Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2015-02-01 03:39
Article here. Excerpt:
'Nearly two months after it became clear that a Rolling Stone article about a gang rape at the University of Virginia was mostly fabricated, school president Teresa Sullivan finally admitted on Friday that the story is “discredited.”
This is the first time that Sullivan has directly criticized the article, which told the story of a student named Jackie who claimed that seven members of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity brutally gang-raped her at a party in 2012.
... And even after the Charlottesville Police Department said that there was no basis to support Jackie’s claims against Phi Kappa Psi, Sullivan and the university required all fraternities to sign a contract full of new demands before they could resume social activities.
In her speech, Sullivan appeared to try to distance herself from those sanctions.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sun, 2015-02-01 03:28
Interview here. Description:
'Is the answer to the threat of sexual assault that young women on a college campus should just stay inside? UVA student and Representative Body Chair Abraham Axler talks with Melissa Harris-Perry about the sorority and fraternity controversy at UVA.'
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Submitted by Minuteman on Sat, 2015-01-31 22:32
Link here. Excerpt:
'Department for Health & Ageing, Adelaide CBD
Indicative Total Remuneration: $91,940 - $97,525 (pro rata) – Temp P/T (22.5 hrs p/wk, contract appointment up to 30/06/2018) – ASO6
This role presents a unique opportunity to shape the development, implementation and evaluation of the Men's Healthy Workers initiative. This State government funded initiative promotes healthy lifestyle behaviours in and through male dominated workplaces by addressing the chronic disease risk factors of smoking, poor nutrition, harmful alcohol consumption and physical inactivity (SNAP) of workers. The initiative builds on the learning and approach used through the Healthy Workers – Healthy Futures initiative funded by the Commonwealth (2011-2014).
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 19:04
Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 18:41
Article here. Excerpt:
'This bill was introduced by Republican Ray Holmberg and Democrat Lois Delmore partially as a response to the case of Caleb Warner.
Caleb Warner, a UND student, was accused of sexual assault in 2010 and was banned from campus for three years. Here’s the problem though: He was never actually charged with a crime, but his accuser was for filing a false report.
Even then the university refused to lift the ban until FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education) got involved.
Bruce Gjovig, CEO & Entrepreneur Coach at the UND Center for Innovation Foundation stated the following in his testimony supporting SB 2150:
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 18:32
Story here. (Background here.) Excerpt:
'Corey Mock, the former University of Tennessee at Chattanooga wrestler expelled after he was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow student last spring, won't graduate this semester. And now the school wants him gone for good.
Mock returned to campus two weeks ago after a Davidson County, Tenn., chancellor granted a stay so he could complete his studies. But his father, C.D. Mock, said Corey found out after returning that two classes he needs for graduation won't be offered until the summer session.
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Submitted by el cid on Sat, 2015-01-31 18:25
Story here. This Boulder law firm is the epicenter of female students suing universities under Title IX. Their clients include the woman who accused Jameis Winston of sexual assault. Excerpt:
'The Boulder-based team has represented victims of sexual assault at colleges and universities around the country.
Together, Clune and Kerr have made Boulder the de facto Title IX litigation center of the country by advocating for victims and taking on powerful universities and big-time athletic programs.
"David Cornwell, attorney for Jameis Winston in Florida, has long tried to discredit the attorneys and the woman who accused Winston of sexual assault. In a December radio interview, he said Clune and Kerr took cases only for their potential payouts.
"They're not lawyers; they're investors," he said on NBC Sports Radio's The Erik Kuselias Show.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 18:18
Artocle here. Excerpt:
'The future of five William Paterson University students remained unclear Friday, days after a grand jury declined to indict the freshmen on charges brought by campus police accusing them of participating in a dorm room gang rape.
All charges were dismissed against the five 18-year-olds — Darius Singleton, of Jersey City, Termaine Scott, of Vineland, Garrett Collick, of Paterson, Jahmel Latimer, of Hoboken, and Noah Williams, of Camden — but it was unclear if they would be allowed back at school after officials previously said they were barred from campus.
Lawyers for some of the students were critical of William Paterson University for not turning the case over to experienced sex-crime investigators with the county prosecutor's office before filing charges and for public statements made by school President Kathleen Waldron.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 16:17
Article here. Excerpt:
'Rolling Stone magazine’s graphic account in December in of a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia capped a year in which sexual assault on campus gained real traction as a national issue.
So what’s the true prevalence of sexual assault among college students? It may be less than one in five college women, but it’s also likely to be higher than what’s captured in the NCVS.
Krebs at RTI is working with the Bureau of Justice Statistics to launch a survey at 10 to 15 universities this spring, with the idea of testing a method that could be replicated at any college or university.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 16:16
Article here. Excerpt:
'Legislators shot down a trio of bills this week meant to give students who are accused of sexual assault more rights during the internal campus inquiries that can lead to expulsion.
The bills were tabled at a small House subcommittee meeting, and as the Virginia General Assembly grapples with how to handle the suddenly high-profile issue of on-campus sexual assault.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Sat, 2015-01-31 16:12
Article here. Excerpt:
'Let’s take a look at some of the key points men’s rights activists (MRAs) make. These include how it’s overwhelmingly men who are sent off to fight in wars, men who die younger, men who fill our prisons, men who are denied custody of children in divorce settlements, and – increasingly – men who earn less than the women who leach off their God-given rights as overlords of all they survey.
You don’t need to be Andrea Dworkin to assert that war-making and violent crime both tally more with a testosterone-dominated body than one fed with oestrogen. The list of wars started by women is a very, very short one – unless Helen of Troy is more offensive to modern online commenters than you may realise. (Knowing these people, she probably is.)
Regarding divorce, reliable stats are tricky to pin down. Women certainly win more custody battles than men – though whether their 'hit rate' is as high as 93pc, as has been suggested in the press before, seems dubious. It’s a stretch to imagine that the male-dominated judiciary is embarked on a campaign to deny their gender brethren access to their children.
Most importantly, the old chestnut of the pay gap – one of the central targets of feminism – still persists. Sure, in 2012 the Office for National Statistics found that women aged 22 to 29 in full-time employment earned a colossal 2.9pc more than their male counterparts, but that’s a sledgehammer applied to a delicate issue. For one, the figure fails to account for the fact that many, many more women than men are in part-time employment. It fades even more when you factor in the ongoing disparity in lifetime earnings, or in compensation packages in the professions (women earn on average £8,000 less than a man in law, £14,000 less as a chief executive and £9,000 less as a doctor).
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Submitted by Minuteman on Fri, 2015-01-30 20:33
Link here. Excerpt:
'Girls tend to get better grades in reading, math and science than boys, according to a new study that challenges the widely held belief that boys do better in these subjects than girls.
"Even in countries where women's liberties are severely restricted, we found that girls are outperforming boys in reading, mathematics and science literacy by age 15, regardless of political, economic, social or gender equality issues and policies found in those countries," study author David Geary, professor of psychological sciences at the University of Missouri, said in a university news release.
The researchers analyzed the grades of 1.5 million 15-year-old students around the world between 2000 and 2010.
"The data will influence how policymakers think about the options available," Geary said.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-01-30 19:55
Article here.
'Uncreative journalists have asked January Jones [link added] if she’s a feminist one too many times, and now she’s gone full female supremacist. Last night, Jones Instagrammed a theory of matriarchy ("stolen from" Zoë Kravitz) that is celestial, self-loathing, and all caps. "MEN SHOULD ACT LIKE THE SUN, SHINE STRONG 247/365 AND SERVE WOMEN INSTEAD OF ACTING LIKE LITTLE BITCHES WITH VAGINAS," it says. "#truth," Jones added. Put it on the list of reasons she’s a secret DGAF hero.'
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-01-30 19:45
Article here. Excerpt:
'In an effort to prevent rape on college campuses, Maryland state lawmakers are considering an affirmative consent bill.
The legislation would require colleges to develop a policy in which students mutually agree to sex in advance.
"Yes means yes" legislation requires Maryland colleges and universities to come up with a policy that defines how students engage in sexual activities.
"The basic idea is that no one is taken advantage of," said Delegate Frank Conaway, D-Baltimore City.
Affirmative consent is aimed at changing the culture of "no means no." Right now, sexual consent is widely defined as the absence of "no." Some female college students believe that, if passed, the law will go a long way toward reducing campus sexual assaults and rapes.
"You never know if someone is going to put something in your drink, which happens often. People don't learn about it because they are too scared to admit they were in the wrong," said college student Sarah Knoll.
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Submitted by Mastodon on Fri, 2015-01-30 19:40
Article here. Excerpt:
'It turns out that Yes sometimes means No too, particularly when a woman is judged to be too inebriated to be capable of making a conscious decision. If she’s three sheets to the wind, then the new rule is that she is not capable of consenting to get between the sheets.
Even if she has said Yes and has even undressed herself or initiated the sexual advances. Even if she at no point suggested she had changed her mind or asked the man to stop. Even if she blatantly enjoyed herself at the time.
This is patently absurd. And yet this is precisely what the DPP has announced.
Unlike any other offence, where the onus is on the prosecution to prove that the accused is guilty of a crime, this puts the responsibility squarely (if not fairly) on the shoulders of the accused to prove that he is innocent. In one fell swoop, Mrs Saunders has turned a fundamental principle of our justice system – the presumption of innocence – on its head.
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