of sexual assaults on college campuses.
Arizona's version, House Bill 2474, was proposed by Democratic Representative Juan Mendez, who was not immediately available for comment. (According to an assistant, he was out of the office for Indian Nations and Tribes Legislative Day, as part of his district includes the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community.)

The bill calls for all public and private universities in the state to have clear policies that "define consent to sexual activity as informed and freely given words or actions that indicate a willingness to participate in mutually agreed on sexual activity."

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Colleges are not the place to try rape cases

Article here. Yes, right there in the WaPo. Pinch yourself, it's not a dream. Excerpt:

'Criticism of colleges’ responses to allegations of sexual assault has poured in from every direction. Victims’ rights advocates argue that college administrators are politically motivated to sweep accusations under the carpet. Civil libertarians and law professors cite the lack of meaningful procedural safeguards for the accused. College administrators quietly express frustration that they are being forced to decide these cases when they are ill-equipped to do so.

Many have asked why universities are handling sexual assault — a felony — at all. The simple answer is that courts and federal agencies have interpreted Title IX to require universities to respond to known instances of sexual discrimination in a manner that is reasonably calculated to redress the discrimination and prevent its recurrence. (Sexual violence is considered an extreme form of sex discrimination.) But how exactly colleges should respond remains unsettled.

... In a recent column in Politico, Yale Law School students Elizabeth Deutsch and Alexandra Brodsky argue that Title IX is concerned with equal access to educational opportunities, whereas the criminal justice system “does not and cannot respond to these equality concerns.” Therefore, the students conclude, relying on law enforcement to provide the sole solution is inadequate, and providing meaningful due process in campus hearings is unnecessary. Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.) articulated a similar point during a recent hearing.

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Obama Omits College Sexual Assault From State Of The Union Address

Article here. Excerpt:

'President Barack Obama didn't mention college sexual assault during his State of the Union address Tuesday, an issue his administration has highlighted.

In an address that largely focused on economic issues, Obama chose to discuss higher education issues like the cost of a college degree, his free community college plan and simplifying the process of applying for federal financial aid.

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