NY Governor's new "special advisor" for such things as 'Yes means Yes' policies is leader in Women's Equality Party

Article here. Excerpt:

'Governor Andrew Cuomo today announced that Christine Quinn [link added], former City Council speaker and, more recently, face of the Women's Equality Party [link added], "is the newest member of the Cuomo administration."

Quinn will serve as "special advisor" to the administration.

She'll be part-time until her Harvard fellowship ends in April, and full-time thereafter. A Cuomo spokeswoman said she did not immediately know how much she will be paid.

Quinn will help Cuomo take "affirmative consent"—a "yes-means-yes" standard for sexual activity at college—statewide. Late last year, SUNY adopted "affirmative consent" at his suggestion.

"It has to be an affirmative consent by the woman," Cuomo said today, at a press conference held at New York University. "The female has to affirmatively consent to any sexual acts."'

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NY Governor Wants 'Yes Means Yes' Anti-Rape Rule on Private Campuses

Story here. Excerpt:

'New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced today a proposal to expand the so-called "yes means yes" legislation to protect college students against rape.

Cuomo proposed a law to extend protections against sexual assaults that are already in place on the campuses of the state's public colleges and universities to the state's private schools.

"One out of four women will be a victim of a sexual attack during their academic years," Cuomo said today at a news conference at New York University. "That is breathtaking."

The rule, which is already in place at the state-funded State University of New York (SUNY) schools, creates a safer environment for students by outlining expectations of responsibility, he said.

Former New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, now a special adviser to the governor's office, said the new law will give every school in New York a uniform definition of consent where "yes means yes"--requiring participants to explicitly agree to any sexual activity.

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Enough with mansplaining. And manspreading and manslamming.

Article here. Excerpt:

'First came mansplain, a word to describe male windbags who can't help but preach at women. Then we got manspread, the habit some men have of taking up too much space in public places. And now we have manslam, "the sidewalk M.O. of men who remain apparently oblivious to the personal space of those around them ," as well as "manterrupt" and "bropropriating."

Oh man. Enough.

It's time to stop man-izing all problematic behavior.

Beyond the obvious reason — that it's annoying as hell — there are a number of reasons everyone, feminists included, should start blanket-banning these words from their lexicons.

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MTA spent $76,707 on 'manspreading' campaign

Article here. Excerpt:

'The Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) is $34.4 billion in debt, but it somehow managed to scrape up more than $75,000 to fund an advertising campaign in New York City aimed at instructing male subway riders to keeps their legs together while sitting.

The Washington Free Beacon reports that the MTA "hired Edison Lithograph and Printing Corp. to print thousands of posters and placards, which will appear in 2,600 subway cars" to the tune of $76,707 taxpayer dollars. ...

In a press release, the MTA announced that the new program "highlights behaviors that are both encouraged and discouraged for the benefit of everyone," and that "the messaging largely reflects complaints and suggestions from riders."

Other MTA-funded ads promoting good etiquette will discourage people from "primping" on public transportation, blocking doors, and using safety poles for performance purposes.'

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Fraternity Booted Off San Diego State Campus Denies Harassing Anti-Rape Activists

Story here. Excerpt:

'Members of a fraternity kicked off the San Diego State University campus for allegedly waving sex toys at anti-rape demonstrators said Thursday that the charges were exaggerated, based largely on an 18-year-old member's "immature and stupid" actions.

The school's Delta Sigma Phi chapter was suspended last month for at least two years after the anti-rape activists alleged frat members waved dildos and shouted obscenities during a November demonstration. The university also charged the fraternity with alcohol and hazing violations. The fraternity's national office didn't defend the SDSU chapter.

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"Let child support go to kids, not government"

Editorial here. It urges that child support go to the kids instead of to the government. Gosh, what a novel idea. I'm no fan of the current child support system, but at the very least the money should go to the kids, not some bureaucrat. Excerpt:

'It may come as a surprise to some, but that isn't the case in Colorado now. The child support money goes into the greater government maw — not to the typical mom getting Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) who is raising kids alone.
First, it would directly increase the meager household income for these single-parent families. These are the poorest of the state's poor families.

Second, it would help strengthen ties between the kids and their biological parents.

Non-custodial parents would have an additional incentive to pay child support if they knew it would go directly to their children and not into a big, amorphous government pot.

Third, there is a question of fairness. If a father is paying child support, the child should benefit. It's that simple.'

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The Proofiness of the Politically Correct Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

A legion of the politically correct who make a living from the alleged oppression of women were gleeful and almost goofy with proofiness this week. The incident is a window into how statistical myths are created.

Charles Seife, a journalist and a professor at New York University, coined the term proofiness as a corollary to an earlier term coined by comedian Stephen Colbert: truthiness. Truthiness was defined as "the quality of preferring concepts or facts one wishes to be true, rather than concepts or facts known to be true." It became the American Dialect Society's 2005 Word of the Year because it embodied a cultural zeitgeist that haunted the socio-political narrative of our time.

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No polling organization would ever be taken seriously if its sample size was 73, and neither should this ‘study’ on college rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'A “study” conducted by “researchers” at the University of North Dakota and North Dakota State University (“Denying Rape but Endorsing Forceful Intercourse: Exploring Differences Among Responders“) and published in the journal Violence and Gender claims to find that almost one in 3 college men would commit rape “if nobody would ever know and there wouldn’t be any consequences.” Oy vey, where to begin on this one?

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Student with Autism Kicked Out of College For Supposed Sexual Assault

Story here. Excerpt:

'A student with autism has been kicked out of college for sexually assaulting another student. The vile act that caused the student to be kicked out?

A hug and a kiss on top of the scalp (something Joe Biden did recently) after mistaking another student for one of his friends.

Student With Autism Kicked Out of College

A Waxahachie man who has autism was kicked out of college classes because he mistakenly hugged a woman he did not know and kissed her on the top of her head, according to the man’s mother.

Brian Ferguson, 20, was attending special-needs classes at Navarro College’s Waxahachie campus when he thought he recognized a young woman in the hallway, said Ferguson’s mother, Staci Martin.

The woman, who has not been identified and could not be reached for comment, turned out to be a stranger.

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"One in three UK female students sexually assaulted or abused on campus"

Article here. Looks like the lies and attendant craziness got on a plane for London not long ago and promptly began doing their best at doing their worst. Excerpt:

'A third of female students in Britain have endured a sexual assault or unwanted advances at university, stark new research conducted for The Telegraph shows.

It comes as new legal guidance warned that universities and colleges across the UK could be breaking the law by refusing to investigate allegations of indecent assault or rape, believing that it is purely a police matter.

Gender violence campaign groups warned that academic authorities are creating an “environment of impunity” on campus by refusing to step in to protect women from assault. The Telegraph is planning to highlight the issue in a series of articles.

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"I Am Not Charlie Hebdo"

Article here. Excerpt:

'The journalists at Charlie Hebdo are now rightly being celebrated as martyrs on behalf of freedom of expression, but let’s face it: If they had tried to publish their satirical newspaper on any American university campus over the last two decades it wouldn’t have lasted 30 seconds. Student and faculty groups would have accused them of hate speech. The administration would have cut financing and shut them down.

Public reaction to the attack in Paris has revealed that there are a lot of people who are quick to lionize those who offend the views of Islamist terrorists in France but who are a lot less tolerant toward those who offend their own views at home.

Just look at all the people who have overreacted to campus micro-aggressions. The University of Illinois fired a professor who taught the Roman Catholic view on homosexuality. The University of Kansas suspended a professor for writing a harsh tweet against the N.R.A. Vanderbilt University derecognized a Christian group that insisted that it be led by Christians.

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"Study: Men Who Post Selfies Show Psychopathic Tendencies"

Article here. "Psychopathic". Good grief. No mention of women who do likewise or that it's not out of the realm in the least that women post "selfies" much more often than men, and that if they do post "selfies", wouldn't that also suggest that they too are just one trivial slight away from opening up a can of whoop-a$$ on all in a$$-whooping range, too, or whatever happens to be their thing? What passes (or doesn't) at times for "scientific research" is truly barf-making. Excerpt:

'Men who regularly posted photos of themselves online scored higher on a measure for narcissism and psychopathy.

According to Medical News Today, a study out of Ohio State University has found that men who took “selfies” were more likely to exhibit psychopathic traits when compared to control group.

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Anti-domestic violence program graduates first class of high school boys

Article here. Excerpt:

'A new anti-domestic violence program in Evanston finished its first session with 38 teenage boys graduating at the end of last month.

The Allied Against Violence Project is a joint program run by YWCA Evanston/North Shore and Youth Organizations Umbrella (Y.O.U.) with participants from Evanston Township High School, director Jacob Hostetter said. The purpose of the program, which meets after school twice a week, is to engage young men in conversation about unhealthy norms that can lead to domestic violence and sexual assault, Hostetter said.

“The goal of this is to create a space for these young men to develop their own definition, their own sense of what healthy masculinity looks like to them,” Hostetter said.

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Stanford Student Says He Was Sexually Assaulted By A Female Student

Story here. Excerpt:

'A male Stanford University student says he initially wasn't believed when he told a sexual assault counselor that a female student had sexually assaulted him, he writes in a recent op-ed article in student newspaper The Stanford Daily.

Senior Justin Brown says that in October 2013 a female student sexually assaulted him after a drunken encounter at a party on campus. While Brown writes that sexual contact with the female student was initially welcome, including her putting her hand down his pants while they made out, he knew he "didn't want to end the night in her bed" and decided to help her back to her room because she was drunk.

Brown writes that he "felt stuck" while walking the female student home, as they repeatedly stopped to make out. According to Brown, these "stop-offs" became unwelcome, and he began to resist her advances:

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Author fights against man bashing

Article here. Excerpt:

'We can be rampantly promiscuous without being called ‘slags’ and we rarely have to worry about being groped on a packed bus. Nor, on the whole, are we expected to choose between raising children and pursuing a career.

But for all the advantages of being male, thunders Peter Lloyd in this angry, funny, provocative book, we are these days considered the ‘overrated, unfashionable gender’. Man-bashing, of which we are largely innocent victims, has become so lucrative that ‘people build entire careers on it’.

By ‘people’, it’s safe to assume he means the other gender. But Lloyd protects himself from charges of misogyny, using interviews with some clever, high-achieving women to construct a persuasive case, on the back of his opening three-word premise that ‘men are brilliant’, to suggest that our brilliance goes not merely unrewarded, but downright punished.

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