Columbia/Sulkowicz timeline

Article here. Excerpt:

'Mattress-toting, alleged rape victim and performance artist Emma Sulkowicz is a feminist icon because progressive pundits have treated her rape accusation against Paul Nungesser as tantamount to a conviction. Daniel Garisto, former editorial page editor of the Columbia Spectator (the Spectator is one of Sulkowicz's biggest cheerleaders), has now admitted that the campus news media didn't cover Sulkowicz's story impartially, critically, or thoroughly: "Personally, I felt that if I covered the existence of a different perspective—say, that due process should be respected—not only would I have been excoriated, but many would have said that I was harming survivors and the fight against sexual assault," he wrote. ... Yesterday, the New York Post said Mr. Nungesser deserves an apology "from the media and the ­cabal of feminists ... who have supported his ­accuser unquestioningly."

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The Best Way to Address Campus Rape

Article here. Excerpt:

'What explains the nearly universal lack of confidence in these proceedings? Universities share some of the blame, but there’s another culprit too: the United States government. People often wonder why college administrators try to adjudicate these fiendishly difficult cases, rather than putting them in the hands of the criminal justice system.

The reason is that the Department of Education has very forcefully told schools to handle sexual grievances themselves and given them very detailed instructions about how to do so. A report last year from a White House task force on campus sexual assault underscored the importance to a university of following that advice. Even though the D.O.E.’s instructions are presented as recommendations rather than law, its Office for Civil Rights can put any school that fails to follow them on the list of colleges under investigation and even take away its federal funding.
What should universities do to convince the world that they’re fit to deal with campus rape? First, they should band together and demand that the government rethink its guidelines, especially those that flout the key tenets of due process. Second, they should ask the Office for Civil Rights to clarify its notion of sexual misconduct, now left to each school to define. Is it rape if a man fails to get affirmative consent at every stage of a sexual interaction, or only if he ignores a spoken objection? If a man and a woman are equally drunk, should he be found guilty of assaulting her because she was too intoxicated to agree to sex, even though he himself may have been too drunk to know that? (Right now, at most schools, he would be considered guilty.)

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"Competent women are getting bypassed by overconfident men"

Article here. Excerpt:

'Ezra Klein: There are a couple parts of the book in drawing out the implications of those findings that are really depressing. When you read some of these studies, I think you might step back and say, "You know what, that's great. If men are overconfident fools, and women correctly have more humility about what we as fallible human beings know about the world, that's going to be a huge advantage for women."

Then you run the numbers, and you find that people projecting overconfidence in the workplace ends up being a huge advantage for them.'

The Illiberal Ezra Klein: ' Klein’s words, that it will “create a world where men are afraid” enough of the authorities that they “feel a cold spike of fear when they begin a sexual encounter.” All in all, Klein adduces, “The Yes Means Yes law could also be called the You Better Be Pretty Damn Sure law.”'

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In Grammy video, Obama says of rape, ‘It’s not okay – and it has to stop’

Article here. Excerpt:

'The public service announcement represents the latest installment in the White House's ongoing "It's On Us," campaign, which aims to end sexual assaults on college campuses. The administration began the effort in September, with the support of major college sports leagues and prominent celebrities.

Obama asked the artists featured at the Grammys to ask their fans to make the same pledge that these prominent figures have made, along with students from more than 200 colleges and universities, several collegiate sports organizations, and some private firms. He notes that nearly 1 in 5 women in the U.S. has experienced rape or attempted rape, and that more than 1 in 4 has suffered some form of domestic violence.'

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Childhood Criminalized: Suspended In Elementary School

Article here. Excerpt:

'A nine-year-old Texas schoolboy was suspended from his elementary school for posession of a “magic ring.” Remember the poptart gun? The Nerf gun? The Lego gun? The pointed finger gun? In another time, these typical childrens’ toys would have gotten as little notice as the old fashioned cap gun but in a world where the list of childhood offenses also includes possession of a novelty pen or a Hello Kitty bubble gun, it comes as little surprise that a Lord of the Rings “magic ring” would land Aiden Steward in suspension from his elementary school in Kermit, Texas.

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High school teachers arrested for sexual misconduct, styled as being in "hot water"

Story here. The title says they're in "hot water"? Imagine if male teachers had done the same to female students what the report title would be!

'It began a few months ago, when in November, Melody Lippert, a teacher with the South Hills High School, allegedly met with a group of male students, gave them alcohol, and then “engaged in a sexual relationship with one of them” according to the Orange County Sheriff’s Department.

Two weeks ago, Lippert supposedly set up another overnight beach trip, this time, inviting Michelle Ghirelli who used to teach at South Hills High School before being transferred to work in the district’s offices. It’s suspected that the two women engaged in an inappropriate sexual relationship during that trip. The school had no idea the pair had set up a beach trip.

The 38-year-old Lippert was arrested on suspicion of conspiracy and contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Ghirelli (who is 30) faces charges of oral copulation and unlawful sex with a minor.

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Feminist Decides to Abort Her Son Solely Because He is Male

Story here. Excerpt:

'A revelatory posting [link added]* by a hate-filled, radical feminist calling herself “Lana” recently appeared on the extremist website called “Injustice Stories.” The story ostensibly tells the tale of how “Lana” aborted her baby because she found out that the child was a boy. “Lana” says she killed her baby because she didn’t want to bring another male “monster” into the world. And she is proud of her decision.

The posting detailing Lana’s story on what led her to abort her baby is disgusting, certainly, but it does nicely describe the logical end game of feminism: the genocide of the male of the species.

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Cathy Young ambushed on TV by feminists

Article here. Excerpt:

'This is seriously one of the worst segments I’ve seen that demonstrates just how rabid and foaming at the mouth liberal feminists can get about accusations of rape and how how men simply should not be allowed to defend themselves against sexual assault allegations.

Daily Beast writer Cathy Young is invited to talk about her piece showing how a rape accusation case becomes “murky,” but they didn’t bring her on for honest intellectual discussion, they just wanted to skin her alive.
It’s really an amazing clip because Perry and Irin Carmon go on the attack despite Young being very reasonable. I would think that a woman making rape accusations and then contacting the person she’s accusing to hang out just might help the guy if he is denying the allegations, but in Perry and Carmon’s world, just the accusation is enough for a condemnation.

Take a deep look, America, these are your gyno-fascist feminists. Incredible and frightening.'

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How would you feel if your husband said this about you?

Article here. Excerpt:

'I was with a group of friends the other day when the discussion turned to our husbands. I held my breath and waited for someone to say my least favorite saying in the entire world.

Yep, someone said, "Oh, I have four kids — my three girls and my husband." Ugh. It supposed to sound cute, but it doesn't. It sounds condescending.

Women need their friends in a very real but very different way than men need their friends. We use girl time to talk through our problems and make sense of what's going on in our lives, but too often conversations dissolve into "man bashing." We see it as harmless joking at our husbands' expense. No big deal, right?

Let's turn the tables for a second and imagine this scenario. Picture your husband sitting around talking with his friends. This is what they say.
Husband: "We went on a picnic as a family. It was crazy, though. I had to get everyone ready because my wife was primping in the bathroom forever. She's so scattered sometimes. I wish she'd help out more. I feel like everything is my responsibility the second I get home from work. I mean, come on, the house is a wreck, and... "

I could go on, but I think you can fill in the blanks. Now, imagine you knew your husband said this about you. You'd probably kill him. I mean, how dare he talk about you like that to someone else? That's completely unacceptable.

Except, ladies, we do this all the time. I think we let ourselves off the hook because we're more social. We like to talk, and we can look cute and jokey without coming off like jerks. That doesn't make it OK, however.

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Paying attention to the overcorrections

Article here. Excerpt:

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Columbia: Attend Rape Workshops Or No Diploma

Story here. Excerpt:

'Columbia University may be compelling students in the next month to complete a sexual assault education program or else lose the ability to register for classes or even receive their diploma, according to the Columbia Spectator.
Students will have a host of options for how to complete the requirement, including attending an hour-long workshop, watching and discussing a series of short films on the matter or even crafting works of art and poetry to engage with the topic. They will be expected to have complied with the school’s demand by March 13, just one month following its announcement.
Notably, while participation is expected of all students in Columbia’s undergraduate and graduate programs, students at Barnard College, Columbia’s all-women affiliate, will not be required to take part, suggesting the target of the initiative is actually Columbia’s men.'

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Men Break Down Watching Footage Of Female Genital Mutilation, Vow To Speak Out Against Practice

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sometimes it takes a glimpse into a dark reality in order to spark positive change.

In a video produced by advocacy group Safe Hands for Mothers, young men were asked if they knew what female genital mutilation, or FGM, is, and none of them did. The men then watched clips from a documentary that showed the abusive practice -- which partially or entirely removes the female genitals for non-medical reasons (the clips were recreations and did not show actual victims, according to Safe Hands for Mothers).

Many of the young men cringed, squirmed in their seats and cried as the disturbing footage played.

"This is just barbaric," one of them said.

"I felt powerless," another man noted. "I felt like I couldn't do anything to help."

The video concludes with the men saying, "Now that I know, I say 'no' to FGM.'

YouTube video of a circumcision of a baby boy here.

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For families choosing not to circumcise, a sea change

Article here. Excerpt:

'Sue Bojdak, Temple Sinai’s director of education, said she sometimes needs to quell the concerns of new parents about whether their noncircumcised sons will feel welcome. “It’s nice to be able to tell these parents, we not only welcome you but we welcome you openly,” Bojdak said.

But why would parents call attention to a boy’s circumcision status? Isn’t that a private matter? Well, yes — but that doesn’t mean they should need to be secretive or apologetic about their choice. For example, noncircumcising parents may feel some trepidation about diaper changes or toilet supervision in Jewish preschool. Some may decide to forgo Jewish programming and affiliation instead of having to explain themselves.

“Families shouldn’t feel they have to hide, or take the don’t-ask-don’t-tell route,” said Anat Shenker, the mother of two sons who are not circumcised. “It’s not nice to feel like you’ve done something wrong or cagey — like you’re trying to pull a fast one.”

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Lawyer announces intent to sue university over handling of rape allegation

Story here. Excerpt:

'A lawyer for two of the William Paterson University students accused of a campus gang rape announced Friday morning they intended to sue the school, its president and other officials after all charges against the men were dismissed.
Michael J. Esptein, lawyer representing Collick, his mother, Nancy Williams, and Noah Williams, filed a "notice of tort claim," this week, which is required when someone plans to sue a public agency.

William Paterson University officials failed to conduct a proper investigation of the rape allegations and were not properly trained to investigate such crimes, the claim said. The students were deprived of their rights to due process when they were arrested without probable cause, leading to violations of the state and U.S. Constitution, the claim further alleged.'

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Columbia, the New UVA

Article here. Excerpt:

'Uh--oh: Emma Sulkowicz, the Columbia senior who’s been lugging a mattress around campus for months to protest her supposed rape by a classmate during their freshman year, is fast turning into another “Jackie,” the University of Virginia student whose claimed gang rape in a fraternity-house basement turned out to be a tall tale concocted by Jackie to get the romantic attention of a young man she had a crush on.

Paul Nungesser, now a Columbia senior like Sulkowicz, she says conducted a brutal anal assault on her in her dorm room following a session of consensual sex—and whom she made a public campus pariah despite the fact that he had been cleared by a Columbia tribunal—finally told his side of the story, to libertarian journalist Cathy Young, writing for the Daily Beast.

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