Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2015-01-30 07:07
Video here. Description:
'The United States is not a rape culture, but it is a gender propaganda culture. We are overwhelmed by false information about men and women, and nowhere is this more true than in the area of sexual violence. A new Bureau of Justice Statistics study has the latest numbers, and the Factual Feminist does some fact checking.'
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Submitted by Matt on Fri, 2015-01-30 07:02
As this article from 1993 shows, rape hysteria on college campuses is nothing new. What is new is our elected officials buying into and fostering it. Excerpt:
'One in four college women has been the victim of rape or attempted rape. One in four. I remember standing outside the dining hall in college, looking at a purple poster with this statistic written in bold letters. It didn't seem right. If sexual assault was really so pervasive, it seemed strange that the intricate gossip networks hadn't picked up more than one or two shadowy instances of rape. If I was really standing in the middle of an "epidemic," a "crisis" -- if 25 percent of my women friends were really being raped -- wouldn't I know it?
These posters were not presenting facts. They were advertising a mood. Preoccupied with issues like date rape and sexual harassment, campus feminists produce endless images of women as victims -- women offended by a professor's dirty joke, women pressured into sex by peers, women trying to say no but not managing to get it across.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-29 16:53
Warren Farrell submitted a letter to Mother Jones which the moderator published in the comment section. Its has received 364 up-votes which is impressive consider Mother Jones is very much pro-feminist. Excerpt:
'However, as I am sure you know, I am sad that you chose to frame the article with the men's issues movement's participants portrayed as "haters and trolls" who inspire misogynist-motivated real-life killings of women.
An example of an alternative framework is how the Men's Issues conference you attended in Detroit incorporated as keynote speakers a half dozen women--almost half of the keynote speakers. Can you name a single national feminist conference with a half dozen of their keynote speakers being men?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-29 14:56
Article here. Excerpt:
'Jennifer Siebel Newsom — director, producer, screenwriter, actress, speaker, mother of three, and wife to Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom — was at 2015 Sundance Film Festival to promote The Mask You Live In, the follow up to Miss Representation. The filmmaker talks to us about her latest documentary, redefining society’s definition of masculinity, and how we as individuals can set in motion a more responsible way to determine a man's "manliness."
EI: As a tireless advocate for women and girls and the oldest of five sisters, what intrinsically motivated you to make a film about the challenges faced by men?
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-29 14:10
“The laws we pursue in the California legislature set an example for the rest of the country,” Senate pro Tempore de León stated. “With 1 in 5 women on college campuses experiencing sexual assault, it’s our responsibility to secure a safe learning environment for our students.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-29 14:08
Article here. Excerpt:
'As a prosecutor, I know the threat of sexual assault is real and pervasive, particularly for women ages 18 to 24. Studies suggest that 1 in 5 undergraduate students have experienced sexual assault or attempted sexual assault, and that young women who do not attend college suffer even higher rates of violence. These numbers are chilling and only begin to capture the emotional trauma that sexual assault victims — who include men — will suffer for the rest of their lives. Yet, according to the National Crime Victimization Survey, sexual assault is the most under-reported crime of all.
To help address this under-reporting, my office released a bulletin Tuesday to California’s law enforcement agencies and university leaders; it announces changes in the law that create reporting requirements and standards for campus disciplinary procedures, and it encourages increased collaboration between law enforcement and campus authorities.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-29 13:47
Article here. Excerpt:
'Those concerned with the continued dismantling of campus due process protections were cringing at Senator Kirsten Gillibrand’s (D-NY) decision to invite Columbia University senior Emma Sulkowicz to accompany her to the State of the Union address. Ms. Sulkowicz gained attention last year for carrying around the mattress upon which she was allegedly assaulted by another student.
Ms. Sulkowicz was unhappy with Columbia’s decision, so she has mounted a campaign of revenge, forever maligning the reputation of the young man who has been cleared of these charges. Sulkowicz’s relentless campaign does not prove her accusations, and they should not be treated as true by legislators attempting to gain support for their political objectives.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Thu, 2015-01-29 02:21
Article here. Excerpt:
'Sorority sisters at the University of Virginia were ordered by their national chapters to avoid fraternity events this weekend — a mandate that many of the women said was irrational, sexist and contrary to the school’s culture.
It’s not about one night of parties, several students said, but about their ability to make their own choices.
And they’re not taking that lightly.
The rule came after a traumatic fall semester in Charlottesville, including the violent death of a student and now-discredited allegations of a gang rape at a U-Va. fraternity. Both forced a thorough examination of campus safety, drinking culture and Greek life.'
Also see: National leaders order UVA sororities to stay away from frat bid night despite Rolling Stone article being largely discredited
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Submitted by el cid on Wed, 2015-01-28 23:07
Story here. Basically, all sex is rape unless the man can prove otherwise. The man is guilty until proven innocent. Forget the long history of rights in English law, starting with Magna Carta. Who needs Magna Carta when you've got feminism? Excerpt:
'Men accused of date rape will need to convince police that a woman consented to sex as part of a major change in the way sex offences are investigated.
The Director of Public Prosecutions said it was time for the legal system to move beyond the concept of “no means no” to recognise situations where women may have been unable to give consent.
Alison Saunders said rape victims should no longer be “blamed” by society if they are too drunk to consent to sex, or if they simply freeze and say nothing because they are terrified of their attacker.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-01-28 18:49
Article here. Excerpt:
'In 1993, Farrell published his full-throated manifesto, The Myth of Male Power: Why Men Are the Disposable Sex. The book tackled a number of pressing issues affecting men. It also took some bizarre turns: At one point Farrell pondered whether the American male was the new "nigger." ("When slaves gave up their seats for whites, we called it subservience; when men give up their seats for women, we call it politeness.") He took a sledgehammer to bedrock feminist ideals, claiming that women have themselves to blame for unequal pay, that domestic violence is a two-way street, and that government programs to benefit women only exacerbate inequality.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-01-28 13:19
Article here. Excerpt:
'Campaigners have welcomed the announcement that the Scottish government is scrapping controversial plans to build a new women’s prison as evidence of how politics can be done differently in post-referendum Scotland.
The new justice secretary, Michael Matheson, on Monday called for a more “radical and ambitious” approach to female offending as he announced that he was shelving the £75m plan to replace Scotland’s notorious women-only prison, Cornton Vale, with a new facility proposed by his predecessor, Kenny MacAskill, in Inverclyde.
Critics of the plan had argued that it runs contrary to the Scottish government’s own advice on treatment of women offenders. The Scottish government commissioned a report by the former lord advocate Dame Elish Angiolini QC in 2012, which highlighted the need to invest in therapeutic services at a local level, with a role for a much smaller specialist facility for the minority of women offenders who pose a significant risk to the public.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Wed, 2015-01-28 13:15
Story here. Excerpt:
'For the second year running, Brunel University London is offering £10,000 ($15,032) a year scholarships to women in its Master of Science (MSc) engineering courses, with 30 awards on offer.
The move follows the successful introduction of Brunel University’s Women in Engineering (WiE) program in 2014, which combines bursaries and a range of other activities from matching students with professional engineers in the industry for leadership, communication and leadership skills training.
The university is also extending the Women in Engineering program to undergraduate students from 2015/16.
“We already have more than 400 female student engineers on campus and this year we are looking to scale up that number drastically,” Scoble said.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-01-27 13:09
Article here. Excerpt:
'Families Advocating for Campus Equality (FACE) blasted the New York Democrat’s decision to invite Ms. Sulkowicz to Thursday’s address, calling the honor “undeserved.”
“Sen. Gillibrand’s honor to Ms. Sulkowicz is undeserved and violates the principles of confidentiality and gender equality of Title IX, the law that oversees sexual misconduct on campus,” said FACE in a Sunday statement. “Ms. Sulkowicz failed to establish any wrongdoing by the student she accused after a tribunal, and an appeal at Columbia, as well as an investigation by the New York Police Department.”
Paul Nungesser, the student she accused of rape, said last week that Ms. Sulkowicz’s accusations are “untrue and unfounded.”
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-01-27 13:06
Article here. Excerpt:
'A North Dakota legislative committee took no action Monday on a bill that would give the state's university students the right to an attorney during disciplinary hearings.
The proposal, Senate Bill 2150, would give students and student organizations the right to an attorney or non-attorney advocate -- hired at the student's or organization's expense -- who could fully participate in the hearing process. The right would not extend to accusations of academic dishonesty.
The Senate Judiciary Committee did not make any recommendation on the bill Monday after a 90-minute hearing, said bill sponsor Sen. Ray Holmberg, R-Grand Forks.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Tue, 2015-01-27 13:02
Article here. Excerpt:
'An ongoing federal crackdown on campus sexual assault has brought the issue to the forefront on college campuses, and sparked debate between victims' activists and advocates for the accused.
The federal government took decisive action last year against campus sexual assault, announcing investigations of dozens of schools, including the University of Michigan, Michigan State University and Grand Valley State University, for their handling of complaints. The inquiries followed President Barack Obama's formation of a task force, announced a year ago last week, that suggested ways of preventing and responding to assaults.
Supporters of the campaign say the response is long overdue after years of universities ignoring or giving lip service to women who reported assault. But critics say federal and school officials are going too far, trampling the due process rights of the accused and punishing them, in some instances, for consensual sex.
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